Open Border Democrats don't want you to see this

Unfortunately, this valued officer would be just as dead if shot by a citizen or someone here legally. That said, what is an "Open Border Democrat"? I don't know of any. I don't know of any Democratic office holder who is against appropriating money for border security.

Not paying TSA inspectors certainly doesn't make us any safer.
So who is an "Open Borders Democrat"?
If you oppose a wall you are! So where do you stand?
Illegal Aliens steal resources in which U.S. taxpayers work hard to pay. They commit crime, the bring in illegal drugs, and they are potential terrorists. This crap has to stop. Why are Democrats for putting U.S. Citizens MORE AT RISK of HARM?

Illegals kill thousands of Americans each year by trafficking illegal drugs into OUR country. God only knows how much carnage that drug money does on top of that.
Illegal Aliens steal resources in which U.S. taxpayers work hard to pay. They commit crime, the bring in illegal drugs, and they are potential terrorists. This crap has to stop. Why are Democrats for putting U.S. Citizens MORE AT RISK of HARM?

Illegals kill thousands of Americans each year by trafficking illegal drugs into OUR country. God only knows how much carnage that drug money does on top of that.

Americans demand drugs! I say give it to them if they are adults.

why do you hate freedom to do what one wants if it doesn't hurt you?
Illegal Aliens steal resources in which U.S. taxpayers work hard to pay. They commit crime, the bring in illegal drugs, and they are potential terrorists. This crap has to stop. Why are Democrats for putting U.S. Citizens MORE AT RISK of HARM?
Many illegals work very hard. Many Americans are shiftless bums looking for handouts and refusing a hand up
Illegal Aliens steal resources in which U.S. taxpayers work hard to pay. They commit crime, the bring in illegal drugs, and they are potential terrorists. This crap has to stop. Why are Democrats for putting U.S. Citizens MORE AT RISK of HARM?

Illegals kill thousands of Americans each year by trafficking illegal drugs into OUR country. God only knows how much carnage that drug money does on top of that.

Americans demand drugs! I say give it to them if they are adults.

why do you hate freedom to do what one wants if it doesn't hurt you?
Why do you hate the wall?...We already have them!

Illegal Aliens steal resources in which U.S. taxpayers work hard to pay. They commit crime, the bring in illegal drugs, and they are potential terrorists. This crap has to stop. Why are Democrats for putting U.S. Citizens MORE AT RISK of HARM?

Illegals kill thousands of Americans each year by trafficking illegal drugs into OUR country. God only knows how much carnage that drug money does on top of that.

Americans demand drugs! I say give it to them if they are adults.

why do you hate freedom to do what one wants if it doesn't hurt you?

What part of thousands of people killed each year by drugs did you skip over?
Illegal Aliens steal resources in which U.S. taxpayers work hard to pay. They commit crime, the bring in illegal drugs, and they are potential terrorists. This crap has to stop. Why are Democrats for putting U.S. Citizens MORE AT RISK of HARM?

Illegals kill thousands of Americans each year by trafficking illegal drugs into OUR country. God only knows how much carnage that drug money does on top of that.

Americans demand drugs! I say give it to them if they are adults.

why do you hate freedom to do what one wants if it doesn't hurt you?

What part of thousands of people killed easy year by drugs did you skip over?

Drugs don't kill people. People who use drugs kill themselves
I've taken most of the drugs, people who've died taking drugs have taken

12 Steps:'

Hello, I'm JBvM and I'm a survivor of my own free choices
My testimony
Drugs don't kill people. People who use drugs kill themselves
More manipulative rationalization. It's a liberal mental disorder.

Understanding Rationalization: Making Excuses as an Effective Manipulation Tactic

The cop killer was sheltered and protected because he is an illegal. The friends and relatives that hid him and lied for him are also here illegally. They are also sheltered and protected.

No amount of liberal mental disorder is going to change the truth.
Give it a rest. Stop using the tragic death of a man to try and score pathetically cheap partisan political points.

it's disgraceful and is tantamount to shitting on that man's memory and grave

Good people prefer to donate their experience to a positive cause. If your child was killed by an illegal alien wouldn’t you want your experience exploited / known and wouldn’t you want it to be used as a tool to prevent the next killing?
my answer is definitely NO!
You wouldn’t want to prevent the next killing? Monster!
I would not want my child exploited by politicians, for their own personal, political, purpose.

I would want my son remembered for who he was as a person, wonderful, caring, generous, loving, charitable, an empathizer, good character, honest and truthful, hard worker, loved the Lord with all his heart, mind and soul, a good father, a good son, a loving husband, and a number of other positive characteristics that I would hope a son of mine would have, and would want the time for me and my family to mourn, and to remember the positive impact he had on all of our lives. And not thrown in to a media circus of people who never knew him, or cared about him, before he was murdered...

some people could handle the media frenzy, and will dive head first in to it, like a Cindy Sheehan....

but not me and my family! no way, Jose'!
caring americans though like these fine people care about others and their families and want illegals stopped.
Unfortunately, this valued officer would be just as dead if shot by a citizen or someone here legally. That said, what is an "Open Border Democrat"? I don't know of any. I don't know of any Democratic office holder who is against appropriating money for border security.

Not paying TSA inspectors certainly doesn't make us any safer.
So who is an "Open Borders Democrat"?
If you oppose a wall you are! So where do you stand?

I oppose a wall. I support appropriations for border security. This is nowhere near being for "open borders." I am under no obligation to support a wall and I think that it is a ridiculous idea.This is just right-wing horseshit. I'm not playing your stupid game.
Unfortunately, this valued officer would be just as dead if shot by a citizen or someone here legally. That said, what is an "Open Border Democrat"? I don't know of any. I don't know of any Democratic office holder who is against appropriating money for border security.

