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One Term Donnie

Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.
Look at some of the posts on this board since this attack.

Suddenly, many Trumpsters who had strangely turned into peaceniks the day he came down the escalator are back to the way they were when they were shouting for Bush to turn the Middle East into a parking lot. Overnight, literally.

This isn't about HIM. He's just a symptom. It's about THEM.
Agreed. Itā€™s sad that so many Americans cling to their chosen political party, rather than be true to themselves. The hypocrisy on the left and right couldnā€™t be more evident.

I hold out hope that there enough thinking Americans who voted for him because of his anti-war pronouncements, will now withdraw their support and make him a one term potus.

Have you noticed that those on the left and the right respond any differently when you tell them that they are no different from each other?
Iā€™m use to being attacked by those on the left and right. Anyone who opposes their ignorance will be attacked.

Yes. I get that. Youā€™ve made that clear.

My question references the nature of the attacks. Do you find any differences there?
Not really both sides are unhinged and their beliefs arenā€™t based on the facts.

When O was in office the left supported him unconditionally...now the right is doing the same thing with Dumb Don. I had hopes that those on the right werenā€™t as ignorant and hypocritical but here too, I was wrong.
I donā€™t know if Trump will get re-elected. But the killing of Soleimani certainly wonā€™t hurt. The guy is responsible for the death of hundreds of Americans, and Americans like when the President is tough against terrorists.

The only caveat to that is if tensions escalate dramatically. Iran will retaliate. If we get into a full-blown shooting war, then Trump could be in trouble because the nation doesnā€™t want it. But I doubt that will happen.
Totally stupid and uninformed, but typical of the dumb American who gets all his information from the government and billionaires.

Please read and refute any of this.
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

youā€™re going to post the ramblings of some unknown & more importantly uncredentialed blogger...got it:abgg2q.jpg:
Refute them, rather than be an ignoramus.
Look at some of the posts on this board since this attack.

Suddenly, many Trumpsters who had strangely turned into peaceniks the day he came down the escalator are back to the way they were when they were shouting for Bush to turn the Middle East into a parking lot. Overnight, literally.

This isn't about HIM. He's just a symptom. It's about THEM.
Agreed. Itā€™s sad that so many Americans cling to their chosen political party, rather than be true to themselves. The hypocrisy on the left and right couldnā€™t be more evident.

I hold out hope that there enough thinking Americans who voted for him because of his anti-war pronouncements, will now withdraw their support and make him a one term potus.

Have you noticed that those on the left and the right respond any differently when you tell them that they are no different from each other?
Iā€™m use to being attacked by those on the left and right. Anyone who opposes their ignorance will be attacked.

Yes. I get that. Youā€™ve made that clear.

My question references the nature of the attacks. Do you find any differences there?
Not really both sides are unhinged and their beliefs arenā€™t based on the facts.

When O was in office the left supported him unconditionally...now the right is doing the same thing with Dumb Don. I had hopes that those on the right werenā€™t as ignorant and hypocritical but here too, I was wrong.


As you so grossly misjudged Donny, is it possible that you have grossly misjudged Obama?

Likewise, is it possible that you have miscalculated when it comes to the depth of the partisan hackery on the left and the right?
Letā€™s hope Americans vote out this warmonger in November. He has lost his mind.
Don't count on it, like I said earlier George W. actually started a completely unnecessary war using fabricated justifications and easily cruised to re-election in 2004.

Also consider that Donny probably isn't the real warmonger in this case, the REAL warmongers aren't elected they're appointed "advisers", career bureaucrats, private "contractors" and creatures living in "think tanks". Thus the problem isn't the douche bag we choose to put in the oval office it's the SYSTEM that surrounds the oval office that is the real source of our propensity for war.

The Donald is now yet another American president ensnared in the kind of tit-for-tat trap that is the modus operandi of Empire First.
Stockman certainly hit the nail on the head; "Empire First" should be the the new national motto it's certainly far more apropos than "In God We Trust" , after all if we trusted in God we wouldn't need to go gallivanting around the globe murdering foreigners just to please the cabal of warmongering psychopaths that inhabit the Federal Government.
Letā€™s hope Americans vote out this warmonger in November. He has lost his mind.
Don't count on it, like I said earlier George W. actually started a completely unnecessary war using fabricated justifications and easily cruised to re-election in 2004.

Also consider that Donny probably isn't the real warmonger in this case, the REAL warmongers aren't elected they're appointed "advisers", career bureaucrats, private "contractors" and creatures living in "think tanks". Thus the problem isn't the douche bag we choose to put in the oval office it's the SYSTEM that surrounds the oval office that is the real source of our propensity for war.

