Only one person can save the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton


Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

The only fact you need to know iS Comrade Trump is sucking dust from Hillary's feet. ENJOY!
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
I know that its not really fair to try and point things out to someone with obvious limited education but. Don't you think that the poll that will show these low numbers is going to be the one where people actually vote?
You know, I was asked who I was going to vote for in a poll while out in Annapolis, I was with American friends, so just to start an evening of banter, I answered Hillary.
I think we can all pretty much guess that I lied to the pollster.
Do you think I'm the only one that does this?

Yeah I do.

I'm still waiting to get polled myself. When it happens I'm answering "Gary Johnson", just to force the Duopoly Debate Collusion Company to put him on stage. If he gets to that point I'm answering "Jill Stein" to get her up there too. Etc etc etc. Now that's using a pollster to actually achieve something.

Neither will make it.
Laugh if you want. Many, many Republicans feel Trump could kill the GOP if elected.

And that is not a good thing as it would leave us with one party --- the only thing worse than a Duopoly: a monopoly.

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

The only fact you need to know iS Comrade Trump is sucking dust from Hillary's feet. ENJOY!
Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
I know that its not really fair to try and point things out to someone with obvious limited education but. Don't you think that the poll that will show these low numbers is going to be the one where people actually vote?
You know, I was asked who I was going to vote for in a poll while out in Annapolis, I was with American friends, so just to start an evening of banter, I answered Hillary.
I think we can all pretty much guess that I lied to the pollster.
Do you think I'm the only one that does this?

Yeah I do.

I'm still waiting to get polled myself. When it happens I'm answering "Gary Johnson", just to force the Duopoly Debate Collusion Company to put him on stage. If he gets to that point I'm answering "Jill Stein" to get her up there too. Etc etc etc. Now that's using a pollster to actually achieve something.

Neither will make it.

Maybe not but by god I'm gonna do what I can rather than just lie back and think of England. Or whatever that previous poster thinks he's doing.
We can compare the two main candidates easily.

You have a woman who has served the nation in several high positions. Her statements at times have been misleading and often are questioned. Her opponents have accused her of multiple infractions of law, including murder, lying, and malfeasance. But she has been investigated by the highest law enforcement officers in the country, including the FBI. Her business and many personal e-mails have been displayed publicly. And yet, she remains, of the two, the most qualified to do the job as President.

Then you have a man who has never held public office, has businesses who claimed bankruptsies on numerous occasion, has been sued many, many times. He has little knowledge of how government works and has made outlandish statements such as, "You never have to default because you print the money”, of nuclear weapons, "Why can't we use them?", or "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

And of course there are many more...

10 Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes (Yes these are all real) | SoCawlege
Maybe not but by god I'm gonna do what I can rather than just lie back and think of England. Or whatever that previous poster thinks he's doing.

I thought that when you lie back, you think of Killing Fields and all the Americans you want to see in them?

But we know that you'll do all you can to make the world Pol Pot envisioned a reality in America...
We can compare the two main candidates easily.

You have a woman who has served the nation in several high positions. Her statements at times have been misleading and often are questioned. Her opponents have accused her of multiple infractions of law, including murder, lying, and malfeasance. But she has been investigated by the highest law enforcement officers in the country, including the FBI. Her business and many personal e-mails have been displayed publicly. And yet, she remains, of the two, the most qualified to do the job as President.

Then you have a man who has never held public office, has businesses who claimed bankruptsies on numerous occasion, has been sued many, many times. He has little knowledge of how government works and has made outlandish statements such as, "You never have to default because you print the money”, of nuclear weapons, "Why can't we use them?", or "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

And of course there are many more...

10 Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes (Yes these are all real) | SoCawlege

I would have added, a man who's never even held a job or any kind of position of responsibility at all ever, who's entire life has been avoiding responsibility (such as suing a book author because he didn't estimate Rump's net worth as high as his fantasy, such as suing Palm Beach County because he didn't notice the estate he bought was in a flight path, such as deny deny deny when you bring up his bankruptcies, such as mocking a reporter's congenital condition and then denying what's right there on videotape, such as impersonating himself as his own spokesman, then admitting to it, then denying it again, such as claiming he "doesn't know who David Duke is", etc etc etc etc etc etc etc)

-- a clown who's rich because he had everything just handed to him all his life beginning with the lessons from his father on how to mine your own money from other people's including first and foremost the taxpayers' money -- there's more avoiding responsibility again.... an asshat who learns his foreign policy from the internets and "knows more than the generals" yet "likes people who weren't captured"..... just off the top of my head between sips of coffee....

