One of Dems Most Vocal for Impeachment Says He’s Now Reserving Judgement

Gawd, seek help! The only people who hate the country are Repugs who don't seem to GAF about democracy, free elections, and freedom of speech! They find everything offensive and can't find the positive in ANYTHING! FK 'em all! :aargh:

Of course we don't. That's why the commies are trying to reverse an election.
Sure you do. Didn’t you try to reverse the election in 1998?

Do tell, how do you reverse an election of a person at the end of his second term? You do know perjury is an actual real crime, don't you?
It doesn't matter when at the term it is, you are still attempting to reverse the will of the people and you are setting the stage where any and every every impeachment will now be claimed as attempting a coup. You lot attempted it with Clinton, using your logic.

If an actual "crime" were sufficient grounds for impeachment...regardless of crime but criminal behavior not (after all a sitting president is now exempt from indictment) ... the Constitution would have stated it rather than leave it vague.

I can tell you Nixon's crime even though he was not actually impeached. I can tell you Clinton's crime. I can provide empirical evidence of both. But for the life of me, nobody on the left can tell me of any high crime or misdemeanor that Trump participated in.

Impeachment is (or should be) a serious matter. It should not be used because you felt the voters were wrong when they voted. You should not be using impeachment to get even with anybody. Nobody should be using impeachment to try and remove a President because you fear he may uncover past crimes swept under the rug.

I agree. But I do not agree with the oft repeated claim this all about the election.

If Trump attempted to use his office to coerce a foreign leader to announce an investigation into an American citizen who also just happens to be his most formatable political rival...that is not good nor has it ever been before now. You think it is ok? Wait until a Dem president does it.

What exactly did Clinton do? Perjury in a CIVIL case, obstruction of fact right there is Trump, obstruction. Possible extortion. :dunno:

What are high crimes and misdeamenors?

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
This is just Swalwell's instinctive response---A LIE.

That's funny coming from someone led by a president with 13,000+ documented exaggerations to fk'n outright LIES! :aargh:
Not as funny as someone who says that after your messiah relied on your ignorance, to believe the Obama care lies. So he could get it passed. Or maybe your last presidential, Mrs I dodged sniper fire candidate. Then her husband, I didn't have sexual relations with that girl. Sorry to destroy your glass house, hypocrite.
Trump’s documented record of flat out lying far exceeds that of any modern president. It is time to quit pointing at squirrels and accept the fact.
This is just Swalwell's instinctive response---A LIE.

That's funny coming from someone led by a president with 13,000+ documented exaggerations to fk'n outright LIES! :aargh:
Not as funny as someone who says that after your messiah relied on your ignorance, to believe the Obama care lies. So he could get it passed. Or maybe your last presidential, Mrs I dodged sniper fire candidate. Then her husband, I didn't have sexual relations with that girl. Sorry to destroy your glass house, hypocrite.
Trump’s documented record of flat out lying far exceeds that of any modern president. It is time to quit pointing at squirrels and accept the fact.
Obama lied muliple times about your health insurance, but you're worried about Trump exaggerating about how many Muslims celebrated on 911? Fuck you.
Of course we don't. That's why the commies are trying to reverse an election.
Sure you do. Didn’t you try to reverse the election in 1998?

Do tell, how do you reverse an election of a person at the end of his second term? You do know perjury is an actual real crime, don't you?
It doesn't matter when at the term it is, you are still attempting to reverse the will of the people and you are setting the stage where any and every every impeachment will now be claimed as attempting a coup. You lot attempted it with Clinton, using your logic.

If an actual "crime" were sufficient grounds for impeachment...regardless of crime but criminal behavior not (after all a sitting president is now exempt from indictment) ... the Constitution would have stated it rather than leave it vague.

I can tell you Nixon's crime even though he was not actually impeached. I can tell you Clinton's crime. I can provide empirical evidence of both. But for the life of me, nobody on the left can tell me of any high crime or misdemeanor that Trump participated in.

Impeachment is (or should be) a serious matter. It should not be used because you felt the voters were wrong when they voted. You should not be using impeachment to get even with anybody. Nobody should be using impeachment to try and remove a President because you fear he may uncover past crimes swept under the rug.

I agree. But I do not agree with the oft repeated claim this all about the election.

If Trump attempted to use his office to coerce a foreign leader to announce an investigation into an American citizen who also just happens to be his most formatable political rival...that is not good nor has it ever been before now. You think it is ok? Wait until a Dem president does it.

What exactly did Clinton do? Perjury in a CIVIL case, obstruction of fact right there is Trump, obstruction. Possible extortion. :dunno:

What are high crimes and misdeamenors?

High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation

Perjury to a federal grand jury or judge is a felony, which beats out a misdemeanor.

Trump broke no laws. Even if one could prove quid pro quo, it's been used by many other Presidents in the past. In fact in Joe's case, used by a Vice President. No problems there.

So what we really have is impeachment by mind reading and fortune telling. Fortune telling by stating Trump asked for an investigation of his political rival, and we don't know who his political rival is yet. Mind reading, because in spite of Trump stating he held back aid to make sure the new administration was not corrupt, and wanted other members of the UN to pitch in a little more, the Democrats insisted that was not the case. Because they can read minds, it was leverage to get an investigation, which BTW, never happened either.

So this impeachment is about Thought Police. Trump has every right as the Executive to look into suspicious matters by the past administration. Hunter is a drug addict, kicked out of the military, who didn't know anything about Ukraine, didn't know the language, and landed a job with a company he had no experience in, as the highest paid board member at 83K a month. Sorry, but yes, that's very suspicious given the position his father was in.

You want to talk about what would happen to a Democrat President, if this goes through, then you will see the exact same thing happen to a Democrat President with a Republican led House. They will look for the weakest, most flimsy reason for impeachment just like the Democrats are. And obstruction can be defined by anybody, and an apply to anything.

So just remember in the future, if this is what happens, your party set the precedent for the next Democrat President for impeachment.
They’ve see the report. Now it’s a running retreat.

Swalwell Now Wants to 'Reserve Judgment' When it Comes to Impeachment
He has to play the game. Your fat moron will certainly be impeached.

Yeah, but I follow Swalwell on Twitter and he never holds back when it comes to calling Trump a "dangerous, law-breaking, insane, treasonous, fat moron." So, why would Swalwell suddenly decide to be "judicious" when given yet another chance to trash our esteemed President?
How did Schiff obtain the private phone records of citizens and journalists? Then made those records public.

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