Only 33% of 1,969 mile U.S./Mexico border fenced...but Obama's pen gave "permisos"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
When Obama signed the DACA decree -- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to stay in this country if they came at a young age -- created, in effect, a magnet for young people to try to enter the U.S. illegally.

The main reason the subjects chose this particular time to migrate to the United States was to take advantage of the "new" U.S. "law" that grants a "free pass" or permit (referred to as "permisos") being issued by the U.S. government to female adult OTMs traveling with minors and to UACs. (Comments: The "permisos" are the Notice to Appear documents issued to undocumented aliens, when they are released on their own recognizance pending a hearing before an immigration judge.) The information is apparently common knowledge in Central America and is spread by word of mouth, and international and local media. A high percentage of the subjects interviewed stated their family members in the U.S. urged them to travel immediately, because the United States government was only issuing immigration "permisos" until the end of June 2014…The issue of "permisos" was the main reason provided by 95% of the interviewed subjects.
On immigrant surge, White House story falls apart |

Through a combination of fences and patrols. The Department of Homeland Security has fenced off 651 miles of the 1,969-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico. The barriers are mostly near urban areas and international bridges; the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency uses patrols to guard the more remote borderlands in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The agency — currently larger than it's ever been, with over 58,000 personnel — spends $4 billion a year protecting the southwestern border with the help of 16,875 vehicles, 269 aircraft, 300 watercraft, and 300 camera towers. It even uses aerial drones to enhance the scrutiny. President Obama says that the U.S. has now "strengthened border security beyond what many believed was possible." Senate Republicans, though, say they won't agree to immigration reform until the border is better protected. "We must follow through on the broken promises of the past to secure our borders and enforce our laws," said Sen. Marco Rubio.
What would it take to secure the U.S.-Mexico border? - The Week
Apache attack helicopter with night vision could help secure that other 67%.
It only makes sense that Obama's decree to not deport children, would send a message out that if children can sneak in, they are home free.
Whether or not that is true is irrelevant, it's the perception, and Obama has created it.

Once and for all, if you want our borders better secured, and you are against any kind of amnesty, YOU HAVE TO STOP VOTING FOR DIMOCRATS !!!
It only makes sense that Obama's decree to not deport children, would send a message out that if children can sneak in, they are home free.
Whether or not that is true is irrelevant, it's the perception, and Obama has created it.

Once and for all, if you want our borders better secured, and you are against any kind of amnesty, YOU HAVE TO STOP VOTING FOR DIMOCRATS !!!
And how many Administrations has the GOP had to secure the borders in the last 60 years? Hint, they've been in charge more than the Dems...

1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1954 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1955 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1956 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1957 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1958 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1961 John F. Kennedy Democrat
1962 John F. Kennedy Democrat
1963 John F. Kennedy Democrat
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1965 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1967 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1969 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1970 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1971 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1972 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1973 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1974 Gerald Ford Republican
1975 Gerald Ford Republican
1976 Gerald Ford Republican
1977 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1978 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1979 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1980 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1981 Ronald Reagan Republican
1982 Ronald Reagan Republican
1983 Ronald Reagan Republican
1984 Ronald Reagan Republican
1985 Ronald Reagan Republican
1986 Ronald Reagan Republican
1987 Ronald Reagan Republican
1988 Ronald Reagan Republican
1989 George Bush Republican
1990 George Bush Republican
1991 George Bush Republican
1992 George Bush Republican
1993 Bill Clinton Democrat
1994 Bill Clinton Democrat
1995 Bill Clinton Democrat
1996 Bill Clinton Democrat
1997 Bill Clinton Democrat
1998 Bill Clinton Democrat
1999 Bill Clinton Democrat
2000 Bill Clinton Democrat
2001 George W. Bush Republican
2002 George W. Bush Republican
2003 George W. Bush Republican
2004 George W. Bush Republican
2005 George W. Bush Republican
2006 George W. Bush Republican
2007 George W. Bush Republican
2008 George W. Bush Republican
2009 Barack Obama Democrat
2010 Barack Obama Democrat
2011 Barack Obama Democrat
2012 Barack Obama Democrat
2013 Barack Obama Democrat
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One of the agents commented that he had been working this sector for many years and has never seen anything like this flood of minors.
Another agent said he had recently been assigned temporary duty to this sector from another sector in Texas because of the volume of illegal crossings in the Rio Grande Sector.There are over 600 Border Patrol agents working in the Rio Grande Sector at this time, according to a Border Patrol agent.
Breitbart Texas Witnesses 4-Year-Old Who Crossed Border

Why NOW??
When Obama signed the DACA decree -- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to stay in this country if they came at a young age -- created, in effect, a magnet for young people to try to enter the U.S. illegally.
On immigrant surge, White House story falls apart |
Eradicate them like the pest that they are.

A shame the Native Americans didn't take your advice.

And kill off the redskins' golden goose?
Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.
There's little need for any member of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe to work.
Each adult in the 460-person American Indian nation receives more than $1 million a year - for doing nothing.
Oh and by the way I like any black using the term niggra can use the term "redskin" as I'm part American indian!
And my relatives also lived with "redskins" during the 1800s.
Eradicate them like the pest that they are.

