Only one-third of Americans say Russia influenced 2016 election

33%, all Clinton voters, say "uh huh".

44%, all Trump votes, say "nuh uh."

23%, all a bunch of diseased fucks, say "don't give a fuck."

FBI and Intel, which trumps the above and the OP, says "yeah, Russia did" and "Russia is bad for America."
I get it..Wiki leaks leaked the information for no reason and Russia hacked them for no reason. Everyone does things for no reason! :2up:
There is no proof that WikiLeaks got their leaked information from Russia… Dip shit

I never realized Putin had so many defense lawyers in the US.
Typical progressives, no proof...

No proof Hillary Clinton did anything wrong in Benghazi before 8 investigations were made.

How about we follow that model?
Still no proof, by the way Trump won... lol

You don't investigate because you have the proof, moron. You investigate to find out the truth.
I get it..Wiki leaks leaked the information for no reason and Russia hacked them for no reason. Everyone does things for no reason! :2up:
There is no proof that WikiLeaks got their leaked information from Russia… Dip shit

I never realized Putin had so many defense lawyers in the US.
Typical progressives, no proof...

No proof Hillary Clinton did anything wrong in Benghazi before 8 investigations were made.

How about we follow that model?
It was a video....:lol:

It may have been.
I'd say that the partisan hack running the fbi like some kind of a chicken shit operation did more to influence the election than the Russians. Just saying.
Fake news. Try again.
Nice try, but it has not only been proven, it has been admitted to by the Obama administration.

Got anything else besides the new liberal fall-back defense of 'fake news'?

Fake news? No Fake defense!
Someone will have to explain to me how Russia could have possibly influenced the election. Did they put a gun to everyone and make them vote for Trump? Anyone?
Someone will have to explain to me how Russia could have possibly influenced the election. Did they put a gun to everyone and make them vote for Trump? Anyone?

If they hacked private emails and those emails then became public, and if the emails reflected badly on Hillary Clinton and the Democrats,

then they could have changed minds about who to vote for.

Weren't you RW'ers crowing about how much the wikileaked material was hurting Clinton????
Everything you're referring to, true or false, came out BECAUSE of multiple investigations.
Agreed, and my point was despite the mountain of evidence exposing ineptitude, incompetence, failure, choice to keep Americans in harm's way, and refusal to do what was necessary to keep Americans safe not only did 4 Americans alive, Liberals in these hearings were more concerned with covering Hillary's ass than acknowledging Hillary and Obama DID NOT DO every thing they could have done to Keep Americans safe and are directly responsible for their deaths.

As shown, that has already been PROVEN.

Only a liberal - after all that pointed out - would think STRIPPING STEPHENS OF SOME OF HIS EXISTING SECURITY DETAIL was a good idea.

Had Hillary's fat, white, wide elitist ass been in Benghazi instead of Stephens she would have had an army of security there protecting her retreat WEEKS (if not months) before 9/11/12...but she had no problem keeping Stephens there overseeing her and Barry's arms shipments to Al Qaeida and ISIS!
Someone will have to explain to me how Russia could have possibly influenced the election. Did they put a gun to everyone and make them vote for Trump? Anyone?

If they hacked private emails and those emails then became public, and if the emails reflected badly on Hillary Clinton and the Democrats,

then they could have changed minds about who to vote for.
No, the DNC being exposed as racists, sexists, anti-Catholic, homophobic Anti-Semites and Hillary's scandals and crimes being exposed did not make them vote for Trump.

All that just reassured / solidified what they already knew about Hillary and the DNC.

Crooked Hillary folks, don't forget to check out after Christmas sales for quantity discounts on Preparation H! Having a sore buttocks is no way to go through life! :p
Someone will have to explain to me how Russia could have possibly influenced the election. Did they put a gun to everyone and make them vote for Trump? Anyone?

If they hacked private emails and those emails then became public, and if the emails reflected badly on Hillary Clinton and the Democrats,

then they could have changed minds about who to vote for.

Weren't you RW'ers crowing about how much the wikileaked material was hurting Clinton????

A rule to live by in life - never put anything in email, or on the internet, you wouldn't want the world to see. For example, if you're screwing Bernie Sanders, a simple phone call might suffice and not the detailed plans laid out in email.

At the end of the day both candidates had dirt dug up about them. The audio of Trump talking about women hurt.

How many of us came to the conclusion by the end of this election that you had to ignore all the extra BS reported by the media and just listen to the candidates? I certainly did and I believe I even wrote about this on some threads. Hillary's issue is she was just a bad candidate and her campaign did not do well enough in the rust belt. That's why she lost. The Russians hacking was just more extraneous noise that both candidates had to endure. Today it's a nothing more than a convenient excuse.
One third is a lot, a little more than the low information Democrats who believe Judge Judy is a Supreme Court Justice. Time to implement a civics test and proof of literacy in order to get a voter ID, way way past time. The Democratic Party's base is a menace to our survival, folks. All the RICO violations alone is enough to lock up the entire DNC on.
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There is no proof that WikiLeaks got their leaked information from Russia… Dip shit

I never realized Putin had so many defense lawyers in the US.
Typical progressives, no proof...

No proof Hillary Clinton did anything wrong in Benghazi before 8 investigations were made.

How about we follow that model?
Still no proof, by the way Trump won... lol

You don't investigate because you have the proof, moron. You investigate to find out the truth.
Until you have absolute proof, Russia had nothing to do with the outcome of the election... fact
I never realized Putin had so many defense lawyers in the US.
Typical progressives, no proof...

No proof Hillary Clinton did anything wrong in Benghazi before 8 investigations were made.

How about we follow that model?
Still no proof, by the way Trump won... lol

You don't investigate because you have the proof, moron. You investigate to find out the truth.
Until you have absolute proof, Russia had nothing to do with the outcome of the election... fact

They don't have any, because it doesn't exist; if they influenced the election they did so by adding votes to Hillary's total, not Trump's; these parrots are just mindless parrots and idiots.

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