Only in California.....the mental case state!!!

The meatheads really do think there is a solution to every problem in life if we just think hard enough about it.......if you ban enough stuff, suicides will cease to exist!!

Here is an example of a liberal mental case who truly believes that anything is possible........that all the solutions are there to remove anything bad in society.......

When San Antonio built the 750 ft Tower of Americas, the paint wasn't even dry when someone took a header off the observation deck.

Meathead liberals added a fence barrier.

Too bad they didn't just leave it alone so that tourists could have the added joy of a splat count.
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Since the last election democrats have had a super majority that can overcome even the governor's veto. Democrats can basically do whatever they want. They are trapped by their own design into trying to decide how to raise taxes without driving even more taxpayers away.
Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?


guess people will just have to step out in front of that high speed train from now on
Moron ^^^

Too bad this moron hasn't read Durkheim on Suicide or Camus', "The Myth of Sisyphus". Of course being a callous conservative (CC) he wouldn't understand them; one really needs to have empathy first, and empathy is not in his DNA.

:D:D:D....but the moron is always winning on these forums >>>>

"Today, however, California has become a warning sign. Beset by economic disaster and political paralysis, the state is in the midst of a systemic crisis. And while the meltdown has certainly been accelerated by the recession of the past two years, its causes involve two decades of poor judgment, reckless mismanagement, and irresponsibility. How California got into this mess has a lot to teach the rest of the country; how it gets out will say a great deal about America's prospects."

Who Killed California? > Publications > National Affairs

California's longterm prognosis is a laugh......% of adults without a high school education is second highest in the quality ridiculously low ranking........and thanks to the unions and retirement obligations, this state of jackasses is 300 billion in the red at least. You want to be taxed with the mega one up the pooper? Move to California!!!:badgrin: Oh.....and enjoy the blackouts!!! State gets the trophy for astronomically high electricity costs.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:

Oh yeah......:2up:California is fucking the coming years, they'll have to build even more bridges for people to jump from.......and they'll be jumping they can keep most of them quiet as the bodies float out to sea!!!

HAPPY NOW:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::wink_2:
how come you did not put this paragraph up sKOOK?....

And through a series of social, political, and economic experiments, California has acted as America's foremost laboratory of innovation, trying out ideas the country as a whole would go on to adopt. In the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, the state offered a model of modernization, building the most advanced education and transportation infrastructures in the nation. Under Brown's successor, Ronald Reagan, it offered a model of conservative governance that would go on to transform American politics. Hollywood has made California a crucial part of America's cultural identity, and Silicon Valley has put it at the heart of our vision of the future. For many decades now, Americans have seen California as a harbinger of promising things to come.

so the State stumbles and assholes like you are there kicking it.....maybe all those good years you were just too awestruck and you feel you can jump up and down like a genuine moron usually does i said before sKOOK....a few short years ago you fuckers were tripping over yourselves to live here.....even now it still kicks whatever you call a States ass in GSP....

sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.
:D:D:D....but the moron is always winning on these forums >>>>

"Today, however, California has become a warning sign. Beset by economic disaster and political paralysis, the state is in the midst of a systemic crisis. And while the meltdown has certainly been accelerated by the recession of the past two years, its causes involve two decades of poor judgment, reckless mismanagement, and irresponsibility. How California got into this mess has a lot to teach the rest of the country; how it gets out will say a great deal about America's prospects."

Who Killed California? > Publications > National Affairs

California's longterm prognosis is a laugh......% of adults without a high school education is second highest in the quality ridiculously low ranking........and thanks to the unions and retirement obligations, this state of jackasses is 300 billion in the red at least. You want to be taxed with the mega one up the pooper? Move to California!!!:badgrin: Oh.....and enjoy the blackouts!!! State gets the trophy for astronomically high electricity costs.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:

Oh yeah......:2up:California is fucking the coming years, they'll have to build even more bridges for people to jump from.......and they'll be jumping they can keep most of them quiet as the bodies float out to sea!!!

HAPPY NOW:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::wink_2:
how come you did not put this paragraph up sKOOK?....

And through a series of social, political, and economic experiments, California has acted as America's foremost laboratory of innovation, trying out ideas the country as a whole would go on to adopt. In the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, the state offered a model of modernization, building the most advanced education and transportation infrastructures in the nation. Under Brown's successor, Ronald Reagan, it offered a model of conservative governance that would go on to transform American politics. Hollywood has made California a crucial part of America's cultural identity, and Silicon Valley has put it at the heart of our vision of the future. For many decades now, Americans have seen California as a harbinger of promising things to come.

so the State stumbles and assholes like you are there kicking it.....maybe all those good years you were just too awestruck and you feel you can jump up and down like a genuine moron usually does i said before sKOOK....a few short years ago you fuckers were tripping over yourselves to live here.....even now it still kicks whatever you call a States ass in GSP....

sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.

like i said Skooks....a few short years ago people like you....yes like you....were tripping over themselves moving here.....if you assholes would have stayed in your own States this State might not be in the shape its in today....
:D:D:D....but the moron is always winning on these forums >>>>

"Today, however, California has become a warning sign. Beset by economic disaster and political paralysis, the state is in the midst of a systemic crisis. And while the meltdown has certainly been accelerated by the recession of the past two years, its causes involve two decades of poor judgment, reckless mismanagement, and irresponsibility. How California got into this mess has a lot to teach the rest of the country; how it gets out will say a great deal about America's prospects."

