If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up

Y'all just need to smoke more pot. I found this, right away on Google, just imagine if I had gone to YouTube, for simplicity.

Nah, I enjoy the world as it actually is. I have no need to distort reality with drugs.
Practicing the abomination of hypocrisy, without drugs, is even less defensible since it also, distorts reality.

Oh, I'm not a Hillary supporter.
lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

Ah yes, only abject ignorance and drug induced hallucinations can bring true enlightenment. :eusa_whistle:

No thinks, I've spent a lifetime gaining knowledge, real knowledge backed by credentials. Real credentials such as Ph.D., ΔΜΔ, et al. Go ahead, spend your life on dope, think that those with knowledge and mental clarity are "distorted" because they can't share the drug induced fantasy that rules your life.

I have nothing against the occasional drink, and by extension if someone occasionally smoked pot, no biggie. But i never encounter occasional pot smokers, they are all like you and Biker, people who spend their entire lives under the influence.

I find that sad, a waste of a life.

lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

Ah yes, only abject ignorance and drug induced hallucinations can bring true enlightenment. :eusa_whistle:

No thinks, I've spent a lifetime gaining knowledge, real knowledge backed by credentials. Real credentials such as Ph.D., ΔΜΔ, et al. Go ahead, spend your life on dope, think that those with knowledge and mental clarity are "distorted" because they can't share the drug induced fantasy that rules your life.

I have nothing against the occasional drink, and by extension if someone occasionally smoked pot, no biggie. But i never encounter occasional pot smokers, they are all like you and Biker, people who spend their entire lives under the influence.

I find that sad, a waste of a life.

the abomination of hypocrisy is worse than drugs.

even a god, doesn't like it.
Talk is cheap and talk is also guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. If pot head Jerry is dumb enough to take up arms against the Union then it's time for federal military action.

it is in a Bible.

how does it feel to habitually lose your arguments, to a stoner who was high, the whole time.

Wow man, gnarly.

Dude, most of the time you don't even know what the question is, much less provide a cogent answer. You are abjectly ignorant and spew utter nonsense. Any fantasy about "winning" is simply drug induced delusion. You are a joke, you have zero credibility.

it is in a Bible.

how does it feel to habitually lose your arguments, to a stoner who was high, the whole time.

Wow man, gnarly.

Dude, most of the time you don't even know what the question is, much less provide a cogent answer. You are abjectly ignorant and spew utter nonsense. Any fantasy about "winning" is simply drug induced delusion. You are a joke, you have zero credibility.
I haven't taken You seriously since we debated the drug war, on another forum.
I haven't taken You seriously since we debated the drug war, on another forum.

Oh, what forum was that? And what side did I take. (Hint, I'm a Rothbardian Libertarian.)

You're too fucking stoned to know what you're talking about.
I haven't taken You seriously since we debated the drug war, on another forum.

Oh, what forum was that? And what side did I take. (Hint, I'm a Rothbardian Libertarian.)

You're too fucking stoned to know what you're talking about.
deny and disparage; it is all practitioners of that abomination know how to do.

Even Mad Michael had better arguments than you. But, he was on USPoliticsOnline, until he got banned for having good arguments.

I think we debated on politicalforum or debatepoltiics.
I haven't taken You seriously since we debated the drug war, on another forum.

Oh, what forum was that? And what side did I take. (Hint, I'm a Rothbardian Libertarian.)

You're too fucking stoned to know what you're talking about.
deny and disparage; it is all practitioners of that abomination know how to do.

Even Mad Michael had better arguments than you. But, he was on USPoliticsOnline, until he got banned for having good arguments.

I think we debated on politicalforum or debatepoltiics.

So, ad hom and bluster?

You're a joke, son.

I normally kick your ass because of the ignorance you espouse regarding economic. You have literally zero knowledge of the subject. Since I have not been on either of the boards you listed, you are again full of shit.

I came here when AWE closed.
I haven't taken You seriously since we debated the drug war, on another forum.

Oh, what forum was that? And what side did I take. (Hint, I'm a Rothbardian Libertarian.)

You're too fucking stoned to know what you're talking about.
deny and disparage; it is all practitioners of that abomination know how to do.

Even Mad Michael had better arguments than you. But, he was on USPoliticsOnline, until he got banned for having good arguments.

I think we debated on politicalforum or debatepoltiics.

So, ad hom and bluster?

You're a joke, son.

I normally kick your ass because of the ignorance you espouse regarding economic. You have literally zero knowledge of the subject. Since I have not been on either of the boards you listed, you are again full of shit.

I came here when AWE closed.
I was on that board, too. I don't remember you there. And, that board was not very serious.
This thread by Blackrook where he hopes for the death and destruction of Americans and part of America still going on?

