Only 2 real "parties" in the US...but who represents those who suffer @ the hands of both?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I have been the victim of dim policies and... well, on the R side, all it has been is disappointment in one or two issues NOT being addressed... not polices I didn't like

But anyhow, i get the feeling there are a lot of americans who could say/write what I just said/wrote

in other words, the truth seems to be "somewhere in between"

But few seem to focus on the issues that are in between.. or the ones neither party bothers to address. One issue that comes to mind is .. all the people living on the streets, some of whom are there because rent is way too high.. Frankly, something needs to be done... don't normally believe in price controls. . but why should an already-wealthy person make big $$ while others are living on the street?

and that is jusst one of many issues..
I have been the victim of dim policies and... well, on the R side, all it has been is disappointment in one or two issues NOT being addressed... not polices I didn't like

But anyhow, i get the feeling there are a lot of americans who could say/write what I just said/wrote

in other words, the truth seems to be "somewhere in between"

But few seem to focus on the issues that are in between.. or the ones neither party bothers to address. One issue that comes to mind is .. all the people living on the streets, some of whom are there because rent is way too high.. Frankly, something needs to be done... don't normally believe in price controls. . but why should an already-wealthy person make big $$ while others are living on the street?

and that is jusst one of many issues..
I agreed with you right up until you attacked people that chose to work hard and make money,,
There isnt anyone who represents me.
I support true equality, liberty and constitutional limitations on the federal government.
Thats why you see me talk shit about everyone. Lolz

Only 2 real "parties" in the US...but who represents those who suffer @ the hands of both?​

I have been the victim of dim policies and... well, on the R side, all it has been is disappointment in one or two issues NOT being addressed... not polices I didn't like
I can say exactly the same thing for my own part.
But anyhow, i get the feeling there are a lot of americans who could say/write what I just said/wrote

in other words, the truth seems to be "somewhere in between"
There's no "in between" and there's no compromise. Unfortunately the Republicans have no interest in stepping in to save us where the Democrats have ruined our lives, and even Republican (RINO) cops insist on laying theirs and other peoples' sins to our account against us.
I am a Trump voting Conservative, but to read my posts, many on my side would call me a liberal. I like splitting down the line, and seeing both views on any stories. I don't buy into a lot of "conservative (I used quotation marks because a lot of these guys are just fire breathing pot stirrers) conspiracies, much like I don't buy into Liberal conspiracies. Everyone has their own spin on something, so yeah, the truth is somewhere in between.

A bit right of center of course. :)
I can say exactly the same thing for my own part.

There's no "in between" and there's no compromise. Unfortunately the Republicans have no interest in stepping in to save us where the Democrats have ruined our lives, and even Republican (RINO) cops insist on laying theirs and other peoples' sins to our account against us.
please elaborate on that last thing..
I am a Trump voting Conservative, but to read my posts, many on my side would call me a liberal. I like splitting down the line, and seeing both views on any stories. I don't buy into a lot of "conservative (I used quotation marks because a lot of these guys are just fire breathing pot stirrers) conspiracies, much like I don't buy into Liberal conspiracies. Everyone has their own spin on something, so yeah, the truth is somewhere in between.

A bit right of center of course. :)
thanks for the reminder.. that most Americans are center right... as Fox News once said... who knows what they are saying lately... can't watch.. not sure I am missing much?
please elaborate on that last thing..
Sins are crimes for which the Christian Democrats insist on punishing and punishing and punishing us for in a screwed up system of the "church law of Christ" — which is an abysmal failure of the separation of church and state.

Namely because of altogether too much prostitution among the congregation of the said church(es) — hookers and their patrons talk about Jesus all the time, and the Jews don't help thr situation with a Christian church either with their insistence on a bloody circumcision which is only offered as an alternative to abortion, dilatation and curettage of a woman's insides.
I have been the victim of dim policies and... well, on the R side, all it has been is disappointment in one or two issues NOT being addressed... not polices I didn't like

But anyhow, i get the feeling there are a lot of americans who could say/write what I just said/wrote

in other words, the truth seems to be "somewhere in between"

But few seem to focus on the issues that are in between.. or the ones neither party bothers to address. One issue that comes to mind is .. all the people living on the streets, some of whom are there because rent is way too high.. Frankly, something needs to be done... don't normally believe in price controls. . but why should an already-wealthy person make big $$ while others are living on the street?

and that is jusst one of many issues..
Any candidate with the intention of truly representing the voters will never be elected.

Such a candidate would be much too truthful, and would require voters to accept facts that are too harsh to face.

The candidate’s unwillingness to tell the comforting lies the overwhelming majority of voters demand from their politicians makes it a near impossibility to get honest representation.

In short, voters in the United States elect the corrupt liars that soothe their emotional needs, or feed their hates and prejudices, or both 99.9% of the time.

A truthful politician in the U.S. forces the voters look at themselves much too closely. So that candidate is not electable.


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