Who Killed California? > Publications > National Affairs

California's longterm prognosis is a laugh......% of adults without a high school education is second highest in the quality ridiculously low ranking........and thanks to the unions and retirement obligations, this state of jackasses is 300 billion in the red at least. You want to be taxed with the mega one up the pooper? Move to California!!!:badgrin: Oh.....and enjoy the blackouts!!! State gets the trophy for astronomically high electricity costs.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:

Oh yeah......:2up:California is fucking the coming years, they'll have to build even more bridges for people to jump from.......and they'll be jumping they can keep most of them quiet as the bodies float out to sea!!!

HAPPY NOW:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::wink_2:
how come you did not put this paragraph up sKOOK?....

And through a series of social, political, and economic experiments, California has acted as America's foremost laboratory of innovation, trying out ideas the country as a whole would go on to adopt. In the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, the state offered a model of modernization, building the most advanced education and transportation infrastructures in the nation. Under Brown's successor, Ronald Reagan, it offered a model of conservative governance that would go on to transform American politics. Hollywood has made California a crucial part of America's cultural identity, and Silicon Valley has put it at the heart of our vision of the future. For many decades now, Americans have seen California as a harbinger of promising things to come.

so the State stumbles and assholes like you are there kicking it.....maybe all those good years you were just too awestruck and you feel you can jump up and down like a genuine moron usually does i said before sKOOK....a few short years ago you fuckers were tripping over yourselves to live here.....even now it still kicks whatever you call a States ass in GSP....

sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres [sic] no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.

You realize you have made yourself identical to the mindless idiots who denigrate Texas and other states, right? You and your mirror images on the other side need to decide if you are AMERICANS or not and conduct yourselves accordingly.
ahh i love conservatives who take a headline and run with it...never looking into the whole story or the facts....

There have been 1,600 confirmed suicides from the Golden Gate Bridge since it opened in 1937, including 33 in 2012 and 37 in 2011. That number only begins to tell the story, though. Many times a body isn't ever found. Ocean currents are strong in and around San Francisco Bay, and a person's remains can be carried out to sea long before anyone can recover them. Without a body, an autopsy can't be performed and death can't be confirmed, even if the person's car is located in a bridge parking lot and there's a suicide note.


Even though the actual number of suicides from the Golden Gate Bridge may be much higher than the number of confirmed suicides, 1,600 confirmed suicides is staggering as is. It makes the bridge the top suicide site on earth, by far. During the 1980s and early 1990s, mental health professionals urged the media not to report the number of bridge suicides for fear that it would lead to copycat behavior. After 15 years of relative silence, however, the number didn't go down. In fact, it went up, from an average of 21 per year the preceding 14 years to 39 in 1994 and 45 in 1995—the all-time high. That's when the strategy changed and suicide prevention advocates started to become vocal about Golden Gate Bridge suicides. Today, there are 25 to 30 confirmed suicides suicides per year from the bridge. Another six to 12 suicides aren't confirmed, according to estimates, and about 80 people per year are taken off the bridge prior to jumping. That's 120 people per year, on average, who go to the bridge with the intention of killing themselves.

The Death Toll - *The Final Leap

Suicide rates have increased nearly 30 percent over the past decade. More people now die of self-inflicted injuries than in car accidents. Though suicide is the 10th leading cause of death, many people fail to recognize it as a public health problem. Clayton thinks that’s because they just don’t understand the terrible suffering that drives people to suicide. Psychological autopsies—in-depth interviews with friends and family to identify causes of suicide—reveal that more than 90 percent of suicide victims were suffering from a mental disorder, usually undiagnosed or untreated, when they died.

Golden Gate Bridge suicide barrier: Controversy and cost over a life saver.

i am trying to find the cost of body recovery etc to see how that adds up
Every year 1 in 10,000, or nearly 35,000, Americans commit suicide. More than half of these people use firearms. Suffocation is the preferred method in nearly a quarter of suicides, followed by poisoning at 18% of suicides. More than 90 percent of people have depression or other mental disorders, or a substance abuse disorder. Family history of mental disease, suicide, or violence and abuse are the other causes of suicide. Men are almost 4 times as likely to commit suicide. Men tend to pick suicide by firearms, whereas women prefer poisoning. The suicide rate in non-Hispanic white men age 85 or older is 4 times as high as the national average. The suicide rate is also nearly 30% higher in people ages 65 or older. Ethnically, Alaska Natives and Native Americans have the highest suicide rates. If you think someone is suicidal, the National Institute of Mental Health recommends not to leave him or her alone. Try to get the person to seek immediate help from his or her doctor or the nearest hospital emergency room, or call 911. Eliminate access to firearms or other potential tools for suicide, including unsupervised access to medications. CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics calculated age adjusted suicide rates by state.
Here are the 10 most suicidal states in America:

