Only A 'Fake President' Would Call The Press an Enemy

Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy

Given they spent the last 8 years as the Lap Dog, they aren't exactly Objective.

Unfortunately, I can't argue with that assessment. They did drop the ball and they did it for ratings.
I can point to a few you on the other hand, can't point to a single country that supports your worldview.

My historical world view? Or my economic world view which you are unfamiliar with? Go ahead, give me a leftist country you would point to as a successful economic model for us all to follow. Hint, the fallacy in your reasoning is hidden the previous sentence.

I brought it up and now you are deflecting. Go ahead, give me a country with lower taxes, lower spending, lower regulation with a strong vibrant middle class. The U.S. is currently ranked eighth in standard of living, who are the other seven?

I'll be the first to admit we're the greatest economic powerhouse in the world. But I'm still awaiting your idea of a leftist country whose model we should adopt. You said you could name many of them? Well, name one. This is my third time asking this question I beleive. Talk about deflection.

Economic powerhouse with a weak middle class, not the economic model conservatives dreamt of except in their nightmares. A good example is Canada, or Germany, both left leaning and powerhouses in their own right.

That's due to Socialist policies for the past 30+ years. Are you mad because it's going to get right again? Why?

More Republican pipe dreams and the country always pays for them in the end.
My historical world view? Or my economic world view which you are unfamiliar with? Go ahead, give me a leftist country you would point to as a successful economic model for us all to follow. Hint, the fallacy in your reasoning is hidden the previous sentence.

I brought it up and now you are deflecting. Go ahead, give me a country with lower taxes, lower spending, lower regulation with a strong vibrant middle class. The U.S. is currently ranked eighth in standard of living, who are the other seven?

I'll be the first to admit we're the greatest economic powerhouse in the world. But I'm still awaiting your idea of a leftist country whose model we should adopt. You said you could name many of them? Well, name one. This is my third time asking this question I beleive. Talk about deflection.

Economic powerhouse with a weak middle class, not the economic model conservatives dreamt of except in their nightmares. A good example is Canada, or Germany, both left leaning and powerhouses in their own right.

Really? Why Canada or Germany?

Canada has a population of just 36 million and a GDP that ranks then 10th in the world. Germany has a population 1/4th of the United States and a GDP that ranks fourth in the world. The both have thriving middle classes and are able to inject themselves into the world order without bullying. Many other reasons too long to bring up in a thread about fake news.

Indeed it is easy to profit from peaceful trade routes when you aren't paying for them. It is easy to profit from a low military expenditure when another country has pledged itself to your security. The reason they have no need to bully is because the US does their bullying for them. Thus, they benefit from the peace we provide at a fraction of the cost. But let me tell you, when Germany was a major compeating world power, they were bullies!

What about GDP? Germany is 1/4th the population of the US and it does rank well with GDP. But Germany does not have 1/4th of our GDP despite being 1/4th our size. In short, that's less GDP per capita, not more. Canada is over 1/10th our population but has much less than 1/10th our GDP.

What about a thriving middle class? Well, I dunno. How do you define "a thriving middle class?"
A press that at varying times misleads and distorts what the President says and does might not be an enemy but it's not fair and unbiased either. As an example I give you Trumps Immigration EO it was not well written and poorly rolled out the press covered that which was fair and right for them to do however they also repeatedly called it a Muslim ban which it was not and the press knew it wasn't the only reason they did that was because they knew it would rile people up and create a backlash against Trump. Just as it's not good for the country to have a President call the press the enemy it's also not good for the country to have the press act like they are the enemy by doing biased and misleading reporting either.
I brought it up and now you are deflecting. Go ahead, give me a country with lower taxes, lower spending, lower regulation with a strong vibrant middle class. The U.S. is currently ranked eighth in standard of living, who are the other seven?

I'll be the first to admit we're the greatest economic powerhouse in the world. But I'm still awaiting your idea of a leftist country whose model we should adopt. You said you could name many of them? Well, name one. This is my third time asking this question I beleive. Talk about deflection.

Economic powerhouse with a weak middle class, not the economic model conservatives dreamt of except in their nightmares. A good example is Canada, or Germany, both left leaning and powerhouses in their own right.

Really? Why Canada or Germany?

Canada has a population of just 36 million and a GDP that ranks then 10th in the world. Germany has a population 1/4th of the United States and a GDP that ranks fourth in the world. The both have thriving middle classes and are able to inject themselves into the world order without bullying. Many other reasons too long to bring up in a thread about fake news.

Indeed it is easy to profit from peaceful trade routes when you aren't paying for them. It is easy to profit from a low military expenditure when another country has pledged itself to your security. The reason they have no need to bully is because the US does their bullying for them. Thus, they benefit from the peace we provide at a fraction of the cost. But let me tell you, when Germany was a major compeating world power, they were bullies!

What about GDP? Germany is 1/4th the population of the US and it does rank well with GDP. But Germany does not have 1/4th of our GDP despite being 1/4th our size. In short, that's less GDP per capita, not more. Canada is over 1/10th our population but has much less than 1/10th our GDP.

