Only a democrat would say this...

When companies like HAL and Amazon pay no taxes on billions made ,,when CEO's get paid 2000 times more than their workers you think thats what??? The 1% have been getting away with that for way too long And some idiot calls it theft by democrats
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
And just what do you call Trumps big tax gift to the 1% Giving back to his 1% supporters?? while others got squat and soon if not already that's going south...and one poster whose name won't be mentioned here said dems were thieves??
How little or how much any one individual makes is no one else’s business, and certainly none of the federal governments business.

Like I said political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Anybody that is wealthier than the average doctor does not deserve that wealth.

If they don't, then who does? Who deserves the wealth that somebody else created?

We all do things for a reward. I go to work every day for a reward--my paycheck. I invested in rental property for a reward--my retirement.

Great things happen when the rewards are large. It moves people to create great things like the conveniences we have today. Large rewards creates jobs. Large rewards creates tax revenue that your Democrat friends can spend on things like all the social programs we have to feed those who were never interested in rewards.

Hoarding wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.

Only productive labor creates wealth - the creation of physical objects.

You may have hoarded wealth, but you did not create it. Unfortunately those who actually create wealth usually do not get to own the wealth that they created.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
When companies like HAL and Amazon pay no taxes on billions made ,,when CEO's get paid 2000 times more than their workers you think thats what??? The 1% have been getting away with that for way too long And some idiot calls it theft by democrats
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said.

How he became mayor is he stood back and let everyone else shred each other .....
The nationwide nazi prog left took notice of him when he called for more left wing retardedness
Anybody that is wealthier than the average doctor does not deserve that wealth.

If they don't, then who does? Who deserves the wealth that somebody else created?

We all do things for a reward. I go to work every day for a reward--my paycheck. I invested in rental property for a reward--my retirement.

Great things happen when the rewards are large. It moves people to create great things like the conveniences we have today. Large rewards creates jobs. Large rewards creates tax revenue that your Democrat friends can spend on things like all the social programs we have to feed those who were never interested in rewards.

Hoarding wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.

Only productive labor creates wealth - the creation of physical objects.

You may have hoarded wealth, but you did not create it. Unfortunately those who actually create wealth usually do not get to own the wealth that they created.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Does your education, training or value of service equal or exceed that of a doctor?

Or do you just believe that everyone should garb all the money they can without any relation to the value they contribute to the society? Of so, yo sound like a welfare case!
Anybody that is wealthier than the average doctor does not deserve that wealth.

If they don't, then who does? Who deserves the wealth that somebody else created?

We all do things for a reward. I go to work every day for a reward--my paycheck. I invested in rental property for a reward--my retirement.

Great things happen when the rewards are large. It moves people to create great things like the conveniences we have today. Large rewards creates jobs. Large rewards creates tax revenue that your Democrat friends can spend on things like all the social programs we have to feed those who were never interested in rewards.

Hoarding wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.

Only productive labor creates wealth - the creation of physical objects.

You may have hoarded wealth, but you did not create it. Unfortunately those who actually create wealth usually do not get to own the wealth that they created.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Does your education, training or value of service equal or exceed that of a doctor?

Or do you just believe that everyone should garb all the money they can without any relation to the value they contribute to the society? Of so, yo sound like a welfare case!
Anybody that is wealthier than the average doctor does not deserve that wealth.

If they don't, then who does? Who deserves the wealth that somebody else created?

We all do things for a reward. I go to work every day for a reward--my paycheck. I invested in rental property for a reward--my retirement.

Great things happen when the rewards are large. It moves people to create great things like the conveniences we have today. Large rewards creates jobs. Large rewards creates tax revenue that your Democrat friends can spend on things like all the social programs we have to feed those who were never interested in rewards.

Hoarding wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.

Only productive labor creates wealth - the creation of physical objects.

You may have hoarded wealth, but you did not create it. Unfortunately those who actually create wealth usually do not get to own the wealth that they created.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Does your education, training or value of service equal or exceed that of a doctor?

Or do you just believe that everyone should garb all the money they can without any relation to the value they contribute to the society? Of so, yo sound like a welfare case!

That's you best argument? Your totally lame!
If they don't, then who does? Who deserves the wealth that somebody else created?

We all do things for a reward. I go to work every day for a reward--my paycheck. I invested in rental property for a reward--my retirement.

Great things happen when the rewards are large. It moves people to create great things like the conveniences we have today. Large rewards creates jobs. Large rewards creates tax revenue that your Democrat friends can spend on things like all the social programs we have to feed those who were never interested in rewards.

Hoarding wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.

Only productive labor creates wealth - the creation of physical objects.

