One Year After the Greatest Steal in History

"They have to want to find it first...
Ah, yes. All those Republican legislatures (Michigan's comes to mind first); all those Republican DA's, prosecutors, and financial funders......just didn't want to find fraud?
Who knew?

Maybe Chinese but not Americans. No way.

The above is a comment about the 81 million votes cast for our current President.
The good poster 'SayWho'....suggests it wasn't Americans.
It was Chinese.

I love this bar.
We have winners.
We have _______.
Poster Rambunctious offers: 'They have to want to find election fraud.'

"And you already know that's not going to happen."

Well, let's just do a re-cycle. A sequel. A redux.

Like this:
"Ah, yes. All those Republican legislatures (Michigan's comes to mind first); all those Republican DA's, prosecutors, and financial funders......just didn't want to find fraud?

Who knew?"
"Any honest examination of what happened in the critical swing states demands the conclusion of extensive election tampering. Call it what you will, it happened and the Democrats orchestrated it."

Ah, good poster Mike, why just shrilly whine about it anonymously under a fake name on a narrow-gauge internet chatroom?
Have you taken your convictions to the local election officials?
If not, why not?

Have you taken your convictions to the nearest FBI office?
If not, why not?

I don't wish to embarrass you about apparent noisy inaction...rather, I'm trying to help you be a better you.

Don't be one of those ineffectual complaining tourists who live on a keyboard.....rather than riding the surfboard of an actual active life.

We wish you the best and hope you can be a more effective you. :thup: :thup:
I agree. When she lost to Trump she threw a fit. Broke things and got drunk. She had to send Pedesto out there cause she couldn't be bothered to thank her supporters.

Honorably and peacefully my ass.
"When she lost to Trump she threw a fit. Broke things and got drunk.
Good poster Claudette can't do it.
If she can't show it didn't happen.

Hey, poster Claudette, it's all right to fib once in a while.
We are all friends here, so no harm no foul.

Rather, most all posters are just relieved you no longer hafta rely on the f-bomb to articulate your political ideas.

Y'know, it seems to me that "the greatest steal in history" has only been pulled off because the following people and groups have said the "proof" doesn't measure up:

Trump's Justice Department, Trump's IHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican election officials and state Supreme Courts.

Trumpsters, isn't that conspiracy a bigger deal? How did Trumpism and the Trump administration become infiltrated with evil Hitler Soros Deep State Swamp commies?
Oh, what could have been. How much greater would America be?

---One year ago today President Donald Trump was in the process of being elected to the greatest Presidential win in US history. Then the greatest steal in world history came crashing down on America. ---

Oh what nonsense.

You people just keep repeating the same crap, day in, day out. It's so fucking TIRING.

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