Another right wing whack job who just is hoping for the day when Americans start a war with Americans.

lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

Ah yes, only abject ignorance and drug induced hallucinations can bring true enlightenment. :eusa_whistle:

No thinks, I've spent a lifetime gaining knowledge, real knowledge backed by credentials. Real credentials such as Ph.D., ΔΜΔ, et al. Go ahead, spend your life on dope, think that those with knowledge and mental clarity are "distorted" because they can't share the drug induced fantasy that rules your life.

I have nothing against the occasional drink, and by extension if someone occasionally smoked pot, no biggie. But i never encounter occasional pot smokers, they are all like you and Biker, people who spend their entire lives under the influence.

I find that sad, a waste of a life.

It is readily apparent that you have no knowledge of cannabis. Why do I say this? Because of this post. You stated that marijuana makes you have hallucinations. Got news for you, it doesn't. Nor does it mess with the cognitive abilities of the brain in a negative way, because if it did, then doctors wouldn't prescribe it for people with Alzheimer's disease. Know why it helps with that? Because of the same reason it helps people with seizures, it helps the neurons in the brain which have had their sheaths damaged send the signals clearer.

Yeah, I also got my information from PhD and MD places, I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years of my career. Matter of fact, that was one of the reasons I was curious, because all of the information that I had been given on marijuana showed that it was LESS DANGEROUS than alcohol, so I decided that when I retired, I would do more research to see if I wanted to try it. 6 months after I'd retired and done lots of study on marijuana from places like the Royal British Medical Society and Harvard Medical, just to see what they had on it, and I decided to try it out for myself.

Since then? I became a regular consumer of marijuana, and interestingly enough, during the times of the year that it goes dry in my part of the world due to harvest, if I was out, I didn't freak or start twitching, I simply said, "I'm out, bummer, guess I'm gonna have to wait a week or two", and that was it. I'd wait, and when it became available again, I'd get some more. No withdrawls, no freaking out, and no ill mental effects.

Matter of fact, the worst that happens if I get really stoned is that I will get hungry, eat, go curl up in my blankets and fall asleep watching television. And the effects the next morning are pretty much zero. Try that with alcohol and you will wake up hungover.

But, go ahead and keep your false information on marijuana if you want. But, if you would like to be a bit better educated, I recommend getting the documentary "Grass" that is narrated by Woody Harrelson. It will tell you some very interesting things that the government did to make it illegal.

BTW, the main reason that marijuana was made illegal was because an FBI agent named Anslinger didn't like brown or black people, who at the time, happened to be the main consumers of marijuana.
This thread by Blackrook where he hopes for the death and destruction of Americans and part of America still going on?

Another right wing whack job who just is hoping for the day when Americans start a war with Americans.

Yeah, but some of us are arguing about the benefits of cannabis.

Know what the scary thing is Sy? There are lots of people in this country, who upon the election of Trump, started to talk like Blackrook.
This thread by Blackrook where he hopes for the death and destruction of Americans and part of America still going on?

Another right wing whack job who just is hoping for the day when Americans start a war with Americans.

Yeah, but some of us are arguing about the benefits of cannabis.

Know what the scary thing is Sy? There are lots of people in this country, who upon the election of Trump, started to talk like Blackrook.


lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

I have nothing against the occasional drink, and by extension if someone occasionally smoked pot, no biggie. But i never encounter occasional pot smokers, they are all like you and Biker, people who spend their entire lives under the influence..

Then you have led a pretty limited life.

Probably in part because pot has been illegal. Many people who smoke pot casually don't do so in front of prudes who will likely judge them on it, or even be stupid enough to take legal action about it.

The vast majority of pot smokers I have known smoke occasionally- like a few times a week. Some smoke it like my parents have their evening cocktail- a few puffs in the evening to mellow things out.

Then I have also known people who are self medicating with pot- that is one of the weirdest ones- typically type A people who are always 'on'- and use pot to switch to off. These are people who are typically high performing most of the time, but use pot much like stock brokers use shots of vodka to crowd the craziness out of their brain.

lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

I have nothing against the occasional drink, and by extension if someone occasionally smoked pot, no biggie. But i never encounter occasional pot smokers, they are all like you and Biker, people who spend their entire lives under the influence..

Then you have led a pretty limited life.

Probably in part because pot has been illegal. Many people who smoke pot casually don't do so in front of prudes who will likely judge them on it, or even be stupid enough to take legal action about it.

The vast majority of pot smokers I have known smoke occasionally- like a few times a week. Some smoke it like my parents have their evening cocktail- a few puffs in the evening to mellow things out.

Then I have also known people who are self medicating with pot- that is one of the weirdest ones- typically type A people who are always 'on'- and use pot to switch to off. These are people who are typically high performing most of the time, but use pot much like stock brokers use shots of vodka to crowd the craziness out of their brain.

You know, if you met me on the street, you wouldn't have the slightest idea that I smoke marijuana, unless I was wearing one of my 420 shirts.