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." :rofl: --- this from a deferment-dipstick (bone spurs playing squash you know :gay: ) with no military experience whatsoever.

I'll see Rump's quote and raise an Eisenhower: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".
We can compare the two main candidates easily.

You have a woman who has served the nation in several high positions. Her statements at times have been misleading and often are questioned. Her opponents have accused her of multiple infractions of law, including murder, lying, and malfeasance. But she has been investigated by the highest law enforcement officers in the country, including the FBI. Her business and many personal e-mails have been displayed publicly. And yet, she remains, of the two, the most qualified to do the job as President.

Then you have a man who has never held public office, has businesses who claimed bankruptsies on numerous occasion, has been sued many, many times. He has little knowledge of how government works and has made outlandish statements such as, "You never have to default because you print the money”, of nuclear weapons, "Why can't we use them?", or "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

And of course there are many more...

10 Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes (Yes these are all real) | SoCawlege

I would have added, a man who's never even held a job or any kind of position of responsibility at all ever, who's entire life has been avoiding responsibility (such as suing a book author because he didn't estimate Rump's net worth as high as his fantasy, such as suing Palm Beach County because he didn't notice the estate he bought was in a flight path, such as deny deny deny when you bring up his bankruptcies, such as mocking a reporter's congenital condition and then denying what's right there on videotape, such as impersonating himself as his own spokesman, then admitting to it, then denying it again, such as claiming he "doesn't know who David Duke is", etc etc etc etc etc etc etc)

-- a clown who's rich because he had everything just handed to him all his life beginning with the lessons from his father on how to mine your own money from other people's including first and foremost the taxpayers' money -- there's more avoiding responsibility again.... an asshat who learns his foreign policy from the internets and "knows more than the generals" yet "likes people who weren't captured"..... just off the top of my head between sips of coffee....

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." :rofl: --- this from a deferment-dipstick (bone spurs playing squash you know :gay: ) with no military experience whatsoever.

I'll see Rump's quote and raise an Eisenhower: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".
considering how well Bernie Sanders did on the democratic side, I find it interesting that you would have issue with someone that never held a job and just tried to find ways for others to pay his way through life.
That is the thought pattern for a liberal isnt it? free life? do nothing and force others to give you their earnings?
We can compare the two main candidates easily.

You have a woman who has served the nation in several high positions. Her statements at times have been misleading and often are questioned. Her opponents have accused her of multiple infractions of law, including murder, lying, and malfeasance. But she has been investigated by the highest law enforcement officers in the country, including the FBI. Her business and many personal e-mails have been displayed publicly. And yet, she remains, of the two, the most qualified to do the job as President.

Then you have a man who has never held public office, has businesses who claimed bankruptsies on numerous occasion, has been sued many, many times. He has little knowledge of how government works and has made outlandish statements such as, "You never have to default because you print the money”, of nuclear weapons, "Why can't we use them?", or "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

And of course there are many more...

10 Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes (Yes these are all real) | SoCawlege

I would have added, a man who's never even held a job or any kind of position of responsibility at all ever, who's entire life has been avoiding responsibility (such as suing a book author because he didn't estimate Rump's net worth as high as his fantasy, such as suing Palm Beach County because he didn't notice the estate he bought was in a flight path, such as deny deny deny when you bring up his bankruptcies, such as mocking a reporter's congenital condition and then denying what's right there on videotape, such as impersonating himself as his own spokesman, then admitting to it, then denying it again, such as claiming he "doesn't know who David Duke is", etc etc etc etc etc etc etc)

-- a clown who's rich because he had everything just handed to him all his life beginning with the lessons from his father on how to mine your own money from other people's including first and foremost the taxpayers' money -- there's more avoiding responsibility again.... an asshat who learns his foreign policy from the internets and "knows more than the generals" yet "likes people who weren't captured"..... just off the top of my head between sips of coffee....

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." :rofl: --- this from a deferment-dipstick (bone spurs playing squash you know :gay: ) with no military experience whatsoever.

I'll see Rump's quote and raise an Eisenhower: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".
considering how well Bernie Sanders did on the democratic side, I find it interesting that you would have issue with someone that never held a job and just tried to find ways for others to pay his way through life.
That is the thought pattern for a liberal isnt it? free life? do nothing and force others to give you their earnings?

Um.... No Johnny, now sit down. The "thought pattern for a Liberal" is that power derives from the People, and therefore people are equal (as opposed to entrenched in a hierarchy of aristocracy and serfs), and that therefore People do not create an overbearing government.

