Open Carry will lead to wild west shoot outs

And where is your example of an armed and polite society? I'm not sure I'm believing your statement.
It's a famous Robert Heinlein quote. The whole thing is:
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

If you look into the stats, crime goes down when gun laws are liberalized.
~300,000,000 guns in the US.
<0.0028% of them are used to murder.
Point proven.

Yet our homicide rate is much higher than most of Europe who have stronger gun control and fewer guns.
An armed society is a polite society.

And where is your example of an armed and polite society? I'm not sure I'm believing your statement.
It's a famous Robert Heinlein quote. The whole thing is:
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

If you look into the stats, crime goes down when gun laws are liberalized.

I know what it is. I would expect there to be some place where this was true if you're going to believe it.
As near as I can tell, there are three types of people. Those who do not carry guns (although they may very well own them), those that carry guns just to make a statement to the world, and those that carry guns only when they have a real possibility of getting into a dangerous situation. I am one of the latter. I strap on a 9MM when I ride my bike into the desert, because it can be dangerous out there, living as I do, close to a major drug smuggling route. The 20 to 30 year old white guys with there crew cuts and tattoos, waving the American flag in one hand and their "Don't tread on me" flag in the other, with their AR-15 slung on their shoulder and T shirts covered with right wing slogans are mostly just amusing, until they go full bore bat shit crazy and try to provoke the government into war. Even then, they are mostly amusing, because as soon as possible, having made their half-assed point, they ride into the sunset, and get the hell out of Dodge, like they did in Nevada. These guys are press whores, and would not bother to leave their caves in Idaho, if there were no chance that they would make the evening news. In that respect, they are just like Westbro Church, which lives to be filmed. It is kind of like hearing them say, "Look. I spent a fortune on these tattoos, and you still are not giving me that attention I deserve, so check out my bad-ass rifle, punk" I honestly can not keep a straight face when I run into them...and they usually hang out in packs. I had more respect for the Hell's Angles, when they were riding in gangs, because if you fucked with one of them, they really WOULD kill you. These militia types are just striking poses.
Sorta doubt the Hell's "Angles" would take on an armed group. Maybe that's the point.[/QUOTE]

You didn't say that? Did you? Check out the motorcycle gang war history. Those motorcycle gangs are an armed group of crazy muttafookers.
Tennessee has had open carry for over 20 years. No shoot outs.

Every time people want to liberalize gun laws the antis claim there will be shoot outs and blood in the street etc. It never happens. Never. Because people who carry a gun are generally responsible people. Responsible people act responsibly. The problem is thugs. And thugs dont respect the law anyway.


Then there's reality.
And where is your example of an armed and polite society? I'm not sure I'm believing your statement.
It's a famous Robert Heinlein quote. The whole thing is:
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

If you look into the stats, crime goes down when gun laws are liberalized.
~300,000,000 guns in the US.
<0.0028% of them are used to murder.
Point proven.

Because once you murder someone with one of your guns? Using the next 500 of them won't make any difference.
An armed society is a polite society.

And where is your example of an armed and polite society? I'm not sure I'm believing your statement.
It's a famous Robert Heinlein quote. The whole thing is:
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

If you look into the stats, crime goes down when gun laws are liberalized.

No they don't.

The opposite is true. Gun violence rises.
Sorta doubt the Hell's "Angles" would take on an armed group. Maybe that's the point.

Hell's Angels kill armed civilian groups who try to interfere.
And where is your example of an armed and polite society? I'm not sure I'm believing your statement.
It's a famous Robert Heinlein quote. The whole thing is:
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."

If you look into the stats, crime goes down when gun laws are liberalized.

I know what it is. I would expect there to be some place where this was true if you're going to believe it.
I already said why I believe it. You not agreeing doesn't make it disappear. "If you look into the stats, crime goes down when gun laws are liberalized."