However, if I'm running around town, and someone who is 420 friendly starts to talk to me and we figure out both of us are 420 friendly, the conversation usually quickly turns to the legality and the medical uses of marijuana, as well as what some of the best strains we've ever had are and compare notes.

My current favorites? Golden Goat and Cobra Kush.

lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

Ah yes, only abject ignorance and drug induced hallucinations can bring true enlightenment. :eusa_whistle:

No thinks, I've spent a lifetime gaining knowledge, real knowledge backed by credentials. Real credentials such as Ph.D., ΔΜΔ, et al. Go ahead, spend your life on dope, think that those with knowledge and mental clarity are "distorted" because they can't share the drug induced fantasy that rules your life.

I have nothing against the occasional drink, and by extension if someone occasionally smoked pot, no biggie. But i never encounter occasional pot smokers, they are all like you and Biker, people who spend their entire lives under the influence.

I find that sad, a waste of a life.

It is readily apparent that you have no knowledge of cannabis. Why do I say this? Because of this post. You stated that marijuana makes you have hallucinations. Got news for you, it doesn't. Nor does it mess with the cognitive abilities of the brain in a negative way, because if it did, then doctors wouldn't prescribe it for people with Alzheimer's disease. Know why it helps with that? Because of the same reason it helps people with seizures, it helps the neurons in the brain which have had their sheaths damaged send the signals clearer.

Yeah, I also got my information from PhD and MD places, I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years of my career. Matter of fact, that was one of the reasons I was curious, because all of the information that I had been given on marijuana showed that it was LESS DANGEROUS than alcohol, so I decided that when I retired, I would do more research to see if I wanted to try it. 6 months after I'd retired and done lots of study on marijuana from places like the Royal British Medical Society and Harvard Medical, just to see what they had on it, and I decided to try it out for myself.

Since then? I became a regular consumer of marijuana, and interestingly enough, during the times of the year that it goes dry in my part of the world due to harvest, if I was out, I didn't freak or start twitching, I simply said, "I'm out, bummer, guess I'm gonna have to wait a week or two", and that was it. I'd wait, and when it became available again, I'd get some more. No withdrawls, no freaking out, and no ill mental effects.

Matter of fact, the worst that happens if I get really stoned is that I will get hungry, eat, go curl up in my blankets and fall asleep watching television. And the effects the next morning are pretty much zero. Try that with alcohol and you will wake up hungover.

But, go ahead and keep your false information on marijuana if you want. But, if you would like to be a bit better educated, I recommend getting the documentary "Grass" that is narrated by Woody Harrelson. It will tell you some very interesting things that the government did to make it illegal.

BTW, the main reason that marijuana was made illegal was because an FBI agent named Anslinger didn't like brown or black people, who at the time, happened to be the main consumers of marijuana.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. I know you dopers will say anything to justify your addiction, but give the idiocy a rest.

{Pleasant experiences with marijuana are by no means universal. Instead of relaxation and euphoria, some people experience anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic. These effects are more common when a person takes too much, the marijuana has an unexpectedly high potency, or the person is inexperienced. People who have taken large doses of marijuana may experience an acute psychosis, which includes hallucinations, delusions, and a loss of the sense of personal identity. These unpleasant but temporary reactions are distinct from longer-lasting psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, that may be associated with the use of marijuana in vulnerable individuals. (See "Is there a link between marijuana use and psychiatric disorders?")}

Look, I don't give a shit what you do, and I support legal pot, but don't lie to me about it.

Pot is psychologically addictive, but not physically addictive. Similar to coffee, you miss the effect but no physiological changes occur.

The scans showed that THC lowered activity in a region on the right side of the brain called the caudate nucleus — and the more it reduced activation, the greater effect it had on the men’s response times and the more they experienced a sense of paranoia and an intensified sense of significance and auditory hallucinations.

Those are all psychotic symptoms that can indicate schizophrenia if they occur when people are not high on marijuana or other drugs. Understanding how they occur may help researchers better understand how psychosis develops. For example, an inability to filter out irrelevant stimuli may lead people to hallucinate voices when others hear only noise. And if a sense of heightened significance occurs simultaneously, this could lead to hallucinations common in schizophrenia, like a sense that the voices are commanding you to do something important or are the voices of religious authorities or gods.}
Marijuana May Both Trigger and Suppress Psychosis | TIME.com

lol. Hillary is not the Only one; see, your reality is distorted, and you don't even realize it.

Ah yes, only abject ignorance and drug induced hallucinations can bring true enlightenment. :eusa_whistle:

No thinks, I've spent a lifetime gaining knowledge, real knowledge backed by credentials. Real credentials such as Ph.D., ΔΜΔ, et al. Go ahead, spend your life on dope, think that those with knowledge and mental clarity are "distorted" because they can't share the drug induced fantasy that rules your life.

