One other reason why America is great....

Because in my country (the once great Britain) we don't have a constitution. We don't have a 1st amendment. We make up our laws on the basis of current in-vogue trivial issues. If I posted some of the things I've read and posted on this website on a server based in the UK, I'd be prosecuted (as many have been). I've even tried to find an equivalent website to this one in the UK, but they don't exist, because, I might offend someone and have to (omg how pathetic) say sorry. Guard your 1st amendment and your right to be offensive well - we have lost it. I know this is probably not worthy of a thread, but I just wanted to share this with y'all as a person that lives in the supposed 'mother of all PARLIAments'.

you will find that it originated with what they (the monarchy) wanted for themselves and devolved slowly down to the people. Of course they demand sovereignty and prerogative for themselves too but hold it back from the individual, (dont want competition)

In the US its in black and white but you can pretty much wipe your butt with the 6th 7th and 10th amendments because unless the king (judge) acknowledges it you dont get it.

Free meaning "franchised" speech was originally set up for parliamentary debates to protect the nobles etc debating with regard to government from suit as a result of offending some dickweed kings policy. Articles of Confed here in the US will show it is set up that way here as well, and eventually extended to people at large.

Its no different here than britain just more people fighting it out in court and we have the sedition acts etc.

Free Speech: Shmoop Civics Guide - Shmoop - Google Books

That does not work for insults which are a tort and is purely arbitrary unless they are against the monarchy, and then its dependent on your sedition laws, what the the dingy kingy calls sedition after proving the state (king) has an interest in the first place. thats not legal advice, just information.

you need to look at the way your law stands today, check into prior restraint cases and lower courts are purely administrative btw.

and then if you want to really dig into your law you will find that like in the US its nothing more than a house of cards based on the kings religious beliefs. They literally have no standing to do anything what so ever and the only reason they hold the power they do is because the people do not physically rise up against them. In other words might makes right and daMOB wins

the only reason you lost it is because you became complacent and stopped fighting the mobocracy

people here in the US have done the same thing, we have virtually the same government you do. GW rightfully said the constitution is "nothing but a f*$&% piece of paper" and as distasteful as he was he was 100% correct.

You can wipe your butt with any of this because government is not separated and to the contrary its one giant RICO pyramid scam in you country and ours.

So in america while you would have equal protection under the law however you do not get equal status under the law, no or extremely little difference from your situation in the final analysis. That said equal rights is bolony and its equal status that levels the playing field.
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...for a separation between "USA" and "America"...
--but if we do that then we'll have to dump this thread that began with-- country (the once great Britain)...
--which means we'd need a separation between "UK" and the non-UK citizens of the "British Isles"...

if we are not victims under the brit conquest laws it would have always been that way. However in any brit established legal system everyone is thrown into one basket for the convenience of state.
Because in my country (the once great Britain) we don't have a constitution. We don't have a 1st amendment. We make up our laws on the basis of current in-vogue trivial issues. If I posted some of the things I've read and posted on this website on a server based in the UK, I'd be prosecuted (as many have been). I've even tried to find an equivalent website to this one in the UK, but they don't exist, because, I might offend someone and have to (omg how pathetic) say sorry. Guard your 1st amendment and your right to be offensive well - we have lost it. I know this is probably not worthy of a thread, but I just wanted to share this with y'all as a person that lives in the supposed 'mother of all PARLIAments'.

The UK employs what is known as “parliamentary supremacy” which allows Parliament to override any right otherwise established by law or custom. Indeed, even the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights are subject to the express intervention of Parliament. Thoburn v Sunderland City Council, (2003) QB 151 (Div Ct). Similarly, Canada has the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, and unlike our Constitution, Section One contains the “reasonable limits” clause, which allows the government to limit an individual’s Charter rights. Additionally, the Charter contains what is known as the “notwithstanding clause” which allows the Canadian Parliament or any provincial parliament to override fundamental individual rights.
...for a separation between "USA" and "America"...
--but if we do that then we'll have to dump this thread that began with-- country (the once great Britain)...
--which means we'd need a separation between "UK" and the non-UK citizens of the "British Isles"...
if we are not victims under the brit conquest laws it would have always been that way. However in any brit established legal system everyone is thrown into one basket for the convenience of state.
My post was about Mr. Sauerkraut's complaint that we shouldn't confuse "America" with the USA because the USA is not the only country in the Americas. That's why I was trying to tell him that the UK is not the only country in the British Isles (ask an Irishman) but everyone knew what 8236 was talking about anyway.

My problem is trying to figure out why this matters...
America is great because it´s nearly a third of the landmass of the earth.

America is the name of the double continent. It is divided in the north, the middle and south america.

In the northern part of the double continent called america are the countries Canada, USA and Mexico.

Canada and USA have nearly the same size.

