oops climate changers are wrong again

LOL, ice core data sports fans.
Heads in the sand here.
Ice core samples, tens of thousands of them all over the world.
Guess what the PROVE?
This 100 year warming has NEVER, EVER happened before and NO cycle has even been close, within 3000 years of what this current PROOF shows.
Ice core samples prove this warming period is because of man made pollution.
How else do Glaciers melt except for WARMER TEMPERATURES?
I love how people keep repeating my post. Yet none of you have proven that humans are the direct cause of Global Warming.


1, there is NO global warming , neither is there a climate change. Climate is not a static formula it changes always and it is NORMAL

2. Humans have nothing to do with it
LOL, ice core data sports fans.
Heads in the sand here.
Ice core samples, tens of thousands of them all over the world.
Guess what the PROVE?
This 100 year warming has NEVER, EVER happened before and NO cycle has even been close, within 3000 years of what this current PROOF shows.
Ice core samples prove this warming period is because of man made pollution.
How else do Glaciers melt except for WARMER TEMPERATURES?

How do warmer temperatures result in a 60% increase in ice?

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.

Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.
LOL, ice core data sports fans.
Heads in the sand here.
Ice core samples, tens of thousands of them all over the world.
Guess what the PROVE?
This 100 year warming has NEVER, EVER happened before and NO cycle has even been close, within 3000 years of what this current PROOF shows.
Ice core samples prove this warming period is because of man made pollution.
How else do Glaciers melt except for WARMER TEMPERATURES?

How do warmer temperatures result in a 60% increase in ice?

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.

Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.

its not nice to confuse our libtardian friends with facts like these. They just waaaaaaaaaaaaant to believe that man is evil and is destroying the planet by driving SUVs and heating homes.

and for the idiot who negged me for mentioning the prophet of AGW, the great algore----screw youself with a rusty pipe.

Algore and his cronies started this man caused global warming bullshit, so its perfectly legitimate to bring the stupid ass up in this thread.
I love how people keep repeating my post. Yet none of you have proven that humans are the direct cause of Global Warming.


1, there is NO global warming , neither is there a climate change. Climate is not a static formula it changes always and it is NORMAL

2. Humans have nothing to do with it

Says you and your degree in......?
Warmer temperatures cause glaciers to melt. Glaciers aren't melting but growing. This has to mean that warmer temperatures cause glaciers to grow.

The Andes in Peru have warmed and the Andean glaciers are shrinking.
Andean glaciers shrink by half | TG Daily

It clearly states that global warming is affecting Peru as it warms.

The reality is that cold unseen in a decade has cause the deaths of 250,000 alpacas in the Peruvian highlands. The cold has resulted in a state of emergency in Peru.

250,000 alpacas freeze to death in Peru | News OK

Believing in this hoax can kill you. It can cause real damage. That's why it is so dangerous.
"Today isn't the hottest day I have ever felt, so global warming is obviously a lie!"
Al Gore is not a scientist is he? Didn't he use the term "Could be" in 2007? What was that based on?
Why do you guys keep going after individuals and ignoring the peer reviewed stuff?

We both know the answer to that question.
Why do you guys keep going after individuals and ignoring the peer reviewed stuff?

We both know the answer to that question.

because most of the "peers" are being paid to reach a conclusion. The OP presented actual data.

why do you warmers refuse to acknowledge actual data?
If you invented something that didn't exist and made a fortune selling it, what would you say? Carbon credits do not exist. They are figments. Al Gore made a fortune selling carbon credits.

Airports have carbon credit kiosks where you can buy carbon credit offsets against your flight footprint. What do you get? Nothing. What is the effect? Nothing. This is snake oil at its finest.

New kiosks at SFO first to sell carbon offsets - SFGate

You can't really keep the skies blue by buying carbon credits. You can't make them something other than blue by buying carbon credits.

It is a HOAX.
Why do you guys keep going after individuals and ignoring the peer reviewed stuff?

We both know the answer to that question.

because most of the "peers" are being paid to reach a conclusion. The OP presented actual data.

why do you warmers refuse to acknowledge actual data?

Says you...So instead of going after what the consensus is you pick out individuals. Makes total sense!

Then you accuse everyone of being on the take and to prove that you post nothing. More Sense Making!!

So you refuse to look at the data and claim that everyone is being bribed then asks why is everyone else ignoring data?

Why do you guys keep going after individuals and ignoring the peer reviewed stuff?

We both know the answer to that question.

because most of the "peers" are being paid to reach a conclusion. The OP presented actual data.

why do you warmers refuse to acknowledge actual data?

They are? Please provide a link showing that 200+ international scientific agencies are being paid to reach a specific conclusion.
Well who produces the increases of CO2 into the atmosphere which is the conclusive reason by the UNited States Geological Survey of the cause?
Total vehicles surpassed 1 billion last year. HEAT from the exhaust along with CO2 and increased particles in the air caused by worldwide pollution causes the glaciers to melt.
Man has caused most of it.


