Oops Avenatti Releases Papers Showing Cohen Recieved $500K From Russian Oligarch After Election

There's nothing for me to defend -- you said nothing useful.

You claimed something about Lynch and provided two links, supposedly to support your assertions -- only neither link said anything about Lynch.

You lose again because you are a loser
I didn't provide the link to point out the crimes of Lynch that's a fore gone conclusion and you have a weird definition of loser....My president is a winner yours was a loser does that help ya?

You spouting "foregone conclusions" is like Trump telling the truth. Doesn't happen.

Yeah, dipshit, you really, really, really got Trump now.
..In your deluded TDS mind, that is.
There's nothing for me to defend -- you said nothing useful.

You claimed something about Lynch and provided two links, supposedly to support your assertions -- only neither link said anything about Lynch.

You lose again because you are a loser
I didn't provide the link to point out the crimes of Lynch that's a fore gone conclusion and you have a weird definition of loser....My president is a winner yours was a loser does that help ya?

You spouting "foregone conclusions" is like Trump telling the truth. Doesn't happen.

Yeah, dipshit, you really, really, really got Trump now.
..In your deluded TDS mind, that is.
Great, quote me saying we got him........

What a pity the voices in your head drown out the words you read, huh, nutjob?
And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
On one hand, I want the special counsel to do his job with a necessary vigor. If other crimes are unearthed, so be it. Refer them and let another team charge them. Ultimately I want this Russia stuff resolved. If nothing related to Russia is pinned to Trump I would be surprised but carry on still wanting the elections secured from foreign influence.

On the other hand, I think it's highly probable that Trump is a crook. I consider his political positions to be bad for a majority of Americans. I think his methods and qualities are not what we would want in a president. He's proven to be a good deal breaker and a flip flopper. Because of these I would want him out of office as soon as possible. I don't want rules to be broken to do that though. Mueller and his team should stay above board and I think they are mostly doing that.
And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
On one hand, I want the special counsel to do his job with a necessary vigor. If other crimes are unearthed, so be it. Refer them and let another team charge them. Ultimately I want this Russia stuff resolved. If nothing related to Russia is pinned to Trump I would be surprised but carry on still wanting the elections secured from foreign influence.

On the other hand, I think it's highly probable that Trump is a crook. I consider his political positions to be bad for a majority of Americans. I think his methods and qualities are not what we would want in a president. He's proven to be a good deal breaker and a flip flopper. Because of these I would want him out of office as soon as possible. I don't want rules to be broken to do that though. Mueller and his team should stay above board and I think they are mostly doing that.

His political positions are largely good for America, with the exception of the trade war.

While he says all kinds of things, Trump has largely followed the law.

Hillary for example, was conclusively a crook.

Trump is possibly a crook, but zero evidence yet supports that.

Here's a my problem that I don't understand.
If Trump really was in fact colluding with the Russians to throw the election, no one would be stupid enough to give traceable money directly to someone tied directly to Trump.

Trump might be a goof and nut, but he's not that stupid. Neither are the Russians for that matter. The Russians would never be caught so red-handed as directly paying for results, that could be traced back to them. It would cause world-wide retaliation.

Further, if Trump was colluding with the Russians, I would be hard pressed to figure out what exactly they are getting from it. Trump has been much harder on Russia, both in sanctions and expelling diplomats, and in fighting the Russian back Assad in Syria, than Russia, and now with backing out of the Iran deal that Russia supported.

What exactly has Russia gotten from this?

And even then.... I don't get why Russia would pay Trump, through Cohen, even if that was the case. What are they paying for? Why would Russia be paying him.... for their support of his election? That's supposedly the claim, right?

The claim is Trump had no chance of winning, until Russia got involved and threw the election in favor of Trump. Why would Russia pay Trump for their support? Wouldn't Trump be the one paying them?

Nothing about this is logical.

I'm more inclined to believe that the Russian oligarch either had services from Cohen, or were trying to pay him for influence with Trump, which in either case is likely unknown by Trump, and isn't collusion.

I'll be interested to see what specifically they come up with. That's assuming this is even true, which lately the mass media is about as reliable as a hooker paid hundreds of thousands to shutup.
And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
On one hand, I want the special counsel to do his job with a necessary vigor. If other crimes are unearthed, so be it. Refer them and let another team charge them. Ultimately I want this Russia stuff resolved. If nothing related to Russia is pinned to Trump I would be surprised but carry on still wanting the elections secured from foreign influence.

