One Photo Shows How Quickly Things Change When Religious Zealots Take Over

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Evangelical conservatives with the immoral liar.
You mean as opposed to "moral' leaders like JFK, LBJ and Bill Clinton? . Or like "truth tellers" like Obama and Biden?
You see, it is really the grand hypocrisy on the left that is the most vile filth we simply cannot stomach.
PS --- Trump, despite his moral failures, did many great things for Christianity and this nation. You being a lefty just cover your ears and eyes and will not accept it.
You mean as opposed to "moral' leaders like JFK, LBJ and Bill Clinton? . Or like "truth tellers" like Obama and Biden?
You see, it is really the grand hypocrisy on the left that is the most vile filth we simply cannot stomach.
PS --- Trump, despite his moral failures, did many great things for Christianity and this nation. You being a lefty just cover your ears and eyes and will not accept it.
Is Trump the model of morality to you? Cover your own ears. He's an immoral liar.
You mean as opposed to "moral' leaders like JFK, LBJ and Bill Clinton? . Or like "truth tellers" like Obama and Biden?
You see, it is really the grand hypocrisy on the left that is the most vile filth we simply cannot stomach.
PS --- Trump, despite his moral failures, did many great things for Christianity and this nation.

He made it the butt of jokes when he went in front of the church and held the Bible upside down.
He made it the butt of jokes when he went in front of the church and held the Bible upside down.
No, that's not it. We know Trump has some flaws. . But what Trump did for the morality of this nation and for the good of this nation can easily be spelled out here. . But after 10 years of denial and hiding from the truth, it is pointless to remind your kind of it. . The die has been cast. . And I do not envy where you stand.
You refuse to understand the points being made. . Why is that? . You are not that dense, you are simply a die-hard lefty who will manipulate the data and cover up so much more data to pretend your people are good for America. . We are not fooled.
I don't agree with you. Get that through your head. Talk about manipulated. Division of church and state should stand and be adhered to. Good for the US.
Someone showed me this photo, I was asked where it was. I never would have guessed. No one then thought things would change so drastically so quickly:

Religion. The biggest threat to America, and humanity.
Daily Kos the biggest threat to intelligence in America. Only the dumbest fucks walking cite it.
…but human rights became non-existent. Women, LGBTQ+ people, and ethnic and religious minorities were instantly subjected to discrimination and violence. Laws were enacted once power was seized that eliminated freedoms their citizens had previously enjoyed, including the taking away of sexual and reproductive rights.
And the Christo-fascist right in the United States seeks to do the same thing.
Theocracies are often reactionary. Think Philadelphia in 1916 when Protestants convened against science and modernity.. You got the Scopes monkey trial.
We threw away the closest we will ever get to Shang Ri La when the Progs took over a half century ago and enacted programs that led to the slow destruction of the Fiat Currency enacted in 1913. There is only so much blood that can be gotten from a stone. And ironically Prog science that is possible with massive quantities to boot.
No, that's not it. We know Trump has some flaws. . But what Trump did for the morality of this nation and for the good of this nation can easily be spelled out here. .

And yet you are unable to.

But after 10 years of denial and hiding from the truth, it is pointless to remind your kind of it. . The die has been cast. . And I do not envy where you stand.

Where do I stand?
Not the most dangerous to America, but certainly the most dangerous to Iran and Iranian society, at the same time making them dangerous to the world.
Religion is a danger to America in that the Christo-fascist right is very much part of the war on America’s democracy – those who seek to conjoin church and state and codify religious dogma into secular law.

We see proof of this with the right’s ‘religious liberty’ lie, measures enacted by Republican lawmakers that discriminate against gay and transgender Americans, and laws passed in red states that violate the reproductive and privacy rights of women.

Indeed, the religious right was the primary force responsible for ending Roe and ushering in draconian laws that jeopardize the health and lives of women.

Religion is in fact the bane of humankind.
Religion is a danger to America in that the Christo-fascist right is very much part of the war on America’s democracy – those who seek to conjoin church and state and codify religious dogma into secular law.

We see proof of this with the right’s ‘religious liberty’ lie, measures enacted by Republican lawmakers that discriminate against gay and transgender Americans, and laws passed in red states that violate the reproductive and privacy rights of women.

Indeed, the religious right was the primary force responsible for ending Roe and ushering in draconian laws that jeopardize the health and lives of women.

Religion is in fact the bane of humankind.
They are nowhere near as powerful as you think, nor will they ever be. It is apparent to everybody, they are a sham, in their political duopolist beliefs, when it comes to politics and would support the devil himself if running on the party ticket. They still talk the talk, but no longer walk the walk, if there is political advantage to be had, at any cost, even their souls.
They are nowhere near as powerful as you think, nor will they ever be. It is apparent to everybody, they are a sham, in their political duopolist beliefs, when it comes to politics and would support the devil himself if running on the party ticket. They still talk the talk, but no longer walk the walk, if there is political advantage to be had, at any cost, even their souls.
The threat to our democracy is real – it’s not hyperbole; and the Christo-fascist right is very much a part of that threat.
You are correct. Dr. David Berlinski, a highly honored mathematician, who wrote the book "The Deniable Darwin" is an avowed agnostic. But that does not stop him from saying the evidence for evolution is completely inadequate and missing. He will not accept the lies and bold claims and mocks the high priests of evolution. Why? Because Gould, Stanley, and company have said there is absolutely no fossil evidence for gradual evolution. They still believe in evolution, but say it must have occurred by huge leaps and bounds and created the "punctuated equilibrium" theory. On the other hand, the larger body still insists evolution had to be gradual despite a serious dearth of fossil evidence.

