Only one person can save the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton

The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
-------------------------------- now its healthcare , big deal . Providing healthcare is not a function of legitimate American government . Looks lie some wankers living in the USA are getting the Obamacare but everything I hear is that it stinks , is going under and is very expensive Fenton . ------- just a comment .
Screw saving the 'Republican Party' - I am more interested in saving the country. Hillary Clinton as President would be extremely counter-productive to that goal.

Indeed. Problem is, both "choices" vomited up by the system will be extremely counter-productive to that goal. All the republican party had to do was offer a viable alternative to a horribly status quo continued spiral with Hilary Clinton. And they couldn't even pull that off.

I keep trying to tell anyone who will listen, it's the entire systemm there is no answer coming from "either" side.
There is, however, a 'better than the other' option. Pick a side of the track to move to or stand in the middle and be run over by the train.

Stand on either side and you get run over


We have 5-6 decades of experience to support that.
The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.
The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
-------------------------------- now its healthcare , big deal . Providing healthcare is not a function of legitimate American government . Looks lie some wankers living in the USA are getting the Obamacare but everything I hear is that it stinks , is going under and is very expensive Fenton . ------- just a comment .

You should look into that more, we have the most expensive system on the planet, others have learned how to do it better for less.
The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

There's nothing free about it, learn more instead of repeating memes.
The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
healthcare has never been a concern of mine , I pay for it when I get it and have been doing that for at least 40 years since I left home Fenton .
main thing wrong with oamacare is the mandate to pay funds to government for healthcare .
Only One Person Can Save the Republican Party, and That Person is Hillary Clinton

Great Read! So, take your choice RWers. Vote for Comrade Donald and doom the GOP forever or vote for Hillary and let the real Republican party live? Easy Choice I would think...

Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

If that were to happen I would have to check which hell I am in because that is the only way that will happen!
if you don't want health insurance , well , don't buy it in a FREE Country . But here in the so called land of the 'fwee' you have to buy unless you can legally avoid it .
The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.
The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
The problem with this is that it is written through the eyes of someone that hates the United States, wants to see it becomes some backasswards European shit hole.
The real issue is that the republican party has already died. Those currently in office have killed it over the last 8 years by kissing the negro's ass and letting the socialists walk all over them. Health care should have never been destroyed, illegals should not be here, whatever the left wants, the left gets.
Trump is a strong message to what used to be the republican party that it is time to stop acting like a bunch of scared little school girls and do what is right for this country, not do what the class bully in congress tells them to do.
Donald Trump isnt the reason for the death of the republican party, the death of the republican party is the reason for Trump. A vote for Hillary is a vote to just put the dirt over the republican grave.
At least lets try to get it right.

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.
Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.

You're claiming better outcomes? :eek:

Bull fucking shit - as you know.

It would appear others disagree my friend.

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System
MMS: Error

Health outcomes report cards, by country
Health outcomes report cards, by country | The Incidental Economist

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000
World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

US health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds
US health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds | Fox News
Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.

You're claiming better outcomes? :eek:

Bull fucking shit - as you know.

It would appear others disagree my friend.

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System
MMS: Error

Health outcomes report cards, by country
Health outcomes report cards, by country | The Incidental Economist

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000
World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

US health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds
US health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds | Fox News
we are 37 out of 190.
the studies are done by considering basically how much care a leach can get. Not by the quality of that care.
If you can afford it, as in, if you are responsible with your life, then you cant beat the care in the U.S, well, you couldnt beat it before the colored boy and his team of socialist terrorists destroyed our care.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Oh I understand it.
What YOU fail to understand is that those that cant afford should die. They should not be paid for.

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