On the other hand, I think it's highly probable that Trump is a crook. I consider his political positions to be bad for a majority of Americans. I think his methods and qualities are not what we would want in a president. He's proven to be a good deal breaker and a flip flopper. Because of these I would want him out of office as soon as possible. I don't want rules to be broken to do that though. Mueller and his team should stay above board and I think they are mostly doing that.

Hello and pleased to meet you grainbelly.... :beer:

Alas, this one hand and on the other hand thing .. I don't think you're doing it right... :spank:
Cohen was selling influence to trump....quid pro quo was terrible during Obama. Now the GOP turns their backs....
And it appears that Cohen and Manafort were vectors for Trump. And once again, the GOP could care less. They are destroying our Democracy in real time with their complicit corruption with Trump; The intersection of the Russia investigation & the Stormy Daniels suit

The GOP does not care about Russian meddling or protecting this country. Their only concern is to shield trump. They want to protect the president chosen by Putin. Amazing!
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And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
On one hand, I want the special counsel to do his job with a necessary vigor. If other crimes are unearthed, so be it. Refer them and let another team charge them. Ultimately I want this Russia stuff resolved. If nothing related to Russia is pinned to Trump I would be surprised but carry on still wanting the elections secured from foreign influence.

On the other hand, I think it's highly probable that Trump is a crook. I consider his political positions to be bad for a majority of Americans. I think his methods and qualities are not what we would want in a president. He's proven to be a good deal breaker and a flip flopper. Because of these I would want him out of office as soon as possible. I don't want rules to be broken to do that though. Mueller and his team should stay above board and I think they are mostly doing that.

His political positions are largely good for America, with the exception of the trade war.

While he says all kinds of things, Trump has largely followed the law.

Hillary for example, was conclusively a crook.

Trump is possibly a crook, but zero evidence yet supports that.

Here's a my problem that I don't understand.
If Trump really was in fact colluding with the Russians to throw the election, no one would be stupid enough to give traceable money directly to someone tied directly to Trump.

Trump might be a goof and nut, but he's not that stupid. Neither are the Russians for that matter. The Russians would never be caught so red-handed as directly paying for results, that could be traced back to them. It would cause world-wide retaliation.

Further, if Trump was colluding with the Russians, I would be hard pressed to figure out what exactly they are getting from it. Trump has been much harder on Russia, both in sanctions and expelling diplomats, and in fighting the Russian back Assad in Syria, than Russia, and now with backing out of the Iran deal that Russia supported.

What exactly has Russia gotten from this?

And even then.... I don't get why Russia would pay Trump, through Cohen, even if that was the case. What are they paying for? Why would Russia be paying him.... for their support of his election? That's supposedly the claim, right?

The claim is Trump had no chance of winning, until Russia got involved and threw the election in favor of Trump. Why would Russia pay Trump for their support? Wouldn't Trump be the one paying them?

Nothing about this is logical.

I'm more inclined to believe that the Russian oligarch either had services from Cohen, or were trying to pay him for influence with Trump, which in either case is likely unknown by Trump, and isn't collusion.

I'll be interested to see what specifically they come up with. That's assuming this is even true, which lately the mass media is about as reliable as a hooker paid hundreds of thousands to shutup.

Hillary was a crook? Then why is your orange king a subject in an FBI investigation? What has Hillary been charged with? Take your time....
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Oh? What parts of the dossier did the Hillary campaign use against Trump?
Dumbest post of 2018 nominee.
Translation: Poor, deranged, Weatherman2020 can't actually say what parts of the dossier Hillary used against the Trump campaign, so he'll resort to invective instead of admitting he's a dumb fuck.

Ok, poor, deranged con, see if you can answer this one.....

When was the dossier delivered to Hillary.....
Shitforbrains wants to ignore how the Dem funded fake dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants.
You first have to prove the Dossier is fake, which you have not. Intelligence reports that much of what has been investigated coming from the Dossier has checked out. Other than your own lies, what have you got?

NOTHING in the Dossier has been proven false.

They did spell Trumps name correctly, I'll give you that
Hey remember when Cohen was in Sri Lanka meeting with a lawyer who once shared a cab with a financial analyst that covered Smirnoff Vodka, at the same time that Cohen said that he was in Los Angeles at his daughters graduation and posted the pictures to prove it?

We got him this time! Part 714,036
I've been here a few years. These Regressives have never been right about anything (almost 100% failure rate). Maybe this time? They got him now? What's that Opie? A different Cohen? Lol!
Like Iraq?
Like the Bush Tax cuts?
Like Trump's tax cuts?
Like Millions losing their healthcare?