Not paying TSA inspectors certainly doesn't make us any safer.
So who is an "Open Borders Democrat"?
If you oppose a wall you are! So where do you stand?

I oppose a wall. I support appropriations for border security. This is nowhere near being for "open borders." I am under no obligation to support a wall and I think that it is a ridiculous idea.This is just right-wing horseshit. I'm not playing your stupid game.
You dimwit! There is no border security. We have 20 to thirty million people living in the US illegally. There is no border security.
Unfortunately, this valued officer would be just as dead if shot by a citizen or someone here legally. That said, what is an "Open Border Democrat"? I don't know of any. I don't know of any Democratic office holder who is against appropriating money for border security.

Not paying TSA inspectors certainly doesn't make us any safer.
So who is an "Open Borders Democrat"?
If you oppose a wall you are! So where do you stand?

I oppose a wall. I support appropriations for border security. This is nowhere near being for "open borders." I am under no obligation to support a wall and I think that it is a ridiculous idea.This is just right-wing horseshit. I'm not playing your stupid game.
You dimwit! There is no border security. We have 20 to thirty million people living in the US illegally. There is no border security.

Of course there is. Who do you think detained all of those people on the border? Santa Claus?

The wall is a really dumb idea. And the senile whore already said that Mexico would pay for it.
So who is an "Open Borders Democrat"?
If you oppose a wall you are! So where do you stand?

I oppose a wall. I support appropriations for border security. This is nowhere near being for "open borders." I am under no obligation to support a wall and I think that it is a ridiculous idea.This is just right-wing horseshit. I'm not playing your stupid game.
You dimwit! There is no border security. We have 20 to thirty million people living in the US illegally. There is no border security.

Of course there is. Who do you think detained all of those people on the border? Santa Claus?

The wall is a really dumb idea. And the senile whore already said that Mexico would pay for it.

Build that fucking wall you dumbass!
Give it a rest. Stop using the tragic death of a man to try and score pathetically cheap partisan political points.

it's disgraceful and is tantamount to shitting on that man's memory and grave

Good people prefer to donate their experience to a positive cause. If your child was killed by an illegal alien wouldn’t you want your experience exploited / known and wouldn’t you want it to be used as a tool to prevent the next killing?
my answer is definitely NO!
You wouldn’t want to prevent the next killing? Monster!
I would not want my child exploited by politicians, for their own personal, political, purpose.

I would want my son remembered for who he was as a person, wonderful, caring, generous, loving, charitable, an empathizer, good character, honest and truthful, hard worker, loved the Lord with all his heart, mind and soul, a good father, a good son, a loving husband, and a number of other positive characteristics that I would hope a son of mine would have, and would want the time for me and my family to mourn, and to remember the positive impact he had on all of our lives. And not thrown in to a media circus of people who never knew him, or cared about him, before he was murdered...

some people could handle the media frenzy, and will dive head first in to it, like a Cindy Sheehan....

but not me and my family! no way, Jose'!
So, in short you would do absolutely nothing to prevent future killings?
There is a time and place for something like that Willow..... And right in the middle of ones sorrow and grief for me, would not be the time...

What have YOU done to stop the high school murders, the nightclub mass killings, the Las Vegas outdoor concert mass murders, the kindergarten school murders, the Synagogue Murders etc etc etc? HOW IS THAT ANY DIFFERENT, IF NOT WORSE, by you keeping silent?? Is it any less of a murder just because it is an American committing it?

I think this whole concept that you have been told by your right wing media masters to regurgitate, is simply political posturing, and truly does not come from your heart.... but hey, have at it! Your tizzy fit, saves no ones life... and does not bring back the dead... And more than 50% of the illegals in this country are coming from overstaying their VISAS.... how does spending all of the homeland security and border money on a concrete wall across 2000 miles of the USA southern border stop the 58% overstays from entering?
Good people prefer to donate their experience to a positive cause. If your child was killed by an illegal alien wouldn’t you want your experience exploited / known and wouldn’t you want it to be used as a tool to prevent the next killing?
my answer is definitely NO!
You wouldn’t want to prevent the next killing? Monster!
I would not want my child exploited by politicians, for their own personal, political, purpose.

I would want my son remembered for who he was as a person, wonderful, caring, generous, loving, charitable, an empathizer, good character, honest and truthful, hard worker, loved the Lord with all his heart, mind and soul, a good father, a good son, a loving husband, and a number of other positive characteristics that I would hope a son of mine would have, and would want the time for me and my family to mourn, and to remember the positive impact he had on all of our lives. And not thrown in to a media circus of people who never knew him, or cared about him, before he was murdered...

some people could handle the media frenzy, and will dive head first in to it, like a Cindy Sheehan....

but not me and my family! no way, Jose'!
So, in short you would do absolutely nothing to prevent future killings?
There is a time and place for something like that Willow..... And right in the middle of ones sorrow and grief for me, would not be the time...

What have YOU done to stop the high school murders, the nightclub mass killings, the Las Vegas outdoor concert mass murders, the kindergarten school murders, the Synagogue Murders etc etc etc? HOW IS THAT ANY DIFFERENT, IF NOT WORSE, by you keeping silent?? Is it any less of a murder just because it is an American committing it?

I think this whole concept that you have been told by your right wing media masters to regurgitate, is simply political posturing, and truly does not come from your heart.... but hey, have at it! Your tizzy fit, saves no ones life... and does not bring back the dead... And more than 50% of the illegals in this country are coming from overstaying their VISAS.... how does spending all of the homeland security and border money on a concrete wall across 2000 miles of the USA southern border stop the 58% overstays from entering?
What have ewe done to stop illegal aliens from murdering American Citizens?

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