You may have hoarded wealth, but you did not create it. Unfortunately those who actually create wealth usually do not get to own the wealth that they created.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Does your education, training or value of service equal or exceed that of a doctor?

Or do you just believe that everyone should garb all the money they can without any relation to the value they contribute to the society? Of so, yo sound like a welfare case!

That's you best argument? Your totally lame!
Hoarding wealth is not the same thing as creating wealth.

Only productive labor creates wealth - the creation of physical objects.

You may have hoarded wealth, but you did not create it. Unfortunately those who actually create wealth usually do not get to own the wealth that they created.

You can't hoard wealth you never created.

Do this: go in your backyard and dig a trench. It should be eight foot deep, three feet wide, and twelve feet long. When you're done, tell me how much wealth you created.

Now if you find somebody who needs a worker to dig trenches, and he gets jobs that require trenches, THEN you get money for digging that hole. But you didn't create the wealth, you only got paid money by the person that did create the wealth.

There is a difference between wealth and pay. They are not the same thing.
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said.

I have to ask: Why do you have a democrat candidate for your avatar?

I am a JFK conservative Democrat, that party left me behind decades ago.

Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said.
DeBlasio was correct


And again, leftists haven't a clue what that "wealth" consists of.... Or how tenuous it's value might be.. I could be holding more wealth in $1mill Bitcoin investment than Trump holds in real estate ----- for a day or so. LOL..

You ABUSE capitalists when they fail... Not always their fault.. It's how the cookie crumbles.. But without risk-takers -- there's no future for America as a leader in anything.. And I DONT mean collective risk-taking decided by a Progressive left caucus of morons...

That's NOT a basement full of gold, silver, platinum... It's STEEL mills, car factories, amusement parks movie studios and EVERYTHING AMERICA OWNS...

AND --- it's already been taxed.. Now Bill Gates doesn't HAVE a big physical infrastructure of wealth.. That's more on the hard cash side of things. But next year -- Microsoft could take a nose dive..

MOST ALL of that "wealth" is "at risk"... Leftists don't understand risk.. They want super nanny protection from ANY risk in life.....
Guess you don't believe there's a HUGE and growing disparity between wealthy and middle class that should be repaired without hurting the wealthy?

How do repair it WITHOUT taking it by force of law? Who really cares about the "wealth disparity"?? What matters is RESCUING a middle class from all the pressures of labor dislocation overseas and rising costs of college and healthcare...

PERHAPS --- the Dem socialists pushing for raping the rich just are too incompetent and lazy to BRING UP the middle and lower class in USA... The rich did not STEAL from the rest of us.. You know that don't you? The way it works is that it's NOT a fixed pie that we all fight over... Right?

So --- why are the socialist/commie progressives COOL with Jeff Bezos paying no taxes and buying up America with Google and Facebook? Isn't that "increasing the disparity between wealthy and not?

When these guys DO that -- they don't STEAL money from others. They BUILD NEW value, capacity and volume in the economy...

Answer me how you strip the "wealth" of the 1% when that wealth is NOT IN CASH or gold, but it's inside the walls of 25 MASSIVE Amazon fulfillment centers and a large number of Hollywood Studios, Media companies, Energy companies, ect...

It's amateur hour when leftist progressives whine about economic issues because they are proven to be -- time and time again -- nearly totally ignorant of how a free market economy or Capitalism actually works...
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said.
DeBlasio was correct


And again, leftists haven't a clue what that "wealth" consists of.... Or how tenuous it's value might be.. I could be holding more wealth in $1mill Bitcoin investment than Trump holds in real estate ----- for a day or so. LOL..

You ABUSE capitalists when they fail... Not always their fault.. It's how the cookie crumbles.. But without risk-takers -- there's no future for America as a leader in anything.. And I DONT mean collective risk-taking decided by a Progressive left caucus of morons...

That's NOT a basement full of gold, silver, platinum... It's STEEL mills, car factories, amusement parks movie studios and EVERYTHING AMERICA OWNS...

AND --- it's already been taxed.. Now Bill Gates doesn't HAVE a big physical infrastructure of wealth.. That's more on the hard cash side of things. But next year -- Microsoft could take a nose dive..

MOST ALL of that "wealth" is "at risk"... Leftists don't understand risk.. They want super nanny protection from ANY risk in life.....
Guess you don't believe there's a HUGE and growing disparity between wealthy and middle class that should be repaired without hurting the wealthy?

How do repair it WITHOUT taking it by force of law? Who really cares about the "wealth disparity"?? What matters is RESCUING a middle class from all the pressures of labor dislocation overseas and rising costs of college and healthcare...

