One More Reason To Hate Chuck Schumer

muddy doesn't need an excuse to hate any dem who actually has power.

the shuttle is awesome, btw... my son and husband just saw it at JFK

I don't need and excuse to hate assholes.....not Dems.

I saw one of them here at Ft Campbell last year. It's big. They wouldn't let us go in it because it was still on the back of a specially fitted 747.

However, I would think that they would let Houston have one. I can see the obvious reasons why they didn't. This is an example of why I have issues with folks on the left. They seem to feel that their loyal opposition (GOP), Fox News, The Tea Party, or what they call "Flyover States" are a worse enemy than the Taliban, Russia, China, Iran, or Al Qaeda.

chuck has his flaws. but right now, i like anyone who can keep the rightwingnuts at bay.

problem, muddy, is that you think any dem with power is an asshole.

and you think the rest of us are stupid or lazy. go figure.

i have voted GOP locally. i will never do so again federally until your party ejects its loons.

i think you have it wrong, hon... it's the right who thinks dems, MSNBC and the big bad city slickers are THEIR enemy.

Jill....I think assholes are assholes.....I don't care what their political affiliation is.

I think many of "YOU" don't want to face up to the obvious......not that you're stupid. I left you out of the list of usual suspects on purpose....but it seems you belong with them. You really don't care what some jerk says or does as long as he's a Democrat.

And when it comes to loons I would think you'd want to rid your party of individuals like Chuck Schumer, because he and Nancy Pelosi, among others, give your party a bad image. Their brand of government is corrupt and abusive, and now that you mention it, appeals to the lowest common denominator. Their brand of envy and hatred of the opposition is what makes government the cesspool it is today.
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Lmao off topic speaking of cameras that troll McCaskill hasn't put her treasonous mug in front of a camera for over a year. Just saying
One More Reason To Hate Chuck Schumer

What more reason do you need to hate Chuckie Schumer
CON$ervoFascism is a hate religion!

Jay Townsend is proving this; not a peep out of Hayworth, and only spotty media coverage. Proves yet again, the media is anything but liberal. Houston has SPACE CENTER HOUSTON for tourists; this is nothing more than a low rent attack on a fine Senator. He hasn't been picking up policemen in public restrooms, nor soliciting minor males for sex, so he is persona non grata.
What more reason do you need to hate Chuckie Schumer (D-NY), former friend and 'GodFather' to stock market Ponzi Schemer Extraordinaire Bernie Madoff, who also happens to have a fondness for young men and boys?

You can keep fundraising for Nan Hayworth, just make sure her spokescum Jay Townsend knows you are a right wingnut.
One More Reason To Hate Chuck Schumer

What more reason do you need to hate Chuckie Schumer
CON$ervoFascism is a hate religion!

Jay Townsend is proving this; not a peep out of Hayworth, and only spotty media coverage. Proves yet again, the media is anything but liberal. Houston has SPACE CENTER HOUSTON for tourists; this is nothing more than a low rent attack on a fine Senator. He hasn't been picking up policemen in public restrooms, nor soliciting minor males for sex, so he is persona non grata.

Schumer is not a fine Senator. If he was his state wouldn't be in the mess it's in.

And who is Jay Townsend?????
I noticed that every single time a Democrat is caught acting like a sleazy politician they always have some obscure example of a Republican Sleaze.

That only works on the playground.....not in real life.

Schumer says in so many words that Houston isn't important enough.

What a complete jerk-off.
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I was born and raised on and off in Pasadena, TX -- a suburb of Houston. I do agree that Houston deserves an actual space shuttle to display. NASA was a part of that city. The line was, "Houston, we have a problem", not, "NY, we have a problem". However, the decision was NASA's, not Schumer's. He didn't have to be such an asshole about it, but it wasn't his decision.

muddy doesn't need an excuse to hate any dem who actually has power.

the shuttle is awesome, btw... my son and husband just saw it at JFK

Your NY shuttle never flew on a mission. Come on down to the Smithsonian and see one that did.


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Mud - the Intrepid Air and Space Museum is awesome. We've been there several times. They've been planning on hosting the shuttle for quite some time. I am not a fan of Schumer, but I can appreciate any poitician who fights for issues that benefit their constituents. The Intrepid is a source of pride in NYC.

Intrepid Museum 2012 events
Mud - the Intrepid Air and Space Museum is awesome. We've been there several times. They've been planning on hosting the shuttle for quite some time. I am not a fan of Schumer, but I can appreciate any poitician who fights for issues that benefit their constituents. The Intrepid is a source of pride in NYC.

Intrepid Museum 2012 events

Watch the video and see if you agree with what he said.

I'm not against anything like a nice museum in NYC, but there is no excuse for what Schumer said.
I was born and raised on and off in Pasadena, TX -- a suburb of Houston. I do agree that Houston deserves an actual space shuttle to display. NASA was a part of that city. The line was, "Houston, we have a problem", not, "NY, we have a problem". However, the decision was NASA's, not Schumer's. He didn't have to be such an asshole about it, but it wasn't his decision.