10. Oregon:******** ************** 15.2 suicides per 100,000

9. Utah: ************** *************** 15.4 suicides per 100,000

8. West Virginia: ************ 15.9 suicides per 100,000

7. Arizona: ************************* 16.1 suicides per 100,000

6. Colorado: ********************** 16.4 suicides per 100,000

5. Nevada: ************************* 18.3 suicides per 100,000

4. Montana: ********************** 19.4 suicides per 100,000

3. Wyoming: ********************* 19.7 suicides per 100,000

2. New Mexico: **************** 20.4 suicides per 100,000

1. Alaska: *************************** 22.1 suicides per 100,000

Perhaps some "radical" but proactive steps towards getting to the root cause of the high suicide rates in these states would be in order?

Related Articles:
Read more at 10 States with the Highest Suicide Rates (Most Depressing and Suicidal States) - Insider Monkey
:D:D:D....but the moron is always winning on these forums >>>>

"Today, however, California has become a warning sign. Beset by economic disaster and political paralysis, the state is in the midst of a systemic crisis. And while the meltdown has certainly been accelerated by the recession of the past two years, its causes involve two decades of poor judgment, reckless mismanagement, and irresponsibility. How California got into this mess has a lot to teach the rest of the country; how it gets out will say a great deal about America's prospects."

Who Killed California? > Publications > National Affairs

California's longterm prognosis is a laugh......% of adults without a high school education is second highest in the quality ridiculously low ranking........and thanks to the unions and retirement obligations, this state of jackasses is 300 billion in the red at least. You want to be taxed with the mega one up the pooper? Move to California!!!:badgrin: Oh.....and enjoy the blackouts!!! State gets the trophy for astronomically high electricity costs.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:

Oh yeah......:2up:California is fucking the coming years, they'll have to build even more bridges for people to jump from.......and they'll be jumping they can keep most of them quiet as the bodies float out to sea!!!

HAPPY NOW:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::wink_2:
how come you did not put this paragraph up sKOOK?....

And through a series of social, political, and economic experiments, California has acted as America's foremost laboratory of innovation, trying out ideas the country as a whole would go on to adopt. In the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, the state offered a model of modernization, building the most advanced education and transportation infrastructures in the nation. Under Brown's successor, Ronald Reagan, it offered a model of conservative governance that would go on to transform American politics. Hollywood has made California a crucial part of America's cultural identity, and Silicon Valley has put it at the heart of our vision of the future. For many decades now, Americans have seen California as a harbinger of promising things to come.

so the State stumbles and assholes like you are there kicking it.....maybe all those good years you were just too awestruck and you feel you can jump up and down like a genuine moron usually does i said before sKOOK....a few short years ago you fuckers were tripping over yourselves to live here.....even now it still kicks whatever you call a States ass in GSP....

sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.

So...just don't ever fucking come here then? No one in California is crying themselves to sleep at night because some tard with a computer thinks he's better than everyone else.
Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Safety nets on bridges to stop jumpers?

A good lives.
Some people are depressed, feel there's no other way out except suicide jumping.
But, with a little help....or in the light of the next morning, they could be no longer depressed.
It's good that the state cares enough to try to help its depressed citizens.
Not only in California.

It's nothing new;

Guard rail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An architect who was famous for creative use of handrails for social stability was Alvar Aalto[citation needed].
The guard rails of an observation tower such as the Space Needle or Eiffel Tower become exaggerated to the point of becoming a fence or cage. This is also done on bridges and overpasses to prevent accidents and suicides.


Fences, cages, nets...all good.

The state has a duty of care to protect all citizens, tourists etc from harm/self-harm, as far as possible.
Only in California, spending money on nonsense.

Major Improvements, Rainbow Crosswalks Coming To San Francisco?s Castro Street « CBS San Francisco

Rainbow crosswalks. Just like West Hollywood.

It's a beautification project for the Castro. And?

San Francisco is a sister city of Sydney.

Recently in Sydney we had a rainbow painted crosswalk/pedestrian the unofficial "gay district" main street...a very busy street, buses galore.

End of the rainbow as workers cover crossing

End of the rainbow as workers cover crossing

Oxford Street's rainbow crossing, designed to mark 35 years of Sydney's Mardi Gras, has been ripped up by the state government following a stand-off with the city council.

The crossing was removed late on Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

Cover-up: the rainbow pedestrian crossing is no more. Photo: Dallas Kilponen

Mr Gay said the crossing needed to be removed because of safety concerns cited by an audit commissioned by the City of Sydney. That audit documented people getting drunk and laying on the crossing.
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family and therapy will help a lot more than a net.

the rate will drop, for the bridge, not for CA.

Why a net and not foot patrol cops?

A net has a visual impact on what you spent your money on and 2 cops walking back and forth to stop 63 (3X the known avg) wouldn't be cost effective.

seriously, it's just another "look what we did!"

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