One step closer to pure dictatorship

By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll also point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.
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By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll akso point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.
The first post after the OP!! :rofl: :laugh2:

By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll akso point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.
Yet the tax collectors were some of the worst sinners.

There is enough to worry about these days without trolling for hysteria with inane cliches. Don't fall for this stuff.
By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll akso point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.

The founders didn't bow to the crown. The defeated it. Yes, the Bible points out that we are to obey the laws of the land but disobey when they contradict it.
Why did you think Trump was the new Hitler?

That was your thread, dumbass. You were the only one on it declaring that Trump was Hitler.

Anways, thanks for confirming that all of the bad behavior comes from your side.

You forget you brought Trump into the discussion. The only dictatorship we see was created on November 3rd 2020 when Bia Dung was illegally elected. Are you claiming that each of the crises caused by this present administration were created by Trump?
You have lost sight in your misplaced hatred for Trump.
Matthew Pandel expresses it best:
"Hate causes one person to enslave another. If mankind has an original sin, it’s hate.​
Hate reaches its zenith when we find ourselves incapable of separating the inherent worth of an individual from our perception that their beliefs and behaviors are foolish. Further, hating the person provides a convenient excuse to avoid the marketplace of ideas altogether, dismissing ideas based on who holds them rather than debating them on their own merits".​
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By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll akso point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.

So WHY do they USE it to further their cause?
WHY do they use it to HIDE behind?
WHY do they use it to intimidate and harass others???
If these restrictions were taking place during Trump's administration AND the perception was that following them would get him re-elected, those like you would bust a gut to ignore, avoid, or outright break them in spite. We watched that movie for four years. Keep pushing and overreaching and the result will be UGLY, no matter what smug little label you attach to it.
By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll akso point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.
Did you miss the verses that commands Kings to maintain a just society?
By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous
There's a lady in a bikini and high heels and the fully clothed decent guy doesn't get any service from Democrats.
I'll akso point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.
Nonsense. The ancient Jews had plenty of popular elections, especially at the time of the Judges before the Kings.
Rome had caeser's and was a democracy.
What's your point?
That the Bible says squat about democracy, so it's kind of crazy to credit democracy to Christianity.

You think just because someone is voted into office they have the right to control every move you make?
What else did the voices tell you I think?

Understand that we can't hear the voices, so you have to tell us what the voices tell you.

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