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One man brought more fear to the country than the entire GOP in the last 40 years

To address the OP point about fear.

He didn't bring fear to me. He stated the problems with the country, and there are many, and gave me hope that maybe an establishment outsider might actually change the RIGGED system. The left wing, they saw fear because that is what they run on. I saw hope of something different.

Your perception might be a bit biased (understatement).

What I saw was a speech describing our country as something one might glean from Darkness at Noon, Brave New World, or 1984. Trump's fear mongering reached a bitter climax at the very end, proving once again that he is a classic demagogue, after proving for the first 86 minutes he was also a charlatan.

You do understand that opinions can't be biased? No I suppose you don't. But what you posted is your opinion and is the perfect example of what I posted about left wing fear. Thank you for the back, jack.

"You do understand that opinions can't be biased?" Huh, explain that!

What I posted was in fact an opinion, based on empirical evidence (I watched the whole speech, including his daughter's).

What I posted was my opinion based on evidence. What you posted was the opinions of all, yet to be defined, left wing individuals who may or may not have listened to his speech, who may or may not have been scared, or may or may not have been disgusted by the fear mongering I heard from The Donald's readiing of the teleprompter.

[By the way, did you see the split screen videos of Hannity, making demeaning comments about Obama's use of the teleprompter, and praising Trumps use of the teleprompter. What a partisan hypocrite and POS Hannity is and always has been]

So tell me again how an opinion cannot be biased, hypocritical and mendacious.
He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They've been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty of bull shit to read.

For decades she’s been portrayed as a Lady Macbeth involved in nefarious plots, branded as “a congenital liar” and accused of covering up her husband’s misconduct, from Arkansas to Monica Lewinsky. Some of this is sexist caricature. Some is stoked by the “Hillary is a liar” videos that flood Facebook feeds. Some of it she brings on herself by insisting on a perimeter or “zone of privacy” that she protects too fiercely. It’s a natural impulse, given the level of scrutiny she’s attracted, more than any male politician I can think of.

When I say she is honest, it's relative. In the eyes of the public there are no honest politicians. If a politicians promises to vote for a bill and he doesn't he's a liar. If he votes for the bill and it doesn't do what he promised, he's a liar. He says he's for the tax and changes his mind, he's a liar. If he say's he didn't send a classified email because he doesn't recall doing so but actually did, he's a liar. What Hillary does is tell the absolute truth as she understands it without offering any additional information which may allow the listener to come up with the wrong conclusions. It's not lie. It's just not the whole truth.

Moral relativity, a hallmark of the regressives. Lies of omission and convenient memory are still lies.

"Moral relativity", is that like supporting Capital Punishment and opposing Abortion?

I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
The FBI Stated there is no evidence of a crime. What part of that do you fail to comprehend? Obviously you are convinced she was guilty of a crime, and that puts the question on the table: Are a real American?

Real American's believe every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty; clearly you believe some people are guilty until proven innocent. You'd make a great trier of fact in Soviet Russian or Castro's Cuba.

She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Hillary blamed the attacks in Benghazi on a video.

How do you KNOW the attacks were not the motivation? You don't, so why pretend to have knowledge you obviously can't have, unless of course you were a member of the attacking group.

What does motivation have to do with anything? Opportunity and Means are the two factors sufficient and necessary to prove the crime. Motive matters not.

Someone like you who echoes on subjects you have no experience or ability to evaluate comes on a message boards and writes a comment which reeks of ignorance. You ought to be ashamed!
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They've been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty of bull shit to read.

For decades she’s been portrayed as a Lady Macbeth involved in nefarious plots, branded as “a congenital liar” and accused of covering up her husband’s misconduct, from Arkansas to Monica Lewinsky. Some of this is sexist caricature. Some is stoked by the “Hillary is a liar” videos that flood Facebook feeds. Some of it she brings on herself by insisting on a perimeter or “zone of privacy” that she protects too fiercely. It’s a natural impulse, given the level of scrutiny she’s attracted, more than any male politician I can think of.

When I say she is honest, it's relative. In the eyes of the public there are no honest politicians. If a politicians promises to vote for a bill and he doesn't he's a liar. If he votes for the bill and it doesn't do what he promised, he's a liar. He says he's for the tax and changes his mind, he's a liar. If he say's he didn't send a classified email because he doesn't recall doing so but actually did, he's a liar. What Hillary does is tell the absolute truth as she understands it without offering any additional information which may allow the listener to come up with the wrong conclusions. It's not lie. It's just not the whole truth.

