One Of The Most Interesting Cases This Year

I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..

For Gods's just a freak'n cake

He will bake cakes for adulterers, rapists and thieves
But baking for gays is the last straw

They have adulter, rapist and thieve cakes?

They will sell cakes to a pregnant bride, previously married couples, convicted felons.......all sinners

They seem to be very selective in how they apply their Christianity

The bakers have no problem baking cakes to be enjoyed by sinners, gays included, although I'm not here to say that homosexuality is a sin. It is that the message of the cake requires the baker to commit a sin of their own. This has nothing to do with approval or disapproval of same sex marriage. It is a refusal on the part of the baker to commit a sin against his own soul.
Show me in the Bible where it says it is a sin to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding

A pregnant bride is an adulteress in violation of the Ten Commandments.
But she gets a cake
Where do we get all these Nazi bakers in this country?
Nazi bakers? How did you jump to that HUGE correlation? So you must be of the mindset that anyone that disagrees with your viewpoint is a evil fascist. That's a sign of intolerance and just plain childishness. Grow up. And listen to people, ALL people.
As you must know by now, he is a left wing idiot. If the Bolshevik DNC media says something, he vomits it back up on this forum every day. He is your classic dupe.

He is must intolerant, yet he thinks he is very tolerant. Some kind of crazy going on.
All I am seeing is lefty liberals intolerance and their riots and backlash. They are good at dictating and not so good at listening. And they are so BLOOOODY thick headed they are overlooking the forest for the trees. That is why we have Trump as President in chief. There is this HUGE disconnect going in this country.
The Left today is extremely intolerant. We see it all the time and it is not new, but I suspect that Trump makes them even crazier than normal. So they will act violently, then blame Trump for their violent actions. The MSM will cover for them.
Where do we get all these Nazi bakers in this country?
Nazi bakers? How did you jump to that HUGE correlation? So you must be of the mindset that anyone that disagrees with your viewpoint is a evil fascist. That's a sign of intolerance and just plain childishness. Grow up. And listen to people, ALL people.
As you must know by now, he is a left wing idiot. If the Bolshevik DNC media says something, he vomits it back up on this forum every day. He is your classic dupe.

He is must intolerant, yet he thinks he is very tolerant. Some kind of crazy going on.
All I am seeing is lefty liberals intolerance and their riots and backlash. They are good at dictating and not so good at listening. And they are so BLOOOODY thick headed they are overlooking the forest for the trees. That is why we have Trump as President in chief. There is this HUGE disconnect going in this country.
Trump is an admitted adulterer married three times and fathered a child out of wedlock......He not only got a cake but the Christian Right voted for him
I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..

Free people work for whom they please, slaves work for whom they are ordered to work for.

You of the left seek to enslave others. We of the right support liberty.

Simple as that.
I do hope the Court shuts this down. This is exactly the kind of idiotic shit that created Trump.
This happened under your Messiah. Does that make him responsible?

Because I'm used to douchebags like you assuming I'm a liberal, I'll guess that you're referring to Obama? Yeah, I'd place a lot of the blame on him, and more generally on all liberals who think petty concerns like the "right to buy a cake" are worth laws and court cases in the first place.
Bake the cake, but do not have same gender couple displays for the cake tops sitting on the shelves for people to buy. To me, that is a fair enough compromise. If the customers want their cakes to hold a certain meaning, they themselves will have to take care of that part.

God bless you always!!!

Good point, make a one size fits all generic wedding cake and they can put in a 69' Camaro married to the stayed puffed marshmallow man on top. Woopee doo. What a big win for human rights.
Where do we get all these Nazi bakers in this country?
Nazi bakers? How did you jump to that HUGE correlation? So you must be of the mindset that anyone that disagrees with your viewpoint is a evil fascist. That's a sign of intolerance and just plain childishness. Grow up. And listen to people, ALL people.
As you must know by now, he is a left wing idiot. If the Bolshevik DNC media says something, he vomits it back up on this forum every day. He is your classic dupe.

He is must intolerant, yet he thinks he is very tolerant. Some kind of crazy going on.
All I am seeing is lefty liberals intolerance and their riots and backlash. They are good at dictating and not so good at listening. And they are so BLOOOODY thick headed they are overlooking the forest for the trees. That is why we have Trump as President in chief. There is this HUGE disconnect going in this country.
Trump is an admitted adulterer married three times and fathered a child out of wedlock......He not only got a cake but the Christian Right voted for him
They voted for him only because the crazy lady in a pantsuit (that you love), was a thousand times worse.

Why are you not upset about the DNC picking your candidate by nefarious means? Are you stupid?

No need to answer the last question.
Trump is an admitted adulterer married three times and fathered a child out of wedlock......He not only got a cake but the Christian Right voted for him

Oh, and you Stalinists are suddenly the morality police?

Tell me shitflinger, if a gay man runs for office, is it illegal to refuse to vote for him?

What is the position of you of the Khmer Rouge?
They have adulter, rapist and thieve cakes?