PERHAPS --- the Dem socialists pushing for raping the rich just are too incompetent and lazy to BRING UP the middle and lower class in USA... The rich did not STEAL from the rest of us.. You know that don't you? The way it works is that it's NOT a fixed pie that we all fight over... Right?

So --- why are the socialist/commie progressives COOL with Jeff Bezos paying no taxes and buying up America with Google and Facebook? Isn't that "increasing the disparity between wealthy and not?

When these guys DO that -- they don't STEAL money from others. They BUILD NEW value, capacity and volume in the economy...

Answer me how you strip the "wealth" of the 1% when that wealth is NOT IN CASH or gold, but it's inside the walls of 25 MASSIVE Amazon fulfillment centers and a large number of Hollywood Studios, Media companies, Energy companies, ect...

It's amateur hour when leftist progressives whine about economic issues because they are proven to be -- time and time again -- nearly totally ignorant of how a free market economy or Capitalism actually works...
All I can say is your use of the word rape is terribly misplaced and yes the costs of college and healthcare must come down and on another note ,,, Do you think a 2% tax on those earning say a million a year is so bad?
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said.
DeBlasio was correct


And again, leftists haven't a clue what that "wealth" consists of.... Or how tenuous it's value might be.. I could be holding more wealth in $1mill Bitcoin investment than Trump holds in real estate ----- for a day or so. LOL..

You ABUSE capitalists when they fail... Not always their fault.. It's how the cookie crumbles.. But without risk-takers -- there's no future for America as a leader in anything.. And I DONT mean collective risk-taking decided by a Progressive left caucus of morons...

That's NOT a basement full of gold, silver, platinum... It's STEEL mills, car factories, amusement parks movie studios and EVERYTHING AMERICA OWNS...

AND --- it's already been taxed.. Now Bill Gates doesn't HAVE a big physical infrastructure of wealth.. That's more on the hard cash side of things. But next year -- Microsoft could take a nose dive..

MOST ALL of that "wealth" is "at risk"... Leftists don't understand risk.. They want super nanny protection from ANY risk in life.....
Guess you don't believe there's a HUGE and growing disparity between wealthy and middle class that should be repaired without hurting the wealthy?

How do repair it WITHOUT taking it by force of law? Who really cares about the "wealth disparity"?? What matters is RESCUING a middle class from all the pressures of labor dislocation overseas and rising costs of college and healthcare...

PERHAPS --- the Dem socialists pushing for raping the rich just are too incompetent and lazy to BRING UP the middle and lower class in USA... The rich did not STEAL from the rest of us.. You know that don't you? The way it works is that it's NOT a fixed pie that we all fight over... Right?

So --- why are the socialist/commie progressives COOL with Jeff Bezos paying no taxes and buying up America with Google and Facebook? Isn't that "increasing the disparity between wealthy and not?

When these guys DO that -- they don't STEAL money from others. They BUILD NEW value, capacity and volume in the economy...

Answer me how you strip the "wealth" of the 1% when that wealth is NOT IN CASH or gold, but it's inside the walls of 25 MASSIVE Amazon fulfillment centers and a large number of Hollywood Studios, Media companies, Energy companies, ect...

It's amateur hour when leftist progressives whine about economic issues because they are proven to be -- time and time again -- nearly totally ignorant of how a free market economy or Capitalism actually works...
All I can say is your use of the word rape is terribly misplaced and yes the costs of college and healthcare must come down and on another note ,,, Do you think a 2% tax on those earning say a million a year is so bad?

Some of your comrades are talking up to 70% tax, not 2%.

And just how are you going to fund free healthcare, free college, reimbursements for people that did pay for their college with a 2% tax?

Given the fact that nearly 50% of our country pays no income tax at all, wouldn't it be more fair if they started to pay their fair share instead?
DeBlasio was correct


And again, leftists haven't a clue what that "wealth" consists of.... Or how tenuous it's value might be.. I could be holding more wealth in $1mill Bitcoin investment than Trump holds in real estate ----- for a day or so. LOL..

You ABUSE capitalists when they fail... Not always their fault.. It's how the cookie crumbles.. But without risk-takers -- there's no future for America as a leader in anything.. And I DONT mean collective risk-taking decided by a Progressive left caucus of morons...

That's NOT a basement full of gold, silver, platinum... It's STEEL mills, car factories, amusement parks movie studios and EVERYTHING AMERICA OWNS...

AND --- it's already been taxed.. Now Bill Gates doesn't HAVE a big physical infrastructure of wealth.. That's more on the hard cash side of things. But next year -- Microsoft could take a nose dive..

