Open All Safe Spaces, Prepare for Gnashing of Teeth

Oh, by the way. 80 percent of American believe we should offer a path to legal status or citizenship for illegals.

The GOP is way out of step with the will of the People.

But don't worry. Once they see their demographic doom staring them in the face, they will change their tune.
You mean like the switch of Hispanics voting Republican. Come here legally and let em vote

The year in bold is the only election in which the Republican candidate won the popular vote.

This is probably why the organization formerly known as the Republican party is dead set against repealing the electoral college. The last guy even went so far as to attempt a coup to avoid accepting even the electoral count.

How much longer before the demographic clock runs out on the organization formerly known as the Republican Party?

Maybe its time they rethink about being the party of hatred and return to all those principles they long ago threw out the window.

1992 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

1996 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2000 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2008 United States elections - Wikipedia

2012 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia


The year in bold is the only election in which the Republican candidate won the popular vote.

This is probably why the organization formerly known as the Republican party is dead set against repealing the electoral college. The last guy even went so far as to attempt a coup to avoid accepting even the electoral count.

How much longer before the demographic clock runs out on the organization formerly known as the Republican Party?

Maybe its time they rethink about being the party of hatred and return to all those principles they long ago threw out the window.

1992 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

1996 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2000 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2004 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2008 United States elections - Wikipedia

2012 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

We don't live in a democracy we live in a Constitutional Republic. Popular vote doesn't mean shit. Its the whole reason we have an electoral college so we aren't at the mercy of the idiotic majority
You mean like the switch of Hispanics voting Republican. Come here legally and let em vote
I've been saying for years the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has been screwing the pooch when it comes to the Hispanic vote.

The people who immigrate here from south of our border, legally or illegally, are deeply religious, hard working, and family oriented, These are things the GOP used to stand for, and yet during the 2016 campaign when Trump was making the election all about Mexicans and Muslims, not a day went by on Fox News when they didn't air an edition of Mexicans Behaving Badly.

As for "come here legally", they would love to! But it takes an average of 13 years to go through the process. I bet you didn't know that.

When you are starving and have a family to care for, you will do whatever it takes, and waiting 13 years is not on the menu.

We need immigration reform. Badly. But we have a tiny minority of hateful fucks who keep blocking it. They want only white Europeans to be able to come here.
Did you forget what we were discussing? White suicide out numbers black homicides and if we combine white homicides with white suicides guns aren't really doing white people any favors. 😄

It didn't. They're fundamentally similar but early rap artists weren't students of Gaelic poetry battles, don't be stupid. 😄 You didn't invent talking shit.

Yeah, but with the black on black murders and all the black babies dying in commiecrat abortion mills, you can't really say whites are depressing your population, you're doing all on your own.

We don't live in a democracy we live in a Constitutional Republic. Popular vote doesn't mean shit. Its the whole reason we have an electoral college so we aren't at the mercy of the idiotic majority
You can ignore it all you like, but it is a blazing sign of the GOP's pending demographic doom. It staring you right in the face.

The Electoral College will only save their bacon for so long.

Yeah, but with the black on black murders and all the black babies dying in commiecrat abortion mills, you can't really say whites are depressing your population, you're doing all on your own.

This is an example of the positively schizophrenic mindset of the White Replacement Theory retards.

They claim the Democrats are trying to replace all the white people with Mexicans.

And yet those same Democrats are working double overtime to kill as many black babies in the womb as possible. I think at last count something like 69 million babies have been killed in the womb, the vast majority of them black and brown.

Just imagine where the GOP would be today if those babies had not been murdered. No Republican would be able to get elected dogcatcher.

So this whole White Replacement thing is retarded on the very face of it.
You say "talking points" and then parrot the hilarious hoax about 50 to 60 million illegals with no sense of self-awareness whatsoever. :lol:

You idiot, I guess you believe we've only had 11 million since GWB first ran for president. That's how long the propaganda media and dishonest politicians have been pushing that lowball number. xiden has already allowed 5 million to invade just in the last 21 months. So take your twisted up panties and go take a nap.

This is an example of the positively schizophrenic mindset of the White Replacement Theory retards.

They claim the Democrats are trying to replace all the white people with Mexicans.

And yet those same Democrats are working double overtime to kill as many black babies in the womb as possible. I think at last count something like 69 million babies have been killed in the womb, the vast majority of them black and brown.

Just imagine where the GOP would be today if those babies had not been murdered. No Republican would be able to get elected dogcatcher.

So this whole White Replacement thing is retarded on the very face of it.

Feel free to point to any post of mine where I've talked about replacement theory. Now run along and get your homework done.

He's naming who owns the banks, record labels, movie studios and who invented cancel culture.
Sounds quite anti Semitic. In fact, let’s go a step further. Who gives a fuck even if the “concern” is true? Go buy a record label or a movie studio.
Yes more emojis when you can't refute fafrom?
You presented not one piece of evidence that rap battles were inspired by flyting. 😄
Face it, the greatest thing that could have happened to your people was YOUR own people sold you and you ended up here. You're whole "culture and identity" is stolen from a culture and history we made. So enjoy your Wakanda and Women King movies cause that's about as close as you're going to get to thinking you have anything at all.

You know I poke fun at you guys losing the culture wars but that's only because you clowns really seem to care about that stuff. But let's face it. If you didn't have black people your country would be boring as fuck. Your music, your food, dancing and style all made infinitely better just by the presence of black people. We have your culture. The best parts of it anyway and Black Americans (I'm black but my family came here in the 80s) are the epitome of the American ideal of liberty and justice. Your Founders were pieces of shit. It was only 58 years ago a majority whites were finally evolved enough to agree to respect, by law, (theoretically) the equal rights of black people. That's incredibly shameful.
Btw The Woman King glorified a slave tribe and rewrote that history. Bet you've watched it 20 times and leave the theater wet and in tears don't ya boy
I've actually been to busy. I'll see it at some point.
Yeah, but with the black on black murders and all the black babies dying in commiecrat abortion mills, you can't really say whites are depressing your population, you're doing all on your own.

The black population numbers increased you moron. The only people in America with a declining population are the whites. 😄
The black population numbers increased you moron. The only people in America with a declining population are the whites. 😄

Yeah, a whopping 3/10ths of a percent in 10 years. That's really impressive. LMAO Tell the class what it could have been without all the murders and abortions.

Yeah, a whopping 3/10ths of a percent in 10 years. That's really impressive. LMAO Tell the class what it could have been without all the murders and abortions.
View attachment 708333

Still better than your declining population numbers though innit. :funnyface:

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