In North America are nearly 450 Million peolpe living. The USA have 2/3 of this citizenship

In middle (or center) America are the countries Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Belize. They have nearly 40 Million people

In South America are the countries Argentinia, Aruba,, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brasilia, Chile, Curaçao, Ecuador, French-Guayana, The Falkland Isles Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, South georgia and the sothern Sandwich islands, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela

South america is nearly as big as north america. The citizenship is also the nearly the same.

In AMERICA are living 350 Million US-Citizens and 600 Million NON-US citizens.

I am curious... Do you complain when people call the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations merely Rhode Island?
America is not great. It once was, but not any more. We used to stand for something. We have lost our way.

Some honest self-reflection in this one...

But containing an implicit call to fix it...

It's a Liberal perspective but a good one nevertheless...
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Because in my country (the once great Britain) we don't have a constitution. We don't have a 1st amendment. We make up our laws on the basis of current in-vogue trivial issues. If I posted some of the things I've read and posted on this website on a server based in the UK, I'd be prosecuted (as many have been). I've even tried to find an equivalent website to this one in the UK, but they don't exist, because, I might offend someone and have to (omg how pathetic) say sorry. Guard your 1st amendment and your right to be offensive well - we have lost it. I know this is probably not worthy of a thread, but I just wanted to share this with y'all as a person that lives in the supposed 'mother of all PARLIAments'.

I think it is worthy, and thank you for your witness. :):):)

I think part of what makes us great was borrowed from the Philosophy of John Locke, and parroted by Madison, Jefferson, Thoreau, and others. Through Liberty, we celebrate and champion Individual spirit, ideal, discovery, invention, and so much more. That's the platform for innovation and growth. Should we lose that, and we are always at risk, we will join on the path to tyranny and totalitarianism. When justice for the individual is past mattering, when weighed against the convenience of the State, we will know we are there. When controlling what people think, say, and do, takes precedence over the interest of preserving truth and justice, we are on that road.
America is not great. It once was, but not any more. We used to stand for something. We have lost our way.

“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

― Alexis de Tocqueville

We have ceased to be good.

This was on the radio in 1964. In the following 49 years, how much has come to pass?

[ame=]If I Were the Devil - (BEST VERSION) by PAUL HARVEY audio restored - YouTube[/ame]
Because in my country (the once great Britain) we don't have a constitution. We don't have a 1st amendment. We make up our laws on the basis of current in-vogue trivial issues. If I posted some of the things I've read and posted on this website on a server based in the UK, I'd be prosecuted (as many have been). I've even tried to find an equivalent website to this one in the UK, but they don't exist, because, I might offend someone and have to (omg how pathetic) say sorry. Guard your 1st amendment and your right to be offensive well - we have lost it. I know this is probably not worthy of a thread, but I just wanted to share this with y'all as a person that lives in the supposed 'mother of all PARLIAments'.

The irony is some Americans might actually prefer parliamentary sovereignty in the context of a direct democracy, as in the UK, as opposed to the American Constitutional Republic.

In the United States many complain about the ‘will of the people’ being ‘overruled’ by ‘activist judges’ who ‘legislate from the bench.’

The pitfall of parliamentary sovereignty, of course, is that there’s little recourse to address the tyranny of the people save that of the democratic process. In theory, if enough Britons oppose laws designed to prosecute those who ‘offend’ others, such laws can be repealed with new elections.

And conversely it can be argued that laws designed to prosecute those who ‘offend’ others are just and valid because they reflect the will of the British people as expressed through the democratic process.

The OP’s point is well-taken, however, as the advantage the American people enjoy stems not just from the Constitution or First Amendment, but our republican form of government which subjects the people solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are indeed incapable of ruling justly.
Because in my country (the once great Britain) we don't have a constitution. We don't have a 1st amendment. We make up our laws on the basis of current in-vogue trivial issues. If I posted some of the things I've read and posted on this website on a server based in the UK, I'd be prosecuted (as many have been). I've even tried to find an equivalent website to this one in the UK, but they don't exist, because, I might offend someone and have to (omg how pathetic) say sorry. Guard your 1st amendment and your right to be offensive well - we have lost it. I know this is probably not worthy of a thread, but I just wanted to share this with y'all as a person that lives in the supposed 'mother of all PARLIAments'.

YOU don't make your laws, do you mate. Most of them are made by the evil, tyranical and corrupt European Union. Don't confuse our Yankee friends - they might get the impression that the UK is still an independent country
Because in my country (the once great Britain) we don't have a constitution. We don't have a 1st amendment. We make up our laws on the basis of current in-vogue trivial issues. If I posted some of the things I've read and posted on this website on a server based in the UK, I'd be prosecuted (as many have been). I've even tried to find an equivalent website to this one in the UK, but they don't exist, because, I might offend someone and have to (omg how pathetic) say sorry. Guard your 1st amendment and your right to be offensive well - we have lost it. I know this is probably not worthy of a thread, but I just wanted to share this with y'all as a person that lives in the supposed 'mother of all PARLIAments'.

