Only a democrat would say this...

Guess you don't believe there's a HUGE and growing disparity between wealthy and middle class that should be repaired without hurting the wealthy?

How do repair it WITHOUT taking it by force of law? Who really cares about the "wealth disparity"?? What matters is RESCUING a middle class from all the pressures of labor dislocation overseas and rising costs of college and healthcare...

PERHAPS --- the Dem socialists pushing for raping the rich just are too incompetent and lazy to BRING UP the middle and lower class in USA... The rich did not STEAL from the rest of us.. You know that don't you? The way it works is that it's NOT a fixed pie that we all fight over... Right?

So --- why are the socialist/commie progressives COOL with Jeff Bezos paying no taxes and buying up America with Google and Facebook? Isn't that "increasing the disparity between wealthy and not?

When these guys DO that -- they don't STEAL money from others. They BUILD NEW value, capacity and volume in the economy...

Answer me how you strip the "wealth" of the 1% when that wealth is NOT IN CASH or gold, but it's inside the walls of 25 MASSIVE Amazon fulfillment centers and a large number of Hollywood Studios, Media companies, Energy companies, ect...

It's amateur hour when leftist progressives whine about economic issues because they are proven to be -- time and time again -- nearly totally ignorant of how a free market economy or Capitalism actually works...
All I can say is your use of the word rape is terribly misplaced and yes the costs of college and healthcare must come down and on another note ,,, Do you think a 2% tax on those earning say a million a year is so bad?

Some of your comrades are talking up to 70% tax, not 2%.

And just how are you going to fund free healthcare, free college, reimbursements for people that did pay for their college with a 2% tax?

Given the fact that nearly 50% of our country pays no income tax at all, wouldn't it be more fair if they started to pay their fair share instead?
I believe if EVERYONE paid their fare share we'd all be in a better place

Then by all means, please tell your buddies that. Because they think that the top 20% of wage earners paying over 80% of all collected income taxes is not enough.
And you tell them SIXTY Fortune 500 companies paid NO Fed tax
When companies like HAL and Amazon pay no taxes on billions made ,,when CEO's get paid 2000 times more than their workers you think thats what??? The 1% have been getting away with that for way too long And some idiot calls it theft by democrats
A CEO's decisions affect not only the bottom line of a company and the direction it's going, but, it also affects
the livelihood of thousands of it's employees. A CEO's pay is just fine as long as they are going in the right direction
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said. you LIKE the fact that the top 1% make most of the money and own most everything?
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said. you LIKE the fact that the top 1% make most of the money and own most everything?
Well that's kinda how it works when you make a lot of money.
That person's wealth has nothing to do with your wealth, or lack thereof.
It's just sour grapes
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said.

'There comes a point when you / people have 'enough' money'
(insinuated: Democrats should be the ones to decide for Americans how much that is, how much if YOUR hard earned money YOU should be able to keep)

'You didn't build that.'

(insinuated: So YOU should not be able to reap all of the benefits of your company / your business / your hard work/effort...)

'Hi! I'm from the govt, & I'm here to help.'
(Translation: 'BOHICA!')

Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said. you LIKE the fact that the top 1% make most of the money and own most everything?
Well that's kinda how it works when you make a lot of money.
That person's wealth has nothing to do with your wealth, or lack thereof.
It's just sour grapes
Money makes money. Given enough time the wealthy will hold almost ALL of the wealth of this nation and you folks seem fine with that
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said. you LIKE the fact that the top 1% make most of the money and own most everything?
Well that's kinda how it works when you make a lot of money.
That person's wealth has nothing to do with your wealth, or lack thereof.
It's just sour grapes
Then why are some CEO's making 2000 times what their workers earn and why is the disparity rising instead of letting those on the bottom move up the ladder?
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said. you LIKE the fact that the top 1% make most of the money and own most everything?
Well that's kinda how it works when you make a lot of money.
That person's wealth has nothing to do with your wealth, or lack thereof.
It's just sour grapes
Money makes money. Given enough time the wealthy will hold almost ALL of the wealth of this nation and you folks seem fine with that
So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!
Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said. you LIKE the fact that the top 1% make most of the money and own most everything?
Well that's kinda how it works when you make a lot of money.
That person's wealth has nothing to do with your wealth, or lack thereof.
It's just sour grapes
Then why are some CEO's making 2000 times what their workers earn and why is the disparity rising instead of letting those on the bottom move up the ladder?
You have one guy, a CEO making that kind of money, Ed. His decisions can make or break his company with just one signature.
The stagnate wages has started to increase.....having said that, the CEO's wage has nothing to do with the wages of those on the bottom.
So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!

