"Open Letter to Feminist Trolls"

Where did I say you did?? You made the asinine comment about being submissive 24/7.. I don't know any woman who is 24/7 submissive unless she's a Geisha.. Not difficult to understand.. in fact, Submissive women within a lifestyle are the most professionally dominant women out there studies say.

Right here.

Unless you're referring to women who are Geisha's

You made the asinine assumption you know all women. It appears this is difficult for you to comprehend I have known quite a few.

You must be borderline illiterate. If they are professionally dominant that would make them not submissive for at least 8 hours of the day. Is the fog beginning to clear now?

I said "unless' meaning it was subjective you big horses ass.

Next time make sure you don't say something and then tell me you never said it then moron.
I saw this video and thought some people here could learn something from it.

And there is some NSFW language in it.


Fancy "deconstructionist" language for saying
someone is projecting their issues onto someone else.

A lot of the internet is used that way, whether trolling venting or debating productively.

The difference is whether we see this as an opportunity
to work through those issues, and not add to the problem
with defensiveness and retorts back and forth.

I believe in taking the inclusion approach, of sharing equal support and helping each other overcome mutual misgivings, not divide and conquer or reaction/equal reaction.

If someone is in a different place with their issues, I try to work with them anyway.
Maybe in the process, more people can accept the same with other people as well.
And not be so defensive about where we are in life which is different for each person.
Right here.

You made the asinine assumption you know all women. It appears this is difficult for you to comprehend I have known quite a few.

You must be borderline illiterate. If they are professionally dominant that would make them not submissive for at least 8 hours of the day. Is the fog beginning to clear now?

I said "unless' meaning it was subjective you big horses ass.

Next time make sure you don't say something and then tell me you never said it then moron.

She's gone bro----you just got pwnd
Physical domination was relevant thousands of years ago: it is not relevant now.

It could become relevant again at any time.

Look at the attacks on women now. What if all men were wife beaters ? What if all men raped at will ? I don't see women being able to stop it now, even with the help of the legal system.
The only thing that protects you, is that only a small percentage of men practice such behavior. You and all women would be in grave jeopardy should men in mass decided to revert to such detestable behavior.

You will have to do a little paradigm shift it seems. However, to address your points: the idea of physical strength being needed to hold on to or regain power is moot (having little or no practical relevance). Females can operate mechanical power as well as men. Your argument is based on an archiac way of seeing the world, and, I suspect, a great deal of intentional blindness and desperation.

No desperation whatsoever, I'm just laying out the facts for you.

Take Afghanistan for instance. Archaic yes, but the bottom line it's 2014 there as well.
As soon as America completely removes it's forces, the Taliban will once again take over. At least some regions anyway. They will suspend any rights women have gained, install curfews on women, and whatever else they wish, and there's nothing women can do about it outside of trying to get the hell out of there before this all comes down.

Now I know you will say, it's only because women have not advanced far enough in a place like Afghanistan in order to head off such draconian laws and such. That's the whole point, men have not allowed women to advance because they have 100% control of their destiny.

Women have advanced in this country from their own hard work, which includes pushing for changes in the law which give them more rights. Still though, it's only because men have agreed to it, and had they wished to prevent women from advancing, could have at any time done so.
Men could have simply not agreed to allow women to vote, owned property, or be in charge of anything significant.

Now you say women can operate mechanical power, and while this is obviously true, men can as well, and with their superior physical strength would take over such organized might as the military and police forces.

Now again, I cannot repeat enough that this would never happen here, and few would advocate for such a situation.

There would have to be a complete collapse of our society, and a central focus by men to be in charge of everything.
I realize it feeds your ego to think that women only have power because men allow it. It's pretty pathetic that you need to think that, but obviously you do. The fact is that women have power because they are just as strong and capable and intelligent as men. In the modern world, physical strength doesn't count for much. You need to think what you think, I get it. Poor pitiful you.
I realize it feeds your ego to think that women only have power because men allow it. It's pretty pathetic that you need to think that, but obviously you do. The fact is that women have power because they are just as strong and capable and intelligent as men. In the modern world, physical strength doesn't count for much. You need to think what you think, I get it. Poor pitiful you.

Yes women do have power, because men have allowed it.