So isn't that rich.? The most distinguished experts in the field fiercely disagree with one another, and none of them can show how evolution --allegedly-- occurred. But we have to accept the B.S. as students or science teachers, et al. --------------- To the real point: Christians could not care less how God created the world. What troubles us is this --- you can have your groundless evolution as fact, science and educators. Just don't push this insanity that it could have come about without an Intelligent Designer. That's lunacy.
It's like believing if you leave a chuck of marble out in the rain, eventually you'll get another Michaelangelo's David
Religion is a danger to America in that the Christo-fascist right is very much part of the war on America’s democracy – those who seek to conjoin church and state and codify religious dogma into secular law.

We see proof of this with the right’s ‘religious liberty’ lie, measures enacted by Republican lawmakers that discriminate against gay and transgender Americans, and laws passed in red states that violate the reproductive and privacy rights of women.

Indeed, the religious right was the primary force responsible for ending Roe and ushering in draconian laws that jeopardize the health and lives of women.

Religion is in fact the bane of humankind.
Dah Dah. Religion is the opiate of the masses, Komrade. All clear thinking people only worship the State
View attachment 707718

Evangelical conservatives with the immoral liar.
They believe he's a Christian. Just fuckin' mind-blowing.

I don't agree with you. Get that through your head. Talk about manipulated. Division of church and state should stand and be adhered to. Good for the US.
So what is your stupid point? . Your big splash in post #37 is that Trump is some kind of sinner and immoral. . And I said, so what, he did many great things for this nation and for what Christians would like for this nation. . Now you come back here and say church (or religion) should have no business in state affairs. . So then what difference does it matter to you if Trump is immoral or not? . You want it both ways. . Disparage him for being immoral, then come back and tell us immorality or religion should have no bearing on being in charge of state affairs.
So what is your stupid point? . Your big splash in post #37 is that Trump is some kind of sinner and immoral. . And I said, so what, he did many great things for this nation and for what Christians would like for this nation. . Now you come back here and say church (or religion) should have no business in state affairs. . So then what difference does it matter to you if Trump is immoral or not? . You want it both ways. . Disparage him for being immoral, then come back and tell us immorality or religion should have no bearing on being in charge of state affairs.

You admire Trump for wrecking the TPP or crushing US soybean farmers? How about his attempt to extort Ukraine? Maybe you admire him for trashing US intelligence?
jehanne1431 said: No, that's not it. We know Trump has some flaws. . But what Trump did for the morality of this nation and for the good of this nation can easily be spelled out here. .
And yet you are unable to.

Well, since you are acting as though Trump did nothing for Christian wishes, I will submit an old post of mine --- so you won't have to ask again.

Why the left hates Trump and Christians love him.

They hate that he wants to build a wall to stop the insanity at the southern border.

They hate that he wants to stop the immigration of Middle Eastern muslims that went unvetted under Obama. So the democrats find some rogue judge to usurp the president’s powers and stop his directives.

They hate that he has made real efforts to get U.S. corporations to bring jobs back to America and increase manufacturing domestically.

They hate that his initiatives has brought down unemployment dramatically, especially amongst minorities.

They hate that he pulled the U.S. out of the insane nuclear agreement with Iran. By the way, why did Obama secretly fly a plane loaded with 1.5 billion in cash to Iran in the dead of night to avoid being discovered. Such a transparent agreement.

They hate that he finds the trade imbalance with China and others a scandal, so he has the courage to do something about it starting with tariffs.

They hate that he has been strongly on the side of protecting the unborn and trying to stop tax payer funding of Planned Parenthood.

They hate that he is cool to the idea of all these special provisions and laws for transgenders and the promotion of it.

They hate that Trump pulled back hundreds of choking environmental regulations on U.S. businesses making it almost impossible to operate and compete -- as well as greatly increased domestic oil drilling permits.

They hate that Trump pulled the U.S. out of the insane Paris Climate accords saving the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on fighting the climate.

They hate he told NATO to pay up or else, that he told the U.N. to pay up or else. (They both mostly capitulated.)

They hate that he went to Saudi Arabia and told a gathering of Arab state leaders to get their act together on harboring Islamic terrorists. Funny, he got almost no push back from the Arab states but the left in the U.S. and Europe went berserk.

They hate he did what he said he would do and moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Of course, the left MSM freaked out over that one, too.

They hate that their embarrassing Putin/Trump connection has no teeth or evidence.

They hate that Trump has a beautiful wife who is gracious, kind and religious.

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