One more great pick by Trump

Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate
And what fate is that, Eddie?
I'll let you use your warped imagination.......
No. Say it. Say it or be called a coward.
if you can call a guy who spent time in the service of our country a coward while supporting a real yellow belly like trump ,,,so be it
I served, too.

And if you're afraid to say a word -- you're definitely a coward.
What a hypocrite. The movement of, "lock her up" and the most dishonest and corrupt POTUS in our nation's history being called innocent & exonerated, and giving the AG absolute power too, is why we are no longer a great nation. We are ruled by a despot, liars, cheats and con men.

Perhaps if Hillary was subject to the law like everyone else in our country, people wouldn't chant lock her up. I'm sorry if you do not like having an AG that is not controlled by the media, but crying about his authority is pointless. Holder was obviously Obama's puppet, but the dems won the election. That is the way it works, especially now that everything from the justice department to the IRS is completely political. Someone else pointed out that most politicians on both sides are owned by somebody and lining their own pockets. I truly wish that were not so. The 4th estate is gone, owned by about six people right? There is nothing left to keep them honest. Democrat Politicians don''t even pretend to worry about breaking the law anymore. They brag about it. You guys want to give them more power, and hope it works out this time?
oh no ...lets give all those lol lol honest republicans more power,,,,a den of hypocrites

I said both sides are owned and line their pockets, the difference is that democrats are bumping it up and wanting to control healthcare and the energy sector. If incompetence bothers you, don't give the government your money.
That is why Trump is so great. Not a Dem or a real Repub either.

His only agenda is solving problems. He doesn't give a fig about the tug of war between the swampies.
Yes he's solved the problems of Russia fn up our elections solved the problems of NK and their Nukes and Iran and their nukes The POS is a real problem solver
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate
And what fate is that, Eddie?
I'll let you use your warped imagination.......
No. Say it. Say it or be called a coward.
if you can call a guy who spent time in the service of our country a coward while supporting a real yellow belly like trump ,,,so be it
I served, too.

And if you're afraid to say a word -- you're definitely a coward.
What word would appease you ? A word that I hope that pos dies a horrible death?? Does that satisfy you?
There is no lack of evidence.

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

Here's a sampling.............

II. Analysis of Major Findings

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails

What the Mueller Report says:

At a March 31, 2016 meeting of the campaign’s foreign policy advisory group, one of the advisers George Papadopoulos “brought up a potential meeting with Russian Officials,” and told the group that he learned from his contacts in London that Putin wanted to meet Trump. At the meeting, Trump was “interested in and receptive to” the idea of setting up a meeting with Putin.

In late April 2016, a Russian operative did not simply reveal to Papadopoulos that they had derogatory information on Clinton in the form of thousands of emails. The Kremlin operative previewed their plan for “anonymous release” of the information to help the Trump campaign.

Supplemental information/analysis:

A very significant question is what reception the Russians got from the Trump Campaign after making these revelations. The Mueller Report is silent on the Campaign’s/Papadopoulos’ response to the Russians informing them of the plan to disseminate the derogatory information. There is at least no indication that the Campaign said or did anything to dissuade the Russians. Instead, following the late April 2016 meeting, the Campaign supported Papadopoulos’s efforts to organize a back channel meeting with Russian officials and Campaign officials. The meeting would be highly secret. Papadopoulos’ hand-written notes state that Trump Campaign members “would attend without the official backing of the Campaign (‘no official letter/no message from Trump’).” That meeting, however, never ultimately took place.


Loose ends: The investigation could not establish whether Papadopoulos informed the Campaign about the Russian government’s having derogatory information on Clinton in the form of emails. That’s one feature of the Report’s being constrained by the burdens of proof in a criminal context. It is highly likely that Papadopoulos did inform the Campaign. The young national security advisor appears to have continually kept Campaign officials informed of his communications with the Russians, was eager to show value in his connections to the Russians, and informed others outside of the Campaign (an Australian diplomat on May 6, 2016; Greece’s Foreign Minister in late May 2016) that the Russian government had told the Campaign about the derogatory information it had on Clinton.

