One particular inconvenient fact about the Hunter Biden laptop

Do you imagine that any VP can just unilaterally fly to a foreign country and make such a clear statement as to what leverage will be brought to bear if they don’t comply without the admin they work for having approved it?

Get real, dupe.
The $1B was already approved, see below. Joey went rogue with his extortion scheme. Don't you find it even a little bit curious that Obama has never backed up the story they concocted?

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The $1B was already approved, see below. Joey went rogue with his extortion scheme. Don't you find it even a little bit curious that Obama has never backed up the story they concocted?

These loan guarantees are approved by the president not Congress. That is the law Congress passed gives the president a wide latitude in approving them or not.

When Joe was bragging about what he did, didn't he say he told the Ukrainians after they questioned his authority to call President Obama to see if he had the authority to make such demands?
Fact is, even without the power of the impeachment inquiry, we already have docs, pics, bank records, SARs, emails, texts, WhatsApp messages, videos, the laptop, whistleblowers, and statements from business partners and clients.

What documents would those be?

Bank records are useless without the underlying documentation as to the deposits made and cheques written. Ditto the SAR reports. They simply say X received $10,000 from China. No idea as to why or what for. Proof of funds received, but if they're declared and taxes paid, you got nothing.

The laptop is not admissable nor is anything in it admissable because there is no chain of custody, and the guy who turned it over to the FBI says that none of the stuff he's seen published was on it when he got it. The laptop he received had no pictures or videos.

Forensic analysis said that 75% of the files it contained were forged. So that eliminates all of the texts, emails, and other documents it containes.

The whistelblowers provided ZERO documents or evidence that Joe Biden was involved or ever knew what business deals his son was involved in. In fact, Devon Archer confirmed that Joe Biden and Hunter NEVER discussed his son's business in any of the more than 20 phone calls or interactions he witnessed over the years.

The so-called "whistleblower" turned out to be a Chinese spy on the run from Interpol.

You have the text message on What's app, which is, again, evidence of nothing. Hunter sent a text message saying his father was with him and didn't like what was going on. But that's not evidence that Joe Biden was with his son, or that he knew what was going on.

None of Hunter's business associates has implicated Joe Biden in anything. In fact, just the opposite. They've all confirmed everything the Bidens have said.
The $1B was already approved, see below. Joey went rogue with his extortion scheme. Don't you find it even a little bit curious that Obama has never backed up the story they concocted?

There was no "going rogue" at all. Joe was SENT to the Ukraine to get the prosecutor fired and he did it. And don't come around here with your lying fake news sources, because you're gonna get fact checked and called out for using bullshit website like this one to back up your lies.

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda

The poster has valid points.

Did you want to address any of them?

I'm sitting here next to my dad wondering why the $5 million we demanded wasn't depositied into our accounts. My father is very upset, we were expecting that. Put the money there today ...

... and it was
There was no "going rogue" at all. Joe was SENT to the Ukraine to get the prosecutor fired and he did it. And don't come around here with your lying fake news sources, because you're gonna get fact checked and called out for using bullshit website like this one to back up your lies.

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda

Exactly. A VP does not have the power to unilaterally do much of anything.

That was Obama Admin policy
These loan guarantees are approved by the president not Congress. That is the law Congress passed gives the president a wide latitude in approving them or not.

When Joe was bragging about what he did, didn't he say he told the Ukrainians after they questioned his authority to call President Obama to see if he had the authority to make such demands?
Yup. In case you haven't figured it out yet, when the man's lips are moving, he's lying. My guess is that he was lying during that filmed event to make him look like a tough guy.
Exactly. A VP does not have the power to unilaterally do much of anything.

That was Obama Admin policy

Biden did, he could declassify documents as VP. He could as a Senator too. Trump didn't have that power as President
There was no "going rogue" at all. Joe was SENT to the Ukraine to get the prosecutor fired and he did it.

Give it shot Lady. No one can provide a document saying it was the obama admin policy, prior to Joey extortion, to have Shokin fired. Let alone he was sent there to get Shokin fired.

And don't come around here with your lying fake news sources, because you're gonna get fact checked and called out for using bullshit website like this one to back up your lies.

  • Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda

Psst, the memo was from Obama's task force on the loan guarantee, not Justthenews.
Yup. In case you haven't figured it out yet, when the man's lips are moving, he's lying. My guess is that he was lying during that filmed event to make him look like a tough guy.
Who? Trump? Yeah we know that
What documents would those be?

Bank records are useless without the underlying documentation as to the deposits made and cheques written. Ditto the SAR reports. They simply say X received $10,000 from China. No idea as to why or what for. Proof of funds received, but if they're declared and taxes paid, you got nothing.

The laptop is not admissable nor is anything in it admissable because there is no chain of custody, and the guy who turned it over to the FBI says that none of the stuff he's seen published was on it when he got it. The laptop he received had no pictures or videos.

Forensic analysis said that 75% of the files it contained were forged. So that eliminates all of the texts, emails, and other documents it containes.

The whistelblowers provided ZERO documents or evidence that Joe Biden was involved or ever knew what business deals his son was involved in. In fact, Devon Archer confirmed that Joe Biden and Hunter NEVER discussed his son's business in any of the more than 20 phone calls or interactions he witnessed over the years.

The so-called "whistleblower" turned out to be a Chinese spy on the run from Interpol.

You have the text message on What's app, which is, again, evidence of nothing. Hunter sent a text message saying his father was with him and didn't like what was going on. But that's not evidence that Joe Biden was with his son, or that he knew what was going on.

None of Hunter's business associates has implicated Joe Biden in anything. In fact, just the opposite. They've all confirmed everything the Bidens have said.
Wow. So much bullshit to protect a man that couldn't give less of the flying fuck about you.
Not in Canada, no, but you don't have laws

I thought you said we're fully controlled by NAZI's and have no freedoms at all??????

It's like Joe "Poopy Pants" Biden - the drolling idiot who is so senile, he doesn't know what day it is, is also the completely corrupt head of the Biden Crime Family, leading his family in a multi-millionaire scheme of bribery, extortion and corruption so sophisticated, that Republicans can't even find the evidence to prove it exists.

Which is it? He can't be both?
I thought you said we're fully controlled by NAZI's and have no freedoms at all??????

It's like Joe "Poopy Pants" Biden - the drolling idiot who is so senile, he doesn't know what day it is, is also the completely corrupt head of the Biden Crime Family, leading his family in a multi-millionaire scheme of bribery, extortion and corruption so sophisticated, that Republicans can't even find the evidence to prove it exists.

Which is it? He can't be both?

You think Republicans are in Canada? Of course you do, Mrs. Kravitz
The quick summary:

There's been no actual evidence presented for any criminal behavior by Hunter Biden or President Biden.

If someone says there is evidence, yet they can't present such evidence, then you can be sure that person is just LyingForTheParty.

Most Republicans now fall into that category. That's why most Republicans here are trying to deflect away from the point.
Well last week Biden was too senile and suffering from dementia...

This week he is a criminal mastermind...

Wonder what Biden will be next week.. Atila the Hun or Puff the magic dragon?

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