One has to ask why exactly republicans want to call it “Kung flu”

Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.

Because you fricken loons got so offended when it was call the China flu...but you already knew that.
Irrelevant until it is proven to be relevant. No evidence yet. The problem is when the orange clown says something like this, the spike in violence against the Chinese or whoever goes up. The only Spike in violence so far under Trump has been against blacks gays Jews Chinese and Muslims.
Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.

Because you fricken loons got so offended when it was call the China flu...but you already knew that.
Irrelevant until it is proven to be relevant. No evidence yet. The problem is when the orange clown says something like this, the spike in violence against the Chinese or whoever goes up. The only Spike in violence so far under Trump has been against blacks gays Jews Chinese and Muslims.

So the various white people assaulted by the anti-fa/BLM mobs don't count?
Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.

It’s a sad group.
Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.
you ask such a question after all the childish names and behavior youve expressed over trump is laughable if not so sad,,,
Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.

Same reason they call you people assholes. It fits.

(EDIT: Because I don't give a damn about your snowflake feelings. China screwed this up, now they deserve to be the butt of my jokes! Bye now.)
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Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.

The origin is twofold: mock China for their negligence and watch the Left get their panties in a bunch over yet another faux racist vehicle they think they can map to conservatives.

How many cases have their been where Chinese Americans have been victims of violence because of the Kung Flu mockery? Hell, ANTIFA best the living shit out of an Asian American because he wrote something they did not like and the Left ignores it.
Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.
Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.

One has to ask why exactly republicans want to call it “Kung flu”

If you really have to ask, you haven't been paying a lot of attention during the last four years, for it's in line with the entirety of Trump's electoral success. It is grounded in "Stick it to them!" That's the real campaign slogan in hiding, the one which made impotent, sex-deprived, aging and irrelevant and bypassed White males giddy for the first time after very long, destitute years. For if Those People get it hard and fast, and rightards are allowed to watch, they manage to forget for a while how life kicked their flabby arses from one forgotten corner of the country to the opposite edge and back. So, bleating and re-bleating "Kung Flu" is pretty much the only satisfaction they can get.

Just scroll up in your thread and watch the Trumpletons coming out, all giddy, feeling empowered and relevant - almost as if they had administered that drubbing themselves. Little needy pikers, all.
Personally, I just don’t care. It’s just a stupid, juvenile nick name at the end of the day lol. Use of the term may be linked to Asian-American violence. I’m not sure. If that’s actually the case, then sure, the use needs to stop. Otherwise, I just don’t care. I’m not offended by it. It’s just something an 8th grader would come up with. That’s republicans for you.

I can’t help but ask why though. Is it simply so provoked liberals will say “that’s racist!”. Is that the reason it’s a thing? Just as provocation? I mean we all know the virus originated in China. Of course, it’s Trump’s fault the US leads the world in recorded deaths.

It's a humorous term that makes prog twats like you lose their shit. That alone is worth it.

The Chinese government pooched their initial response, leading to the spread first to Europe and from Europe to us.

Is it also DiBlasio's and Cuomo's fault for the NY deaths? What about Cuomo's nursing home fuckup?
Trump has shown absolutely no leadership excepting getting his followers to ignore scientific evidence as usual.

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