One Photo Shows How Quickly Things Change When Religious Zealots Take Over

It's always funny to me when I see posts about trying to free Muslim women from the tyranny of wearing the hijab head and veil face coverings.
When I'm pretty sure these posters have never talked to a muslim woman, but think they are some kind of self-appointed expert on the subject of how muslim women think and feel about their religion and clothes.
It's always funny to me when I see posts about trying to free Muslim women from the tyranny of wearing the hijab head and veil face coverings.
When I'm pretty sure these posters have never talked to a muslim woman, but think they are some kind of self-appointed expert on the subject of how muslim women think and feel about their religion and clothes.

They seem to not be too happy right now.
The debate about evolution? Lots of religious sects still reject science and education.

Not exactly true here. Plenty of people across many religions reject the Theory of Evolution and instead embrace Creation Science.

Evolution is actually a religious doctrine radically embraced by devout Agnostics as well as full blown Atheists.
When the churches got into the H2B worker and "refugee" game I said No Mas to all of them.

Talk about a scam.....They bring those people in and they never even see the church that sponsors them.....They go directly to areas where there is warehousing, light industry, and poultry plants. The churches get what amounts to a "bounty" by employers in the form of donations.

That's just in my AO, hard to tell how widespread it is.....Lots of guys that frequent the morning eatery gave up on their churches for the same reason.

One was a Deacon and he turned them in and was told there was shit-all to be done about it and in fact our 6th District gop congress-critter at the time (Goodlatte R-VA) was paving the way with the state dept. for them.....I've heard Ben Cline (R-VA-6) is no better in that regard.
We put the Shah in place.

In 1920 Churchill and Harris bombed the Iranian Arabs and Kurds will poison gas. The Shah came to power in 1921.

In 1920 Churchill and Harris bombed the Iranian Arabs and Kurds will poison gas. The Shah came to power in 1921.

There was one shah? That's it? No others? The rest is just a mistaken memory?
There was one shah? That's it? No others? The rest is just a mistaken memory?

Go back to 1921 right after Britain gassed them.

Well, he did want to nationalize the oil industry, so...

Nope. The Shah was happy with the status quo. When Mossadgeeg was elected he wanted 50 cents revenue share.. that's what everyone else was getting. The Brits said no and claimed Mossadgeeg was a communist.

That's when he said he would nationalize the Iranian oil business. We sided with the British to continue cheating the Iranians. We tried to assassinate the Mossadgeeg several times, chased him out of Iran, killed their budding democracy, reinstalled the Shah and installed the SAVAK modeled after the Gestapo.
Someone showed me this photo, I was asked where it was. I never would have guessed. No one then thought things would change so drastically so quickly:

Religion. The biggest threat to America, and humanity.
Not the most dangerous to America, but certainly the most dangerous to Iran and Iranian society, at the same time making them dangerous to the world.
Not exactly true here. Plenty of people across many religions reject the Theory of Evolution and instead embrace Creation Science.

Evolution is actually a religious doctrine radically embraced by devout Agnostics as well as full blown Atheists.
You are correct. Dr. David Berlinski, a highly honored mathematician, who wrote the book "The Deniable Darwin" is an avowed agnostic. But that does not stop him from saying the evidence for evolution is completely inadequate and missing. He will not accept the lies and bold claims and mocks the high priests of evolution. Why? Because Gould, Stanley, and company have said there is absolutely no fossil evidence for gradual evolution. They still believe in evolution, but say it must have occurred by huge leaps and bounds and created the "punctuated equilibrium" theory. On the other hand, the larger body still insists evolution had to be gradual despite a serious dearth of fossil evidence.

So isn't that rich.? The most distinguished experts in the field fiercely disagree with one another, and none of them can show how evolution --allegedly-- occurred. But we have to accept the B.S. as students or science teachers, et al. --------------- To the real point: Christians could not care less how God created the world. What troubles us is this --- you can have your groundless evolution as fact, science and educators. Just don't push this insanity that it could have come about without an Intelligent Designer. That's lunacy.
Someone showed me this photo, I was asked where it was. I never would have guessed. No one then thought things would change so drastically so quickly:

Religion. The biggest threat to America, and humanity.
Very odd comparison but it is you and dailykos so pretty much expected.

The only thing you have to fear from US Christians is not being allowed to murder children, being told not to stick your dick in another man’s ass you’ll get a disease like AIDS or Monkey Pox, men can’t become women and probably the most life threatening you… there are only two genders.

Evangelical conservatives with the immoral liar.
What hate filled anti-religion zealots fail to understand is that the Founding Fathers created the 1st Amendment freedom of religion to keep government from creating a state religion like Islam but also giving Americans the freedom to practice any religion they choose.

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