But you have a monarchy which can dissolve parliament and expel whatever group threatens the peace and security of the country, like islamic terrorists. We have to 'tolerate' them. You do not have to tolerate anything like islamic terrorists.

Seldom has so much error been condensed in two short lines.

No, the monarch CANNOT dissolve parliament. Until about three years ago the Prime Minister could (technically he would so 'advise' the Queen, who was obliged to follow this 'advice') but now there are fixed term parliaments in the UK.

No the government CANNOT expel people like Islamic terrorists. They sometimes try but are promptly over-ruled by the European Court of Human Rights; this body and the European Court itself are in all respects the supreme court of the UK. The Supreme Court in London is misnamed; it is NOT supreme.

There are a couple of hundred people in prison for terror offences in the UK. Every month or two some are let out and HMG tries to expel those who are not UK citizens. Thy they then appeal to the courts on the grounds that separating them from wives, children - or in one notorious case dog - would breach their 'human rights' The English or Scottish judges, applying EU law, grant their appeal.

So the UK is awash with Islamic terrorists. The Security Service (often called MI5) has between 2 and 3,000 serious suspects to keep under surveillance as best it can. Your Mr Snowden, who some fools consider to be a hero, has made their taks harder.
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Because in my country (the once great Britain) we don't have a constitution. We don't have a 1st amendment. We make up our laws on the basis of current in-vogue trivial issues. If I posted some of the things I've read and posted on this website on a server based in the UK, I'd be prosecuted (as many have been). I've even tried to find an equivalent website to this one in the UK, but they don't exist, because, I might offend someone and have to (omg how pathetic) say sorry. Guard your 1st amendment and your right to be offensive well - we have lost it. I know this is probably not worthy of a thread, but I just wanted to share this with y'all as a person that lives in the supposed 'mother of all PARLIAments'.

But you have a monarchy which can dissolve parliament and expel whatever group threatens the peace and security of the country, like islamic terrorists. We have to 'tolerate' them. You do not have to tolerate anything like islamic terrorists.

Seldom has so much error been condensed in two short lines.

No, the monarch CANNOT dissolve parliament. Until about three years ago the Prime Minister could (technically he would so 'advise' the Queen, who was obliged to follow this 'advice') but now there are fixed term parliaments in the UK.

No the government CANNOT expel people like Islamic terrorists. They sometimes try but are promptly over-ruled by the European Court of Human Rights; this body and the European Court itself are in all respects the supreme court of the UK. The Supreme Court in London is misnamed; it is NOT supreme.

There are a couple of hundred people in prison for terror offences in the UK. Every month or two some are let out and HMG tries to expel those who are not UK citizens. Thy they then appeal to the courts on the grounds that separating them from wives, children - or in one notorious case dog - would breach their 'human rights' The English or Scottish judges, applying EU law, grant their appeal.

So the UK is awash with Islamic terrorists. The Security Service (often called MI5) has between 2 and 3,000 serious suspects to keep under surveillance as best it can. Your Mr Snowden, who some fools consider to be a hero, has made their taks harder.

well thats what happens when the government makes good peoples lives miserable through their inappropriate actions.

ok so

show me where the sovereign divested all rights such that they cannot dissolve the parliamentary system.

Why would anyone believe that in the first place especially brits.
But you have a monarchy which can dissolve parliament and expel whatever group threatens the peace and security of the country, like islamic terrorists. We have to 'tolerate' them. You do not have to tolerate anything like islamic terrorists.

Seldom has so much error been condensed in two short lines.

No, the monarch CANNOT dissolve parliament. Until about three years ago the Prime Minister could (technically he would so 'advise' the Queen, who was obliged to follow this 'advice') but now there are fixed term parliaments in the UK.

No the government CANNOT expel people like Islamic terrorists. They sometimes try but are promptly over-ruled by the European Court of Human Rights; this body and the European Court itself are in all respects the supreme court of the UK. The Supreme Court in London is misnamed; it is NOT supreme.

There are a couple of hundred people in prison for terror offences in the UK. Every month or two some are let out and HMG tries to expel those who are not UK citizens. Thy they then appeal to the courts on the grounds that separating them from wives, children - or in one notorious case dog - would breach their 'human rights' The English or Scottish judges, applying EU law, grant their appeal.

So the UK is awash with Islamic terrorists. The Security Service (often called MI5) has between 2 and 3,000 serious suspects to keep under surveillance as best it can. Your Mr Snowden, who some fools consider to be a hero, has made their taks harder.

well thats what happens when the government makes good peoples lives miserable through their inappropriate actions.

ok so

show me where the sovereign divested all rights such that they cannot dissolve the parliamentary system.

Why would anyone believe that in the first place especially brits.

The limitations on the power of the monarchy really began with the accession of William and Mary in 1688 - the 'Glorious Revolution'. And continued long thereafter to the point where the monarch has no residual power at all. Brits don't 'believe' that; they know it.

The same is true of the monarchy in Sweden where I now live.

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