Only one person can save the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Oh I understand it.
What YOU fail to understand is that those that cant afford should die. They should not be paid for.

:lol: If only the world were that simple.
You must be like seven years old.
You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Oh I understand it.
What YOU fail to understand is that those that cant afford should die. They should not be paid for.

OK, go kill 'em.
oh by all means, lets just fuck every aspect of our lives, lets work for free, be slaves to taxes just so some worthiless piece of shit can get free coverage.
My medical care was way beyond what any of those European shitholes have before the socialists destroyed it. never even had to wait for dr appointments, seen right away. Not now, now I cant even use the ER at the hospital because its loaded with so many filthy south americans that in all honesty should either go home or find somewhere out of the way to die.
Fuck you and your give me shit "free" attitude.

You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Now compare your how much free shit can I get charts with the ones that actually have meaning.
The number one country for the BEST healthcare, as in, most technologically advanced Is,,,, You guessed it.
Just like a typical liberal leach, you want the best, but you want to pay the same as those that have the least.
1) United States
Leading the world in medical innovation is the United States. Many American citizens are not happy with the healthcare system. However the US is right on top of the list due to the sheer number of research papers published every year in addition to the brightest, best practicing medicine and state-of-art medical facilities. It is more than the next five nations on the list combined. Many of the world’s medical technologies and innovations were discovered, developed and produced here in the US. American medical scientists are also respected worldwide for their knowledge and willingness to collaborate with experts from other nations.
Top 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine 2015
You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Now compare your how much free shit can I get charts with the ones that actually have meaning.
The number one country for the BEST healthcare, as in, most technologically advanced Is,,,, You guessed it.
Just like a typical liberal leach, you want the best, but you want to pay the same as those that have the least.
1) United States
Leading the world in medical innovation is the United States. Many American citizens are not happy with the healthcare system. However the US is right on top of the list due to the sheer number of research papers published every year in addition to the brightest, best practicing medicine and state-of-art medical facilities. It is more than the next five nations on the list combined. Many of the world’s medical technologies and innovations were discovered, developed and produced here in the US. American medical scientists are also respected worldwide for their knowledge and willingness to collaborate with experts from other nations.
Top 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine 2015

You poor thing, you actually believe this link is addressing the same issue don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Now compare your how much free shit can I get charts with the ones that actually have meaning.
The number one country for the BEST healthcare, as in, most technologically advanced Is,,,, You guessed it.
Just like a typical liberal leach, you want the best, but you want to pay the same as those that have the least.
1) United States
Leading the world in medical innovation is the United States. Many American citizens are not happy with the healthcare system. However the US is right on top of the list due to the sheer number of research papers published every year in addition to the brightest, best practicing medicine and state-of-art medical facilities. It is more than the next five nations on the list combined. Many of the world’s medical technologies and innovations were discovered, developed and produced here in the US. American medical scientists are also respected worldwide for their knowledge and willingness to collaborate with experts from other nations.
Top 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine 2015

You poor thing, you actually believe this link is addressing the same issue don't you.
You poor ignorant uneducated fool.
Yes, it is. The reason we have high costs is because the industry does much more research.
the research done here is then shared/sold to other countries too. If nobody does the research, we can never advance. So in favor of Pookie getting that bullet removed for free vs innovation, lets go with Pookie and never again see any advance in medical technology.
You are certainly an idiot
Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Now compare your how much free shit can I get charts with the ones that actually have meaning.
The number one country for the BEST healthcare, as in, most technologically advanced Is,,,, You guessed it.
Just like a typical liberal leach, you want the best, but you want to pay the same as those that have the least.
1) United States
Leading the world in medical innovation is the United States. Many American citizens are not happy with the healthcare system. However the US is right on top of the list due to the sheer number of research papers published every year in addition to the brightest, best practicing medicine and state-of-art medical facilities. It is more than the next five nations on the list combined. Many of the world’s medical technologies and innovations were discovered, developed and produced here in the US. American medical scientists are also respected worldwide for their knowledge and willingness to collaborate with experts from other nations.
Top 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine 2015

You poor thing, you actually believe this link is addressing the same issue don't you.
You poor ignorant uneducated fool.
Yes, it is. The reason we have high costs is because the industry does much more research.
the research done here is then shared/sold to other countries too. If nobody does the research, we can never advance. So in favor of Pookie getting that bullet removed for free vs innovation, lets go with Pookie and never again see any advance in medical technology.
You are certainly an idiot

You chose the proper avatar for yourself hon, it's perfect. USA USA USA, we're number 37!!!
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Now compare your how much free shit can I get charts with the ones that actually have meaning.
The number one country for the BEST healthcare, as in, most technologically advanced Is,,,, You guessed it.
Just like a typical liberal leach, you want the best, but you want to pay the same as those that have the least.
1) United States
Leading the world in medical innovation is the United States. Many American citizens are not happy with the healthcare system. However the US is right on top of the list due to the sheer number of research papers published every year in addition to the brightest, best practicing medicine and state-of-art medical facilities. It is more than the next five nations on the list combined. Many of the world’s medical technologies and innovations were discovered, developed and produced here in the US. American medical scientists are also respected worldwide for their knowledge and willingness to collaborate with experts from other nations.
Top 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine 2015

