Only the Black Vote Can Save Hillary Clinton


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Black folks I know hate the @%&$ &*#@&...
Only the Black Vote Can Save Hillary Clinton from Bernie Sanders
January 13, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Last time around, the black vote took an insurgent left-wing candidacy and helped destroy Hillary Clinton's chances at the White House. The far left is hoping Bernie Sanders is Barack Obama.

But this time around, the black vote is Hillary Clinton's firewall. Bernie Sanders is about as popular with black voters as slavery. Despite the Killer Mike theater, that's never going to be his base. It's why Hillary Clinton effectively used #BlackLivesMatter to destabilize his campaign.

It's also why there are hard limits to how well Bernie Sanders can do against Hillary in states where the Democratic base is a lot less white than New Hampshire.


Only the Black Vote Can Save Hillary Clinton from Bernie Sanders

Will Black Voters Leave Hillary's Plantation?

Keeping them on the plantation is the only way she can win.
February 22, 2016
Daniel Greenfield



Bernie Sanders endorsements from #BlackLivesMatter figures proved insignificant to black voters next to the magic of the Obama name. Considering how badly off the Obama years have left African-Americans, her ties to that era ought to be a minus, but a confused racial solidarity has taken Hillary from losing the black vote to becoming as dependent on black political labor as any plantation owner.


Even as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton fight over the black vote like two starving hounds, the outcome of that cynical competition may make the winner unelectable in the general election. And that is the problem with a political party dependent on cobbling together a coalition of minority groups with crude appeals to identity politics. Even one misstep in that identity politics juggling act may prove fatal.

Democrats have become undemocratic, sectarian, claustrophobic and alienating. The emphasis on base turnout has made their party more partisan and radical, gaining deeper but narrower support, contracting around its base rather than expanding. Democrats are losing locally while relying on vesting unlimited power in a heavily centralized government run by radicals whose views are at odds with most of the country. Their dictatorship of the proletariat is unstable and can fall at any time.

Plantation politics can only take Hillary Clinton and her party so far. And if black voters decide they don't want to do all of Miss Hillary's dirty work, then this time tomorrow will not be another day for her.

Will Black Voters Leave Hillary's Plantation?
You trolls will be simmering in your own piss and waste , when she kills that old ass man on SUPER TUESDAY, he can't debate her anymore without risk of going into AFIB, he's toast, HISPANICS HATE HIS GUTS JUST LIKE BLACKS, he is a 1 trick pony send his old loony ass back to Socialist Greece where Socialism works well huh:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Will redneck white trash inbreds leave Whitey's RepubliKKKon plantation after 40 YEARS of being slaves to your owners, of stinky old white Motherfuckers, who wear suits that cost more than you make in a year, you all love your pimps who have been keeping you poor since way back since the Jimmy Carter day's your still the poorest part of the country with the most without Health insurance...:up_yours:
You trolls will be simmering in your own piss and waste , when she kills that old ass man on SUPER TUESDAY, he can't debate her anymore without risk of going into AFIB, he's toast, HISPANICS HATE HIS GUTS JUST LIKE BLACKS, he is a 1 trick pony send his old loony ass back to Socialist Greece where Socialism works well huh:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hi Big Yank. Won't be much longer before you will have to leave USMB. Enjoy your short time on here. Please don't even attempt to forget our little wager.
You trolls will be simmering in your own piss and waste , when she kills that old ass man on SUPER TUESDAY, he can't debate her anymore without risk of going into AFIB, he's toast, HISPANICS HATE HIS GUTS JUST LIKE BLACKS, he is a 1 trick pony send his old loony ass back to Socialist Greece where Socialism works well huh:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hi Big Yank. Won't be much longer before you will have to leave USMB. Enjoy your short time on here. Please don't even attempt to forget our little wager.
Oh hell to the NO I didn't forget, THE WORLD WANTS TO SEE HILLARY-TRUMP, guess what SHE'S GONNA GUT HIM LIKE A COLD DEAD FISH, :dig:start digging the hole for Donald..