All of which is very interesting but has absolutely Zero to do with the question of character as regards having never taken responsibility for anything.

A "job" is a position of responsibility. It means you come before somebody who's in a position to hire, with the understanding that that person may hire somebody else and not you. Then if you do get the job you begin meeting somebody else's expectations. That means if you work for me and I want this tree dug up and replanted over there, you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not. Because that's the deal. And if you don't do it I'll fire you and hire somebody else.

Whelp --- Rump has never been in that position in his life. Not a single part of it. What a great choice to thrust into the most responsible job in the world, innit? An elitist asshat who's spent his whole life dancing away from responsibility -- gee Wally, what could possibly go wrong there?

You want to compare Sanders? Fine. A mayor, Congressional Representative and Senator ALL have responsibilities to their constituents. Like any other job they have to make their case before the boss -- the voters. Like any other job that boss can decline and go with somebody else. Like any other job they have to meet the expectations of somebody else -- their constituents. Unlike any other job they have regular reviews where they get hired all over again, with the understanding they may get fired.

(How's that working out you ask? Bernie's got the highest approval rating of anybody in the Senate. In at least one election, the Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate pooling both their resources against him. He STILL won.)

In sum "holding a job" does not equate to "having others pay your way through life", since you WORK for it. You meet somebody else's expectations. You trade your labor for compensation.

How's that working out for Rump?
We can compare the two main candidates easily.

You have a woman who has served the nation in several high positions. Her statements at times have been misleading and often are questioned. Her opponents have accused her of multiple infractions of law, including murder, lying, and malfeasance. But she has been investigated by the highest law enforcement officers in the country, including the FBI. Her business and many personal e-mails have been displayed publicly. And yet, she remains, of the two, the most qualified to do the job as President.

Then you have a man who has never held public office, has businesses who claimed bankruptsies on numerous occasion, has been sued many, many times. He has little knowledge of how government works and has made outlandish statements such as, "You never have to default because you print the money”, of nuclear weapons, "Why can't we use them?", or "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

And of course there are many more...

10 Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes (Yes these are all real) | SoCawlege

I would have added, a man who's never even held a job or any kind of position of responsibility at all ever, who's entire life has been avoiding responsibility (such as suing a book author because he didn't estimate Rump's net worth as high as his fantasy, such as suing Palm Beach County because he didn't notice the estate he bought was in a flight path, such as deny deny deny when you bring up his bankruptcies, such as mocking a reporter's congenital condition and then denying what's right there on videotape, such as impersonating himself as his own spokesman, then admitting to it, then denying it again, such as claiming he "doesn't know who David Duke is", etc etc etc etc etc etc etc)

-- a clown who's rich because he had everything just handed to him all his life beginning with the lessons from his father on how to mine your own money from other people's including first and foremost the taxpayers' money -- there's more avoiding responsibility again.... an asshat who learns his foreign policy from the internets and "knows more than the generals" yet "likes people who weren't captured"..... just off the top of my head between sips of coffee....

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." :rofl: --- this from a deferment-dipstick (bone spurs playing squash you know :gay: ) with no military experience whatsoever.

I'll see Rump's quote and raise an Eisenhower: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".
considering how well Bernie Sanders did on the democratic side, I find it interesting that you would have issue with someone that never held a job and just tried to find ways for others to pay his way through life.
That is the thought pattern for a liberal isnt it? free life? do nothing and force others to give you their earnings?

Um.... No Johnny, now sit down. The "thought pattern for a Liberal" is that power derives from the People, and therefore people are equal (as opposed to entrenched in a hierarchy of aristocracy and serfs), and that therefore People do not create an overbearing government.

All of which is very interesting but has absolutely Zero to do with the question of character as regards having never taken responsibility for anything.

A "job" is a position of responsibility. It means you come before somebody who's in a position to hire, with the understanding that that person may hire somebody else and not you. Then if you do get the job you begin meeting somebody else's expectations. That means if you work for me and I want this tree dug up and replanted over there, you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not. Because that's the deal. And if you don't do it I'll fire you and hire somebody else.

Whelp --- Rump has never been in that position in his life. Not a single part of it. What a great choice to thrust into the most responsible job in the world, innit? An elitist asshat who's spent his whole life dancing away from responsibility -- gee Wally, what could possibly go wrong there?

