One of Alvin Bragg’s paralegals, Jaden Jarmel-Schneider, admitted on the stand that the prosecutors deleted call records between Michael Cohen and ...

Sue, we've been through this before. Your life is a living hell, collapsing all around you. But just because you exist in helpless misery and despair doesn't mean that the rest of us are similarly burdened.

You may not make it. But the rest of us will. The nation will be fine.

And Trump will be subject to the standards of the law. No matter what annihilation fantasy you cling to.
The only case that is going to be gone through before the election. Is this one and it's falling apart as we speak. How does it feel handing Trump the election, because of you loons stupidity? I hope you don't complain about tactics next year. When biden is on trial.
The only case that is going to be gone through before the election. Is this one and it's falling apart as we speak. How does it feel handing Trump the election, because of you loons stupidity? I hope you don't complain about tactics next year. When biden is on trial.
^^^ lunacy
Half a billion in defamation fines. Six bankruptcies. One on-going trial. Three more (at least) coming. Trump got himself.
Yes Trump was not charged with rape. But a new york jury awarded the woman that didn't know when he raped her millions. Liberal lunacy.
First, says who? Your twitter post with a fake courtroom sketch is unsourced.

Second, why would this be grounds for a mistrial? Why should the matter be 'thrown out entirely'?

A little corroboration.

The actions of the paralegal are attributable to Bragg’s Office. It ought to result (minimally) in the rejection of the exhibit into evidence plus a “curative” legal instruction from the judge to the jury.

I doubt this will happen. This judge isn’t exactly demonstrating a whole lot of fairness in how he rules in this case.

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