Moral relativity, a hallmark of the regressives. Lies of omission and convenient memory are still lies.

"Moral relativity", is that like supporting Capital Punishment and opposing Abortion?


Really? If you are trying to be glib you failed. Neither is murder (a homicide) for both are legal procedures codified in the law.
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.

Looks like Democrats are afraid of one single man. In fact rdean is pushing fear right in this thread.

Pretty funny.
Pitiful, just pitiful.

Trump terrified Republicans.

I laugh at Trump.

I laugh at Republicans.

So I must be terrified?

Hello, knock, knock, it doesn't work that way.
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Hillary blamed the attacks in Benghazi on a video.

How do you KNOW the attacks were not the motivation? You don't, so why pretend to have knowledge you obviously can't have, unless of course you were a member of the attacking group.

What does motivation have to do with anything? Opportunity and Means are the two factors sufficient and necessary to prove the crime. Motive matters not.

Someone like you who echoes on subjects you have no experience or ability to evaluate comes on a message boards and writes a comment which reeks of ignorance. You ought to be ashamed!

Why are you pretending to have knowledge?
What does motivation have to do with anything? You're hopeless.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They've been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty of bull shit to read.

For decades she’s been portrayed as a Lady Macbeth involved in nefarious plots, branded as “a congenital liar” and accused of covering up her husband’s misconduct, from Arkansas to Monica Lewinsky. Some of this is sexist caricature. Some is stoked by the “Hillary is a liar” videos that flood Facebook feeds. Some of it she brings on herself by insisting on a perimeter or “zone of privacy” that she protects too fiercely. It’s a natural impulse, given the level of scrutiny she’s attracted, more than any male politician I can think of.

When I say she is honest, it's relative. In the eyes of the public there are no honest politicians. If a politicians promises to vote for a bill and he doesn't he's a liar. If he votes for the bill and it doesn't do what he promised, he's a liar. He says he's for the tax and changes his mind, he's a liar. If he say's he didn't send a classified email because he doesn't recall doing so but actually did, he's a liar. What Hillary does is tell the absolute truth as she understands it without offering any additional information which may allow the listener to come up with the wrong conclusions. It's not lie. It's just not the whole truth.

Moral relativity, a hallmark of the regressives. Lies of omission and convenient memory are still lies.

"Moral relativity", is that like supporting Capital Punishment and opposing Abortion?


Really? If you are trying to be glib you failed. Neither is murder (a homicide) for both are legal procedures codified in the law.

Ugh, right. Of course the person receiving capital punishment actually DID something to forfeit their right to life, not so much for the child.
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.

Are you afraid, rdean?

Gawd, I hope so. I hope you people are terrified.
We're busy being afraid of Palin....like you kept telling us.

Palin is still somebody?

dumb donald thought so when he put her on stage with him.well, despite the fact that she sounded like a meth head


1 or 2 appearances doesnt' make her a somebody.

What spot did she have at the convention?
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.

Looks like Democrats are afraid of one single man. In fact rdean is pushing fear right in this thread.

Pretty funny.

Trump has very little concept of how much weaker the office of POTUS is than that of the CEO of a Corporation. He can make a mess of things with his bellicose speech, and create a climate of fear in our foes and our allies, but there is very little he can do without the Congress, and believe it or not, there are a few adults on both sides of the aisle who are members in the Congress and will have a greater say on policy than he and his followers are aware.

"Pretty funny" is another post well worth deletion. I wonder why people post thoughtless remarks such as "Pretty funny"? A post I don't find the least bit funny, but very pitiful, for the author has demonstrated no ability to write a rebuttal and thus defaults to ad hominem lite.

Trump would be in for a big surprise if he were elected and then discovered that he can't even fire the IRS auditor on his case due to Civil Service laws....
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Hillary blamed the attacks in Benghazi on a video.

How do you KNOW the attacks were not the motivation? You don't, so why pretend to have knowledge you obviously can't have, unless of course you were a member of the attacking group.

What does motivation have to do with anything? Opportunity and Means are the two factors sufficient and necessary to prove the crime. Motive matters not.

Someone like you who echoes on subjects you have no experience or ability to evaluate comes on a message boards and writes a comment which reeks of ignorance. You ought to be ashamed!

Why are you pretending to have knowledge?
What does motivation have to do with anything? You're hopeless.