Supplemental information/analysis:

The New York Times reported in May 2018 that John Mashburn, the campaign’s policy director, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that he recalled that he and other campaign officials received an email from Papadopoulos in the first half of 2016 saying the Russians had derogatory information on Clinton, but congressional investigators did not find any such message.

For additional background: See video and transcript of Feb. 2018 interview in which Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) explained to Chris Hayes that the House Intelligence Committee’s Democratic memo, written in response to Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-Calif.) majority memo, should be understood to mean the Russians previewed their plan to Papadopoulos. The Australian diplomat also told a reporter that Papadopoulos “mentioned the Russians might use material that they have on Hillary Clinton in the lead-up to the election, which may be damaging.”

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy and with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman expected Trump’s winning presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

What the Mueller Report says:

Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Rick Gates shared internal campaign polling data periodically with a Russian spy, Konstantin Kilimnik. “In accordance with Manafort’s instruction, [Gates] periodically sent Kilimnik polling data via WhatsApp; Gates then deleted the communications on a daily basis.” “Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with … Deripaska,” a Russian oligarch closely aligned with Vladimir Putin. “Manafort noted that if Trump won, Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance whatever interests Deripaska had in the United States and elsewhere.”

Supplemental information/analysis:

The Report’s wording – “whatever interests Deripaska had” — is notable given a well-known interview by Deripaska in which he said, “I don’t separate myself from the state. I have no other interests.”
Your source: a George Soros mouthpiece. Dismissed as worthless.
You can say all of that, but it doesn't come close to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC actually paying Russians for "dirt" on Trump.
Just another steaming pile of bullshit spewed by an intentionally misinformed rube.

The Republicans’ Fake Investigations
"Yes, we hired Mr. Steele, a highly respected Russia expert. But we did so without informing him whom we were working for and gave him no specific marching orders beyond this basic question: Why did Mr. Trump repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state that most serious investors shun?

What came back shocked us. Mr. Steele’s sources in Russia (who were not paid) reported on an extensive — and now confirmed — effort by the Kremlin to help elect Mr. Trump president. Mr. Steele saw this as a crime in progress and decided he needed to report it to the F.B.I.

We did not discuss that decision with our clients, or anyone else. Instead, we deferred to Mr. Steele, a trusted friend and intelligence professional with a long history of working with law enforcement. We did not speak to the F.B.I. and haven’t since."
Opinion | The Republicans’ Fake Investigations

OK, you believe your "facts" and we'll believe our "alternate facts". If Barr and Durham do not indict any "deep state conspirators" for the obvious crimes against Trump, such as FISA abuses, including misusing the unverified Steele Dossier and falsifying evidence, misusing the intel agencies and the NSA database, illegally unmasking Americans, and "other crimes" then we will be disappointed, but consider that episode over and filed in the "Legends and Lore" file with UraniumOne.
Similarly. since the Mueller Investigation didn't find anything indictable against Trump, you can either keep whining and rehashing the "non-evidence" or look for new Articles to impeach him on.
And what fate is that, Eddie?
I'll let you use your warped imagination.......
No. Say it. Say it or be called a coward.
if you can call a guy who spent time in the service of our country a coward while supporting a real yellow belly like trump ,,,so be it
I served, too.

And if you're afraid to say a word -- you're definitely a coward.
What word would appease you ? A word that I hope that pos dies a horrible death?? Does that satisfy you?
I don't want to be appeased; I am not an emotion-driven leftist.

I wanted you to be honest. It seems you finally have.

