Open All Safe Spaces, Prepare for Gnashing of Teeth

Still better than your declining population numbers though innit. :funnyface:

Doesn't bother me, that 2.5% increase in hispanics aren't going to be taking the jobs of whites, they'll be competing with you. Don't you even care that blacks can never seem to exceed 13%? Obviously black lives don't matter to you.

Legalize it
And I will advertise it

Is that Peter Tosh?
Yep. Good job.

You got fooled by the internet. That's not a Bob song but I'm sure you whites wish it was because you desperately want to be us.
Doesn't bother me, that 2.5% increase in hispanics aren't going to be taking the jobs of whites, they'll be competing with you. Don't you even care that blacks can never seem to exceed 13%? Obviously black lives don't matter to you.
Your jobs? 😄 Minorities are going to take your country. :funnyface:

The year in bold is the only election in which the Republican candidate won the popular vote.

This is probably why the organization formerly known as the Republican party is dead set against repealing the electoral college. The last guy even went so far as to attempt a coup to avoid accepting even the electoral count.

How much longer before the demographic clock runs out on the organization formerly known as the Republican Party?

Maybe its time they rethink about being the party of hatred and return to all those principles they long ago threw out the window.

1992 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

1996 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2000 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2008 United States elections - Wikipedia

2012 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

No, fucktard, the left coast will not be allowed to control the whole country.
Nothing about what's popular in your cuck white culture. 😄
Yes by "cuck white culture" you mean, the entire fucking world, then yes. You know nothing....about the entire fucking tomorrow.

Tell some of your ignorant, worthless Jamaican dumbfucks to come on in so we can send them to New York City and fuck it up even more.

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