There is no pretense on my part. I have the education, experience and intelligence to share my knowledge. You clearly do not.
He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Hillary blamed the attacks in Benghazi on a video.

How do you KNOW the attacks were not the motivation? You don't, so why pretend to have knowledge you obviously can't have, unless of course you were a member of the attacking group.

What does motivation have to do with anything? Opportunity and Means are the two factors sufficient and necessary to prove the crime. Motive matters not.

Someone like you who echoes on subjects you have no experience or ability to evaluate comes on a message boards and writes a comment which reeks of ignorance. You ought to be ashamed!

Why are you pretending to have knowledge?
What does motivation have to do with anything? You're hopeless.

There is no pretense on my part. I have the education, experience and intelligence to share my knowledge. You clearly do not.

What knowledge are sharing? You're a hoot!
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They've been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty of bull shit to read.

For decades she’s been portrayed as a Lady Macbeth involved in nefarious plots, branded as “a congenital liar” and accused of covering up her husband’s misconduct, from Arkansas to Monica Lewinsky. Some of this is sexist caricature. Some is stoked by the “Hillary is a liar” videos that flood Facebook feeds. Some of it she brings on herself by insisting on a perimeter or “zone of privacy” that she protects too fiercely. It’s a natural impulse, given the level of scrutiny she’s attracted, more than any male politician I can think of.

When I say she is honest, it's relative. In the eyes of the public there are no honest politicians. If a politicians promises to vote for a bill and he doesn't he's a liar. If he votes for the bill and it doesn't do what he promised, he's a liar. He says he's for the tax and changes his mind, he's a liar. If he say's he didn't send a classified email because he doesn't recall doing so but actually did, he's a liar. What Hillary does is tell the absolute truth as she understands it without offering any additional information which may allow the listener to come up with the wrong conclusions. It's not lie. It's just not the whole truth.

Moral relativity, a hallmark of the regressives. Lies of omission and convenient memory are still lies.

"Moral relativity", is that like supporting Capital Punishment and opposing Abortion?


Really? If you are trying to be glib you failed. Neither is murder (a homicide) for both are legal procedures codified in the law.

Ugh, right. Of course the person receiving capital punishment actually DID something to forfeit their right to life, not so much for the child.

The question not answered is this: If both are human beings, the taking of the life of one and not the other is relative to one's belief system. Hence, you got, moral relativism.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Hillary blamed the attacks in Benghazi on a video.

How do you KNOW the attacks were not the motivation? You don't, so why pretend to have knowledge you obviously can't have, unless of course you were a member of the attacking group.

What does motivation have to do with anything? Opportunity and Means are the two factors sufficient and necessary to prove the crime. Motive matters not.

Someone like you who echoes on subjects you have no experience or ability to evaluate comes on a message boards and writes a comment which reeks of ignorance. You ought to be ashamed!

Why are you pretending to have knowledge?
What does motivation have to do with anything? You're hopeless.

There is no pretense on my part. I have the education, experience and intelligence to share my knowledge. You clearly do not.

What knowledge are sharing? You're a hoot!

All that I have learned from 18 years of school; a 32 year career in LE, raising two sons and being married for 42 years + writing two DOJ VAWA Grants and managing millions of dollars to curb delinquency, domestic violence and violent crime. And by managing three iterations (T ball to Srs.) in little league and pony league baseball, coaching CYO Basketball and AYSO Soccer, volunteered at my sons schools and served on various community boards, in my spare time.
Moral relativity, a hallmark of the regressives. Lies of omission and convenient memory are still lies.

"Moral relativity", is that like supporting Capital Punishment and opposing Abortion?


Really? If you are trying to be glib you failed. Neither is murder (a homicide) for both are legal procedures codified in the law.

Ugh, right. Of course the person receiving capital punishment actually DID something to forfeit their right to life, not so much for the child.

The question not answered is this: If both are human beings, the taking of the life of one and not the other is relative to one's belief system. Hence, you got, moral relativism.

No the one receiving capital punishment has received their rights under the 5th and 6th amendments, aborted children are being deprived of these protections. There's nothing in the the Constitution that says rights are dependent on the stage of development, that's a SCOTUS invention.
He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.
That's probably the worst insult you can possibly use against today's politicians, considering she's done nothing but lie during the entirety of this election, and her time in politics in general. You'd have to be delusional to think she's less of a liar than... well, anyone, really.
No, only if you listen to Republican attack dogs. They've been after her for at least 20 years so there's plenty of bull shit to read.