What about a thriving middle class? Well, I dunno. How do you define "a thriving middle class?"

The point is that those countries are thriving and Canada does not benefit from our military and has in fact contributed to our adventures, Germany, is prohibited from having a military for obvious reasons. We are in a serious hole because of our adventurism and we have yet to have a national conversation about that. 'Thriving' is subjective and is subject to many views. The one thing that is not debatable is the current state of our own middle class.

You can respond of course, but I want to get back on track.
I'll be the first to admit we're the greatest economic powerhouse in the world. But I'm still awaiting your idea of a leftist country whose model we should adopt. You said you could name many of them? Well, name one. This is my third time asking this question I beleive. Talk about deflection.

Economic powerhouse with a weak middle class, not the economic model conservatives dreamt of except in their nightmares. A good example is Canada, or Germany, both left leaning and powerhouses in their own right.

Really? Why Canada or Germany?

Canada has a population of just 36 million and a GDP that ranks then 10th in the world. Germany has a population 1/4th of the United States and a GDP that ranks fourth in the world. The both have thriving middle classes and are able to inject themselves into the world order without bullying. Many other reasons too long to bring up in a thread about fake news.

Indeed it is easy to profit from peaceful trade routes when you aren't paying for them. It is easy to profit from a low military expenditure when another country has pledged itself to your security. The reason they have no need to bully is because the US does their bullying for them. Thus, they benefit from the peace we provide at a fraction of the cost. But let me tell you, when Germany was a major compeating world power, they were bullies!

What about GDP? Germany is 1/4th the population of the US and it does rank well with GDP. But Germany does not have 1/4th of our GDP despite being 1/4th our size. In short, that's less GDP per capita, not more. Canada is over 1/10th our population but has much less than 1/10th our GDP.

What about a thriving middle class? Well, I dunno. How do you define "a thriving middle class?"

The point is that those countries are thriving and Canada does not benefit from our military and has in fact contributed to our adventures, Germany, is prohibited from having a military for obvious reasons. We are in a serious hole because of our adventurism and we have yet to have a national conversation about that. 'Thriving' is subjective and is subject to many views. The one thing that is not debatable is the current state of our own middle class.

You can respond of course, but I want to get back on track.

The average standard of living has never been higher for all Americans as it has for the past 20 years. End of story.
Economic powerhouse with a weak middle class, not the economic model conservatives dreamt of except in their nightmares. A good example is Canada, or Germany, both left leaning and powerhouses in their own right.

Really? Why Canada or Germany?

Canada has a population of just 36 million and a GDP that ranks then 10th in the world. Germany has a population 1/4th of the United States and a GDP that ranks fourth in the world. The both have thriving middle classes and are able to inject themselves into the world order without bullying. Many other reasons too long to bring up in a thread about fake news.

Indeed it is easy to profit from peaceful trade routes when you aren't paying for them. It is easy to profit from a low military expenditure when another country has pledged itself to your security. The reason they have no need to bully is because the US does their bullying for them. Thus, they benefit from the peace we provide at a fraction of the cost. But let me tell you, when Germany was a major compeating world power, they were bullies!

What about GDP? Germany is 1/4th the population of the US and it does rank well with GDP. But Germany does not have 1/4th of our GDP despite being 1/4th our size. In short, that's less GDP per capita, not more. Canada is over 1/10th our population but has much less than 1/10th our GDP.

What about a thriving middle class? Well, I dunno. How do you define "a thriving middle class?"

The point is that those countries are thriving and Canada does not benefit from our military and has in fact contributed to our adventures, Germany, is prohibited from having a military for obvious reasons. We are in a serious hole because of our adventurism and we have yet to have a national conversation about that. 'Thriving' is subjective and is subject to many views. The one thing that is not debatable is the current state of our own middle class.

You can respond of course, but I want to get back on track.

The average standard of living has never been higher for all Americans as it has for the past 20 years. End of story.

Tell that to the people who have to work two jobs or more just to pay the rent.
Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy

Well, Scarborough's balls come and go. Mika has bigger balls. Trump is such an embarrassment.

Really? Why Canada or Germany?

Canada has a population of just 36 million and a GDP that ranks then 10th in the world. Germany has a population 1/4th of the United States and a GDP that ranks fourth in the world. The both have thriving middle classes and are able to inject themselves into the world order without bullying. Many other reasons too long to bring up in a thread about fake news.

Indeed it is easy to profit from peaceful trade routes when you aren't paying for them. It is easy to profit from a low military expenditure when another country has pledged itself to your security. The reason they have no need to bully is because the US does their bullying for them. Thus, they benefit from the peace we provide at a fraction of the cost. But let me tell you, when Germany was a major compeating world power, they were bullies!

What about GDP? Germany is 1/4th the population of the US and it does rank well with GDP. But Germany does not have 1/4th of our GDP despite being 1/4th our size. In short, that's less GDP per capita, not more. Canada is over 1/10th our population but has much less than 1/10th our GDP.

