Only one person can save the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton

How odd that you would say people are equal and still claim to be liberal.

Not "odd" in any way. It's what the term means.

in the liberal mind equal only matters when it comes to what you have. NOT HOW YOU GET IT.
see, if we were equal, then I would not be working and paying tax to support some lazy piece of shit that sits around smoking crack and plopping out a new generation of ghetto thugs. I would not be paying more for my health care so some lazy piece of shit can get theirs for free.

Cool comic book, dood.

as far as Bernie? he didnt hold a job for the first 40 years of his life, instead he ran around complaining because people that WORKED had more money than him. then he got elected to positions that He got to try and call the shots, almost impossible to get fired from.

False. And btw the point stands, regardless of your attempt to deflect it, that Rump hasn't held a job for the first seventy years of his life. And counting. As in "never".

What a piece of shit he is too.


as far as your tree scenero? works fine until the lazy piece of shit liberal that you hired to dig that tree up sues you because you didnt make the white guy dig it up, or he sues you for firing him because he didnt feel like working.

Now there's a good point, finally. Who's the king of suing people when he doesn't get his way? I'll give you a hint, the initials are DT and that does not stand for David Tuke.

Equal to a liberal is only true for wealth and material items, it falls way short when it comes to actually getting up every morning and showing up at a job.
Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

Claiming Donald Trump has never worked in his life only exposes your situation. the only way you would ever think that running a business, let alone more than one at a time does not involve work indicates that you have never worked in the first place.
If you get an education you could be the one telling the guy which tree to dig up instead of the guy holding the shovel, and if you get an even better education, you just might be the one telling others to tell others to tell the guy telling you to dig up that tree.
those like you always seem to think that you should start at the top.

I put out the challenge here months ago for anyone to show me any time, anywhere, in any field, that Rump has actually held any job as I've described above -- meaning meeting someone else's expectations. And no job anywhere requires meeting someone else's expectations more than the Presidency.

I have never gotten an answer to that challenge. And I continue not to hear one.

---- Which is exactly what I expected.
Its because you don't know how business works.
they guy with the shovel has less of a demand to meet expectations than the guy at the top running the company.
But, as one who's only expectation is to collect the government check from the mailbox, your understanding is somewhat low.

Actually I have my own business. Three of them. There are no "government checks" in my mailbox, so bite me.

The point stands. Untouched.
How odd that you would say people are equal and still claim to be liberal.

Not "odd" in any way. It's what the term means.

in the liberal mind equal only matters when it comes to what you have. NOT HOW YOU GET IT.
see, if we were equal, then I would not be working and paying tax to support some lazy piece of shit that sits around smoking crack and plopping out a new generation of ghetto thugs. I would not be paying more for my health care so some lazy piece of shit can get theirs for free.

Cool comic book, dood.

as far as Bernie? he didnt hold a job for the first 40 years of his life, instead he ran around complaining because people that WORKED had more money than him. then he got elected to positions that He got to try and call the shots, almost impossible to get fired from.

False. And btw the point stands, regardless of your attempt to deflect it, that Rump hasn't held a job for the first seventy years of his life. And counting. As in "never".

What a piece of shit he is too.


as far as your tree scenero? works fine until the lazy piece of shit liberal that you hired to dig that tree up sues you because you didnt make the white guy dig it up, or he sues you for firing him because he didnt feel like working.

Now there's a good point, finally. Who's the king of suing people when he doesn't get his way? I'll give you a hint, the initials are DT and that does not stand for David Tuke.

Equal to a liberal is only true for wealth and material items, it falls way short when it comes to actually getting up every morning and showing up at a job.
Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

Claiming Donald Trump has never worked in his life only exposes your situation. the only way you would ever think that running a business, let alone more than one at a time does not involve work indicates that you have never worked in the first place.
If you get an education you could be the one telling the guy which tree to dig up instead of the guy holding the shovel, and if you get an even better education, you just might be the one telling others to tell others to tell the guy telling you to dig up that tree.
those like you always seem to think that you should start at the top.

I put out the challenge here months ago for anyone to show me any time, anywhere, in any field, that Rump has actually held any job as I've described above -- meaning meeting someone else's expectations. And no job anywhere requires meeting someone else's expectations more than the Presidency.

I have never gotten an answer to that challenge. And I continue not to hear one.

---- Which is exactly what I expected.
Its because you don't know how business works.
they guy with the shovel has less of a demand to meet expectations than the guy at the top running the company.
But, as one who's only expectation is to collect the government check from the mailbox, your understanding is somewhat low.

Actually I have my own business. Three of them. There are no "government checks" in my mailbox, so bite me.

The point stands. Untouched.
actually, Im a self made multi millionaire ( cant disprove that either)
I will point out one thing that is interesting however, You claim to own three businesses, yet you have time to play on the internet? must not be very successful at then. The people I know that own a business dont have the time to play like you do.
I call bullshit.
Oh, and in case you are wondering, selling water bottles at intersections is not actually a business.

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