Only in California.....the mental case state!!!

how come you did not put this paragraph up sKOOK?....

And through a series of social, political, and economic experiments, California has acted as America's foremost laboratory of innovation, trying out ideas the country as a whole would go on to adopt. In the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, the state offered a model of modernization, building the most advanced education and transportation infrastructures in the nation. Under Brown's successor, Ronald Reagan, it offered a model of conservative governance that would go on to transform American politics. Hollywood has made California a crucial part of America's cultural identity, and Silicon Valley has put it at the heart of our vision of the future. For many decades now, Americans have seen California as a harbinger of promising things to come.

so the State stumbles and assholes like you are there kicking it.....maybe all those good years you were just too awestruck and you feel you can jump up and down like a genuine moron usually does i said before sKOOK....a few short years ago you fuckers were tripping over yourselves to live here.....even now it still kicks whatever you call a States ass in GSP....

sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.

like i said Skooks....a few short years ago people like you....yes like you....were tripping over themselves moving here.....if you assholes would have stayed in your own States this State might not be in the shape its in today....

30-40 years ago...........nobody cares anymore. All the nutters moved to nobody wants to be caught dead there. Some people embrace getting raped by the state.....a huge majority think its gay.

In California, you have the aristocrats and the sheep.:D:D:D
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how come you did not put this paragraph up sKOOK?....

And through a series of social, political, and economic experiments, California has acted as America's foremost laboratory of innovation, trying out ideas the country as a whole would go on to adopt. In the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, the state offered a model of modernization, building the most advanced education and transportation infrastructures in the nation. Under Brown's successor, Ronald Reagan, it offered a model of conservative governance that would go on to transform American politics. Hollywood has made California a crucial part of America's cultural identity, and Silicon Valley has put it at the heart of our vision of the future. For many decades now, Americans have seen California as a harbinger of promising things to come.

so the State stumbles and assholes like you are there kicking it.....maybe all those good years you were just too awestruck and you feel you can jump up and down like a genuine moron usually does i said before sKOOK....a few short years ago you fuckers were tripping over yourselves to live here.....even now it still kicks whatever you call a States ass in GSP....

sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.

So...just don't ever fucking come here then? No one in California is crying themselves to sleep at night because some tard with a computer thinks he's better than everyone else.

at least he aint like the pussy Politico....Skooker at least said where he lives....Politico is too ashamed to say where....
sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.

like i said Skooks....a few short years ago people like you....yes like you....were tripping over themselves moving here.....if you assholes would have stayed in your own States this State might not be in the shape its in today....

30-40 years ago...........nobody cares anymore. All the nutters moved to nobody wants to be caught dead there. Some people embrace getting raped by the state.....a huge majority think its gay.

In California, you have the aristocrats and the sheep.:D:D:D

nutters from both sides.....all Far Right and Left are Sheep...
how come you did not put this paragraph up sKOOK?....

And through a series of social, political, and economic experiments, California has acted as America's foremost laboratory of innovation, trying out ideas the country as a whole would go on to adopt. In the 1960s under Governor Pat Brown, the state offered a model of modernization, building the most advanced education and transportation infrastructures in the nation. Under Brown's successor, Ronald Reagan, it offered a model of conservative governance that would go on to transform American politics. Hollywood has made California a crucial part of America's cultural identity, and Silicon Valley has put it at the heart of our vision of the future. For many decades now, Americans have seen California as a harbinger of promising things to come.

so the State stumbles and assholes like you are there kicking it.....maybe all those good years you were just too awestruck and you feel you can jump up and down like a genuine moron usually does i said before sKOOK....a few short years ago you fuckers were tripping over yourselves to live here.....even now it still kicks whatever you call a States ass in GSP....

sentimental hogwash is gay

Theres no getting round it........the state is a shit hole and its only going to get uglier. I laugh at how the California people fall all over themselves defending it. Laughable. I live in New York.......a similar snake pit, just not quite as far over the cliff. The huge entitlement states suck if you are a middle class guy......its trickle up poverty year after year.

So...just don't ever fucking come here then? No one in California is crying themselves to sleep at night because some tard with a computer thinks he's better than everyone else.

Of course they are sleeping well.......they are methodically expelling blacks from living in your city via racist housing laws.
Damn San Francisco......most racist big city in the country.
Fuck them......

New York, where I live to, is a phoney racist city too. The new genius socialist mayor just stopped the "stop and frisk" laws.......awesome.......a lot more black youth will die in coming years.
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The whole state is a mental case.

oh here he is....the pussy who is too ashamed to mention the shit hole he lives in.....

I have said many times I don't live in that shit hole.

thats not the question i have asked you is it? are too ashamed to admit what shit hole you live in because that shit hole contributes very little to the Countries Economy and you know if that is the case i will make fun of you.....but dont worry about that,i did offer you a coattail to hold on to.....either way you are a fucking like Skooker at least he had the balls to say what shit hole he resides in......
Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Bursting out laughing over people that think suicide is the only way out? Cheap entertainment and lots of it out there scooter. If you make fun of people being stupid, at least spell stupid correctly. It was 85 degrees here in southern california, probably another craphole to you. Everybody, liberals and conservatives, were enjoying the weather, while you were in your dark cave laughing at people in desperate need of help. You're a class act, scooter.
Safety nets on bridges to stop jumpers

Is there something wrong with wanting to save lives?

Go step in front of a bus....without a safety net.

s0n :eusa_dance:

OMG......I love the board members with zero connect the dots ability......the draw that keeps us coming back.:D:D:2up:

Maybe next, we should spend money on rubber guard rails on our highways???

Nets around every building over 3 stories high!!!!

How about knives......lets ban 'em and go with slicing shit like steak with our fingers. That'd sure save a few lives.

Lets regulate cars to go a top speed of 30 mph.....force the car companies to scrap current engines and make 'em build 75 horsepower engines!!! Who cant love that idea......sure would save lives.

And how about these idiotic ski facilities. I say ban 'em.....lets face it, save more than a few lives from running face first into a trees.

And while we are at about the fucking trains?? Fuck these trains that people throw themselves in front of by the thousands every year. I say......regulate the damn trains to ALL have some sort of cow-catching type device......where the would be suicide guy would get plunged into a goo type substance. Who cant love THAT life saving idea??

oh here he is....the pussy who is too ashamed to mention the shit hole he lives in.....

I have said many times I don't live in that shit hole.

thats not the question i have asked you is it? are too ashamed to admit what shit hole you live in because that shit hole contributes very little to the Countries Economy and you know if that is the case i will make fun of you.....but dont worry about that,i did offer you a coattail to hold on to.....either way you are a fucking like Skooker at least he had the balls to say what shit hole he resides in......

No you did what all Leftytoons do. Deflect. So you go after everyone else. I could say I was from Zeta Reticuli and you would attack the entire Reticulum constellation if it takes the focus off your crazy shit.

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