You want to compare Sanders? Fine. A mayor, Congressional Representative and Senator ALL have responsibilities to their constituents. Like any other job they have to make their case before the boss -- the voters. Like any other job that boss can decline and go with somebody else. Like any other job they have to meet the expectations of somebody else -- their constituents. Unlike any other job they have regular reviews where they get hired all over again, with the understanding they may get fired.

(How's that working out you ask? Bernie's got the highest approval rating of anybody in the Senate. In at least one election, the Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate pooling both their resources against him. He STILL won.)

In sum "holding a job" does not equate to "having others pay your way through life", since you WORK for it. You meet somebody else's expectations. You trade your labor for compensation.

How's that working out for Rump?
How odd that you would say people are equal and still claim to be liberal.
in the liberal mind equal only matters when it comes to what you have. NOT HOW YOU GET IT.
see, if we were equal, then I would not be working and paying tax to support some lazy piece of shit that sits around smoking crack and plopping out a new generation of ghetto thugs. I would not be paying more for my health care so some lazy piece of shit can get theirs for free.
as far as Bernie? he didnt hold a job for the first 40 years of his life, instead he ran around complaining because people that WORKED had more money than him. then he got elected to positions that He got to try and call the shots, almost impossible to get fired from. What a piece of shit he is too.
as far as your tree scenero? works fine until the lazy piece of shit liberal that you hired to dig that tree up sues you because you didnt make the white guy dig it up, or he sues you for firing him because he didnt feel like working.
Equal to a liberal is only true for wealth and material items, it falls way short when it comes to actually getting up every morning and showing up at a job.
Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.
How odd that you would say people are equal and still claim to be liberal.

Not "odd" in any way. It's what the term means.

in the liberal mind equal only matters when it comes to what you have. NOT HOW YOU GET IT.
see, if we were equal, then I would not be working and paying tax to support some lazy piece of shit that sits around smoking crack and plopping out a new generation of ghetto thugs. I would not be paying more for my health care so some lazy piece of shit can get theirs for free.

Cool comic book, dood.

as far as Bernie? he didnt hold a job for the first 40 years of his life, instead he ran around complaining because people that WORKED had more money than him. then he got elected to positions that He got to try and call the shots, almost impossible to get fired from.

False. And btw the point stands, regardless of your attempt to deflect it, that Rump hasn't held a job for the first seventy years of his life. And counting. As in "never".

What a piece of shit he is too.


as far as your tree scenero? works fine until the lazy piece of shit liberal that you hired to dig that tree up sues you because you didnt make the white guy dig it up, or he sues you for firing him because he didnt feel like working.

Now there's a good point, finally. Who's the king of suing people when he doesn't get his way? I'll give you a hint, the initials are DT and that does not stand for David Tuke.

Equal to a liberal is only true for wealth and material items, it falls way short when it comes to actually getting up every morning and showing up at a job.
Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

Jim Webb was the only Democratic Candidate I would have voted for and Kasich was the only GOP candidate... Now seeing Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the Presidential Candidates for the two bigger parties mean I will be voting for Johnson.

Gary Johnson is the only logical choice this November or if you were voting for Sanders then Stein...
I think it's a great idea for you to vote for Gary.
I'd even give you a ride to the polling station.
I hope Gary gets at least 10% of the vote.
So does Trump.
We can compare the two main candidates easily.

You have a woman who has served the nation in several high positions. Her statements at times have been misleading and often are questioned. Her opponents have accused her of multiple infractions of law, including murder, lying, and malfeasance. But she has been investigated by the highest law enforcement officers in the country, including the FBI. Her business and many personal e-mails have been displayed publicly. And yet, she remains, of the two, the most qualified to do the job as President.

Then you have a man who has never held public office, has businesses who claimed bankruptsies on numerous occasion, has been sued many, many times. He has little knowledge of how government works and has made outlandish statements such as, "You never have to default because you print the money”, of nuclear weapons, "Why can't we use them?", or "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

And of course there are many more...

10 Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes (Yes these are all real) | SoCawlege

I would have added, a man who's never even held a job or any kind of position of responsibility at all ever, who's entire life has been avoiding responsibility (such as suing a book author because he didn't estimate Rump's net worth as high as his fantasy, such as suing Palm Beach County because he didn't notice the estate he bought was in a flight path, such as deny deny deny when you bring up his bankruptcies, such as mocking a reporter's congenital condition and then denying what's right there on videotape, such as impersonating himself as his own spokesman, then admitting to it, then denying it again, such as claiming he "doesn't know who David Duke is", etc etc etc etc etc etc etc)

-- a clown who's rich because he had everything just handed to him all his life beginning with the lessons from his father on how to mine your own money from other people's including first and foremost the taxpayers' money -- there's more avoiding responsibility again.... an asshat who learns his foreign policy from the internets and "knows more than the generals" yet "likes people who weren't captured"..... just off the top of my head between sips of coffee....