Who cares if money makes money? Hey genius...that means that over time the rich end up with everything

And those "wrong decisions" end up being born not rich....getting sick...and on and on.

Think about this folks. Meister is telling you that if you're not filthy rich're stupid
Then why are some CEO's making 2000 times what their workers earn and why is the disparity rising instead of letting those on the bottom move up the ladder?

Who's stopping them from moving up the ladder? Why does a professional baseball player make over 2,000 times more than the hotdog vendor, the parking lot attendant, the field crew, the announcer? Why is an actress paid 2,000 more than her hair dresser, her makeup artist, the stage crew?
So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!

Who cares if money makes money? Hey genius...that means that over time the rich end up with everything

And those "wrong decisions" end up being born not rich....getting sick...and on and on.

Think about this folks. Meister is telling you that if you're not filthy rich're stupid
What I'm telling you is that the decisions you make have consequences.
Obviously, the drugs were more important, or having 4 children instead of two was more important.
But, seem to think that because you made some lame brain decisions in your life should be
blamed on others. Own up to your own decisions and not blame others, Lesh.
Also, you might want to get your facts straight about wealth and wealth distribution in America.
So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!

Who cares if money makes money? Hey genius...that means that over time the rich end up with everything

And those "wrong decisions" end up being born not rich....getting sick...and on and on.

Think about this folks. Meister is telling you that if you're not filthy rich're stupid

I didn't get that at all from his statement. He may have said if you're not rich, you may have done irresponsible things in life, but that's not the same as saying you're stupid.
So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!

Who cares if money makes money? Hey genius...that means that over time the rich end up with everything

And those "wrong decisions" end up being born not rich....getting sick...and on and on.

Think about this folks. Meister is telling you that if you're not filthy rich're stupid

So what if the rich end up with everything, you think by taxing the crap out of them you will get anything out of it?

You only have a choice between two evils

Either rich private citizens or rich government officials and that's it

So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!

Who cares if money makes money? Hey genius...that means that over time the rich end up with everything

And those "wrong decisions" end up being born not rich....getting sick...and on and on.

Think about this folks. Meister is telling you that if you're not filthy rich're stupid

I didn't get that at all from his statement. He may have said if you're not rich, you may have done irresponsible things in life, but that's not the same as saying you're stupid.
Dude..the claim is that if you're not have made "bad decisions" as if a decision here or there would mean the difference between making $50K a year or making 50 million.

So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!

Who cares if money makes money? Hey genius...that means that over time the rich end up with everything

And those "wrong decisions" end up being born not rich....getting sick...and on and on.

Think about this folks. Meister is telling you that if you're not filthy rich're stupid

I didn't get that at all from his statement. He may have said if you're not rich, you may have done irresponsible things in life, but that's not the same as saying you're stupid.
Dude..the claim is that if you're not have made "bad decisions" as if a decision here or there would mean the difference between making $50K a year or making 50 million.


But there is no implication of "stupid" in that remark.

If you ask five people the definition of "rich" you will probably get five different answers. What I have found is that the people who want to attack the rich (at least the honest ones) never made an investment in their lives outside of a house perhaps or if they have an IRA.

Most people spend carelessly and not think of the future. Most rich people were not born that way. They made a lot of sacrifices, saved every dime they had, put off marriage and perhaps starting a family, and took some or a lot of chances.

Now will that alone make you rich? Perhaps not, but starting a family at a young age and freely spending money you make certainly won't get you there. So for the ones that do become financially successful, it's simply ignorant to think they became rich because they pulled the lucky number out of a hat somewhere.
So what if money makes money.
One person goes through life investing and saving his money, while another goes through life making all the wrong decisions
concerning his money. Then comes back and bags on the person who saved? Give me a fucking break!

