oops climate changers are wrong again

“The BBC’s 2007 report quoted scientist Professor Wieslaw Maslowski, [Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California] who based his views on super-computer models and the fact that ‘we use a high-resolution regional model for the Arctic Ocean and sea ice.’” At the time, the prediction was claimed to be a “conservative” forecast.

Not sure how you get more “conservative” then “no ice”, but I digress. In fact, BBC’s forecast was so far off that new satellite imagery shows that the Arctic has60 percent more ice now than it did in 2007 –one million miles more to be exact.

So yeah.. wrong again

Using 2007 is called cherry picking a date. The following are a couple of excerpts from a very long and informative article written by those who study these things rather than those who cherry pick statistics. Read it you may learn something. Among them that the date for an ice free arctic may be only a few years off the original prediction.

".......The annual minimum extent usually occurs during the month of September and the lowest monthly average was measured in September 2007. The monthly figure was 40.8 percent below the average for the period 1979-1990......."

..."The accelerating rate of decline of ice volume may be a more accurate indicator than the rate of decline of ice extent when attempting to predict the time horizon for an ice-free Arctic Ocean....".

"........Ice volume data helps to put the recovery of sea ice extent since the 2007 minimum into perspective. Sea ice volume continues to decline rapidly and has occurred at an exponential rate since 1979........."

".......... If this trend persists over the coming years we could experience an ice free Arctic Ocean by the summer of 2015............."

The Arctic Institute - Center for Circumpolar Security Studies

Of course. Whenever you want to justify theories that don't work out as planned .... just add a few years. I previously found unexplained "problems" surrounding this global warming myself.

A new NASA study shows that from 1978 to 2010 the total extent of sea ice surrounding Antarctica in the Southern Ocean grew by roughly 6,600 square miles every year, an area larger than the state of Connecticut. And previous research by the same authors indicates that this rate of increase has recently accelerated, up from an average rate of almost 4,300 square miles per year from 1978 to 2006.

Yet we find this report about the earth's o-zone layer

John Vidal
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 4 November 2008

The ozone hole over Antarctica grew to the size of North America this year – the fifth largest on record – according to the latest satellite observations.
Uh-oh Redfish has been caught committing the ultimate sin in the "nut job conservative" handbook. He committed to accepting a source as being credible and now when he is shown that source has data that contradicts his predetermined agenda he is stuck in a corner.

You should know by now that you NEVER commit to anything. This way you can weasel your way out of ANY evidence you are shown.

Time to cut and run Redfish! Run away!

listen you flaming asshole. I said that I would accept NASA data before algore data. I did not say that I thought that NASA data was perfect or that it proved AGW.

The facts are that recent NASA data refutes the old NASA data that you posted.

the truth is that no one really knows what caused climatic cycles on earth, but most really smart people believe that the sun and the earth's tilt on its axis may have something to do with it.

But if you want to believe that man is destroying the planet and that we are all going to boil in seawater, go right ahead. you will continue to provide amusement for the rest of us.
CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It is that % today and it was that % in the year zero. ice cores and tree rings prove it.

Why do ignorant retards like you even bother posting your drivel?

Mankind has increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide by over 40% so far, and still rising. Just because you're too stupid to comprehend why the laws of physics make this important, doesn't mean that it isn't important.

.039% --- less than half of one percent. the questionable data from ice cores indicates that it may have been .035% 20,000 years ago.

Uh-oh Redfish has been caught committing the ultimate sin in the "nut job conservative" handbook. He committed to accepting a source as being credible and now when he is shown that source has data that contradicts his predetermined agenda he is stuck in a corner.

You should know by now that you NEVER commit to anything. This way you can weasel your way out of ANY evidence you are shown.

Time to cut and run Redfish! Run away!

listen you flaming asshole. I said that I would accept NASA data before algore data. I did not say that I thought that NASA data was perfect or that it proved AGW.

The facts are that recent NASA data refutes the old NASA data that you posted.

the truth is that no one really knows what caused climatic cycles on earth, but most really smart people believe that the sun and the earth's tilt on its axis may have something to do with it.

But if you want to believe that man is destroying the planet and that we are all going to boil in seawater, go right ahead. you will continue to provide amusement for the rest of us.

Back peddling perfected to an art form. Good for you. Everyone should be good at least one thing.

And for the record, there is no recent NASA data that refutes anything other than that you're full of shit.
Uh-oh Redfish has been caught committing the ultimate sin in the "nut job conservative" handbook. He committed to accepting a source as being credible and now when he is shown that source has data that contradicts his predetermined agenda he is stuck in a corner.