For decades she’s been portrayed as a Lady Macbeth involved in nefarious plots, branded as “a congenital liar” and accused of covering up her husband’s misconduct, from Arkansas to Monica Lewinsky. Some of this is sexist caricature. Some is stoked by the “Hillary is a liar” videos that flood Facebook feeds. Some of it she brings on herself by insisting on a perimeter or “zone of privacy” that she protects too fiercely. It’s a natural impulse, given the level of scrutiny she’s attracted, more than any male politician I can think of.

When I say she is honest, it's relative. In the eyes of the public there are no honest politicians. If a politicians promises to vote for a bill and he doesn't he's a liar. If he votes for the bill and it doesn't do what he promised, he's a liar. He says he's for the tax and changes his mind, he's a liar. If he say's he didn't send a classified email because he doesn't recall doing so but actually did, he's a liar. What Hillary does is tell the absolute truth as she understands it without offering any additional information which may allow the listener to come up with the wrong conclusions. It's not lie. It's just not the whole truth.

Moral relativity, a hallmark of the regressives. Lies of omission and convenient memory are still lies.

"Moral relativity", is that like supporting Capital Punishment and opposing Abortion?
Last I checked, the babies being murdered hadn't committed any crimes. The same can't be said for the subhumans that would be executed.
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.

Are you afraid, rdean?

Gawd, I hope so. I hope you people are terrified.
We're busy being afraid of Palin....like you kept telling us.

Palin is still somebody?

dumb donald thought so when he put her on stage with him.well, despite the fact that she sounded like a meth head

I listened to about 30% of it, and found that there were very few coherent sentences. Still, I enjoy Palin's' speeches. They are so surreal! Kind of like verbal Salvador Dali stuff!

It was a teleprompter speech. Trump is an ad lib speaker which tends to make speeches rather choppy. However, Trump used long pauses to solicit audience response which made the speech excruciatingly long and if you didn't pay close attention, you would lose his train of thought. Shouting the speech certainly didn't help. Trump does much better at his rallies.

Do you really want to reward the kind of savotage that the GOP have been doing for over a decade now...

Trump is the conclusion to the No compromise policy enacted in 2008... Rem Obama actually tried to deal with them at first but anyone caught was branded a RINO and cacused by the TP...

Trump isn't even a consevative, he is a facist by most definations...

Too funny.

But then, taken to the extreme, better fascism then the Democrats' Communism. At least the fascists kept the trains running.
With China and Russia both voting for Trump, that should be everybody's clue that he is a madman.

I hate to disabuse you of your delusions, but China and Russia don't get a vote in our election.

They get to cast their ballots right before ISIS casts their ballot for Mrs. Tuzla Clinton.

Q. What is the end goal of ISIS

A. I have some ideas as do others who think about such issues [unlike Trump and his trumpeters who react with emotion to the hate and fear]:
  1. Radicalize Muslim's living in the West
  2. Kill and maim the civilian population by acts of terror
  3. Create panic in the native population (in France, Germany, Turkey, the US, etc.)
  4. Panic, hate and fear motivate the voters to vote for any easy fix; Trump promises to provide it
  5. Trump has no viable plan, since he rejects diplomacy for Brinkmanship.
  6. ISIS won't blink, their leadership can produce Suicide Bombers by the hundreds
  7. Thus, Trump and his supporters have been manipulated by the ISIS long term plan
  8. And if Trump sends US troops into Syria, or N. Africa he will throw gasoline on the fire.
Only Islam itself can counter the efforts of ISIS to meet their goal - to win a war of attrition. If we follow the lead of Trump and other's who believe the fire power of our military is the only solution to this vexing problem, we are playing into their plans.

We need to:
a. STOP scapegoating all of Islam
b. Find out who is funding ISIS, and stop the flow of money
c. Kill the leadership when opportune
d. Expand Intelligence using technology
e. Change the dialogue: ISIS is nothing more than a criminal gang (there is no war on terror)
f. We need to capture, bring to trial and if convicted execute its leadership in the World Court (see: Nuremburg Trials for an example).
g. Solve the Israeli / Palestinian 60+ year war with a two-state solution.​
Any practicing Muslim is very radical already, they never had a reformation of any kind.

Show me a "moderate" Muslim and I will show you someone who would vote for someone who wanted to stone gays and adulterers in the public square while holding onto some kind of pious view of themselves.

It is left's idiotic, bigoted and even racist obsession with the "religious right" that is helping ISIS.
I remember when John McCain was laughed at for saying he knew how to fix the economy and he would if he were elected president.

