OohPoo's Top 5 Tips for Dealing with the lower BAC limit for DUI's


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
Here are my 5 tips for dealing with this - other than the usual get a cab or designate a driver.

1. Drink Earlier in the Day
The stigma of drinking during the day no doubt leads many to drink at night. This is a social norm that is more prevalent in the U.S.. In other nations its not at all unusual to knock back a few at work - and indeed this used to be acceptable here. Its time to bring it back! If you walk or public transit or cab from work to lunch or eat lunch at work, drink more at lunch and you won't need to drink as much later! Or sneak some whiskey sips at the desk, or if you are the boss fuck it and put in a minibar

2. Get to Know Your Neighbors
Hank and his buddies in King of the Hill never have to go out to drink because they all live right next to each other - they just stand out in in the front yard and get hammered on cheap beers. Folks don't know their neighbors as well as they used to. THey should get to know them, then they'll have people they can get drunk with without having to walk more than a block or two to make it home.

3. Open a Bar
Lowered BAC limits in addition to the ever increasing cost of transportation is no doubt going to increase demand for local, neighborhood bars. I think its a great time to open one up if you've got the time, patience, and capital. And since you'll own the place, no one will be there to kick you out at close when you need to hang around to sober up.

4. Be Opportunistic
Look for opportunities to get a buzz that you weren't planning. When you're in a situation where it turns out alcohol is available to serve and you won't be the one driving home, drink it. When visiting family for instance, if they are the ones driving for whatever it is you are doing for the day (lunch, church, mini-golf, etc) - take every opportunity you can to drink.

5. Get Pregnant or Get Your Wife/gf Pregnant
For women this is the easiest way. Many women find alcohol repugnant when they're pregnant, so not only can you not drink, but you might not want to. This also works for men if they are the ones doing the impregnating, as now they have created a designated driver for the next 9 months.
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