One way to be attacked is to say you are a Republican .. lessons by a former democrat

Fox are Neo-Cons.

Neo-Cons have nothing to do with Trump. In fact they rather hate his guts.

So there it is, another lie from the leftard lie factory.

Nothing to do with Trump???? He phoned into the network almost daily while in office. They promoted his lies about "Caravans" of migrants, birtherism, and the stolen election.

FOX has paid out $875 million dollars for knowingly lying to the American people on behalf of Donald Trump, and then you try to say that I'm lying.

People on the left aren't as stupid as gullible as you are. But thanks for proving you're an idiot.
How you break up with the Democrats?

Democrats are very fucked in their heads and have wild imaginations as to what a Country means.

As a lifelong independent , it was easy for me to choose the R party ,simply due to what the D's are voting for in my small inconsequential state.

The D's rule both houses veto proof w/rino governor here......we've literally a one party system

The R's are almost non existent , outmanned, outmoneied ,and demonized by local partisan rags for recently regrouping , i've been voted local delegate

we are the underdog voice of conservatism being censored , silenced , discredited , abused by a disingenuous totalitarian regime

wish us luck......

Corrupt speeches lol? Books paid more....What Dem taxes lol? We have a giveaway to the rich GOP national tax system, dupe.
Then you should be all for a flat tax....If we tax everyone at say 15% from dollar one, with no caps, and no write offs, wouldn't that be fair?
As a lifelong independent , it was easy for me to choose the R party ,simply due to what the D's are voting for in my small inconsequential state.

The D's rule both houses veto proof w/rino governor here......we've literally a one party system

The R's are almost non existent , outmanned, outmoneied ,and demonized by local partisan rags for recently regrouping , i've been voted local delegate

we are the underdog voice of conservatism being censored , silenced , discredited , abused by a disingenuous totalitarian regime

wish us luck......

I understand. I left my home state of California in 2019 and live now in Idaho. Idaho is like a breath of fresh air. CA is ruled by Democrats. Idaho has a Democrat mayor of Boise and I live next door to Boise so do not get the crap here that they get in Boise. Democrats made the decision long ago to run cities. This is not recently. Their plans work. They are not good plans, but the locals, say in Boise, keep them in power. My local roads were already excellent and a lot better than those in California. California was earlier on a good place to live. Those days are gone. I hope for CA sake they return.
As a lifelong independent , it was easy for me to choose the R party ,simply due to what the D's are voting for in my small inconsequential state.

The D's rule both houses veto proof w/rino governor here......we've literally a one party system

The R's are almost non existent , outmanned, outmoneied ,and demonized by local partisan rags for recently regrouping , i've been voted local delegate

we are the underdog voice of conservatism being censored , silenced , discredited , abused by a disingenuous totalitarian regime

wish us luck......


Well that was sufficiently vague and uninformative. No links and not even the name of the state. This could have been written by AI - it says absolutely nothing, but with such authority!!!

What specific policies are you opposing? What things are Democrats voting for that offends you so deeply you can't even tell us.

When you speak of the "voice of conservatism" being silenced, what exactly is it being prevented from saying.
Well that was sufficiently vague and uninformative. No links and not even the name of the state. This could have been written by AI - it says absolutely nothing, but with such authority!!!
Vermont is a small (pop about that of Boston) state Dlady , we don't rate much attention
What specific policies are you opposing? What things are Democrats voting for that offends you so deeply you can't even tell us.
well we could get into the issues, most of which are national anyways, but more the point we are currently a dem stronghold where dem policy is virtually unopposed

at least up to recent times where, the Reps are regrouping
When you speak of the "voice of conservatism" being silenced, what exactly is it being prevented from saying.
Just as the OP states , having an opinion that hails from the weaker party pointing out the flaws of the one in power is a sure fire way to get one's self in a pickle

Usually one is accused of being in league with their platforms 'neo' wackadoodles , and summarily dismissed

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I understand. I left my home state of California in 2019 and live now in Idaho. Idaho is like a breath of fresh air. CA is ruled by Democrats. Idaho has a Democrat mayor of Boise and I live next door to Boise so do not get the crap here that they get in Boise. Democrats made the decision long ago to run cities. This is not recently. Their plans work. They are not good plans, but the locals, say in Boise, keep them in power. My local roads were already excellent and a lot better than those in California. California was earlier on a good place to live. Those days are gone. I hope for CA sake they return.

Democrats didn't "make a decisisions to run cities". Republican ideologies don't work on practical matters - like keeping the garbage picked up and the potholes filled. The Republican Party has ceased to be capable of runninng anything, other than into the ground.