What a hateful, bitter little shit you are.
OK, you believe your "facts" and we'll believe our "alternate facts". If Barr and Durham do not indict any "deep state conspirators" for the obvious crimes against Trump, such as FISA abuses, including misusing the unverified Steele Dossier and falsifying evidence, misusing the intel agencies and the NSA database, illegally unmasking Americans, and "other crimes" then we will be disappointed, but consider that episode over and filed in the "Legends and Lore" file with UraniumOne.
Similarly. since the Mueller Investigation didn't find anything indictable against Trump, you can either keep whining and rehashing the "non-evidence" or look for new Articles to impeach him on.
I'm going to ask you a favor. There are so many lies included in your post I was wondering if you could choose just one for me to humiliate you with after I prove it to be untrue. It's too time consuming the disprove them all.
OK, you believe your "facts" and we'll believe our "alternate facts". If Barr and Durham do not indict any "deep state conspirators" for the obvious crimes against Trump, such as FISA abuses, including misusing the unverified Steele Dossier and falsifying evidence, misusing the intel agencies and the NSA database, illegally unmasking Americans, and "other crimes" then we will be disappointed, but consider that episode over and filed in the "Legends and Lore" file with UraniumOne.
Similarly. since the Mueller Investigation didn't find anything indictable against Trump, you can either keep whining and rehashing the "non-evidence" or look for new Articles to impeach him on.
I'm going to ask you a favor. There are so many lies included in your post I was wondering if you could choose just one for me to humiliate you with after I prove it to be untrue. It's too time consuming the disprove them all.

OK, here is a link to the (17) FBI errors that IG Horowitz uncovered, that Barr & Durham will turn into indictments. You don't need to prove any of my list "untrue". Like I said, Barr and Durham either issue indictments by summer or they don't. Mueller missed, Barr won't.
IMPOSSIBLE! EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 17 Flaws and Omissions Listed in IG Report WENT AGAINST DONALD TRUMP -- But IG Said There Was No Bias?!!
Here is the list of initial seven issues identified in the first FISA application (paraphrased) –

1. Omitted information that Carter Page worked for another government agency – the only agency that they talk of in this manner is the CIA.
2. Provided a statement on Christopher Steele that overstated his past and needed to be ran by Steele’s agent per the law but it wasn’t.
3. Omitted information from Steele’s source who was known as a ‘boaster’ and ’embellisher’.
4. Lied and stated that Steele did not provide an article to Yahoo News when he had and they knew it.
5. Omitted that Papadopoulos had stated that nobody in Trump campaign had collaborated with Russia.
6. Omitted Page’s words that he never met or worked with Manafort which was in contrast to report claiming they were working on a conspiracy with Russia.
7. Claimed Page was an agent of Russia but omitted statements that Page made that contradicted this assertion.

Here are the remaining ten issues that were associated with renewal applications (paraphrased) –

8. Omitted the fact that Steele’s primary sub source had made allegations that raised significant concerns with the reliability of his information used by Steele.
9. Omitted Pages prior relationship with another government agency and an OGC Attorney altered an email from Carter Page that stated that Page was a source to then say Page was not a source.
10. Omitted information that Steele had done things like ‘pursued people with political risk’, ‘didn’t always use the best judgement’, etc…
11. Omitted information from Bruce Ohr that Steele was paid by the Clinton campaign and Simpson was paying Steele and Steele was desperate not to see Trump get elected’.
12. Failed to update information that Simpson was hired by the Democrat Party and/or DNC.
13. Failed to correct assertion in FISA application that Steele did not give information to Yahoo.
14. Omitted the finding that Steele was suitable for continued operation based on information that his dossier was minimally corroborated.
15. Omitted Papadopolous information to that Trump campaign was not involved in DNC email hack.
16. Omitted Joseph Mifsud’s denials that he supplied information to Papadopoulos that suggested Trump campaign received information from Russia.
17. Omitted information that Page played no role in the Republican platform change on Russia’s annexation of Ukraine as alleged in the report.
Republicans can't face the truth that Barr is scum cut in the Trump mold They both deserve the same fate
And what fate is that, Eddie?

That's an outright LIE! If you read the law, a special counsel makes a confidential report to the AG, period, end of freaking story. What is released is left to the discretion of the AG. Read the damn law.

Let's assume for the moment that is true. Having the report submitted to him does not give Billy the Bagman the right to distort its content for the purpose of creating a false narrative that helped Individual 1.