You should know by now that you NEVER commit to anything. This way you can weasel your way out of ANY evidence you are shown.

Time to cut and run Redfish! Run away!

listen you flaming asshole. I said that I would accept NASA data before algore data. I did not say that I thought that NASA data was perfect or that it proved AGW.

The facts are that recent NASA data refutes the old NASA data that you posted.

the truth is that no one really knows what caused climatic cycles on earth, but most really smart people believe that the sun and the earth's tilt on its axis may have something to do with it.

But if you want to believe that man is destroying the planet and that we are all going to boil in seawater, go right ahead. you will continue to provide amusement for the rest of us.

Back peddling perfected to an art form. Good for you. Everyone should be good at least one thing.

And for the record, there is no recent NASA data that refutes anything other than that you're full of shit.

Conservabuzz ? Whoops: Arctic Circle Was Supposed to be ?Ice-Free? by 2013
for RDD

OK, just for drill, lets assume that you are right and man is causing the earth to warm. What exactly do you think that the people of the world can do to stop it from happening or reverse it?

What is it that you warmers want????????
listen you flaming asshole. I said that I would accept NASA data before algore data. I did not say that I thought that NASA data was perfect or that it proved AGW.

The facts are that recent NASA data refutes the old NASA data that you posted.

the truth is that no one really knows what caused climatic cycles on earth, but most really smart people believe that the sun and the earth's tilt on its axis may have something to do with it.

But if you want to believe that man is destroying the planet and that we are all going to boil in seawater, go right ahead. you will continue to provide amusement for the rest of us.

Back peddling perfected to an art form. Good for you. Everyone should be good at least one thing.

And for the record, there is no recent NASA data that refutes anything other than that you're full of shit.

Conservabuzz ? Whoops: Arctic Circle Was Supposed to be ?Ice-Free? by 2013

I know you're easily confused, but NASA didn't all of a sudden change their website to Conservabuzz.com. So I don't know how you think linking me to the scientific hotbed that is Conservbuzz discredits anything I said. Hint: It doesn't.

So, for the record, you are still completely full of shit.
for RDD

OK, just for drill, lets assume that you are right and man is causing the earth to warm. What exactly do you think that the people of the world can do to stop it from happening or reverse it?

What is it that you warmers want????????

There ya go. That wasn't so hard.

What can we do? That's certainly the big question and certainly a better topic worthy of discussion, rather than the arguing over whether or not we're even warming to begin with.

All I want is for us to discuss the merits and reality of what can be done and how we can keep the planet a healthy and safe environment for the generations that follow us.
for RDD

OK, just for drill, lets assume that you are right and man is causing the earth to warm. What exactly do you think that the people of the world can do to stop it from happening or reverse it?

What is it that you warmers want????????

You already know what the bed wetters want.


They don't want to be questioned, they want to dictate the terms of our surrender.

The terms include having regulators on your thermostats, limits on the sort of car you can own, and huge tax subsidies for their fascist corporate cronies at the expense of their enemies.

That's all, no big deal right?
for RDD

OK, just for drill, lets assume that you are right and man is causing the earth to warm. What exactly do you think that the people of the world can do to stop it from happening or reverse it?

What is it that you warmers want????????

You already know what the bed wetters want.


They don't want to be questioned, they want to dictate the terms of our surrender.

The terms include having regulators on your thermostats, limits on the sort of car you can own, and huge tax subsidies for their fascist corporate cronies at the expense of their enemies.

That's all, no big deal right?

of course, I was just testing RDD to see if he was honest enough to admit it.
the AGW chanting idiot choir still aiming at our money?


not going to happen :eusa_whistle:
for RDD

OK, just for drill, lets assume that you are right and man is causing the earth to warm. What exactly do you think that the people of the world can do to stop it from happening or reverse it?

What is it that you warmers want????????

There ya go. That wasn't so hard.

What can we do? That's certainly the big question and certainly a better topic worthy of discussion, rather than the arguing over whether or not we're even warming to begin with.

All I want is for us to discuss the merits and reality of what can be done and how we can keep the planet a healthy and safe environment for the generations that follow us.

the problem with you guys is that you can't differentiate between pollution and climate change.

We all agree that we must stop polluting the planet, we need to stop cutting the rain forest and pumping garbage into the oceans and the air.

If you would get off of the AGW bandwagon and deal with the real problem which is pollution we might find common ground.