A shame the Native Americans didn't take your advice.

And kill off the redskins' golden goose?
Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.
There's little need for any member of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe to work.
Each adult in the 460-person American Indian nation receives more than $1 million a year - for doing nothing.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe: Casino revenue pays each member $1million a year | Mail Online
It would have been a lot less, if we didn't slaughter them...
It only makes sense that Obama's decree to not deport children, would send a message out that if children can sneak in, they are home free.
Whether or not that is true is irrelevant, it's the perception, and Obama has created it.

Once and for all, if you want our borders better secured, and you are against any kind of amnesty, YOU HAVE TO STOP VOTING FOR DIMOCRATS !!!
And how many Administrations has the GOP had to secure the borders in the last 60 years? Hint, they've been in charge more than the Dems...

1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1954 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1955 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1956 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1957 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1958 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
1961 John F. Kennedy Democrat
1962 John F. Kennedy Democrat
1963 John F. Kennedy Democrat
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1965 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1967 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Democrat
1969 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1970 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1971 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1972 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1973 Richard M. Nixon Republican
1974 Gerald Ford Republican
1975 Gerald Ford Republican
1976 Gerald Ford Republican
1977 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1978 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1979 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1980 Jimmy Carter Democrat
1981 Ronald Reagan Republican
1982 Ronald Reagan Republican
1983 Ronald Reagan Republican
1984 Ronald Reagan Republican
1985 Ronald Reagan Republican
1986 Ronald Reagan Republican
1987 Ronald Reagan Republican
1988 Ronald Reagan Republican
1989 George Bush Republican
1990 George Bush Republican
1991 George Bush Republican
1992 George Bush Republican
1993 Bill Clinton Democrat
1994 Bill Clinton Democrat
1995 Bill Clinton Democrat
1996 Bill Clinton Democrat
1997 Bill Clinton Democrat
1998 Bill Clinton Democrat
1999 Bill Clinton Democrat
2000 Bill Clinton Democrat
2001 George W. Bush Republican
2002 George W. Bush Republican
2003 George W. Bush Republican
2004 George W. Bush Republican
2005 George W. Bush Republican
2006 George W. Bush Republican
2007 George W. Bush Republican
2008 George W. Bush Republican
2009 Barack Obama Democrat
2010 Barack Obama Democrat
2011 Barack Obama Democrat
2012 Barack Obama Democrat
2013 Barack Obama Democrat

And ONLY OBAMA signed the following:

When Obama signed the DACA decree -- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to stay in this country if they came at a young age -- created, in effect, a magnet for young people to try to enter the U.S. illegally.
Which then caused THIS:

The main reason the subjects chose this particular time to migrate to the United States was to take advantage of the "new" U.S. "law" that grants a "free pass" or permit (referred to as "permisos") being issued by the U.S. government to female adult OTMs traveling with minors and to UACs. (Comments: The "permisos" are the Notice to Appear documents issued to undocumented aliens, when they are released on their own recognizance pending a hearing before an immigration judge.) The information is apparently common knowledge in Central America and is spread by word of mouth, and international and local media. A high percentage of the subjects interviewed stated their family members in the U.S. urged them to travel immediately, because the United States government was only issuing immigration "permisos" until the end of June 2014…The issue of "permisos" was the main reason provided by 95% of the interviewed subjects.
On immigrant surge, White House story falls apart |
Please someone, anyone, tell me what is our end game?

What in the hell would immigration reform do? If we give amnesty to those who have already violated the existing law isn't that just going to increase the number crossing the border?

Is the goal to empty Mexico and Central America of all their unemployed, diseased, and mentally ill? Is there a finite number of them so we know when the madness will end?

Really, honestly what is our goal?
Do we really have enough in the US to support all these new people? It isn't like immigration always was, where people were expected to make it on their own. Now they flock here because they know they don't have to make it on their own, at least in my opinion. Why else would people flock to a country that the left wing so vilifies? Our health care, our maternity leave, or treatment of our vets, our dependence on foreign oil. All the things that the left vilifies the US over why in the hell would anyone want to come to such a country?
A shame the Native Americans didn't take your advice.

And kill off the redskins' golden goose?
Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.
There's little need for any member of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe to work.
Each adult in the 460-person American Indian nation receives more than $1 million a year - for doing nothing.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe: Casino revenue pays each member $1million a year | Mail Online
It would have been a lot less, if we didn't slaughter them...

How many were actually "slaughtered"???
FACTS... Strange how the are counter to the MYTHS that people like you and the MSM perpetuate!

On the 2010 census 0.9 percent of the U.S. population identified themselves as being Native American (or Alaskan Native).[1] No conclusive evidence exists to determine how many native people lived in North America before the arrival of Columbus.[2][3]

As the direct result of infectious diseases, wars between tribes, wars with Europeans, migration to Canada and Mexico,
declining birth rates, and of assimilation, the numbers of Native Americans dropped to below one million in the 19th century.