The Donald is now yet another American president ensnared in the kind of tit-for-tat trap that is the modus operandi of Empire First.
Stockman certainly hit the nail on the head; "Empire First" should be the the new national motto it's certainly far more apropos than "In God We Trust" , after all if we trusted in God we wouldn't need to go gallivanting around the globe murdering foreigners just to please the cabal of warmongering psychopaths that inhabit the Federal Government.

^^^^^ This is how a person absolves a president of his responsibility as CIC^^^^
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.
With people like you and others that is why I admire the tenacity of people killing other in mass shooting here. As long as it is not me and people I know to protect, it is enjoyable. A growing amount of people feel that way also. The bowels of Suey Porker pigs is our way now. Careers based on the destruction of others. But in the end there is vengeance. One way or the other. You guys represent the failures of nations of the world that tried the intelligesta elites styles of government systems with disarray the final outcome. And the removal of smiles by the human element until peace is restored with comforts of living.
Don't eat the brown acid!
Agreed. Itā€™s sad that so many Americans cling to their chosen political party, rather than be true to themselves. The hypocrisy on the left and right couldnā€™t be more evident.

I hold out hope that there enough thinking Americans who voted for him because of his anti-war pronouncements, will now withdraw their support and make him a one term potus.

Have you noticed that those on the left and the right respond any differently when you tell them that they are no different from each other?
Iā€™m use to being attacked by those on the left and right. Anyone who opposes their ignorance will be attacked.

Yes. I get that. Youā€™ve made that clear.

My question references the nature of the attacks. Do you find any differences there?
Not really both sides are unhinged and their beliefs arenā€™t based on the facts.

When O was in office the left supported him unconditionally...now the right is doing the same thing with Dumb Don. I had hopes that those on the right werenā€™t as ignorant and hypocritical but here too, I was wrong.


As you so grossly misjudged Donny, is it possible that you have grossly misjudged Obama?

Likewise, is it possible that you have miscalculated when it comes to the depth of the partisan hackery on the left and the right?
Tulsiā€™s right...

Pompeo keeps saying: "The world is safer as a result of the bold action President Trump took." It is not. It undermines our national security, strengthening AQ & ISIS. We must demand with one voice: bring our troops home from Iraq & Syria now. #NoWarWithIran #StandWithTulsi
Letā€™s hope Americans vote out this warmonger in November. He has lost his mind.
Don't count on it, like I said earlier George W. actually started a completely unnecessary war using fabricated justifications and easily cruised to re-election in 2004.

Also consider that Donny probably isn't the real warmonger in this case, the REAL warmongers aren't elected they're appointed "advisers", career bureaucrats, private "contractors" and creatures living in "think tanks". Thus the problem isn't the douche bag we choose to put in the oval office it's the SYSTEM that surrounds the oval office that is the real source of our propensity for war.

The Donald is now yet another American president ensnared in the kind of tit-for-tat trap that is the modus operandi of Empire First.
Stockman certainly hit the nail on the head; "Empire First" should be the the new national motto it's certainly far more apropos than "In God We Trust" , after all if we trusted in God we wouldn't need to go gallivanting around the globe murdering foreigners just to please the cabal of warmongering psychopaths that inhabit the Federal Government.

^^^^^ This is how a person absolves a president of his responsibility as CIC^^^^

^^^^^ This is how a hyper-partisan dingbat wholly enmeshed in the political crime family brainwashing apparatus tries to FIX THE BLAME instead of worrying about identifying the ROOT CAUSE of the PROBLEM^^^^:rolleyes:
Agreed. Itā€™s sad that so many Americans cling to their chosen political party, rather than be true to themselves. The hypocrisy on the left and right couldnā€™t be more evident.

I hold out hope that there enough thinking Americans who voted for him because of his anti-war pronouncements, will now withdraw their support and make him a one term potus.

Have you noticed that those on the left and the right respond any differently when you tell them that they are no different from each other?
Iā€™m use to being attacked by those on the left and right. Anyone who opposes their ignorance will be attacked.

Yes. I get that. Youā€™ve made that clear.

My question references the nature of the attacks. Do you find any differences there?
Not really both sides are unhinged and their beliefs arenā€™t based on the facts.

When O was in office the left supported him unconditionally...now the right is doing the same thing with Dumb Don. I had hopes that those on the right werenā€™t as ignorant and hypocritical but here too, I was wrong.


As you so grossly misjudged Donny, is it possible that you have grossly misjudged Obama?

