Only one person can save the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton

We are in big trouble if Hitlery gets in. Nobody should get so much joy from a man being tortured like that sadistic women does. Not to speak of all the others killed in Arab Spring.
"party enemy" Good Grief! He is a Comrade!

Oh? Trump is calling for socialism?

If you ever told the truth about anything, would you burst into flames or something?

I guess the universe will never know, Comrade.
"party enemy" Good Grief! He is a Comrade!

Oh? Trump is calling for socialism?

If you ever told the truth about anything, would you burst into flames or something?

I guess the universe will never know, Comrade.

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent. And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

The only fact you need to know iS Comrade Trump is sucking dust from Hillary's feet. ENJOY!
Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
I think the sad thing that this all brings out is proving that the democrat slavery apes like yourself, have become so used to everyone doing everything for them, they somehow think everything should be done for them.
Question, can you even wipe your own ass or is your mother still doing that for you.

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

The only fact you need to know iS Comrade Trump is sucking dust from Hillary's feet. ENJOY!
Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
I know that its not really fair to try and point things out to someone with obvious limited education but. Don't you think that the poll that will show these low numbers is going to be the one where people actually vote?
You know, I was asked who I was going to vote for in a poll while out in Annapolis, I was with American friends, so just to start an evening of banter, I answered Hillary.
I think we can all pretty much guess that I lied to the pollster.
Do you think I'm the only one that does this?

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

The only fact you need to know iS Comrade Trump is sucking dust from Hillary's feet. ENJOY!
Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
I know that its not really fair to try and point things out to someone with obvious limited education but. Don't you think that the poll that will show these low numbers is going to be the one where people actually vote?
You know, I was asked who I was going to vote for in a poll while out in Annapolis, I was with American friends, so just to start an evening of banter, I answered Hillary.
I think we can all pretty much guess that I lied to the pollster.
Do you think I'm the only one that does this?

Son, I stopped reading your juvenile writings a long time ago.
I know that its not really fair to try and point things out to someone with obvious limited education but. Don't you think that the poll that will show these low numbers is going to be the one where people actually vote?
You know, I was asked who I was going to vote for in a poll while out in Annapolis, I was with American friends, so just to start an evening of banter, I answered Hillary.
I think we can all pretty much guess that I lied to the pollster.
Do you think I'm the only one that does this?

I did something similar.

The pollster asked who I would vote for, and I said I was going to take a shit on the ballot - they said "Hillary then..."
"party enemy" Good Grief! He is a Comrade!

Oh? Trump is calling for socialism?

If you ever told the truth about anything, would you burst into flames or something?

I guess the universe will never know, Comrade.

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent. And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Maybe Comrade Trump has friends on one of the Russian Hack groups. He certainly has a thing for Pooootin.

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

The only fact you need to know iS Comrade Trump is sucking dust from Hillary's feet. ENJOY!
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
I know that its not really fair to try and point things out to someone with obvious limited education but. Don't you think that the poll that will show these low numbers is going to be the one where people actually vote?
You know, I was asked who I was going to vote for in a poll while out in Annapolis, I was with American friends, so just to start an evening of banter, I answered Hillary.
I think we can all pretty much guess that I lied to the pollster.
Do you think I'm the only one that does this?

Son, I stopped reading your juvenile writings a long time ago.
And yet here you are, constantly responding to them.
In some circles that might be considered a psychosis of sorts.
You should not allow me so much room in that small brain of yours.
I only say this because I care.

Maybe Comrade Trump has friends on one of the Russian Hack groups. He certainly has a thing for Pooootin.

You know sploogy, when you get smacked down on a particular lie, stop telling it. :thup:

I mean, you'll still BE a lying retard, it just won't be so fucking obvious to everyone....
Only One Person Can Save the Republican Party, and That Person is Hillary Clinton

Great Read! So, take your choice RWers. Vote for Comrade Donald and doom the GOP forever or vote for Hillary and let the real Republican party live? Easy Choice I would think...

Easy decision for you

You'd vote for Hillary if she shot Obama on national tv

don't confuse democrats with trumpsters,

I'm not..

When it comes to insanity, they're about equal
Laugh if you want. Many, many Republicans feel Trump could kill the GOP if elected.
Someone, or something, need to kill both major parties.

We need people that are more interested in running the country, than running for office

Trump has invited Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent.

Uh no, you're just lying - because that's what you do.

And they are certainly doing a great job! Pooootin must really...REALLY want Comrade Trump in the White House!

FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others -

Your link does not support your lie.

No surprise there.

You are but a lying little demagogue, a Soros hate drone flinging shit with zero regard for fact or reality.

The only fact you need to know iS Comrade Trump is sucking dust from Hillary's feet. ENJOY!
Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
I know that its not really fair to try and point things out to someone with obvious limited education but. Don't you think that the poll that will show these low numbers is going to be the one where people actually vote?
You know, I was asked who I was going to vote for in a poll while out in Annapolis, I was with American friends, so just to start an evening of banter, I answered Hillary.
I think we can all pretty much guess that I lied to the pollster.
Do you think I'm the only one that does this?

Yeah I do.

I'm still waiting to get polled myself. When it happens I'm answering "Gary Johnson", just to force the Duopoly Debate Collusion Company to put him on stage. If he gets to that point I'm answering "Jill Stein" to get her up there too. Etc etc etc. Now that's using a pollster to actually achieve something.

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