Continuing to pump out debunked claims that CO2 is causing the planet to warm (now change) just takes your credibility away and prevents dialog about the real problems.
CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It is that % today and it was that % in the year zero. ice cores and tree rings prove it.

Why do ignorant retards like you even bother posting your drivel?

Mankind has increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide by over 40% so far, and still rising. Just because you're too stupid to comprehend why the laws of physics make this important, doesn't mean that it isn't important.

.039% --- less than half of one percent. the questionable data from ice cores indicates that it may have been .035% 20,000 years ago.


NOBODY EVER has proven the change in CO2 is causing ANYTHING.

those are just THEORIES.

In the mid-70s they were theorizing it is causing anthropological global cooling, it was called new Ice Age - but was not converted to global hysteria.

Basically the very same people who 30-40 years ago theorized that CO2 increase causes global cooling in the mid-90s suddenly reversed the course and started connecting it to warming trends. Some politicians jumped the wagon and some of the hysterical alarmists in the scientific world greedy enough to lose scientific integrity joined the ranks and the hysteria of AGW was started.
For the last decade the trend has been cooling again - since it has been too soon for the public to forget that the very people seizing about "warming" have to talk now about cooling, the term "climate change" ( moronic by default, since climate ALWAYS changes) was coined.

Still, NOBODY EVER PROVED microscopically increased amount of CO2 has ANY role on the change.

It is irrelevant, but all so possible to use for gauging the taxpayer.

The very reason the idiot choir of brainwashed leftards is involved - is your and my money :D
for RDD

OK, just for drill, lets assume that you are right and man is causing the earth to warm. What exactly do you think that the people of the world can do to stop it from happening or reverse it?

What is it that you warmers want????????

There ya go. That wasn't so hard.

What can we do? That's certainly the big question and certainly a better topic worthy of discussion, rather than the arguing over whether or not we're even warming to begin with.

All I want is for us to discuss the merits and reality of what can be done and how we can keep the planet a healthy and safe environment for the generations that follow us.

the problem with you guys is that you can't differentiate between pollution and climate change.

We all agree that we must stop polluting the planet, we need to stop cutting the rain forest and pumping garbage into the oceans and the air.

If you would get off of the AGW bandwagon and deal with the real problem which is pollution we might find common ground.

Continuing to pump out debunked claims that CO2 is causing the planet to warm (now change) just takes your credibility away and prevents dialog about the real problems.

This kind of ignorant drivel is why we call you guys 'deniers'. And retards!
the AGW chanting idiot choir still aiming at our money?


not going to happen :eusa_whistle:

So how about the NASA data?

You think you can ignore your annihilation in this debate forever?

And you wonder why you have gone through your entire life with everyone constantly laughing at you. This is why.
for RDD

OK, just for drill, lets assume that you are right and man is causing the earth to warm. What exactly do you think that the people of the world can do to stop it from happening or reverse it?

What is it that you warmers want????????

There ya go. That wasn't so hard.

What can we do? That's certainly the big question and certainly a better topic worthy of discussion, rather than the arguing over whether or not we're even warming to begin with.

All I want is for us to discuss the merits and reality of what can be done and how we can keep the planet a healthy and safe environment for the generations that follow us.

the problem with you guys is that you can't differentiate between pollution and climate change.

We all agree that we must stop polluting the planet, we need to stop cutting the rain forest and pumping garbage into the oceans and the air.

If you would get off of the AGW bandwagon and deal with the real problem which is pollution we might find common ground.

Continuing to pump out debunked claims that CO2 is causing the planet to warm (now change) just takes your credibility away and prevents dialog about the real problems.

So pumping that "garbage" in to the air as you've mentioned, what effect do you think that garbage has on the air and our planet?

Like you said, we all agree we need to cut down on pumping garbage in to our air.
CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It is that % today and it was that % in the year zero. ice cores and tree rings prove it.

Why do ignorant retards like you even bother posting your drivel?

Mankind has increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide by over 40% so far, and still rising. Just because you're too stupid to comprehend why the laws of physics make this important, doesn't mean that it isn't important.

.039% --- less than half of one percent. the questionable data from ice cores indicates that it may have been .035% 20,000 years ago.

CO2 levels were at 280ppm before the industrial revolution and they are now over 400ppm. This is about a 40% increase, numbnuts. And again I say: just because you're too stupid to comprehend why the laws of physics make this important, doesn't mean that it isn't important. It actually just means that you're an ignorant brainwashed retard.
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So man with all his pollution thrown into the air for over 150 years has done nothing to cause any change in the environment on this earth.
Sure, right.
And cigarette smoking is good for you.

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