View attachment 310702 <-These are the Mueller Report results. Do you see ANY Russian collusion or Obstruction?
View attachment 310703

Poor dear, you do understand that people are innocent until proven guilty, don't you?

What a hypocrite. The movement of, "lock her up" and the most dishonest and corrupt POTUS in our nation's history being called innocent & exonerated, and giving the AG absolute power too, is why we are no longer a great nation. We are ruled by a despot, liars, cheats and con men.

Perhaps if Hillary was subject to the law like everyone else in our country, people wouldn't chant lock her up. I'm sorry if you do not like having an AG that is not controlled by the media, but crying about his authority is pointless. Holder was obviously Obama's puppet, but the dems won the election. That is the way it works, especially now that everything from the justice department to the IRS is completely political. Someone else pointed out that most politicians on both sides are owned by somebody and lining their own pockets. I truly wish that were not so. The 4th estate is gone, owned by about six people right? There is nothing left to keep them honest. Democrat Politicians don''t even pretend to worry about breaking the law anymore. They brag about it. You guys want to give them more power, and hope it works out this time?

Wow, you've bought the entire Deep State Conspiracy Theory, something which never reached the definition of a theory.

Your first sentence is proof you have been brainwashed; your second sentence suggests you can read my brain (sorry, if you could I would be sanctioned by the mods for violating the rules with my opinion of you); Holder was Obama's puppet? The evidence you provided was underwhelming; Your next sentence to total bullshit, the worker bees in government (at all levels, local, state and federal) are no different than those who work in the private sector; Your claim that government employees are "owned by someone" is a fantasy; the press is all fake news, that's right out of Limbaugh's BIG LIE; how many Democrats in the Clinton and Obama Administration's were arrested and convicted and put in Prison? How many Republican's in the Nixon, Reagan and Trump Administration's have been arrested, convicted and put in prison?
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So once again we are shown that trump is a criminal.
Why A Judge’s Rebuke Of Barr’s Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable
Why A Judge's Rebuke Of Barr's Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable

"A federal judge’s assertions Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr made “misleading” statements about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report sent shockwaves through the legal community.

The judge’s allegations that Barr “distorted” Mueller’s findings in a perhaps “calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump” was a remarkable scolding of a sitting attorney general, and one that comes as other actions Barr has taken related to Mueller’s probe have come under increased scrutiny.

Seasoned legal experts said they had never seen anything like the opinion that U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton of Washington, D.C., issued in a Freedom of Information Act case. In his stinging ruling, the judge ordered the Justice Department to produce for his own review an unredacted version of Mueller’s report because Walton couldn’t trust the government’s stated reasons for withholding redactions of the report.

What stood out to former federal prosecutors is that Walton called out Attorney General Bill Barr by name. The judge said that the way Barr rolled out the Mueller report called into question Barr’s “credibility” and thus the claims that the Justice Department now was making about the report’s redactions.

“I have never seen an attorney general called out this way before by a judge for making misrepresentations,” Harry Sandick, a former federal prosecutor, told TPM in an email."
Barr points out that, remarkably, this judge is a liar.

Justice Department Hits Back After Judge Slams Attorney General Barr, Orders DOJ to Turn Over Unredacted Weissmann Mueller Report

The DOJ hit back and said “the court’s assertions were contrary to the facts.”

“The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in US Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community,” the DOJ said.

“In response to FOIA requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases — a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”
Why A Judge’s Rebuke Of Barr’s Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable
Why A Judge's Rebuke Of Barr's Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable

"A federal judge’s assertions Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr made “misleading” statements about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report sent shockwaves through the legal community.

The judge’s allegations that Barr “distorted” Mueller’s findings in a perhaps “calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump” was a remarkable scolding of a sitting attorney general, and one that comes as other actions Barr has taken related to Mueller’s probe have come under increased scrutiny.

Seasoned legal experts said they had never seen anything like the opinion that U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton of Washington, D.C., issued in a Freedom of Information Act case. In his stinging ruling, the judge ordered the Justice Department to produce for his own review an unredacted version of Mueller’s report because Walton couldn’t trust the government’s stated reasons for withholding redactions of the report.