Look at the mess in the public education system in red states! They blame it on the teacher's unions.

I was commenting on my last trip to Toronto that the city looks dirty and run down. 12 years of Conservative mayors who cut maintenance, repairs and outsourced city services to keep taxes from going up.
Actually you simply would be banned from robbing them.

The rich aren't being robbed. Quite the contrary. You're subsidizing their low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps.

Wealthy Americans get a far far bigger cut of the economic pie than any other first world country. 80% of the wealth of the nation is owned by the top 10%. They only get 50% in Norway, and 40% in Canada.
The rich aren't being robbed. Quite the contrary. You're subsidizing their low wage workers through earned income credits and food stamps.

Wealthy Americans get a far far bigger cut of the economic pie than any other first world country. 80% of the wealth of the nation is owned by the top 10%. They only get 50% in Norway, and 40% in Canada.
Why does it concern you living in a different country? Jealous?
I was born into a completely locked down Democrat family. My sister still is a loyal Democrat. I have family still devoted to the Democrats. I delivered newspapers at different times for 1 local news, 2 national news. Since I carried the news to my customers, I also read the news. I wanted to know more and more. Still a loyal Democrat. I get shocked if a Democrat poster says he liked Eisenshower. I was used to my family hating him as president yet appreciating his war efforts. But the man was hated. So when Democrats say they like him, I am pretty skeptical. I hated Nixon. Why? I was expected to. I could first vote since then the law was you must be 21 and here I was. I voted for John Kennedy. Did I love him? Be serious. I was ultra loyal to all Democrats. if the Democrats shit in the street on a front porch, I loved him. I was expected to.

The press was much more honest than now. FOX may not suit Democrats but they work hard to tell the truth. Do they love Trump? They do not love him. I don't love him. I do not even like his actions when he talks. To me he is a loudmouth bragging jerk.

So why is he good for the USA?
Because he is the right man. Simple as that.

I wish everybody would attend church. Not to be a member of my church, but just to try to be nice. I think those going to any church show more respect in general. Democrats are not raised to be respectful if you are not a Democrat. They are raised to hate. It comes from their days waging war against Lincoln. They kept it up with the KKK and Wilson and FDR. We all know of their racism. I was not a Democrat for race reasons. I do not think today all Democrats are that because of race. I think the democrats promote it in order to get votes. I do not believe their jim crow days are over. They today love making laws. I did not know that when I was one. But factually their main thing is making laws. Tax laws, war laws, how you can say or at least used to say woman. When I was one, a woman was a woman. now the Democrats denigrate them into birthing machines.

How you break up with the Democrats?

Study for a while. Thomas Paine explained the colonists reasons. Those were good reasons. England at the time were Today's Democrats. And you know America freed itself from England? Sure you know. So do as the colonists did and free yourself from the law making Democrats. You will be hated. But not by good people.
You love H.A.R.M.
so who's surprised?

What the GOP really stands for?


all driven by the GOP primary platform plank...

Yes he was broke. But look at how fast his corrupt speeches turned him into a very rich person...
By corrupt one presumes you mean he used the Oxford comma.


That you guys post stuff like this an actually believe you're being cogent is too hilarious.
GOP vs DEM platform has evolved juxtaposed to a generation ago......~S~
Why does it concern you living in a different country? Jealous?

Everything that happens in the USA affects the rest of the world. When W crashed the US economy, he nearly took the rest of the world's economies down with it.

I live 30 miles from the US border. EVERYTHING you clowns do affects the rest of the world. We wish you were a whole lot smarter than you've been lately. Since you made a sharp turn to the right in 1980, working American have been shit on over and over again, and you seem to like it, because you keep voting for Republicans.

What you do, and who runs your country has a tremendous impact on the rest of the world. Stop electing idiots like W and Trump!!!
Everything that happens in the USA affects the rest of the world. When W crashed the US economy, he nearly took the rest of the world's economies down with it.

I live 30 miles from the US border. EVERYTHING you clowns do affects the rest of the world. We wish you were a whole lot smarter than you've been lately. Since you made a sharp turn to the right in 1980, working American have been shit on over and over again, and you seem to like it, because you keep voting for Republicans.

What you do, and who runs your country has a tremendous impact on the rest of the world. Stop electing idiots like W and Trump!!!
Ok, so we’ve determined that you (not an American) love dems…So, as an American I say with all love in my heart for our neighbors to the north, Bud out.

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