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." :rofl: --- this from a deferment-dipstick (bone spurs playing squash you know :gay: ) with no military experience whatsoever.

I'll see Rump's quote and raise an Eisenhower: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".
considering how well Bernie Sanders did on the democratic side, I find it interesting that you would have issue with someone that never held a job and just tried to find ways for others to pay his way through life.
That is the thought pattern for a liberal isnt it? free life? do nothing and force others to give you their earnings?

Um.... No Johnny, now sit down. The "thought pattern for a Liberal" is that power derives from the People, and therefore people are equal (as opposed to entrenched in a hierarchy of aristocracy and serfs), and that therefore People do not create an overbearing government.

All of which is very interesting but has absolutely Zero to do with the question of character as regards having never taken responsibility for anything.

A "job" is a position of responsibility. It means you come before somebody who's in a position to hire, with the understanding that that person may hire somebody else and not you. Then if you do get the job you begin meeting somebody else's expectations. That means if you work for me and I want this tree dug up and replanted over there, you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not. Because that's the deal. And if you don't do it I'll fire you and hire somebody else.

Whelp --- Rump has never been in that position in his life. Not a single part of it. What a great choice to thrust into the most responsible job in the world, innit? An elitist asshat who's spent his whole life dancing away from responsibility -- gee Wally, what could possibly go wrong there?

You want to compare Sanders? Fine. A mayor, Congressional Representative and Senator ALL have responsibilities to their constituents. Like any other job they have to make their case before the boss -- the voters. Like any other job that boss can decline and go with somebody else. Like any other job they have to meet the expectations of somebody else -- their constituents. Unlike any other job they have regular reviews where they get hired all over again, with the understanding they may get fired.

(How's that working out you ask? Bernie's got the highest approval rating of anybody in the Senate. In at least one election, the Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate pooling both their resources against him. He STILL won.)

In sum "holding a job" does not equate to "having others pay your way through life", since you WORK for it. You meet somebody else's expectations. You trade your labor for compensation.

How's that working out for Rump?

Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

You mean, like Comrade Trump?
How odd that you would say people are equal and still claim to be liberal.

Not "odd" in any way. It's what the term means.

in the liberal mind equal only matters when it comes to what you have. NOT HOW YOU GET IT.
see, if we were equal, then I would not be working and paying tax to support some lazy piece of shit that sits around smoking crack and plopping out a new generation of ghetto thugs. I would not be paying more for my health care so some lazy piece of shit can get theirs for free.

Cool comic book, dood.

as far as Bernie? he didnt hold a job for the first 40 years of his life, instead he ran around complaining because people that WORKED had more money than him. then he got elected to positions that He got to try and call the shots, almost impossible to get fired from.

False. And btw the point stands, regardless of your attempt to deflect it, that Rump hasn't held a job for the first seventy years of his life. And counting. As in "never".

What a piece of shit he is too.


as far as your tree scenero? works fine until the lazy piece of shit liberal that you hired to dig that tree up sues you because you didnt make the white guy dig it up, or he sues you for firing him because he didnt feel like working.

Now there's a good point, finally. Who's the king of suing people when he doesn't get his way? I'll give you a hint, the initials are DT and that does not stand for David Tuke.

Equal to a liberal is only true for wealth and material items, it falls way short when it comes to actually getting up every morning and showing up at a job.
Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

Claiming Donald Trump has never worked in his life only exposes your situation. the only way you would ever think that running a business, let alone more than one at a time does not involve work indicates that you have never worked in the first place.
If you get an education you could be the one telling the guy which tree to dig up instead of the guy holding the shovel, and if you get an even better education, you just might be the one telling others to tell others to tell the guy telling you to dig up that tree.
those like you always seem to think that you should start at the top.
We can compare the two main candidates easily.

You have a woman who has served the nation in several high positions. Her statements at times have been misleading and often are questioned. Her opponents have accused her of multiple infractions of law, including murder, lying, and malfeasance. But she has been investigated by the highest law enforcement officers in the country, including the FBI. Her business and many personal e-mails have been displayed publicly. And yet, she remains, of the two, the most qualified to do the job as President.

