One way to be attacked is to say you are a Republican .. lessons by a former democrat

Yes he was broke. But look at how fast his corrupt speeches turned him into a very rich person. By the the way, due to the Democrats Clinton is a target of his own laws and pays much more taxes due to democrats. This does not prove Democrats loved him. They loved forcing him to pay much more in taxes.
Corrupt speeches lol? Books paid more....What Dem taxes lol? We have a giveaway to the rich GOP national tax system, dupe.
I am not looking for a Prom Date, I want someone who can lead. dims can not. They've proven that innumerable times. The last leader we had that was a dem was FDR and his style was to stay out of the way. Truman was okay, at best.

As for your personal life? If it were me, I'd find new friends.

As to family? Holidays woud be about the most I'd spend with them. Been there, done that, sold the T-Shirt.

Some change. Always do. But they won't change until THEY want to change.

It's just so easy to be a dimocrap. You don't have to think for yourself, Pop Culture does it for you. You don't have to stand on prinicples, they have none. You don't have to be judgemental because -- Again: They have no principles.

The daughter wants to be a boy? Excuses. The Wife cheats on the husband? Excuses. Kid spends $100k getting a degree in Gender studies and can't pay the loan back? Excuses.

Everything is just so easy when you're a dimocrap. You don't want to live that way? Good on you. They do? Let them. Otherwise, they'll take you down with them.
I have told this at other times. I grew up in a 100 percent Democratic party home. I had no relatives I recall who voted for Republicans. It took me until I was 42 around 1980 to wake up and be a Republican. I live with my stepson who voted Republican. We are not about to vote for Democrats. Democrats have the main principle of being who has created most of the poor laws lived under in the USA. Their aim is complete control over the citizens. They suck them in and change how thinking happens. They however are not lacking in cleverness. They have managed to control the majority of the media. They cause a huge amount of harmony to turn into hate. Unions the control are not for the worker, they are for the party. They in effect will be our version of communists.
Corrupt speeches lol? Books paid more....What Dem taxes lol? We have a giveaway to the rich GOP national tax system, dupe.
Since Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in 2001, they have turned political fame into a personal fortune, raking in more than $240 million, according to a FORBES analysis of 15 years of their tax returns.

Bill made most of the money, earning $189 million by writing books, giving speeches, consulting private companies and advising billionaire Ron Burkle. Days after his presidency ended, he earned $125,000 for a speech at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. in New York, according to a financial disclosure form Hillary filed as a senator in 2002. It was the first of hundreds of paid speeches that collectively made him an estimated $106 million over 15 years.

In 2004 he published his bestselling memoir My Life, one of the former president’s four titles. Clinton earned an estimated $38 million as an author from 2001 to 2015.

In addition to the high-profile books and speaking gigs, he quietly earned several million dollars offering consulting to private companies. He made $15 million advising billionaire Ron Burkle’s investment firm Yucaipa and another $24 million consulting for-profit education companies Laureate Education and GMS Education.
I have told this at other times. I grew up in a 100 percent Democratic party home. I had no relatives I recall who voted for Republicans. It took me until I was 42 around 1980 to wake up and be a Republican. I live with my stepson who voted Republican. We are not about to vote for Democrats. Democrats have the main principle of being who has created most of the poor laws lived under in the USA. Their aim is complete control over the citizens. They suck them in and change how thinking happens. They however are not lacking in cleverness. They have managed to control the majority of the media. They cause a huge amount of harmony to turn into hate. Unions the control are not for the worker, they are for the party. They in effect will be our version of communists.
There are journalists looking for the truth and there's Admitted lying scumbag GOP propagandists. Try news. Leftists are few lol...
Since Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in 2001, they have turned political fame into a personal fortune, raking in more than $240 million, according to a FORBES analysis of 15 years of their tax returns.

Bill made most of the money, earning $189 million by writing books, giving speeches, consulting private companies and advising billionaire Ron Burkle. Days after his presidency ended, he earned $125,000 for a speech at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. in New York, according to a financial disclosure form Hillary filed as a senator in 2002. It was the first of hundreds of paid speeches that collectively made him an estimated $106 million over 15 years.

In 2004 he published his bestselling memoir My Life, one of the former president’s four titles. Clinton earned an estimated $38 million as an author from 2001 to 2015.

