One issue where Trump supporters jump off Trump Train.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
And that’s trying to guilt Harley owners into boycotting Harly Davidson. All the 1%er’s will just steal more shit, pimp more ho’s and sell more meth to cover the extra cost of a Harley. As for the normal people who love their Harley’s, they ain’t just going to buy a Honda Gold Wing with TRUMP painter on the gas tank. Harley’s are old people bikes in my opinion. I own one, but I’m not old, it’s just all I can afford until I can buy a real bike, still, I think putting the boot to Harley may be an over reach by trump.

Trump to Harley riders: Who do you love more?
Harley riders are like brand loving women. Put HD brand on somthing and they pay 3x the normal price .

The irony is the brand is all about “America “ and here they are outsourcing. Shameful .
America is the bank that everyone wants to steal from and plunder.

no more, folks, no more!
Most people I've seen who ride Harleys are old, fat, bald with a pigtail, and dress like gay pirates.

I'm just sayin'. :laughing0301:
Harley-Davidson are not real Americans.

Donald Trump is the only real American in the whooooooooole world!
What boycott? All of a sudden left wingers who used to demonstrate with Occupy Wall Street scum now care deeply about Harley Davidson's corporate health as long as they can blame Trump.
What boycott? All of a sudden left wingers who used to demonstrate with Occupy Wall Street scum now care deeply about Harley Davidson's corporate health as long as they can blame Trump.
I don't care much. I'm just making the observation that trump did something that hurt harleys business. When Harley took action based on the financials, trump then hurts them again by singling them out in a Twitter tirade and threatening them with even more market manipulation. Remove the names, channel your inner fiscal conservative, and tell me honestly that this is good policy and good activity from the president.
Harley has been suffering for years. They made some mistakes that may prove fatal years ago-

Harley got to be where it was from those hard working blue collar workers, workers that went to work every day and busted ass just to be able to ride and raise hell on the weekends. Since the early 90s when the lifestyle started to change and different people usually not apart of Harley’s core customers came flocking to the lifestyle,Harley took advantage of this new influx and started to raise prices. This was a serious mistake on Harleys part.Harley started to price out it’s core customer base and relied on a customer base that wouldn’t stick by the company for long.

In the early 2000’s shows like Biker Build Off, Orange County Choppers kept Harley riding high. Shows like those brought customers who never considered riding before into the mix. The Chopper craze was in full swing and if you couldn’t afford one of those a Harley was the next best thing. Harley started it’s decline at this point I believe. Harley started to focus not only on raising prices even more, they started pushing clothing and accessories as a bigger part of the company instead of staying focused on a better bike.

In 2006 most of the reality shows started to go off air and the recession was starting to loom. Those customers Harley relied upon started to get out of the lifestyle. Started selling off those bikes. The used market became saturated with all kinds of makes and models. That saturation continues till today. What happens when the used market becomes saturated with bikes? No one really wants to spend the 25,000 to get a brand new bagger. Shit no one wants to spend 10,000 on a sportster. When people don’t buy then production starts to be cut and people at the company get laid off.

Harley was lucky in it’s marketing. It had a loyal base from the Vietnam era that pushed an idea. If you were not riding a Harley then you were not a REAL biker. Some of that thinking still exists today but not like it use to be. Problem with that thinking is people started saying “If your on two wheels, who gives a shit what your riding”. I agree fully with that saying by the way. I got to that point when Harley started closing up factories here in the states and gave work to Mexico and India. When they started shipping production overseas the product suffered. Just look at all the recalls that have started just last year. Quality might as well be made if China.
Harley No Longer King : Company in trouble - Iron Demons

From 2016
Harley, You’re Not Getting Any Younger
From 2009
I'm far more concerned with him breaking his supposed promise of not meddling in overseas affairs.

Bush droned and bombed innocent civilians and undeclared wars. Obama amped that up and did more of the same.

Now Trump is doing more of that, plus even more. He makes both of them look like amateurs. The corporate media is doing everything they can do to distract everyone from his neglect of the military-industrial-complex, letting them kill whomever they wish.

The US is running out of bombs — and it may soon struggle to make more
The US is running out of bombs — and it may soon struggle to make more


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