Then you have a man who has never held public office, has businesses who claimed bankruptsies on numerous occasion, has been sued many, many times. He has little knowledge of how government works and has made outlandish statements such as, "You never have to default because you print the money”, of nuclear weapons, "Why can't we use them?", or "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am."

And of course there are many more...

10 Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes (Yes these are all real) | SoCawlege

I would have added, a man who's never even held a job or any kind of position of responsibility at all ever, who's entire life has been avoiding responsibility (such as suing a book author because he didn't estimate Rump's net worth as high as his fantasy, such as suing Palm Beach County because he didn't notice the estate he bought was in a flight path, such as deny deny deny when you bring up his bankruptcies, such as mocking a reporter's congenital condition and then denying what's right there on videotape, such as impersonating himself as his own spokesman, then admitting to it, then denying it again, such as claiming he "doesn't know who David Duke is", etc etc etc etc etc etc etc)

-- a clown who's rich because he had everything just handed to him all his life beginning with the lessons from his father on how to mine your own money from other people's including first and foremost the taxpayers' money -- there's more avoiding responsibility again.... an asshat who learns his foreign policy from the internets and "knows more than the generals" yet "likes people who weren't captured"..... just off the top of my head between sips of coffee....

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." :rofl: --- this from a deferment-dipstick (bone spurs playing squash you know :gay: ) with no military experience whatsoever.

I'll see Rump's quote and raise an Eisenhower: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".
considering how well Bernie Sanders did on the democratic side, I find it interesting that you would have issue with someone that never held a job and just tried to find ways for others to pay his way through life.
That is the thought pattern for a liberal isnt it? free life? do nothing and force others to give you their earnings?

Um.... No Johnny, now sit down. The "thought pattern for a Liberal" is that power derives from the People, and therefore people are equal (as opposed to entrenched in a hierarchy of aristocracy and serfs), and that therefore People do not create an overbearing government.

All of which is very interesting but has absolutely Zero to do with the question of character as regards having never taken responsibility for anything.

A "job" is a position of responsibility. It means you come before somebody who's in a position to hire, with the understanding that that person may hire somebody else and not you. Then if you do get the job you begin meeting somebody else's expectations. That means if you work for me and I want this tree dug up and replanted over there, you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not. Because that's the deal. And if you don't do it I'll fire you and hire somebody else.

Whelp --- Rump has never been in that position in his life. Not a single part of it. What a great choice to thrust into the most responsible job in the world, innit? An elitist asshat who's spent his whole life dancing away from responsibility -- gee Wally, what could possibly go wrong there?

You want to compare Sanders? Fine. A mayor, Congressional Representative and Senator ALL have responsibilities to their constituents. Like any other job they have to make their case before the boss -- the voters. Like any other job that boss can decline and go with somebody else. Like any other job they have to meet the expectations of somebody else -- their constituents. Unlike any other job they have regular reviews where they get hired all over again, with the understanding they may get fired.

(How's that working out you ask? Bernie's got the highest approval rating of anybody in the Senate. In at least one election, the Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate pooling both their resources against him. He STILL won.)

In sum "holding a job" does not equate to "having others pay your way through life", since you WORK for it. You meet somebody else's expectations. You trade your labor for compensation.

How's that working out for Rump?

Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

You mean, like Comrade Trump?
why are you still answering my posts? Didn't you tell me the other day that you were done reading what I wrote? Did you tell a lie?
Ignorance is sometime like a candle to a drop of water. There is always the inclination to extinguish it. :biggrin:
Ignorance is sometime like a candle to a drop of water. There is always the inclination to extinguish it. :biggrin:
I agree,
Its why you never hear me say I'm not reading the ignorance of the liberal anymore.
I honestly believe that some of you can be saved. I only hope it can be done in time to save the country too.
I would have added, a man who's never even held a job or any kind of position of responsibility at all ever, who's entire life has been avoiding responsibility (such as suing a book author because he didn't estimate Rump's net worth as high as his fantasy, such as suing Palm Beach County because he didn't notice the estate he bought was in a flight path, such as deny deny deny when you bring up his bankruptcies, such as mocking a reporter's congenital condition and then denying what's right there on videotape, such as impersonating himself as his own spokesman, then admitting to it, then denying it again, such as claiming he "doesn't know who David Duke is", etc etc etc etc etc etc etc)

-- a clown who's rich because he had everything just handed to him all his life beginning with the lessons from his father on how to mine your own money from other people's including first and foremost the taxpayers' money -- there's more avoiding responsibility again.... an asshat who learns his foreign policy from the internets and "knows more than the generals" yet "likes people who weren't captured"..... just off the top of my head between sips of coffee....