Donald Trump built a bleak and dark picture of an America that thankfully doesn't exist. Unless he is elected president.

It was an hour and a half of this:

Terrorists are pouring into our country. They are everywhere. In your backyard, on every street corner and they want to kill you. And Mexican rapist drug dealers are pouring in from across the border who want your jobs and they want to kill you. The infrastructure is falling apart. The bridges are falling down. The roads are falling apart and the sky is falling. Police are being shot everywhere and there is no law no order. The bodies of dead Americans are piling up everywhere killed by terrorists and Obamacare.
But don't worry. I know how to fix everything. Elect me and I will fix everything. I will cut taxes and pour money into everything and fix it.

And every word of it screamed at the top of his voice.

So the camera is moving around the hall and people are asked what they thought of Trump's speech and they reply, "It's exactly what I wanted to hear" "It's what is going on in this country". "Donald Trump will save us".

I don't live in this America.

This is the America I live in:

What Caused the Great Crime Decline in the U.S.?

Then crime rates went down. And then they kept going down.

By decade’s end (the 1990's), the homicide rate plunged 42 percent nationwide. Violent crime decreased by one-third. What turned into a precipitous decline started later in some areas and took longer in others. But it happened everywhere: in each region of the country, in cities large and small, in rural and urban areas alike. In the Northeast, which reaped the largest benefits, the homicide rate was halved. Murders plummeted by 75 percent in New York City alone as the city entered the new millennium.

The trend kept ticking downward from there, more slowly and with some fluctuations, to the present day. By virtually any metric, Americans now live in one of the least violent times in the nation’s history.


What is it about Republicans that they want to be terrified? Life is better and there is less pressure if you are not terrified.

You can go outside. No one from Chicago is going to kill you. Isis isn't hiding behind your back door.

Trump has convinced people they should be terrified to even go outside. But is that really any surprise?

Trump is known for his ability to fleece the unwary. He has a court date on 28 Nov for Fraud and Racketeering. If he loses his civil case, he opens himself up for criminal charges. If people aren't scared now and Trump becomes president, I think they will learn what real fear is all about.
In his acceptance speech Trump said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."

Really? A man who has never set foot in the Oval Office and has never been in either house of congress on business knows the system better than anyone.

Apparently Donald doesn't know the system quite as well as he thinks he does. If he did, he certainly wouldn't be claiming that he alone can fix the system because the founders designed the system such that no one would have that kind of power.

He was referring to politicians being bought by lobbyist and big business.
She lied under oath before Congress. She lied to the American people.
What was in those 30+ thousand emails she told her lawyers to delete. She allowed people without security clearances to read her classified emails.
Comey couldn't convict her. Do you understand that?
Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest people in politics today. She can't afford not to. This does not mean she volunteers information so her opponents can report half truths and misquotes to fit there needs. Nor does it mean that she does not skirt around the truth at times as all politicians do. Nor does it mean that she does not change positions on issues. Nor does it mean she has not made mistakes or issued conflicting statements in literally thousands of interviews, speeches, quotes, testimonies, investigations, and written material over a career that spans 50 years in the public spotlight.

Has Hillary said things that turned out not to be true. Of course. However, before swallowing all the bull shit about Liar Liar Hillary, I suggest you consider the definition of a lie, "a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive. If you look closely at what Clinton says, I thing you will find that she is more honest than most politicians today.

Hillary is probably one the most scrupulously honest.... lol

You are absolutely insane. Or, brainwashed minion. Or intentional voluntarily ignorant partisan hack.

I'm not sure what you are..... but you are obviously not a rational thinking individual.
Simply repeating a lie over and over does not make it true. I understand it is the only hope Trump has of being elected and that many voters will believe it but again, that does not make it true. Hillary as compared to other politicians today is certainly more honest.

Hillary blamed the attacks in Benghazi on a video.

How do you KNOW the attacks were not the motivation? You don't, so why pretend to have knowledge you obviously can't have, unless of course you were a member of the attacking group.

What does motivation have to do with anything? Opportunity and Means are the two factors sufficient and necessary to prove the crime. Motive matters not.

Someone like you who echoes on subjects you have no experience or ability to evaluate comes on a message boards and writes a comment which reeks of ignorance. You ought to be ashamed!

If motive doesn't matter, she had no reason to lie about the motive. According to their leadership, very few people knew about the video, let alone cared enough to carry out a military strike.

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