MOST ALL of that "wealth" is "at risk"... Leftists don't understand risk.. They want super nanny protection from ANY risk in life.....
Guess you don't believe there's a HUGE and growing disparity between wealthy and middle class that should be repaired without hurting the wealthy?

How do repair it WITHOUT taking it by force of law? Who really cares about the "wealth disparity"?? What matters is RESCUING a middle class from all the pressures of labor dislocation overseas and rising costs of college and healthcare...

PERHAPS --- the Dem socialists pushing for raping the rich just are too incompetent and lazy to BRING UP the middle and lower class in USA... The rich did not STEAL from the rest of us.. You know that don't you? The way it works is that it's NOT a fixed pie that we all fight over... Right?

So --- why are the socialist/commie progressives COOL with Jeff Bezos paying no taxes and buying up America with Google and Facebook? Isn't that "increasing the disparity between wealthy and not?

When these guys DO that -- they don't STEAL money from others. They BUILD NEW value, capacity and volume in the economy...

Answer me how you strip the "wealth" of the 1% when that wealth is NOT IN CASH or gold, but it's inside the walls of 25 MASSIVE Amazon fulfillment centers and a large number of Hollywood Studios, Media companies, Energy companies, ect...

It's amateur hour when leftist progressives whine about economic issues because they are proven to be -- time and time again -- nearly totally ignorant of how a free market economy or Capitalism actually works...
All I can say is your use of the word rape is terribly misplaced and yes the costs of college and healthcare must come down and on another note ,,, Do you think a 2% tax on those earning say a million a year is so bad?

Some of your comrades are talking up to 70% tax, not 2%.

And just how are you going to fund free healthcare, free college, reimbursements for people that did pay for their college with a 2% tax?

Given the fact that nearly 50% of our country pays no income tax at all, wouldn't it be more fair if they started to pay their fair share instead?
I believe if EVERYONE paid their fare share we'd all be in a better place
And again, leftists haven't a clue what that "wealth" consists of.... Or how tenuous it's value might be.. I could be holding more wealth in $1mill Bitcoin investment than Trump holds in real estate ----- for a day or so. LOL..

You ABUSE capitalists when they fail... Not always their fault.. It's how the cookie crumbles.. But without risk-takers -- there's no future for America as a leader in anything.. And I DONT mean collective risk-taking decided by a Progressive left caucus of morons...

That's NOT a basement full of gold, silver, platinum... It's STEEL mills, car factories, amusement parks movie studios and EVERYTHING AMERICA OWNS...

AND --- it's already been taxed.. Now Bill Gates doesn't HAVE a big physical infrastructure of wealth.. That's more on the hard cash side of things. But next year -- Microsoft could take a nose dive..

MOST ALL of that "wealth" is "at risk"... Leftists don't understand risk.. They want super nanny protection from ANY risk in life.....
Guess you don't believe there's a HUGE and growing disparity between wealthy and middle class that should be repaired without hurting the wealthy?

How do repair it WITHOUT taking it by force of law? Who really cares about the "wealth disparity"?? What matters is RESCUING a middle class from all the pressures of labor dislocation overseas and rising costs of college and healthcare...

PERHAPS --- the Dem socialists pushing for raping the rich just are too incompetent and lazy to BRING UP the middle and lower class in USA... The rich did not STEAL from the rest of us.. You know that don't you? The way it works is that it's NOT a fixed pie that we all fight over... Right?

So --- why are the socialist/commie progressives COOL with Jeff Bezos paying no taxes and buying up America with Google and Facebook? Isn't that "increasing the disparity between wealthy and not?

When these guys DO that -- they don't STEAL money from others. They BUILD NEW value, capacity and volume in the economy...

Answer me how you strip the "wealth" of the 1% when that wealth is NOT IN CASH or gold, but it's inside the walls of 25 MASSIVE Amazon fulfillment centers and a large number of Hollywood Studios, Media companies, Energy companies, ect...

It's amateur hour when leftist progressives whine about economic issues because they are proven to be -- time and time again -- nearly totally ignorant of how a free market economy or Capitalism actually works...
All I can say is your use of the word rape is terribly misplaced and yes the costs of college and healthcare must come down and on another note ,,, Do you think a 2% tax on those earning say a million a year is so bad?

Some of your comrades are talking up to 70% tax, not 2%.

And just how are you going to fund free healthcare, free college, reimbursements for people that did pay for their college with a 2% tax?

Given the fact that nearly 50% of our country pays no income tax at all, wouldn't it be more fair if they started to pay their fair share instead?
I believe if EVERYONE paid their fare share we'd all be in a better place

Then by all means, please tell your buddies that. Because they think that the top 20% of wage earners paying over 80% of all collected income taxes is not enough.

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