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." :rofl: --- this from a deferment-dipstick (bone spurs playing squash you know :gay: ) with no military experience whatsoever.

I'll see Rump's quote and raise an Eisenhower: "God help this country when somebody sits at this desk who doesn't know as much about the military as I do".
considering how well Bernie Sanders did on the democratic side, I find it interesting that you would have issue with someone that never held a job and just tried to find ways for others to pay his way through life.
That is the thought pattern for a liberal isnt it? free life? do nothing and force others to give you their earnings?

Um.... No Johnny, now sit down. The "thought pattern for a Liberal" is that power derives from the People, and therefore people are equal (as opposed to entrenched in a hierarchy of aristocracy and serfs), and that therefore People do not create an overbearing government.

All of which is very interesting but has absolutely Zero to do with the question of character as regards having never taken responsibility for anything.

A "job" is a position of responsibility. It means you come before somebody who's in a position to hire, with the understanding that that person may hire somebody else and not you. Then if you do get the job you begin meeting somebody else's expectations. That means if you work for me and I want this tree dug up and replanted over there, you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not. Because that's the deal. And if you don't do it I'll fire you and hire somebody else.

Whelp --- Rump has never been in that position in his life. Not a single part of it. What a great choice to thrust into the most responsible job in the world, innit? An elitist asshat who's spent his whole life dancing away from responsibility -- gee Wally, what could possibly go wrong there?

You want to compare Sanders? Fine. A mayor, Congressional Representative and Senator ALL have responsibilities to their constituents. Like any other job they have to make their case before the boss -- the voters. Like any other job that boss can decline and go with somebody else. Like any other job they have to meet the expectations of somebody else -- their constituents. Unlike any other job they have regular reviews where they get hired all over again, with the understanding they may get fired.

(How's that working out you ask? Bernie's got the highest approval rating of anybody in the Senate. In at least one election, the Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate pooling both their resources against him. He STILL won.)

In sum "holding a job" does not equate to "having others pay your way through life", since you WORK for it. You meet somebody else's expectations. You trade your labor for compensation.

How's that working out for Rump?

Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

You mean, like Comrade Trump?
why are you still answering my posts? Didn't you tell me the other day that you were done reading what I wrote? Did you tell a lie?

Your boy is on a roll! Of course, he was 15.9% this morning...:biggrin:



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considering how well Bernie Sanders did on the democratic side, I find it interesting that you would have issue with someone that never held a job and just tried to find ways for others to pay his way through life.
That is the thought pattern for a liberal isnt it? free life? do nothing and force others to give you their earnings?

Um.... No Johnny, now sit down. The "thought pattern for a Liberal" is that power derives from the People, and therefore people are equal (as opposed to entrenched in a hierarchy of aristocracy and serfs), and that therefore People do not create an overbearing government.

All of which is very interesting but has absolutely Zero to do with the question of character as regards having never taken responsibility for anything.

A "job" is a position of responsibility. It means you come before somebody who's in a position to hire, with the understanding that that person may hire somebody else and not you. Then if you do get the job you begin meeting somebody else's expectations. That means if you work for me and I want this tree dug up and replanted over there, you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not. Because that's the deal. And if you don't do it I'll fire you and hire somebody else.

Whelp --- Rump has never been in that position in his life. Not a single part of it. What a great choice to thrust into the most responsible job in the world, innit? An elitist asshat who's spent his whole life dancing away from responsibility -- gee Wally, what could possibly go wrong there?

You want to compare Sanders? Fine. A mayor, Congressional Representative and Senator ALL have responsibilities to their constituents. Like any other job they have to make their case before the boss -- the voters. Like any other job that boss can decline and go with somebody else. Like any other job they have to meet the expectations of somebody else -- their constituents. Unlike any other job they have regular reviews where they get hired all over again, with the understanding they may get fired.

(How's that working out you ask? Bernie's got the highest approval rating of anybody in the Senate. In at least one election, the Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate pooling both their resources against him. He STILL won.)

In sum "holding a job" does not equate to "having others pay your way through life", since you WORK for it. You meet somebody else's expectations. You trade your labor for compensation.

How's that working out for Rump?

Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

You mean, like Comrade Trump?
why are you still answering my posts? Didn't you tell me the other day that you were done reading what I wrote? Did you tell a lie?