In addition to the high-profile books and speaking gigs, he quietly earned several million dollars offering consulting to private companies. He made $15 million advising billionaire Ron Burkle’s investment firm Yucaipa and another $24 million consulting for-profit education companies Laureate Education and GMS Education.
None of it Trump...
Corrupt speeches lol? Books paid more....What Dem taxes lol? We have a giveaway to the rich GOP national tax system, dupe.
Bill and Hillary are the Rich. I believe you tell us how corrupt the Rich are. Ergo They are the corrupt Democrats talk about. And he and her are in this giveaway you complain about.
Bill and Hillary are the Rich. I believe you tell us how corrupt the Rich are. Ergo They are the corrupt Democrats talk about. And he and her are in this giveaway you complain about.
GOP rich tend toward lying swine lately. Dem rich want to raise the taxes on the rich again and invest in America again...
There are journalists looking for the truth and there's Admitted lying scumbag GOP propagandists. Try news. Leftists are few lol...
Those Journalists you laud work at FOX news. I am here as an honest poster. I urge Democrats to change to that kind of honesty.

You whine about the Rich. But I bring a good example and then you defend the very Rich as you defended the ultra rich Bill and Hillary Clinton.
GOP rich tend toward lying swine lately. Dem rich want to raise the taxes on the rich again and invest in America again...
In a flash you went to being a hypocrite when you defend the Clintons who are good examples of the ultra rich. Show them trying to pay higher income taxes. I don't think you can. But you defend the rich. No doubt that you do.
I’m amazed that anyone would bother to engage with this cretin
He has presented his argument to me plus you and I are far different people in that I enjoy talking to more intelligent Democrats.
In a flash you went to being a hypocrite when you defend the Clintons who are good examples of the ultra rich. Show them trying to pay higher income taxes. I don't think you can. But you defend the rich. No doubt that you do.
Dem rich DUHHH
Those Journalists you laud work at FOX news. I am here as an honest poster. I urge Democrats to change to that kind of honesty.

You whine about the Rich. But I bring a good example and then you defend the very Rich as you defended the ultra rich Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Fox are admitted propagandists and liars.
1. How can you deny that Clinton is corrupt? When the Judge hammered him for about $900,000, Supposedly Clinton was too broke to pay.

General Tommy Franks book explains Iraq and Afghanistan very well and it is not him blaming Bush. Franks told Bush not to mess with the war that Franks would do it.

I was not expecting you gave a shit about the Ambassador. Neither did Hillary. she said so.

You assumed I got news from FOX. Well perish that crazy thought.

I got mine from CSPAN watching the actual hearings.

Democrats think Biden is honest.

Bullshit. We know better. And watch him wear stripes in prison. Thank you Cspan

I watch the Republicans embarass themselves in the Hearings too.

No judge "hammered him for $900,000". The judge dismissed the case "with prejudice" which means Jones couldn't refilie the case, and had to pay Clinton's legal bills. The Republican law firm appealled the dismissal, just as the House impeached Clinton, and he settled the Jones case to focus on the impeachment.

In a ruling that shocked both sides, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright rejected all of Jones's claims stemming from her 1991 encounter with Clinton in a hotel suite. Even if Clinton did make a crude proposition, the judge concluded that it would not constitute sexual assault and that there was no proof Jones was emotionally afflicted or punished in the workplace for rebuffing him. "There are no genuine issues for trial in this case," she wrote.

In a flash you went to being a hypocrite when you defend the Clintons who are good examples of the ultra rich. Show them trying to pay higher income taxes. I don't think you can. But you defend the rich. No doubt that you do.

The Clintons give most of their income to their charity which has provided life saving AIDS drugs to children in Third World countries. Further the Clintons have pledged to give all of their money to charity on their deaths.

Neither of them have EVER BEEN charged with any crimes at all, despite the Republicans carrying out investigations of everything they've ever done, or that the Republicans have accused them of doing.

Unlike Trump who has now been indicted for 91 crimes, all of which he freely admits on national television. Trump just claims some imaginary right to do whatever he wants because he was President, or rich, or both.
I watch the Republicans embarass themselves in the Hearings too.

No judge "hammered him for $900,000". The judge dismissed the case "with prejudice" which means Jones couldn't refilie the case, and had to pay Clinton's legal bills. The Republican law firm appealled the dismissal, just as the House impeached Clinton, and he settled the Jones case to focus on the impeachment.

Dragon was right that the fine was not $900,000. Chalk that up to the case being old and my memory not perfect. Her memory is not good since she wrongly stated what happened to Clinton.

This is what Clinton paid in a Fine.

Bill Clinton did write a large settlement check, but that money went to Paula Jones and not Monica Lewinsky,

In 1994, Paula Jones filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill Clinton. Thar case dragged on for four years (while Clinton was serving as President) before it was finally settled in November 1998 with a check for $850,000:

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