Only 2% of Americans have gotten latest COVID shot. What happened to the PRO VAXXERS?

Refuse to see WHAT nubag? Your baseless claims?

You like anecdotes?

I've got one for you: I deal with many athletes locally, hundreds. Never heard of a single one having any issues due to vaccination.

If you have data or studies to support your assertions then lets have it.
FROM Covid.

Straight excess death statistics (which is not diagnosis based) clearly show that.

It doesn't differentiate correlation from causation .. sorry. When people with advanced stages of terminal diseases and other comorbidities were dying, with COVID .. we all know that's BS.
Serious medical studies showed that vaccination greatly reduced odds of hospitalization and other Covid-19 complications.

What I post is not grandstanding, it is evidence based mainstream medical facts.

What you post is ignorant nutbag bullshit.
Covid shot reduced death once hospitalized. It did not hinder it from becoming serious enough to put you into the hospital but once there you Were less likely to die than the unvaccinated,
To the mere 6% of all cases that required hospitalization, it was of benefit
Serious medical studies showed that vaccination greatly reduced odds of hospitalization and other Covid-19 complications.

What I post is not grandstanding, it is evidence based mainstream medical facts.

What you post is ignorant nutbag bullshit.
Believe what you want, the Big Pharma needs to get paid back, and with the help
of the government and the well paid medical field they will attain that.
My reasoning for not getting it has everything to do with the negative effects
I received when I did get spiked. That has nothing to do with ignorance, nor nutbag bullshit.

Might want to dial down your snarks, it really does expose ignorance
Citizens have come to realize that the Covid shots are ineffective and can actually can cause health issues.
I have had occasion to travel to Canada (twice) and Ireland this year and I was surprised that I did not see even ONE mask in either country while in the US I see them daily albeit sparingly.
That’s right, you’ve got nothing.
You don't keep up with the topic at hand and you don't/won't believe anything anyone posts if it conflicts with your view. But..i might give it a shot..just to see you do the usual.

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You don't keep up with the topic at hand and you don't/won't believe anything anyone posts if it conflicts with your view. But..i might give it a shot..just to see you do the usual.

Yes dumbass, nowdays anytime an athlete dies it's big news in the nutbag bubble.

"news" however is not a serious medical study make.

Yes dumbass, nowdays anytime an athlete dies it's big news in the nutbag bubble.

"news" however is not a serious medical study make.

they were forced into vaxxines DUMBASS
You are the one spreading lies and misinformation that killed hundreds of thousands

Actually it was More Deaths Than Trump *Joe that killed hundreds of thousands with his “ Get the shot you won’t get Covid” lie. How many went to visit their grandparents and aunts and uncles thinking they couldn’t have Covid ? Lying To Get Elected *Joe is responsible for all those deaths.
Prove that Joe knew he was lying.
LMAO! The vegetable didn't know where he was when he woke up this a.m. The people who told him what to say knew it was a lie and he said it anyway. He is not relieved of responsibility because he is either to stupid or demented--nor does it relieve YOU of responsibility for voting for him.
It's an interesting logic problem for the vaxxed who don't want to get vaxxed again but stand by their initial vaxxes. LOL
Maybe because two years ago a million Americans died of COVID and millions more were hospitalized
Colorado motorcyclist hits tree and dies. Autopsy shows Covid positive.
Cause of death? Covid-19. Hospitals get an extra 20K from the government if they hook you up to a ventilator.
Hook them up, blow the lungs out. Next patient please.

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