Your boy is on a roll! Of course, he was 15.9% this morning...:biggrin:

View attachment 86800
hard to fight stupidity.
look at Africa, they keep voting for the ones that keep them in poverty and despair.
I think we have let too many anti Americans in this country thanks to the idiocy of the left.
Of course, if we take away the illegal vote, Trump would be winning.
How odd that you would say people are equal and still claim to be liberal.

Not "odd" in any way. It's what the term means.

in the liberal mind equal only matters when it comes to what you have. NOT HOW YOU GET IT.
see, if we were equal, then I would not be working and paying tax to support some lazy piece of shit that sits around smoking crack and plopping out a new generation of ghetto thugs. I would not be paying more for my health care so some lazy piece of shit can get theirs for free.

Cool comic book, dood.

as far as Bernie? he didnt hold a job for the first 40 years of his life, instead he ran around complaining because people that WORKED had more money than him. then he got elected to positions that He got to try and call the shots, almost impossible to get fired from.

False. And btw the point stands, regardless of your attempt to deflect it, that Rump hasn't held a job for the first seventy years of his life. And counting. As in "never".

What a piece of shit he is too.


as far as your tree scenero? works fine until the lazy piece of shit liberal that you hired to dig that tree up sues you because you didnt make the white guy dig it up, or he sues you for firing him because he didnt feel like working.

Now there's a good point, finally. Who's the king of suing people when he doesn't get his way? I'll give you a hint, the initials are DT and that does not stand for David Tuke.

Equal to a liberal is only true for wealth and material items, it falls way short when it comes to actually getting up every morning and showing up at a job.
Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

Claiming Donald Trump has never worked in his life only exposes your situation. the only way you would ever think that running a business, let alone more than one at a time does not involve work indicates that you have never worked in the first place.
If you get an education you could be the one telling the guy which tree to dig up instead of the guy holding the shovel, and if you get an even better education, you just might be the one telling others to tell others to tell the guy telling you to dig up that tree.
those like you always seem to think that you should start at the top.

I put out the challenge here months ago for anyone to show me any time, anywhere, in any field, that Rump has actually held any job as I've described above -- meaning meeting someone else's expectations. And no job anywhere requires meeting someone else's expectations more than the Presidency.

I have never gotten an answer to that challenge. And I continue not to hear one.

---- Which is exactly what I expected.
How odd that you would say people are equal and still claim to be liberal.

Not "odd" in any way. It's what the term means.

in the liberal mind equal only matters when it comes to what you have. NOT HOW YOU GET IT.
see, if we were equal, then I would not be working and paying tax to support some lazy piece of shit that sits around smoking crack and plopping out a new generation of ghetto thugs. I would not be paying more for my health care so some lazy piece of shit can get theirs for free.

Cool comic book, dood.

as far as Bernie? he didnt hold a job for the first 40 years of his life, instead he ran around complaining because people that WORKED had more money than him. then he got elected to positions that He got to try and call the shots, almost impossible to get fired from.

False. And btw the point stands, regardless of your attempt to deflect it, that Rump hasn't held a job for the first seventy years of his life. And counting. As in "never".

What a piece of shit he is too.


as far as your tree scenero? works fine until the lazy piece of shit liberal that you hired to dig that tree up sues you because you didnt make the white guy dig it up, or he sues you for firing him because he didnt feel like working.

Now there's a good point, finally. Who's the king of suing people when he doesn't get his way? I'll give you a hint, the initials are DT and that does not stand for David Tuke.

Equal to a liberal is only true for wealth and material items, it falls way short when it comes to actually getting up every morning and showing up at a job.
Liberals are basically lazy pieces of shit.

Claiming Donald Trump has never worked in his life only exposes your situation. the only way you would ever think that running a business, let alone more than one at a time does not involve work indicates that you have never worked in the first place.
If you get an education you could be the one telling the guy which tree to dig up instead of the guy holding the shovel, and if you get an even better education, you just might be the one telling others to tell others to tell the guy telling you to dig up that tree.
those like you always seem to think that you should start at the top.

I put out the challenge here months ago for anyone to show me any time, anywhere, in any field, that Rump has actually held any job as I've described above -- meaning meeting someone else's expectations. And no job anywhere requires meeting someone else's expectations more than the Presidency.

I have never gotten an answer to that challenge. And I continue not to hear one.

---- Which is exactly what I expected.
Its because you don't know how business works.
they guy with the shovel has less of a demand to meet expectations than the guy at the top running the company.
But, as one who's only expectation is to collect the government check from the mailbox, your understanding is somewhat low.

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