One step closer to pure dictatorship

By some of the responses to the OP, I'm guessing that there are some that are not in favor with our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Rather than complain, try actually living in any nation with a One-Political-Party only government nation for some time, on their money (you can't bring your own, beyond enough for a couple of days), before thinking its great. Remember this, there has NEVER been any One-Political-Party only government that has not and is not, authoritarian, persecutory, tyrannical and outright murderous....including mass murder. You absolutely must agree with every policy they have......or else. Such nations like to dress their nation's name with friendly words, a good example is:
The "Democratic" "Peoples" "Republic" of Korea.....North Korea. There's Jewel. How about, Lao's Peoples "Democratic" "Republic."
Communists spew an appealing scenario, that if in power, "there will be no classes and all will be the same." Once in power (which they never give up without war), the "people" are hit with the brutal reality, their lives are never free and independent. The state governs your every move. The state determines your occupation. The state governs what you can and can't say. The state governs whether you are allowed to leave the country and that is only for proven true loyalists to the government. If you're not one of those, you have to be smuggled out, or are arrested and/or shot trying to leave. The state which is inefficient, dictates farming and food production. The state owns everything, including whatever residence you are in, not you. Even though it is claimed that health care is free for all, the reality is, that the public still have to take some of their very meager wages and spend them to get some care. Peaceful protests.....forget it. If you do, you'll be arrested. Here, if you protest, if it's peaceful, no big deal. So jump on that nearest transport a a Communist nation near you and spend some time there (a minimum of a couple of years should do it) and come back with all the great "true" tales of how it was.
That the Bible says squat about democracy, so it's kind of crazy to credit democracy to Christianity.

What else did the voices tell you I think?

Understand that we can't hear the voices, so you have to tell us what the voices tell you.
Which nations practice democracy?
How has it worked out since the majority of any given population has no idea what it takes to run a city, let alone a nation.
Rome had caeser's and was a democracy.
What's your point?
You think just because someone is voted into office they have the right to control every move you make?
WOKE FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME, says every left winger.

Especially the white fossil fuel guzzlers like mammoth.

You can trust that.
No, I brought is cult into the discussion. They're different things.

You don't seem quite sane. Because cult.

Funny more is written about Democrat Ideology, Cultism and their tendencies to Socialist Totalitarianism. The pot calling the Kettle black...
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By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll also point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.

The Bible is about the King of Kings

By the way we're a republic, not a democracy.

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Which nations practice democracy?
How has it worked out since the majority of any given population has no idea what it takes to run a city, let alone a nation.
Hence the reason this country was never supposed to be a democracy. Word doesn't appear in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence.

It's a republic. At least it was supposed to be. Voting was never supposed to be just a free right to everyone of age.

Here it comes with their race card. Using it to beat the country down for the global marxists.

Bottom line voting should be for qualified voters who understand the issues and if that means 10 percent of the public then so be it.

However, since the global marxists are carrying out the political correctness strategy to overthrow all free countries, and since voting has become the free willy nilly right, we all become campaign slogans, walking 3 word tropes that turn into ineffective platitudes.

The reason why we are circling the bowl and people like mamooth pass on their brainwashed marxist dreck.

The reason I have so many of them on ignore. We all need to cry for mercy and hope Christ gives it. I know I am truly begging for it. I am no Saint.

Far from it.

Yes great video. Not just Joe Rogan, but this is where it is going.

The overwrought hyperbole of conservatives these days is mind-numbing its willful ignorance and woeful foolishness.

Conservatives need both a history lesson and a practical life-lesson which could easily be accomplished by sending them to REAL dictatorships where their constant 'mouthing off' would probably result in their summary arrest and imprisonment (if they're fortunate) in cold cells with no blankets where the activity of the day would be the beating of the bottoms of their feet by sadistic guards who would take pleasure in their pain.
By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll also point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.

Dumb ass doesn't know the difference between government and private property, of course you don't. You're not smart
The overwrought hyperbole of conservatives these days is mind-numbing its willful ignorance and woeful foolishness.

Conservatives need both a history lesson and a practical life-lesson which could easily be accomplished by sending them to REAL dictatorships where their constant 'mouthing off' would probably result in their summary arrest and imprisonment (if they're fortunate) in cold cells with no blankets where the activity of the day would be the beating of the bottoms of their feet by sadistic guards who would take pleasure in their pain.

Mustang: Just do what we told you to and stop whining about it! It's not a big deal doing what we told you to do!

And the same in reverse, right? You know, like the time you did what conservatives told you to do what they told you to and you did it because it wasn't a big deal? You know, the time ...

... hmm ... I'm drawing a blank. What do you have?
Mustang: Just do what we told you to and stop whining about it! It's not a big deal doing what we told you to do!

And the same in reverse, right? You know, like the time you did what conservatives told you to do what they told you to and you did it because it wasn't a big deal? You know, the time ...

... hmm ... I'm drawing a blank. What do you have?
I don't need to be told to do something that is in my and my family's best interest especially when it's the common sense choice. Aside from the unnecessary deaths, perhaps the worst part of this pandemic is that the refusal of these supposedly freedom-loving lunatics is the fact that their obstinance is preventing the return to normal life that they claim to want.
That the Bible says squat about democracy, so it's kind of crazy to credit democracy to Christianity.

What else did the voices tell you I think?

Understand that we can't hear the voices, so you have to tell us what the voices tell you.
Define democracy.
It’s one person, one vote to elect one person or group that makes the rules.
Tell me what’s so great about that?
I don't need to be told to do something that is in my and my family's best interest especially when it's the common sense choice. Aside from the unnecessary deaths, perhaps the worst part of this pandemic is that the refusal of these supposedly freedom-loving lunatics is the fact that their obstinance is preventing the return to normal life that they claim to want.

So what's your thoughts vaxed individuals contract and spread COVID?
Stupid RWNJ nonsense. Public health measures are not a dictatorship.

Yet these rabid NaziCon antimaskers/antivaxxers are among the first rushing to hospitals when they get COVID-19. Instead of overcrowding hospitals, why don't they just stay at home and suffer the consequences of their ignorance?

Yet these rabid NaziCon antimaskers/antivaxxers are among the first rushing to hospitals when they get COVID-19. Instead of overcrowding hospitals, why don't they just stay at home and suffer the consequences of their ignorance?

View attachment 532345

Probably because they pay taxes, have health insurance and it's against the law for hospitals to deny treatment
When did the public lose their centuries old abilities to protect and govern their own health? How did that proven skill just evaporate?
What libbies don’t know is that when I take care of my health, then yours is taken care of also. But, that’s not good enough for these falsely frightened control freaks
By those standards, "No shirt, no shoes, no service" is dictatorship. The Trump cult victimhood tapdance is beyond ridiculous.

I'll also point out the Bible says nothing about democracy, and instead is all about obeying kings. Christianity has jack to do with democracy.

Thanks for proving you totally missed the message of the video. I guess your hate has clouded your drug addled mind.

I don't need to be told to do something that is in my and my family's best interest especially when it's the common sense choice. Aside from the unnecessary deaths, perhaps the worst part of this pandemic is that the refusal of these supposedly freedom-loving lunatics is the fact that their obstinance is preventing the return to normal life that they claim to want.

So who is preventing you from doing what is in your view of your family's best interest? No one.

The problem is you telling other people what is in our family's interest and forcing us to do it, Gestapo Boy.

I got the shot as did everyone in my family. That was my choice for my family. From there, go fuck yourself and stay away from my family's choices

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