NRA-ILA | more guns less crime 2013
The nation’s total violent crime rate hit an all-time high in 1991. Thereafter, it declined 18 of the next 20 years, 49 percent overall, to a 41-year low in 2011. That included a 52 percent decrease in the nation’s murder rate, to a 48-year low, nearly the lowest point in U.S. history. The FBI has preliminarily reported that in the first half of 2012, the murder rate dropped another 2.7 percent.1

Concurrently, gun ownership2 and the number of privately owned guns rose to all-time highs, the number of privately owned firearms in the U.S. rising by over 120 million, including about 55 million handguns, about 80 percent of which were semi-automatic.3 The 120 million new firearms included over 3.5 million AR-15 semi-automatic rifles and tens of millions of other firearms that gun control supporters call “assault weapons,”4 along with countless tens of millions of ammunition magazines that hold 11 or more rounds, which gun control supporters think are too “large.”5 In the three months following President Barack Obama’s reelection and his announcement that gun control would be a “central issue” of his final term of office,6 the number of firearm-related background checks conducted through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System rose 53 percent, as compared to the same November-January period a year earlier.7
Therein lies the problem with bed wetters.

You can give them all the information and proof in the world and they'll never believe it if it compromises their programming. I don't waste the time. Ridicule their dumbasses and drive on. They're not worth the effort.

LOL, you are truly ridiculous. You've spent the day making an effort, a weak one albeit, calling anyone who holds opinions which differ from the crazy dogma you hold as an absolute truth names. The only thing you posted which is true is you've wasted your time.

Here's a clue, guns are not a panacea for the ills of American society, they are a problem. When in the hands of people like you they are a threat to everything our nation was founded upon.

Everything you've posted is probative evidence you are described in my signature, below.
Tennessee has had open carry for over 20 years. No shoot outs.

Every time people want to liberalize gun laws the antis claim there will be shoot outs and blood in the street etc. It never happens. Never. Because people who carry a gun are generally responsible people. Responsible people act responsibly. The problem is thugs. And thugs dont respect the law anyway.

Same her in NC, but I carry concealed, 38 snub nose and sometimes a nine mm, I carry because of the righwing racist nuts around here
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What are you talking about? There are no guarantees in life. All we can do is increase or decrease the odds. I'd rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it.

And yet the odds of getting shot would seem to go up if everyone had a gun in their custody or control at all times.
An armed society is a polite society.

This is just a stupid cliche. A polite society needs not be armed.
Tennessee has had open carry for over 20 years. No shoot outs.

Every time people want to liberalize gun laws the antis claim there will be shoot outs and blood in the street etc. It never happens. Never. Because people who carry a gun are generally responsible people. Responsible people act responsibly. The problem is thugs. And thugs dont respect the law anyway.

Same her in NC, but I carry concealed, 38 snub nose and sometimes a nine mm, I carry because of the righwing racist nuts around here

I carry a concealed handgun as well, I wouldn’t open carry even if allowed in my state.

I carry for my personal, self-defense only – carrying concealed affords me all the options available in the event of an incident.
You libs can argue bull shit tangents all you want to, fact is that concealed carry, and open carry laws have NOT led to "wild west shoot outs" and all the idiot partisan talking points won't make that fact go away.

It's not hard to imagine a situation where a large number of citizens - few if any as well trained as law enforcement officers - are in a mall armed with handguns, and a suicidal maniac with a firearm and a large capacity magazine begins to kill others. Soon every Tom, Dick and Henrietta will pull their gun and in a panic many will begin to fire indiscriminately at others holding a gun.

Untrained and panicked armed citizens will one day prove how stupid is the fantasy of those who believe an armed amateur will protect them from a well armed and suicidal maniac. The unintended consequences suggest a greater number of body bags will be needed; death by friendly fire happens even with well trained and seasoned troops.

Hasn't happened yet has it?

Do you really think that there were no people carrying when Gifford got shot?

Of course there were an they used proper judgement by not firing indiscriminately.

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