Who cares if money makes money? Hey genius...that means that over time the rich end up with everything

And those "wrong decisions" end up being born not rich....getting sick...and on and on.

Think about this folks. Meister is telling you that if you're not filthy rich're stupid

I didn't get that at all from his statement. He may have said if you're not rich, you may have done irresponsible things in life, but that's not the same as saying you're stupid.
Dude..the claim is that if you're not have made "bad decisions" as if a decision here or there would mean the difference between making $50K a year or making 50 million.


What is rich to you? And of course you made bad decisions if your goal was to be rich money wise.

Remember when a democrat said the people of Kentucky don't know what is good for them we know what is good for them.

The democrats are still at the ideology of theft.

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

De Blasio: 'There's Plenty of Money in This Country, It's Just in the Wrong Hands'

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio spoke not only for himself, but for the Democrat Party in general: "There is plenty of money in this world, and there's plenty of money in this country, it's just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that," he said.
DeBlasio was correct


And again, leftists haven't a clue what that "wealth" consists of.... Or how tenuous it's value might be.. I could be holding more wealth in $1mill Bitcoin investment than Trump holds in real estate ----- for a day or so. LOL..

You ABUSE capitalists when they fail... Not always their fault.. It's how the cookie crumbles.. But without risk-takers -- there's no future for America as a leader in anything.. And I DONT mean collective risk-taking decided by a Progressive left caucus of morons...

That's NOT a basement full of gold, silver, platinum... It's STEEL mills, car factories, amusement parks movie studios and EVERYTHING AMERICA OWNS...

AND --- it's already been taxed.. Now Bill Gates doesn't HAVE a big physical infrastructure of wealth.. That's more on the hard cash side of things. But next year -- Microsoft could take a nose dive..

MOST ALL of that "wealth" is "at risk"... Leftists don't understand risk.. They want super nanny protection from ANY risk in life.....
Guess you don't believe there's a HUGE and growing disparity between wealthy and middle class that should be repaired without hurting the wealthy?

How do repair it WITHOUT taking it by force of law? Who really cares about the "wealth disparity"?? What matters is RESCUING a middle class from all the pressures of labor dislocation overseas and rising costs of college and healthcare...

PERHAPS --- the Dem socialists pushing for raping the rich just are too incompetent and lazy to BRING UP the middle and lower class in USA... The rich did not STEAL from the rest of us.. You know that don't you? The way it works is that it's NOT a fixed pie that we all fight over... Right?

So --- why are the socialist/commie progressives COOL with Jeff Bezos paying no taxes and buying up America with Google and Facebook? Isn't that "increasing the disparity between wealthy and not?

When these guys DO that -- they don't STEAL money from others. They BUILD NEW value, capacity and volume in the economy...

Answer me how you strip the "wealth" of the 1% when that wealth is NOT IN CASH or gold, but it's inside the walls of 25 MASSIVE Amazon fulfillment centers and a large number of Hollywood Studios, Media companies, Energy companies, ect...

It's amateur hour when leftist progressives whine about economic issues because they are proven to be -- time and time again -- nearly totally ignorant of how a free market economy or Capitalism actually works...
All I can say is your use of the word rape is terribly misplaced and yes the costs of college and healthcare must come down and on another note ,,, Do you think a 2% tax on those earning say a million a year is so bad?

It would be rape.. Rape AND pillaging.. All out DISMANTLING of the economic infrastructure with the ONLY risk takers left to "invest" would be those 535 brain damaged arrogant morons you call a Congress....

A 2% tax wouldn't pay for 3 weeks of ANY of those 40 or 50 free stuff promises the Progressive socialists are all handing out... And we were talking about TAKING WEALTH, not income.. If you're not aware of the difference, you probably shouldn't be sure of policies you want to support..

And YES -- many of the Dem Insane Clown Posse ARE SUGGESTING that wealth be raped and pillaged to pay for the Socialist Nirvana....

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