What about a thriving middle class? Well, I dunno. How do you define "a thriving middle class?"

The point is that those countries are thriving and Canada does not benefit from our military and has in fact contributed to our adventures, Germany, is prohibited from having a military for obvious reasons. We are in a serious hole because of our adventurism and we have yet to have a national conversation about that. 'Thriving' is subjective and is subject to many views. The one thing that is not debatable is the current state of our own middle class.

You can respond of course, but I want to get back on track.

The average standard of living has never been higher for all Americans as it has for the past 20 years. End of story.

Tell that to the people who have to work two jobs or more just to pay the rent.

Lol, have you seen housing prices in Germany? And let's not forget that Americans are paying rent on larger living spaces than both Germany and Canada. Although, Americans have much smaller energy prices than both of those countries. Lower food prices as well. Work hard, live within your means, look to your family for support. We've gotten away from that and the left are largely at fault. The welfare state has crippled this country and its values.
Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy

joe is embarrassed that this man says he's a republican.
Only A Fake Press Would Attack The President as if he were an Enemy.

Only an unelected press would call an elected president the enemy.
Bill Clinton whined that Rush Limbaugh had three hours to distort his message. Barry Hussein complained about Fox news and Rush Limbaugh in live on air sound bites, tried to force right wing radio to spout left wing propaganda and he actually had federal authorities obtain a freaking search warrant for a Fox reporter. Which president was fake again?

Right, this attempt at intimidation was outrageous.

"Investigators pulled Rosen’s security badge records, phone logs and his personal e-mails, but they never charged him with a crime. No reporter has ever been prosecuted for seeking classified information."

Justice Department’s scrutiny of Fox News reporter James Rosen in leak case draws fire

I can point to a few you on the other hand, can't point to a single country that supports your worldview.

Of course that nitwit Obama tried to change it but the more capitalist US has had twice the average post WWII economic growth as those Left leaning Eurotrash countries and then you have the massive failures of the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc countries not to mention countries like Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. I think we all know that socialism pretty much sucks, don't we?

You dumbass Libtards have never understood that you don't create prosperity by taking money away from the people that earned the money and giving it away to the worthless welfare queens, have you? Moon Bats are not exactly known for understanding basic economics, are they?
Who could blame Trump though, when it's obvious that the press was in the pocket of Hillary Clinton and democrats? The news organizations must make some large campaign contributions and get favors in return. They were totally shilling for Hillbag during the election.
Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy

He's an illegitimate president. It's only a matter of time before proof surfaces about how Trump met and made a deal with the Russians to get him elected.

Off topic. Your signature gif cracks me up every time I see it. Seeing Manson's faces next to Trump's is priceless. I don't know which one is funnier.
Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy

He's an illegitimate president. It's only a matter of time before proof surfaces about how Trump met and made a deal with the Russians to get him elected.

Off topic. Your signature gif cracks me up every time I see it. Seeing Manson's faces next to Trump's is priceless. I don't know which one is funnier.

How exactly do you think the Russians helped him get elected. I'm so tired of hearing this but hearing your lame explanations for such allegations. Did they change the election results? WHAT?
Who could blame Trump though, when it's obvious that the press was in the pocket of Hillary Clinton and democrats? The news organizations must make some large campaign contributions and get favors in return. They were totally shilling for Hillbag during the election.

And it backfired on them bigly, because people saw right through the BS.

Many votes for Trump were votes against dishonest media. :eusa_whistle:
Joe Scarborough finally grew a pair and was no longer afraid to call out the president on his own terms. I am sure we'll be seeing this more and more as people realize that he can't start a street fight with each and every one. Trumpty Dumpties days as a bully are coming to a close.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday blasted President Trump's tweet about the media, calling the the commander-in-chief a "fake president" for attacking the press.

"Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people," Scarborough tweeted.

Only a FAKE PRESIDENT would declare the First Amendment to be the enemy of the American people. Donald J. Trump on Twitter
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 17, 2017

Minutes earlier, Trump berated the "fake news media," tweeting that the press "is the enemy of the American People."


Read more: Scarborough: Only a 'fake president' would call press the enemy

He's an illegitimate president. It's only a matter of time before proof surfaces about how Trump met and made a deal with the Russians to get him elected.

Off topic. Your signature gif cracks me up every time I see it. Seeing Manson's faces next to Trump's is priceless. I don't know which one is funnier.

Exactly what kind of evidence do you have to support that idea?
Who could blame Trump though, when it's obvious that the press was in the pocket of Hillary Clinton and democrats? The news organizations must make some large campaign contributions and get favors in return. They were totally shilling for Hillbag during the election.

And it backfired on them bigly, because people saw right through the BS.

Many votes for Trump were votes against dishonest media. :eusa_whistle:

Against the media, against the establishment, against the way things are going. For sure! My vote was one of those "rebel" votes. :D

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