You poor thing, you actually believe this link is addressing the same issue don't you.
You poor ignorant uneducated fool.
Yes, it is. The reason we have high costs is because the industry does much more research.
the research done here is then shared/sold to other countries too. If nobody does the research, we can never advance. So in favor of Pookie getting that bullet removed for free vs innovation, lets go with Pookie and never again see any advance in medical technology.
You are certainly an idiot

You chose the proper avatar for yourself hon, it's perfect. USA USA USA, we're number 37!!!
and I must compliment you on your choice also being equally reflective of who you are.
Its a question mark and you dont have a fucking clue about anything in the world.
You still think everything should be free.
How adorable.
You have to love the whole "The GOP is finishes, dones, I tells ya!!" shrieking from the fever swamps. Some had the same kind of thoughts about the DNC after Nixon and Reagan kicked butt. The reality, however, is that the DNC had strength in other areas that allowed them to rebuild. The GOP does as well. Should the horror happen and Hillary win this year, 2020 should resemble 1992, with an unpopular third term and a whole lot of democrat fatigue. We know what happened in 92.
You watch a lot of tv don't you.
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Oh I understand it.
What YOU fail to understand is that those that cant afford should die. They should not be paid for.

Ahhhh! One of the better members of the Party of Morals!
no, I live in the real world, I work, and pay tax so some lazy bastard can be kept alive to continue sucking off the public.
You think those other countries do it for less? look at all the taxes they pay to cover that cost. We would be a much stronger country with a much lower unemployment rate if healthcare was only available to those that worked and paid for it.
Those on the bottom should leave. Maybe they should go to Europe and get everything covered for free. Oh thats right, unless you have means to support yourself, you cant just pick up and move to any other country. The U.S is the only country without borders.
You should try working some time. You would be surprised how quickly you would learn that free is not free.

Man, the way you people "know" stuff.
Man, the way you people think its ok to suck off someone elses bank book.
Tell me, what is it that Im wrong about. Ill wait, go out on the stoop and ask the other leaches for the answer.

I don't think you really understand how it all works. You have the most expensive healthcare on the planet because you already are paying for everyone's healthcare hon. Calm down, you're not making sense.
Oh I understand it.
What YOU fail to understand is that those that cant afford should die. They should not be paid for.

:lol: If only the world were that simple.
You must be like seven years old.

I didn't know Comrade Trump owned property in Maryland.
Only One Person Can Save the Republican Party, and That Person is Hillary Clinton

Great Read! So, take your choice RWers. Vote for Comrade Donald and doom the GOP forever or vote for Hillary and let the real Republican party live? Easy Choice I would think...

Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
Only One Person Can Save the Republican Party, and That Person is Hillary Clinton

Great Read! So, take your choice RWers. Vote for Comrade Donald and doom the GOP forever or vote for Hillary and let the real Republican party live? Easy Choice I would think...

Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?
Only One Person Can Save the Republican Party, and That Person is Hillary Clinton

Great Read! So, take your choice RWers. Vote for Comrade Donald and doom the GOP forever or vote for Hillary and let the real Republican party live? Easy Choice I would think...

Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Only One Person Can Save the Republican Party, and That Person is Hillary Clinton

Great Read! So, take your choice RWers. Vote for Comrade Donald and doom the GOP forever or vote for Hillary and let the real Republican party live? Easy Choice I would think...

Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

A little googling would clear up your confusion.

A greater population with care paid for by the government is not a better outcome.

Surviving cancer is an outcome;

Worldwide cancer mortality statistics

Surviving heart disease is as well.

Mortality from ischaemic heart disease by country, region, and age: Statistics from World Health Organisation and United Nations

In fact, the medical care in the USA was second to none prior to Obama. Granted, it is rapidly declining, but still remains the best chance of surviving disease on the planet.
Only One Person Can Save the Republican Party, and That Person is Hillary Clinton

Great Read! So, take your choice RWers. Vote for Comrade Donald and doom the GOP forever or vote for Hillary and let the real Republican party live? Easy Choice I would think...

Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:
Eureka! That's the answer. Let Hillary run as a Republican.

Got name recognition .... an established machine (with actual money in the bank) ..... and unlike the present nominee actually has been a Republican.

RP's chances of survival go way up. Appeal to women, Latinos, Muslims, Jews, congenitally disabled and Native Americans goes WAY up. Appeal to blacks goes up exponentially.

Democrats can run Bernie.

First step: Priebus tells Rump: "You're fired".

Mighty Mouth Trump will never let this happen. He will have Priebus eliminated first.
you mean like the clintons eliminated their problem people back in the 90s?

Link that, little fellow...a reliable link, not a RW nutcase paper.
Unless you are 12, and I suspect that might be close, you can link it yourself or you can just call on memory to do it for you.

Yeah, I figured you were lying...I guess it helps you though the day, since Mighty Mouth Trump is setting new records for LOW in poll numbers...:biggrin:

Just How Low Can He Go?

Plenty of those european shitholes have much better healthcare outcomes than you do or did before HeritageFoundationCare.

You're claiming better outcomes? :eek:

Bull fucking shit - as you know.

It would appear others disagree my friend.

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System
MMS: Error

Health outcomes report cards, by country
Health outcomes report cards, by country | The Incidental Economist

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000
World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

US health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds
US health outcomes far worse than other comparable nations, report finds | Fox News

AGAIN, public FUNDING is not "outcome" Comrade. Cost is not "outcome."

If you want to LIVE, you have a better chance in the USA than anywhere else in the world, at this moment. You leftists are working hard to change that, though.

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