I have nothing against the occasional drink, and by extension if someone occasionally smoked pot, no biggie. But i never encounter occasional pot smokers, they are all like you and Biker, people who spend their entire lives under the influence.

I find that sad, a waste of a life.

It is readily apparent that you have no knowledge of cannabis. Why do I say this? Because of this post. You stated that marijuana makes you have hallucinations. Got news for you, it doesn't. Nor does it mess with the cognitive abilities of the brain in a negative way, because if it did, then doctors wouldn't prescribe it for people with Alzheimer's disease. Know why it helps with that? Because of the same reason it helps people with seizures, it helps the neurons in the brain which have had their sheaths damaged send the signals clearer.

Yeah, I also got my information from PhD and MD places, I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years of my career. Matter of fact, that was one of the reasons I was curious, because all of the information that I had been given on marijuana showed that it was LESS DANGEROUS than alcohol, so I decided that when I retired, I would do more research to see if I wanted to try it. 6 months after I'd retired and done lots of study on marijuana from places like the Royal British Medical Society and Harvard Medical, just to see what they had on it, and I decided to try it out for myself.

Since then? I became a regular consumer of marijuana, and interestingly enough, during the times of the year that it goes dry in my part of the world due to harvest, if I was out, I didn't freak or start twitching, I simply said, "I'm out, bummer, guess I'm gonna have to wait a week or two", and that was it. I'd wait, and when it became available again, I'd get some more. No withdrawls, no freaking out, and no ill mental effects.

Matter of fact, the worst that happens if I get really stoned is that I will get hungry, eat, go curl up in my blankets and fall asleep watching television. And the effects the next morning are pretty much zero. Try that with alcohol and you will wake up hungover.

But, go ahead and keep your false information on marijuana if you want. But, if you would like to be a bit better educated, I recommend getting the documentary "Grass" that is narrated by Woody Harrelson. It will tell you some very interesting things that the government did to make it illegal.

BTW, the main reason that marijuana was made illegal was because an FBI agent named Anslinger didn't like brown or black people, who at the time, happened to be the main consumers of marijuana.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. I know you dopers will say anything to justify your addiction, but give the idiocy a rest.

{Pleasant experiences with marijuana are by no means universal. Instead of relaxation and euphoria, some people experience anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic. These effects are more common when a person takes too much, the marijuana has an unexpectedly high potency, or the person is inexperienced. People who have taken large doses of marijuana may experience an acute psychosis, which includes hallucinations, delusions, and a loss of the sense of personal identity. These unpleasant but temporary reactions are distinct from longer-lasting psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, that may be associated with the use of marijuana in vulnerable individuals. (See "Is there a link between marijuana use and psychiatric disorders?")}

Look, I don't give a shit what you do, and I support legal pot, but don't lie to me about it.

Pot is psychologically addictive, but not physically addictive. Similar to coffee, you miss the effect but no physiological changes occur.

The scans showed that THC lowered activity in a region on the right side of the brain called the caudate nucleus — and the more it reduced activation, the greater effect it had on the men’s response times and the more they experienced a sense of paranoia and an intensified sense of significance and auditory hallucinations.

Those are all psychotic symptoms that can indicate schizophrenia if they occur when people are not high on marijuana or other drugs. Understanding how they occur may help researchers better understand how psychosis develops. For example, an inability to filter out irrelevant stimuli may lead people to hallucinate voices when others hear only noise. And if a sense of heightened significance occurs simultaneously, this could lead to hallucinations common in schizophrenia, like a sense that the voices are commanding you to do something important or are the voices of religious authorities or gods.}
Marijuana May Both Trigger and Suppress Psychosis | TIME.com

First off, that is from a government site. I haven't trusted the government when it comes to marijuana ever since I found out about the movie "Reefer Madness" which is nothing but propaganda against marijuana. The government hasn't seen fit to revise their stand since then.

And..........hate to tell you, but coffee IS physically addictive. It's the caffeine in it that causes those problems.

And yeah, you're right, marijuana CAN become psychologically addictive for some people, but so can shopping, running, gambling, or other people. When you are addicted to other people, that is called co-dependency.

And, most of those studies that show a possibility of psychosis are people who started smoking at a young age. Me? I think that the legal age to use marijuana should be 21. Why? Because your brain and nervous system aren't fully formed until you are around 18 or 20, and if it is used before then, then yeah, there is a possibility for it to mess with the brain chemistry. But after it's fully formed? Little to no problems at all. Matter of fact, I've already told you that marijuana has been proven to be beneficial for people with diseases like Alzheimer's and seizures, both conditions that affect the brain.

As far as hallucinations? I've known many marijuana smokers since I retired back in the early 2000's, and not only have I never had any, I've never heard of anyone else having them either. And I worked at a biker bar for over 4 years.

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