Likewise, is it possible that you have miscalculated when it comes to the depth of the partisan hackery on the left and the right?
You need to recognize you are no different from the Trumpers, as you support a WELL KNOWN WARMONGER unconditionally. How is Ears any different from dumb Don? Both are warmongers, corporatists, and liars.

You seem to think you are better than Trumpers, because you recognize Donnie is a terrible asshole. Yet, you ignorantly cling to the absurd belief O is great. WTF.

i'm wondering how much basket dwelling warriors are willing to sacrifice for this clusterfuck that is starting to spiral outa control?

$5 a gallon of gas?

how'z about a draft? are you willing to go & fight? why not enlist now huh?

if yer too old, how'z about yer kid? grand kids?

how'z about protecting israel along with our own backs? you know they could be hit - & of course they will hit back - escalating the possibilities of a scenario turning thermal.

c'mon - let's hear y'all - speak up!

i'm wondering how much basket dwelling warriors are willing to sacrifice for this clusterfuck that is starting to spiral outa control?

$5 a gallon of gas?

how'z about a draft? are you willing to go & fight? why not enlist now huh?

if yer too old, how'z about yer kid? grand kids?

how'z about protecting israel along with our own backs? you know they could be hit - & of course they will hit back - escalating the possibilities of a scenario turning thermal.

c'mon - let's hear y'all - speak up!
I fear they will support him no matter what.

He commits a wag the dog, needlessly escalating tensions, cold blooded killing a general who put down ISIS, lies about the general calling him a terrorist who is planning an imminent attack...and on and on, yet they still believe. Itā€™s Biblical in nature.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

Good job on questioning the official story regarding the killing of Soleimani, the war hawk establishment in Washington never bats an eye about telling the BIG LIE in order to get their way, it isn't the guy in the Oval Office you have to worry about, it's the military industrial complex and all its warmongering sycophants that inhabit Washington that are the real problem. Personally I don't buy the story coming out of Washington and being parroted by the media, too many things don't make sense about this.

However I think you're probably mistaken regarding the effect this will have on Donny's re-election chances; Georgey Boy campaigned on non-interventionism and no nation building yet started a war on blatantly false premises and cruised to re-election without a hitch, O'Nimrod wasn't much better, he talked a good game but when it came time to shed blood overseas he kowtowed to War Inc. like the good little politician he is and was easily re-elected.

All in all this probably helps Donny get re-elected since the American people just love it when a President goes all John Wayne and starts killing evil foreigners with smart bombs.

"We like war! We're a war-like people! We like war because we're good at it! You know why we're good at it? Cause we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already, we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country so we're good at it! And it's a good thing we are; we're not very good at anything else anymore! Huh? Can't build a decent car, can't make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right! Huh? Especially if your country is full of brown people; oh we like that don't we? That's our hobby! That's our new job in the world: bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the fuck out or we'll goddamn bomb them!" -- George Carlin

Thank you Congresswoman Ihlan Omar!

BTW, that was from 1992!
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

Good job on questioning the official story regarding the killing of Soleimani, the war hawk establishment in Washington never bats an eye about telling the BIG LIE in order to get their way, it isn't the guy in the Oval Office you have to worry about, it's the military industrial complex and all its warmongering sycophants that inhabit Washington that are the real problem. Personally I don't buy the story coming out of Washington and being parroted by the media, too many things don't make sense about this.

However I think you're probably mistaken regarding the effect this will have on Donny's re-election chances; Georgey Boy campaigned on non-interventionism and no nation building yet started a war on blatantly false premises and cruised to re-election without a hitch, O'Nimrod wasn't much better, he talked a good game but when it came time to shed blood overseas he kowtowed to War Inc. like the good little politician he is and was easily re-elected.

All in all this probably helps Donny get re-elected since the American people just love it when a President goes all John Wayne and starts killing evil foreigners with smart bombs.

"We like war! We're a war-like people! We like war because we're good at it! You know why we're good at it? Cause we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already, we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country so we're good at it! And it's a good thing we are; we're not very good at anything else anymore! Huh? Can't build a decent car, can't make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right! Huh? Especially if your country is full of brown people; oh we like that don't we? That's our hobby! That's our new job in the world: bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the fuck out or we'll goddamn bomb them!" -- George Carlin

Thank you Congresswoman Ihlan Omar!

BTW, that was from 1992!
The year matters not. Profound statements are timeless.

Letā€™s hope Americans vote out this warmonger in November. He has lost his mind.
Don't count on it, like I said earlier George W. actually started a completely unnecessary war using fabricated justifications and easily cruised to re-election in 2004.