They will sell cakes to a pregnant bride, previously married couples, convicted felons.......all sinners

They seem to be very selective in how they apply their Christianity

Why should that not be their choice alone under the 1st Amendment? Compelling slavery seems a bit anti-American, eh?

it isn't a first amendment issue.

or do y ou want to let muslims go to work in a pork store and then refuse to handle pork?

you take a job you or open a business you don't get to discriminate against your clientele.

they could always shut down their store and refuse whatever state license they hold.

hate filled loons are truly nauseating. I thought you creeps went out with the dinosaurs

It is exactly a First Amendment issue....try reading the Bill of Rights do not lose your Constitionally protected Rights simply because you open a business.
First amendment applies to people not businesses

It applies to the people in the businesses, shitflinger.

As does the 13th Amendment - both of which you of the Khmer Rouge flagrantly violate.
I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..
That is because you do not understand people of faith. Idiots generally never do.

If a business owner does not want to do business with you, they should not be forced to do business with you.

Tyranny reigns in America...that nation that used to stand for liberty.
We resolved that....We don't serve negroes thing 50 years ago

The use of force by the government, is never right. Then again, what is government but the use of force?

Time to eliminate government altogether.
I do hope the Court shuts this down. This is exactly the kind of idiotic shit that created Trump.
This happened under your Messiah. Does that make him responsible?

Because I'm used to douchebags like you assuming I'm a liberal, I'll guess that you're referring to Obama? Yeah, I'd place a lot of the blame on him, and more generally on all liberals who think petty concerns like the "right to buy a cake" are worth laws and court cases in the first place.
You assumed I am a douchebag....not nice.

Sorry for referring to Obama as your Messiah.

My point was Obama was POTUS when this incident occurred. You made the idiotic statement that Trump created this shit.

That is really stupid. Right?
Well this man said that making a (wedding) cake is an art. But it's also a business, business aren't allowed to discriminate their clients. I think, in this esoteric case, this fellow SHOULD be able to discriminate because if he is an observant christian and a artist , I am comfortable with that. The free market and capitalism will be the basic decider. Are we comfortable with that? Because it dosen't seem that way.
I do hope the Court shuts this down. This is exactly the kind of idiotic shit that created Trump.
This happened under your Messiah. Does that make him responsible?

Because I'm used to douchebags like you assuming I'm a liberal, I'll guess that you're referring to Obama? Yeah, I'd place a lot of the blame on him, and more generally on all liberals who think petty concerns like the "right to buy a cake" are worth laws and court cases in the first place.
You assumed I am a douchebag....not nice.

Sorry for referring to Obama as your Messiah.

My point was Obama was POTUS when this incident occurred. You made the idiotic statement that Trump created this shit.

That is really stupid. Right?

Your reading skills are lacking.
Imagine no heaven above us, imagine no hell below us. Imagine people that don't cater to politically correct groups. Imagine people risk their business defying current popular paradigms. Imagine people being different expressing themselves. Imagine that.
I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..

For Gods's just a freak'n cake

He will bake cakes for adulterers, rapists and thieves
But baking for gays is the last straw

They have adulter, rapist and thieve cakes?

They will sell cakes to a pregnant bride, previously married couples, convicted felons.......all sinners

They seem to be very selective in how they apply their Christianity
Actually since those people do NOT announce to the world their sins and then continue to practice them while demanding special attention a baker has no idea who they are.
It's cliche to say that the decision will have wide-ranging effects.

Tidal wave of support for Colorado baker hits Supreme Court

world nut daily? :rofl:

1. no one is being forced to promote same sex marriage as the article purports.
2. christian zealots don't get to Jim Crow people whether for color, religion or sexual preference. that's how it works.
3. The Court just decided this garbage. Or do you think with nutter Gorsuch on the Court you'll get a do-over?
The court never decided it never went forward and you call your self a lawyer don't even know the law.
I do hope the Court shuts this down. This is exactly the kind of idiotic shit that created Trump.
This happened under your Messiah. Does that make him responsible?

Because I'm used to douchebags like you assuming I'm a liberal, I'll guess that you're referring to Obama? Yeah, I'd place a lot of the blame on him, and more generally on all liberals who think petty concerns like the "right to buy a cake" are worth laws and court cases in the first place.
You assumed I am a douchebag....not nice.

Sorry for referring to Obama as your Messiah.

My point was Obama was POTUS when this incident occurred. You made the idiotic statement that Trump created this shit.

That is really stupid. Right?

Your reading skills are lacking.
You stated, "This is exactly the kind of idiotic shit that created Trump." Now isn't that really stupid?

Trump is bad enough all by himself. You don't need to make up shit about him.
So all the "turn the other cheek" and "do not do evil to those who wrong you" or "what you do for these my brothers you do also to me". All that stuff is just Jesus' Twitter feed? To be ignored by carpenters and bakers across the land?

All these people that claim to be Christians aren't. They like to say it because it makes them feel good but they don't live it. It's like saying you are part of Raider nation, it's meaningless. All you are doing is rooting for something you identify with, you aren't that thing and never will be.
Let's say a liberal confectioner was asked to bake multiple cakes for christian anti abortionists celebrating anti abortion, were would you go with that? Or a cake that celebrated Nazism or Bestiality? Where do we draw the line here? Because the supreme court seems to just do what liberals want, not common consensus or common sense.

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