Scholars believe that the main causes were new infectious diseases carried by European explorers and traders.
Native Americans had no acquired immunity to such diseases, which had been chronic in Eurasian populations for over five centuries.[4] For instance, some estimates indicate case fatality rates of 80–90% in Native American populations during smallpox epidemics.[5]

From the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1894): "The Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number.
They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians."[6]
American Indian Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One estimate is that 90% of the population decrease after 1492 was due to disease. Another estimate puts the death by disease at 3,500,000 Native Americans.

That figure rested in turn on the work of the anthropologist Henry Dobyns, who in 1983 had estimated the aboriginal population of North America as a whole at 18 million and of the present territory of the United States at about 10 million.History News Network | Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?

So once again hyperbole, MYTHS, blowing out of proportion WITHOUT ANY Proof seems to be the purview of people like YOU!
Please someone, anyone, tell me what is our end game?

What in the hell would immigration reform do? If we give amnesty to those who have already violated the existing law isn't that just going to increase the number crossing the border?

Is the goal to empty Mexico and Central America of all their unemployed, diseased, and mentally ill? Is there a finite number of them so we know when the madness will end?

Really, honestly what is our goal?
You don't have a "goal". Capitalism loves cheap labor and they do work Americans won't do so when there are jobs they come right across your uncontrolled border. For 60 years you've done nothing serious to fix this issue and now you have another huge population well-establish here who are Americans in all but name only. If you want to change that it's a huge bill to do so and the capitalists don't want it done, so it isn't...
And kill off the redskins' golden goose?
Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.
There's little need for any member of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe to work.
Each adult in the 460-person American Indian nation receives more than $1 million a year - for doing nothing.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe: Casino revenue pays each member $1million a year | Mail Online
It would have been a lot less, if we didn't slaughter them...

How many were actually "slaughtered"???
FACTS... Strange how the are counter to the MYTHS that people like you and the MSM perpetuate!

On the 2010 census 0.9 percent of the U.S. population identified themselves as being Native American (or Alaskan Native).[1] No conclusive evidence exists to determine how many native people lived in North America before the arrival of Columbus.[2][3]

As the direct result of infectious diseases, wars between tribes, wars with Europeans, migration to Canada and Mexico,
declining birth rates, and of assimilation, the numbers of Native Americans dropped to below one million in the 19th century.

Scholars believe that the main causes were new infectious diseases carried by European explorers and traders.
Native Americans had no acquired immunity to such diseases, which had been chronic in Eurasian populations for over five centuries.[4] For instance, some estimates indicate case fatality rates of 80–90% in Native American populations during smallpox epidemics.[5]

From the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1894): "The Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number.
They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians."[6]
American Indian Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One estimate is that 90% of the population decrease after 1492 was due to disease. Another estimate puts the death by disease at 3,500,000 Native Americans.

That figure rested in turn on the work of the anthropologist Henry Dobyns, who in 1983 had estimated the aboriginal population of North America as a whole at 18 million and of the present territory of the United States at about 10 million.History News Network | Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?

So once again hyperbole, MYTHS, blowing out of proportion WITHOUT ANY Proof seems to be the purview

I heard that if you play old Black Sabbath records at 78 speed you can see God.


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And kill off the redskins' golden goose?
Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.
There's little need for any member of the Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe to work.
Each adult in the 460-person American Indian nation receives more than $1 million a year - for doing nothing.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Tribe: Casino revenue pays each member $1million a year | Mail Online
It would have been a lot less, if we didn't slaughter them...

How many were actually "slaughtered"???
By us coming here, roughly 98 out of 100. The diseases we brought, a dirty people who didn't bathe, count in the slaughter.
It would have been a lot less, if we didn't slaughter them...

How many were actually "slaughtered"???
FACTS... Strange how the are counter to the MYTHS that people like you and the MSM perpetuate!

On the 2010 census 0.9 percent of the U.S. population identified themselves as being Native American (or Alaskan Native).[1] No conclusive evidence exists to determine how many native people lived in North America before the arrival of Columbus.[2][3]

As the direct result of infectious diseases, wars between tribes, wars with Europeans, migration to Canada and Mexico,
declining birth rates, and of assimilation, the numbers of Native Americans dropped to below one million in the 19th century.

Scholars believe that the main causes were new infectious diseases carried by European explorers and traders.
Native Americans had no acquired immunity to such diseases, which had been chronic in Eurasian populations for over five centuries.[4] For instance, some estimates indicate case fatality rates of 80–90% in Native American populations during smallpox epidemics.[5]

From the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1894): "The Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number.
They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians."[6]
American Indian Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One estimate is that 90% of the population decrease after 1492 was due to disease. Another estimate puts the death by disease at 3,500,000 Native Americans.

That figure rested in turn on the work of the anthropologist Henry Dobyns, who in 1983 had estimated the aboriginal population of North America as a whole at 18 million and of the present territory of the United States at about 10 million.History News Network | Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?

So once again hyperbole, MYTHS, blowing out of proportion WITHOUT ANY Proof seems to be the

Whoops, I totally fucked that up. Here's a sarcastic redo:

I heard that if you play old Black Sabbath records at 78 speed you can see God.


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