Also consider that Donny probably isn't the real warmonger in this case, the REAL warmongers aren't elected they're appointed "advisers", career bureaucrats, private "contractors" and creatures living in "think tanks". Thus the problem isn't the douche bag we choose to put in the oval office it's the SYSTEM that surrounds the oval office that is the real source of our propensity for war.

The Donald is now yet another American president ensnared in the kind of tit-for-tat trap that is the modus operandi of Empire First.
Stockman certainly hit the nail on the head; "Empire First" should be the the new national motto it's certainly far more apropos than "In God We Trust" , after all if we trusted in God we wouldn't need to go gallivanting around the globe murdering foreigners just to please the cabal of warmongering psychopaths that inhabit the Federal Government.

Those fabrications were by the Iraqis, in hopes of scaring Iran as to their capabilities.

Also, he did not "cruise" to reelection". If Ohio had gone the wrong way, John "F-ing" Kerry would have been President.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

Good job on questioning the official story regarding the killing of Soleimani, the war hawk establishment in Washington never bats an eye about telling the BIG LIE in order to get their way, it isn't the guy in the Oval Office you have to worry about, it's the military industrial complex and all its warmongering sycophants that inhabit Washington that are the real problem. Personally I don't buy the story coming out of Washington and being parroted by the media, too many things don't make sense about this.

However I think you're probably mistaken regarding the effect this will have on Donny's re-election chances; Georgey Boy campaigned on non-interventionism and no nation building yet started a war on blatantly false premises and cruised to re-election without a hitch, O'Nimrod wasn't much better, he talked a good game but when it came time to shed blood overseas he kowtowed to War Inc. like the good little politician he is and was easily re-elected.

All in all this probably helps Donny get re-elected since the American people just love it when a President goes all John Wayne and starts killing evil foreigners with smart bombs.

"We like war! We're a war-like people! We like war because we're good at it! You know why we're good at it? Cause we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already, we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country so we're good at it! And it's a good thing we are; we're not very good at anything else anymore! Huh? Can't build a decent car, can't make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right! Huh? Especially if your country is full of brown people; oh we like that don't we? That's our hobby! That's our new job in the world: bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the fuck out or we'll goddamn bomb them!" -- George Carlin

Thank you Congresswoman Ihlan Omar!

BTW, that was from 1992!

Speaking of bloodthirsty warmongers .... :rolleyes:

Criticizing warfare never fails to summon them; pentagram optional.
Thatā€™s right. He wonā€™t be re-elected. His cowardly and enormously stupid cold blooded killing of the general has needlessly inflamed the region, and now Americans will die.

He campaigned on nonintervention, just as his two lying predecessors did, but now we know he too is a liar.

Donnie just made Sniify Joe look like a foreign policy expert. God help us.

Good job on questioning the official story regarding the killing of Soleimani, the war hawk establishment in Washington never bats an eye about telling the BIG LIE in order to get their way, it isn't the guy in the Oval Office you have to worry about, it's the military industrial complex and all its warmongering sycophants that inhabit Washington that are the real problem. Personally I don't buy the story coming out of Washington and being parroted by the media, too many things don't make sense about this.

However I think you're probably mistaken regarding the effect this will have on Donny's re-election chances; Georgey Boy campaigned on non-interventionism and no nation building yet started a war on blatantly false premises and cruised to re-election without a hitch, O'Nimrod wasn't much better, he talked a good game but when it came time to shed blood overseas he kowtowed to War Inc. like the good little politician he is and was easily re-elected.

All in all this probably helps Donny get re-elected since the American people just love it when a President goes all John Wayne and starts killing evil foreigners with smart bombs.

"We like war! We're a war-like people! We like war because we're good at it! You know why we're good at it? Cause we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already, we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country so we're good at it! And it's a good thing we are; we're not very good at anything else anymore! Huh? Can't build a decent car, can't make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right! Huh? Especially if your country is full of brown people; oh we like that don't we? That's our hobby! That's our new job in the world: bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya, you got some brown people in your country, tell them to watch the fuck out or we'll goddamn bomb them!" -- George Carlin

Thank you Congresswoman Ihlan Omar!

BTW, that was from 1992!

Speaking of bloodthirsty warmongers .... :rolleyes:

Criticizing warfare never fails to summon them; pentagram optional.

I oppose war in this case, but the Iranians seem hell bent on it.

Now, how about addressing the errors in your thinking and outright lies that have been illustrated.

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