What stood out to former federal prosecutors is that Walton called out Attorney General Bill Barr by name. The judge said that the way Barr rolled out the Mueller report called into question Barr’s “credibility” and thus the claims that the Justice Department now was making about the report’s redactions.

“I have never seen an attorney general called out this way before by a judge for making misrepresentations,” Harry Sandick, a former federal prosecutor, told TPM in an email."
Barr points out that, remarkably, this judge is a liar.

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.

Justice Department Hits Back After Judge Slams Attorney General Barr, Orders DOJ to Turn Over Unredacted Weissmann Mueller Report

The DOJ hit back and said “the court’s assertions were contrary to the facts.”

“The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in US Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community,” the DOJ said.

“In response to FOIA requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases — a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.
Why A Judge’s Rebuke Of Barr’s Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable
Why A Judge's Rebuke Of Barr's Mueller Report Shenanigans Was So Remarkable

"A federal judge’s assertions Thursday that Attorney General Bill Barr made “misleading” statements about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report sent shockwaves through the legal community.

The judge’s allegations that Barr “distorted” Mueller’s findings in a perhaps “calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump” was a remarkable scolding of a sitting attorney general, and one that comes as other actions Barr has taken related to Mueller’s probe have come under increased scrutiny.

Seasoned legal experts said they had never seen anything like the opinion that U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton of Washington, D.C., issued in a Freedom of Information Act case. In his stinging ruling, the judge ordered the Justice Department to produce for his own review an unredacted version of Mueller’s report because Walton couldn’t trust the government’s stated reasons for withholding redactions of the report.

What stood out to former federal prosecutors is that Walton called out Attorney General Bill Barr by name. The judge said that the way Barr rolled out the Mueller report called into question Barr’s “credibility” and thus the claims that the Justice Department now was making about the report’s redactions.

“I have never seen an attorney general called out this way before by a judge for making misrepresentations,” Harry Sandick, a former federal prosecutor, told TPM in an email."
Barr points out that, remarkably, this judge is a liar.

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.

Justice Department Hits Back After Judge Slams Attorney General Barr, Orders DOJ to Turn Over Unredacted Weissmann Mueller Report

The DOJ hit back and said “the court’s assertions were contrary to the facts.”

“The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in US Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community,” the DOJ said.

“In response to FOIA requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases — a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”

This is not a persuasive argument, by the poster or by the AG.
It's funny the way you pretend you're persuadable.
What a hypocrite. The movement of, "lock her up" and the most dishonest and corrupt POTUS in our nation's history being called innocent & exonerated, and giving the AG absolute power too, is why we are no longer a great nation. We are ruled by a despot, liars, cheats and con men.

Perhaps if Hillary was subject to the law like everyone else in our country, people wouldn't chant lock her up. I'm sorry if you do not like having an AG that is not controlled by the media, but crying about his authority is pointless. Holder was obviously Obama's puppet, but the dems won the election. That is the way it works, especially now that everything from the justice department to the IRS is completely political. Someone else pointed out that most politicians on both sides are owned by somebody and lining their own pockets. I truly wish that were not so. The 4th estate is gone, owned by about six people right? There is nothing left to keep them honest. Democrat Politicians don''t even pretend to worry about breaking the law anymore. They brag about it. You guys want to give them more power, and hope it works out this time?
oh no ...lets give all those lol lol honest republicans more power,,,,a den of hypocrites

I said both sides are owned and line their pockets, the difference is that democrats are bumping it up and wanting to control healthcare and the energy sector. If incompetence bothers you, don't give the government your money.
That is why Trump is so great. Not a Dem or a real Repub either.

His only agenda is solving problems. He doesn't give a fig about the tug of war between the swampies.

Clearly trump is not a Democrat nor is he a Republican. He's is narcissist. D's support we the people, R's support special Interests and corporations, and N's support only themselves.

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