By the way Rednecks in the poor southern states have been voting for their slave masters on the Republicon plantation since the Jimi Carter day's and still poor as dirt with most lacking health insurance, and the shortest lifespans:lmao:

When she wins your outta here:clap2:
You trolls will be simmering in your own piss and waste , when she kills that old ass man on SUPER TUESDAY, he can't debate her anymore without risk of going into AFIB, he's toast, HISPANICS HATE HIS GUTS JUST LIKE BLACKS, he is a 1 trick pony send his old loony ass back to Socialist Greece where Socialism works well huh:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hi Big Yank. Won't be much longer before you will have to leave USMB. Enjoy your short time on here. Please don't even attempt to forget our little wager.
Oh hell to the NO I didn't forget, THE WORLD WANTS TO SEE HILLARY-TRUMP, guess what SHE'S GONNA GUT HIM LIKE A COLD DEAD FISH, :dig:start digging the hole for Donald..

By the way Rednecks in the poor southern states have been voting for their slave masters on the Republicon plantation since the Jimi Carter day's and still poor as dirt with most lacking health insurance, and the shortest lifespans:lmao:

When she wins your outta here:clap2:

Actually it is the Black voters in the South that Hillary is counting on. Bernie doesn't have their support but Hillary does because of Bill. She can even talk like them when she needs to,
Paranoid Politics
What the political horserace overshadows about the candidates.
February 24, 2016
Thomas Sowell

The fact that Hillary Clinton's election prospects, for example, depend on her ability to get the black vote has been talked about in the media numerous times. But what about the fate of millions of black people, and how that will be affected by the way Hillary Clinton is trying to get their votes?

Her basic pitch to black voters is that they have all sorts of enemies, and that blacks need her to protect them, which she is ready to do if they vote for her. In short, Hillary's political fate depends on spreading fear and, if possible, paranoia.

Similar attempts to get the votes of women are based on conjuring up enemies who are waging a "war on women," with Hillary again cast in the role of someone ready to come to their rescue, if they will give her their votes.


Anyone who is being serious -- as distinguished from being political -- would have to take many factors into account before saying that male-female income differences, or black-white differences, are due to people with identical qualifications and experience being paid differently.

Any number of studies, including studies by female scholars, have shot down the oft-repeated claim that women are paid less than men with identical work qualifications. But that will not stop that same bogus claim from being made repeatedly this election year.

What about blacks, women or others who believe the political hype? Will that help them improve their lives, or will it be anther counterproductive distraction for them and another polarization of society that helps nobody, except those who seeking votes? As for the media, they are covering the political contests, not the effects of the lies generated in these contests.

Paranoid Politics
Clinton Goes Deeper Into The Bubble
Running from Superpredator comment
Brian Lilley

Hillary Clinton moved a key campaign event in Georgia from an open to a more closed locale on Friday, perhaps in response to a showdown she had over calling black youth "superpredators," says the Atlanta Constitution Journal:


Clinton tried to walk back her comments at her fundraiser but could pay the price politically when voters in South Carolina vote on Saturday followed by a number of southern states taking part in Super Tuesday. Clinton's campaign had been relying on gaining a large number of votes from minority voters, a plan that may now be in jeopardy.

Clinton Goes Deeper Into The Bubble



They both smoked pot, you can tell...

Polls Show Hillary's Strategy of Running as Obama II is Working

March 1, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Bernie Sanders won in Vermont, which aside from being the state has has represented in the Senate by undertaking the arduous task of sponsoring two bills to rename two post offices in ten years, while showing up to work less than most senators, it's also one of the few places where voters are insane enough to want someone more left-wing than Obama.


So the change agenda is dead. Everyone has had more than enough change and few Dems really want a radical in office. Even Obama was smart enough not to run as a radical. Black voters, who make up a large share of Southern Democrats, want more Obama. And Hillary has promised to give it to them. The white Northeastern radical voters Bernie Sanders is popular with lack much standing here.

Polls Show Hillary's Strategy of Running as Obama II is Working

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