Zone1 Only SIX PERCENT of Black slaves were sent to America. The rest went to S American sugar plantations.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Here is the REAL TRUTH about the Black slave trade from the 1500s to the 1800s. Only SIX PERCENT of the slaves were shipped to America. The other 94 PERCENT of the slaves were sent to work the sugar plantations in South America and anywhere sugar cane was abundant. That was because Europe, especially England, developed a great demand for sugar. Africans were forced to work under conditions that made American slavery a vacation by contrast. But for some reason all we hear about is the SIX PERCENT of the slaves working in America. Now why would historians suppress these facts? Hmmmmmm

I read a great book called The Sugar Barons. Life for an Africa slave in the Caribbean or South America was a death sentence. Few made it beyond three years.

But, yeah, America was the real horror. :(
18 hour days working in the cane fields in sweltering heat. The death rates of the slaves was far beyond anything seen in the US. But historians give Europe and Caribeean countries a pass. It isn't just the Media that skews the truth.
Here is the REAL TRUTH about the Black slave trade from the 1500s to the 1800s. Only SIX PERCENT of the slaves were shipped to America. The other 94 PERCENT of the slaves were sent to work the sugar plantations in South America and anywhere sugar cane was abundant. That was because Europe, especially England, developed a great demand for sugar. Africans were forced to work under conditions that made American slavery a vacation by contrast. But for some reason all we hear about is the SIX PERCENT of the slaves working in America. Now why would historians suppress these facts? Hmmmmmm

It also means that they had to endure the longest amount of time on a slave ship. Not much of a vacation.
Here is the REAL TRUTH about the Black slave trade from the 1500s to the 1800s. Only SIX PERCENT of the slaves were shipped to America. The other 94 PERCENT of the slaves were sent to work the sugar plantations in South America and anywhere sugar cane was abundant. That was because Europe, especially England, developed a great demand for sugar. Africans were forced to work under conditions that made American slavery a vacation by contrast. But for some reason all we hear about is the SIX PERCENT of the slaves working in America. Now why would historians suppress these facts? Hmmmmmm

The article was good insight. But be aware of the time scale they are using. From 1500s to 1800s. A large fraction of that trade in sugar,mining,etc was BEFORE the East Coast of the US lands were even habitable. And it was done under Imperial ORDERS from Spain, Portugal, France, England. The brutality doesn't even qualify as "market" for slaves. And IMPORTATION of slaves was ended in the US around 1808, when signed by T. Jefferson.

From the article.
Yet, not unlike North America, slavery existed in South America even before African slave importation transformed the region’s landscape. After Christopher Columbus’s discovery of the Americas in 1492, much of South America was divided between the Spanish and the Portuguese with the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. When the Europeans arrived in South America, they enslaved the native inhabitants and used them as a free labour force to work on their mines and the cotton, sugar, coffee and tobacco plantations that were being developed. Moreover, shortly after the European colonisation, natives of these regions rapidly decreased in number.

The massive enslavement of native Indians in South America and their DEMISE - was replaced by African slave trade in the latter 1600s.
The article was good insight. But be aware of the time scale they are using. From 1500s to 1800s. A large fraction of that trade in sugar,mining,etc was BEFORE the East Coast of the US lands were even habitable. And it was done under Imperial ORDERS from Spain, Portugal, France, England. The brutality doesn't even qualify as "market" for slaves. And IMPORTATION of slaves was ended in the US around 1808, when signed by T. Jefferson.

From the article.

The massive enslavement of native Indians in South America and their DEMISE - was replaced by African slave trade in the latter 1600s.

Good point on the spin.

BUt the gist is true. The Big Sugar Plantations were the center of the Imperial game. The 13 colonies, were small potatoes.
US stopped importing slaves from Africa in 1813

But our aggressive breeding program increased the slave population to 4 million by 1860

It was SUPPOSED to stop in 1808 after Jefferson signed the bill. But there was lots of interstate trade. Especially into the newer territories.

Though the end of the international trade of enslaved people was a significant piece of legislation, it actually did not change much in a practical sense. The importation of enslaved people had already been decreasing since the late 1700s. However, had the law had not gone into effect, the importation of enslaved people many have accelerated as the growth of the cotton industry accelerated following the widespread adoption of the cotton gin.

It's important to note that the prohibition against importing enslaved Africans did nothing to control the domestic traffic and the interstate trade of enslaved people. In some states, such as Virginia, changes in farming and the economy meant enslavers did not need great numbers of enslaved people.
Even though we stopped importing slaves around 1800, within 60 years our slave population increased from 750,000 to almost 4 million just through breeding

The article was good insight. But be aware of the time scale they are using. From 1500s to 1800s. A large fraction of that trade in sugar,mining,etc was BEFORE the East Coast of the US lands were even habitable. And it was done under Imperial ORDERS from Spain, Portugal, France, England. The brutality doesn't even qualify as "market" for slaves. And IMPORTATION of slaves was ended in the US around 1808, when signed by T. Jefferson.

