If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up

Imagine American soldiers pulling down the Hollywood sign, burning down Disneyland, and blowing up the Golden Gate Bridge. I see it in my dreams, and I hope it becomes reality.


What a twisted hateful little fuck you are.
Sort of like dreaming about blowing up the White House or comparing Trump to Adolph Hitler? Oh, that's okay because it's people on your side doing that.

Fucking hypocrite.

You're making the comparison between a POTUS and a state, which happens to be the 6th largest economy in the world, too? I hope Silicon Valley unplugs your IP first. That will leave you Angry Birds and email.
Imagine American soldiers pulling down the Hollywood sign, burning down Disneyland, and blowing up the Golden Gate Bridge. I see it in my dreams, and I hope it becomes reality.


What a twisted hateful little fuck you are.
Sort of like dreaming about blowing up the White House or comparing Trump to Adolph Hitler? Oh, that's okay because it's people on your side doing that.

Fucking hypocrite.

You're making the comparison between a POTUS and a state, which happens to be the 6th largest economy in the world, too? I hope Silicon Valley unplugs your IP first. That will leave you Angry Birds and email.

You are forgetting about the 20% import tax on streaming video.
Good question. I guess I always thought we were stronger as a nation but what you're proposing would be a good way to jettison a lot of stupidity.
If we were a stronger nation, then so many political partisans wouldn't be able divide us as we are now. People who complained about paying other states would be quickly shut down by those who recognized there was a bigger picture of quid pro quo among and between all the states beyond simple tax dollars.
Good question. I guess I always thought we were stronger as a nation but what you're proposing would be a good way to jettison a lot of stupidity.
If we were a stronger nation, then so many political partisans wouldn't be able divide us as we are now. People who complained about paying other states would be quickly shut down by those who recognized there was a bigger picture of quid pro quo among and between all the states beyond simple tax dollars.
I agree yet ironically, the most vocal opposition to taxes seems to come from people who hardly pay any.
State legislature considering making all of California a ‘sanctuary state’

Imagine the U.S. Army marching into California and leaving a trail of destruction from San Francisco to San Diego. Imagine American soldiers pulling down the Hollywood sign, burning down Disneyland, and blowing up the Golden Gate Bridge. I see it in my dreams, and I hope it becomes reality.

Why waste any resources on that state or any other state. If they want to leave, let them go.
You know nothing of the military except to really, deep down inside, laugh at those of us who served and think of us as losers. Well, we know who the real loser is. Your posts make that quite easy to see.

You're not the military, nor a representation of the military.

My contempt for you has nothing to do with the military, and everything to do with you.

Wind blowing out there in El Centro? Hope your single-wide is well anchored.....

Why waste any resources on that state or any other state. If they want to leave, let them go.

Well, the Port of Los Angeles / Long Beach harbor is one reason. The combined total dwarfs all other ports of entry in the nation. The two, which are really one, do more than the next 10 ports combined.
I agree yet ironically, the most vocal opposition to taxes seems to come from people who hardly pay any.
Back to my point; the best way to shut someone up is to give them exactly what they want.

Sometimes it's wiser to let a few houses burn down so the town recognizes they need to pay for a fire department rather than to constantly look like a fucking asshole dictator forcing everyone to pay for it.
I agree yet ironically, the most vocal opposition to taxes seems to come from people who hardly pay any.
Back to my point; the best way to shut someone up is to give them exactly what they want.

Sometimes it's wiser to let a few houses burn down so the town recognizes they need to pay for a fire department rather than to constantly look like a fucking asshole dictator forcing everyone to pay for it.
Once again, I agree.
'If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up'

Between mudslides, earthquakes, fires, floods, Illegals, fruits, flakes, and nuts - God, Illegals, and Liberals are 'f*ing it up' just fine all by themselves. Stripping them of all federal funds will just help expedite their demise.

California has historically paid more in federal taxes than it receives; unlike welfare queen red States.

California ranks at forty-six on the federal dependency scale.

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

You're so confused bud...you're like the fat slow kid on a track team riding the coat tails and glory of those who actually contribute...haha
It's been said; Silicon Valley and the mega corps cover your nut while the other 95% of the state lives in poverty stricken filth, many selling roses and begging for change on freeway off ramps.
Stop with that Liberal shit and misleading yourself...it's time to be reasonable.
Nothing but right wing, national socialist propaganda with no links; i got it.
'If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up'

Between mudslides, earthquakes, fires, floods, Illegals, fruits, flakes, and nuts - God, Illegals, and Liberals are 'f*ing it up' just fine all by themselves. Stripping them of all federal funds will just help expedite their demise.
Ummm, California is a donor state which means they give more than they take. Dumbass.

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Only the right wing would be a bunch of "low tax State" moochers; while blaming the left or the poor.

It’s not just that some states are getting way more in return for their federal tax dollars, but the disproportionate amount of federal aid that some states receive allows them to keep their own taxes artificially low. That's the argument Wallet Hub analysts make in their 2014 Report on Best & Worst States to be a Taxpayer.
'If California continues to rebel against the United States, the Army can march in and fuck it up'

Between mudslides, earthquakes, fires, floods, Illegals, fruits, flakes, and nuts - God, Illegals, and Liberals are 'f*ing it up' just fine all by themselves. Stripping them of all federal funds will just help expedite their demise.
Ummm, California is a donor state which means they give more than they take. Dumbass.

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

No they don't.

They get credit for Billions of dollars that they didn't produce when it is exported from their Ports.

Most foreign sales take place at International Ports of Call.

You buy something made in Ohio but the transaction doesn't take place until it reaches a 'Tax Free' International Port, where it is registered as a sale.

Otherwise, if the sale were registered in Ohio, then Ohio Sales Tax would have to be paid. If the sale is registered at an International Shipping Port, no sales tax is due or collected.

Same thing in New Yawk, New Joisey, etc.

Those stats are lies. But, they're from dimocrap scum. What else can you expect??
it is called, an absolute advantage. All States have something.

what about red States; bunch of allegedly, low tax States.

It’s not just that some states are getting way more in return for their federal tax dollars, but the disproportionate amount of federal aid that some states receive allows them to keep their own taxes artificially low. That's the argument Wallet Hub analysts make in their 2014 Report on Best & Worst States to be a Taxpayer.

Projection is what the right wing, national socialists, do best.

Hey, Colorado is generating around 50 million in taxes on recreational marijuana each year.

Far cry from a billion, but my point it that Palos is incoherent. He might consider sobriety, just to give it a try...
are you practicing being a good right wing, national socialist with your propaganda?

How is making around a billion a year, incoherent. Sounds like good capitalism, to me. Only the national socialist right wing, hates giving up their their "shiny fasces of power".

Hey, Colorado is generating around 50 million in taxes on recreational marijuana each year.

Far cry from a billion, but my point it that Palos is incoherent. He might consider sobriety, just to give it a try...

Agreed, a billion is a bit of a stretch, but considering California's population, when compared to Colorado's, and there might be somewhere between 100 and 150 million a year in tax revenue.

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