If this is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
Well loodawg posted this OP Tuesday May, 8 at 6:05 pm under BREAKING NEWS...
Meanwhile the Trump Admin has rescued 3 citizens from NOKO, set up a Summit with lil 'Kim in Singapore and was part of a coalition that captured the 5 most wanted Leaders of ISIS...

What has been reported re: loodawg's BREAKING NEWS...


:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::highfive: :highfive:
Stupidity rising. Mueller hasn’t threatened Cohen’s family.

Translation: Mueller is threatening Cohen's family and signaling that he will bury him with legal bills. "Nice little life you have here. Would be a shame if something happened to it."

You are in denial. Flynn pleaded out due to Mueller threatening his son. That is the Mueller MO.
Flynn isn’t Cohen, dumbass.

And you can't think conceptually, you sad widdle woowoo.
Though I do imagine they just made it up and claimed Russia. Lol
Then you really should invest in a new anti-persperant, bub. Your flop sweat is quite noxious.

NO COLLUSION and other trump lies.

Oh, there was collusion. The hiLIARy campaign, DNC and various parts of the Obabble Admin conspired to use the fake dossier filled with unsubstantiated rumors from RUSSIAN sources.

That is a possibility - but it does look like the Fusion GPS folks sourced info via Steele's Russian fiction writers.
Peddling lies I see. Where is the proof of fiction? Answer, "you don't know", so you just go and lie.

Stupid little noob. Try reading some actual news. There are plenty of sources from a variety of ideologies that have reported on the origin of the fiction-dossier.
Oh, there was collusion. The hiLIARy campaign, DNC and various parts of the Obabble Admin conspired to use the fake dossier filled with unsubstantiated rumors from RUSSIAN sources.
Oh? What parts of the dossier did the Hillary campaign use against Trump?
Dumbest post of 2018 nominee.
Translation: Poor, deranged, Weatherman2020 can't actually say what parts of the dossier Hillary used against the Trump campaign, so he'll resort to invective instead of admitting he's a dumb fuck.

Ok, poor, deranged con, see if you can answer this one.....

When was the dossier delivered to Hillary.....
Shitforbrains wants to ignore how the Dem funded fake dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants.
You first have to prove the Dossier is fake, which you have not. Intelligence reports that much of what has been investigated coming from the Dossier has checked out. Other than your own lies, what have you got?

Uh no. That's not how evidence works. The dossier alleges things for which the authors and promoters are obliged to prove as true.

We do not have a system of law in which an accused has to prove his innocence, you sad little sack of sophistry.
Oh? What parts of the dossier did the Hillary campaign use against Trump?
Dumbest post of 2018 nominee.
Translation: Poor, deranged, Weatherman2020 can't actually say what parts of the dossier Hillary used against the Trump campaign, so he'll resort to invective instead of admitting he's a dumb fuck.

Ok, poor, deranged con, see if you can answer this one.....

When was the dossier delivered to Hillary.....
Shitforbrains wants to ignore how the Dem funded fake dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants.
You first have to prove the Dossier is fake, which you have not. Intelligence reports that much of what has been investigated coming from the Dossier has checked out. Other than your own lies, what have you got?

Uh no. That's not how evidence works. The dossier alleges things for which the authors and promoters are obliged to prove as true.

We do not have a system of law in which an accused has to prove his innocence, you sad little sack of sophistry.
Parts of the dossier have been confirmed as accurate.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

On the flip side, while much of it has not been confirmed, almost none of it has been proven false.
Dumbest post of 2018 nominee.
Translation: Poor, deranged, Weatherman2020 can't actually say what parts of the dossier Hillary used against the Trump campaign, so he'll resort to invective instead of admitting he's a dumb fuck.

Ok, poor, deranged con, see if you can answer this one.....

When was the dossier delivered to Hillary.....
Shitforbrains wants to ignore how the Dem funded fake dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants.
You first have to prove the Dossier is fake, which you have not. Intelligence reports that much of what has been investigated coming from the Dossier has checked out. Other than your own lies, what have you got?

Uh no. That's not how evidence works. The dossier alleges things for which the authors and promoters are obliged to prove as true.

We do not have a system of law in which an accused has to prove his innocence, you sad little sack of sophistry.
Parts of the dossier have been confirmed as accurate.

How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

On the flip side, while much of it has not been confirmed, almost none of it has been proven false.
Comey called it unverified and salacious

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