From the article.

The massive enslavement of native Indians in South America and their DEMISE - was replaced by African slave trade in the latter 1600s.
Thanks, that puts a finer point on the subject. But the fundamental point is still that the vast majority of Africans who were shipped out of Africa did NOT go to the American mainland. They went to the sugar cane fields of South America and Caribbean countries so that wealthy British could have sugar in their tea. America is made out to be the slavery bad guy while the countries behind the huge surge in the African slave trade get a pass by Liberal historians.
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18 hour days working in the cane fields in sweltering heat. The death rates of the slaves was far beyond anything seen in the US. But historians give Europe and Caribeean countries a pass. It isn't just the Media that skews the truth.

And then the cane had to be converted to molasses and sugar which meant slaves were stirring sugar cane in giant vats heated to boiling in shacks in the tropics. A miserable existence to say the least. But America bad, gotta stick with the narrative. :(
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Here is the REAL TRUTH about the Black slave trade from the 1500s to the 1800s. Only SIX PERCENT of the slaves were shipped to America. The other 94 PERCENT of the slaves were sent to work the sugar plantations in South America and anywhere sugar cane was abundant. That was because Europe, especially England, developed a great demand for sugar. Africans were forced to work under conditions that made American slavery a vacation by contrast. But for some reason all we hear about is the SIX PERCENT of the slaves working in America. Now why would historians suppress these facts? Hmmmmmm

Yet the left calls slavery 'America's original sin' as if we invented slavery and were the ones running the slave trade in the world.

Slavery existed long before the great Christopher Columbus even discovered America. And sadly, slavery still exists today including in China.
Yet the left calls slavery 'America's original sin' as if we invented slavery and were the ones running the slave trade in the world.

Slavery existed long before the great Christopher Columbus even discovered America. And sadly, slavery still exists today including in China.
It's all about creating a perpetual Black victim class and dividing America along Black White lines permanently. Of all the crap the Left is trying to do, this might be the most destructive and despicable.
Here is the REAL TRUTH about the Black slave trade from the 1500s to the 1800s. Only SIX PERCENT of the slaves were shipped to America. The other 94 PERCENT of the slaves were sent to work the sugar plantations in South America and anywhere sugar cane was abundant. That was because Europe, especially England, developed a great demand for sugar. Africans were forced to work under conditions that made American slavery a vacation by contrast. But for some reason all we hear about is the SIX PERCENT of the slaves working in America. Now why would historians suppress these facts? Hmmmmmm

This is true, primarily Brazil.
Here is the REAL TRUTH about the Black slave trade from the 1500s to the 1800s. Only SIX PERCENT of the slaves were shipped to America. The other 94 PERCENT of the slaves were sent to work the sugar plantations in South America and anywhere sugar cane was abundant. That was because Europe, especially England, developed a great demand for sugar. Africans were forced to work under conditions that made American slavery a vacation by contrast. But for some reason all we hear about is the SIX PERCENT of the slaves working in America. Now why would historians suppress these facts? Hmmmmmm


389,000 slaves came here from Africa. We live in America not Brasil or Peru. Those 389,000 blacks turned into 4 million. 9 times more blacks were produced in America by forced slave breeding than Africans "sold" to whites in America..

And then we have what happened after slavery. Racist whites keep trying this diversion. Historians have not missed anything but racists wanting to shift blame look at this trying to make excuses. If we lived in South America this would be an issue to discuss.
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389,000 slaves came here from Africa. We live in America not Brasil or Peru. Those 389,000 blacks turned into 4 million. 9 times more blacks were produced in America by forced slave breeding than Africans "sold" to whites in America..

And then we have what happened after slavery. Racist whites keep trying this diversion. Historians have not missed anything but racists wanting to shift blame look at this trying to make excuses. If we lived in South America this would be an issue to discuss.
You keep saying "forced slave breeding"; to misquote Inigo Montoya, I don't think that phrase means what you think it does. From the posted chart, it looks like a natural population growth to me. Simply slave families having children. Most families had five six or more children in those days. I'm not making excuses for slavery or slave owners, but it doesn't seem to be the horror you claim it was and it was far worse at the time in other places. Personally, I wish that either no African slaves were ever brought here, or that after the ACW they had all been deported. The legacy of slavery has been nothing but a headache for this country.

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