Man has caused none of it.
You would be aware of that if you would know how to read that graph - it is pretty amazing it is so perfectly repeating itself

Come on, you guys are embarrassing.

Milankovitch Cycles - Overview of Milankovitch Cycles

Milankovitch Cycles

Astronomer Milutin Milankovitch developed the mathematical formulas upon which these orbital variations are based. He hypothesized that when some parts of the cyclic variations are combined and occur at the same time, they are responsible for major changes to the earth's climate (even ice ages). Milankovitch estimated climatic fluctuations over the last 450,000 years and described cold and warm periods. Though he did his work in the first half of the 20th century, Milankovich's results weren't proven until the 1970s.

A 1976 study, published in the journal Science examined deep-sea sediment cores and found that Milankovich's theory corresponded to periods of climate change. Indeed, ice ages had occurred when the earth was going through different stages of orbital variation.

Now here is a real expert on the relationship of climate and GHGs.


Yes, there have been periods of rapid warming in the past when geological events created rapid increases of the GHGs in the atmosphere. And the physics for those events is the same, whether created by natural geological events, or by mankind.

it is YOU who are gullible to any hysteric running around "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" :lol:

there is NO Anthropogenic GW. Period.

There is NO MANMADE climate change ( the term is moronic, to start with, since climate is NOT a static entity)

if you want to talk about NATURAL processes causing SLOW fluctuation of the temperatures, sea levels, glacier levels et cetera - then cool it down, so there is no hysteric rhetoric and financial undercurrents involved.

HUMANITY has NO IMPACT on the weather, climate or temperature.
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for the gullible idiots who turned the scientific issue to the financial-driven hysteria - ALL predictions one way or the other are based on the computer prediction models ONLY.
as anybody, who knows the basics of how these formula change just by introduction of ONE variable - it is ridiculous to observe this "the sky is falling" hysteria.

The most famous alarmist from NASA who first had convulsions ( circa mid-70s) that we are going to freeze ( predictions based on his model) is James Hansen who finally resigned after his hysterical predictions of now "warming" turned out to be also wrong after this report was published by NASA in January:
Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate - NASA Science

The alarmist hysteric forgot to put this variable into his predictions :lol:

What would you, guys say about your doctor, who, looking at your hemoglobin level and your potassium level would announce - you are going to be dead in 3 months? You would ask him what basis for such an assumption does he have?
and if the answer would be that your hemoglobin of 10 and your potassium of 5 are the predictors, but he does not take into consideration anything else, you should, probably ran of that doctor as soon as possible.

Same here. Sure, you can base models on the levels of CO2 and the records for 50 years of temperature recordings (sic!) and predict Armaggeddon happening, but it would be much more SCIENTIFIC to look for the other variables as well, before making the fool of yourself ( as Hansen did numerous times).

of course I understand the shining value of the financial reward of being stupid in public, but if one wants to be considered a scientist, not a charlatan who can sell himself easily - one should have some scientific integrity.
"Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources."

Statement on climate change from 18 scientific associations

"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver." (2009)2
-American Association for the Advancement of Science

"The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society." (2006)3
-American Chemical Society

"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)4
-American Geophysical Union

"The Earth's climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming. Many components of the climate system — including the temperatures of the atmosphere, land and ocean, the extent of sea ice and mountain glaciers, the sea level, the distribution of precipitation, and the length of seasons — are now changing at rates and in patterns that are not natural and are best explained by the increased atmospheric abundances of greenhouse gases and aerosols generated by human activity during the 20th century." (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007)5
-American Medical Association

"Our AMA ... supports the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report and concurs with the scientific consensus that the Earth is undergoing adverse global climate change and that anthropogenic contributions are significant." (2013)6
-American Meteorological Society

"It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide." (2012)7
-American Physical Society

"The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now." (2007)8
-The Geological Society of America

"The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s." (2006; revised 2010)9


International academies: Joint statement

"Climate change is real. There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring. The evidence comes from direct measurements of rising surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures and from phenomena such as increases in average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and changes to many physical and biological systems. It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities (IPCC 2001)." (2005, 11 international science academies)10
-U.S. National Academy of Sciences

"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify taking steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." (2005)11


U.S. Global Change Research Program

"The global warming of the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced increases in heat-trapping gases. Human 'fingerprints' also have been identified in many other aspects of the climate system, including changes in ocean heat content, precipitation, atmospheric moisture, and Arctic sea ice." (2009, 13 U.S. government departments and agencies)12


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

“Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.”13

“Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely* due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.”14

*IPCC defines ‘very likely’ as greater than 90 percent probability of occurrence.

Climate Change: Consensus
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Why do you guys keep going after individuals and ignoring the peer reviewed stuff?

We both know the answer to that question.

because most of the "peers" are being paid to reach a conclusion. The OP presented actual data.

why do you warmers refuse to acknowledge actual data?

They are? Please provide a link showing that 200+ international scientific agencies are being paid to reach a specific conclusion.

He cant link to his feelings lol'

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