He sure sounded like it was........and anyone who knows politics knows that some congressional members have more say in what happens than others.

Btw, who are the Senators from Texas?

Kay Bailey Hutchison?

John Cornyn?

Both Republicans. Texas has pissed off Obama more than once. I think this is pay-back.

Well, tell them to stop pissing him off! :lol:

This guy is such an immense jerk.

The city of Houston has been petitioning for government to allow them to display one of the remaining Space Shuttles in one of the places where space travel was made famous. Instead Houston gets a fake shuttle to display. One made out of wood. What an insult. I'm sure Truthmatters, Sallow, rdean, edithcynic, and rest of the usual suspects will say that this Texas town can cram it.

Makes a body want to really vote Democrat this November, doesn't it????

In this "In Your Face Video" Chuck Schumer essentially tells Houston everything but "shove it up your ass. "

Schumer to Texas: Don't mess with N.Y. - YouTube!

Former astronaut Jerry Ross called it a slap in the face.

"Being one of the two prime centers for the shuttle program I think its very frustrating we didn't get a vehicle here, but we've got to press on and deal with what we've been dealt," says Ross.

Read more: HOUSTON GETS FAKE SHUTTLE - KTRH NewsRadio 740 Houston News, Weather, Traffic

HOUSTON GETS FAKE SHUTTLE - KTRH NewsRadio 740 Houston News, Weather, Traffic

He's a world class prick isn't he?
I can't wait until Harry Reid chucku schumer and Nancy pelosi are kicked off the planet for being lying traitor scum. I loathe them all.
What an arrogant piece of shit he is.
Who, mudwhistle?

Yeah, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Okay Scupperlip*


More than 20 locations around the country sought one of the orbiters because of the potential tourist draw. The drama mirrored the bidding to host an Olympic games.

Supporters of sites that were rejected expressed disappointment.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said the Johnson Space Center in Houston should have been one of the retirement homes for an orbiter, "but it is clear political favors trumped common sense and fairness in the selection of the final locations for the orbiter fleet," he said in a statement.

He noted that Houston "played a critical role throughout the life of the space shuttle."

* Scupperlip - A valve on the side of Naval vessels that only allows feces and wastewater to pass one way. If one is called a Scupperlip it means they only expel shit or waste rather than anything of value
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How did Texas legislators vote since 2008 election when it came to funding NASA?

Why don't you tell us smart guy.

Btw......what the heck did LA have to do with the space program????

Los Angeles got one.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- NASA announced Tuesday the new retirement homes for the four remaining space shuttles -- three historic orbiters and the program's test vehicle.

The space shuttle Atlantis will be displayed at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida; the Endeavour, at the California Science Center in Los Angeles; the Discovery, at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia; and the test shuttle, Enterprise, at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York, NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden Jr. said during a ceremony at the Kennedy Center.

"Like many Texans, I am disappointed with NASA's decision to slight the Johnson Space Center as a permanent home for one of the space shuttle orbiters," Cornyn said.

"There is no question Houston should have been selected as a final home for one of the orbiters -- even Administrator Bolden stated as much. Today's announcement is an affront to the thousands of dedicated men and women at Johnson Space Center, the greater Houston community and the state of Texas, and I'm deeply disappointed with the administration's misguided decision," Cornyn said.

In Los Angeles, shortly after NASA's announcement, California Science Center President Jeffrey Rudolph told reporters that the Endeavour would boost the center's annual 1.4 million visitors to about 2 million people a year.
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How did Texas legislators vote since 2008 election when it came to funding NASA?

Why don't you tell us smart guy.

Btw......what the heck did LA have to do with the space program????

Los Angeles got one.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- NASA announced Tuesday the new retirement homes for the four remaining space shuttles -- three historic orbiters and the program's test vehicle.

The space shuttle Atlantis will be displayed at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida; the Endeavour, at the California Science Center in Los Angeles; the Discovery, at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia; and the test shuttle, Enterprise, at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York, NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden Jr. said during a ceremony at the Kennedy Center.

"Like many Texans, I am disappointed with NASA's decision to slight the Johnson Space Center as a permanent home for one of the space shuttle orbiters," Cornyn said.

"There is no question Houston should have been selected as a final home for one of the orbiters -- even Administrator Bolden stated as much. Today's announcement is an affront to the thousands of dedicated men and women at Johnson Space Center, the greater Houston community and the state of Texas, and I'm deeply disappointed with the administration's misguided decision," Cornyn said.

In Los Angeles, shortly after NASA's announcement, California Science Center President Jeffrey Rudolph told reporters that the Endeavour would boost the center's annual 1.4 million visitors to about 2 million people a year.

I DO note by and large they are going to Blue-State Hellholes...:eusa_whistle:

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