As far as the "modern world", it's only as modern as men allow it to become. Thus let's go back to places like Afghanistan, again as an example, which are not living in the modern world, because the men have decided to keep it this way.
If the women were equal in physical strength and power, it would not be as it is today.

Again, this is all about what men decide. If they want to allow the seeds of equality to flourish, then it happens. If they don't, then women are not equal, and there's little or nothing they can do about it.
I realize it feeds your ego to think that women only have power because men allow it. It's pretty pathetic that you need to think that, but obviously you do. The fact is that women have power because they are just as strong and capable and intelligent as men. In the modern world, physical strength doesn't count for much. You need to think what you think, I get it. Poor pitiful you.

Yes women do have power, because men have allowed it.

As far as the "modern world", it's only as modern as men allow it to become. Thus let's go back to places like Afghanistan, again as an example, which are not living in the modern world, because the men have decided to keep it this way.
If the women were equal in physical strength and power, it would not be as it is today.

Again, this is all about what men decide. If they want to allow the seeds of equality to flourish, then it happens. If they don't, then women are not equal, and there's little or nothing they can do about it.

If Afghanistan is your example, then you've just proved that men are incapable of leading properly without women. :clap2:

All the best and most advanced countries hold men and women as equals.
I realize it feeds your ego to think that women only have power because men allow it. It's pretty pathetic that you need to think that, but obviously you do. The fact is that women have power because they are just as strong and capable and intelligent as men. In the modern world, physical strength doesn't count for much. You need to think what you think, I get it. Poor pitiful you.

Yes women do have power, because men have allowed it.

As far as the "modern world", it's only as modern as men allow it to become. Thus let's go back to places like Afghanistan, again as an example, which are not living in the modern world, because the men have decided to keep it this way.
If the women were equal in physical strength and power, it would not be as it is today.

Again, this is all about what men decide. If they want to allow the seeds of equality to flourish, then it happens. If they don't, then women are not equal, and there's little or nothing they can do about it.

If Afghanistan is your example, then you've just proved that men are incapable of leading properly without women. :clap2:

All the best and most advanced countries hold men and women as equals.

I didn't say they were. Afghanistan is a pit, and the Taliban treat women as property.
I'm just giving an example of how if men want to, they can keep women subjugated by using brute force.
Yes women do have power, because men have allowed it.

As far as the "modern world", it's only as modern as men allow it to become. Thus let's go back to places like Afghanistan, again as an example, which are not living in the modern world, because the men have decided to keep it this way.
If the women were equal in physical strength and power, it would not be as it is today.

Again, this is all about what men decide. If they want to allow the seeds of equality to flourish, then it happens. If they don't, then women are not equal, and there's little or nothing they can do about it.

If Afghanistan is your example, then you've just proved that men are incapable of leading properly without women. :clap2:

All the best and most advanced countries hold men and women as equals.

I didn't say they were. Afghanistan is a pit, and the Taliban treat women as property.
I'm just giving an example of how if men want to, they can keep women subjugated by using brute force.

So out of 200 countries in the world, a handful are taliban-like. Hardly a ringing endorsement for your point.
If Afghanistan is your example, then you've just proved that men are incapable of leading properly without women. :clap2:

All the best and most advanced countries hold men and women as equals.

I didn't say they were. Afghanistan is a pit, and the Taliban treat women as property.
I'm just giving an example of how if men want to, they can keep women subjugated by using brute force.

So out of 200 countries in the world, a handful are taliban-like. Hardly a ringing endorsement for your point.

Do you think the women there are weaker or the men stronger ?
I didn't say they were. Afghanistan is a pit, and the Taliban treat women as property.
I'm just giving an example of how if men want to, they can keep women subjugated by using brute force.

So out of 200 countries in the world, a handful are taliban-like. Hardly a ringing endorsement for your point.

Do you think the women there are weaker or the men stronger ?

The men are insane. Religion will do that to you. Especially Islam, where they tell you to beat your wife...
In some indigenous cultures, women are the stronger sex. So it's not really about who is stronger.
I realize it feeds your ego to think that women only have power because men allow it. It's pretty pathetic that you need to think that, but obviously you do. The fact is that women have power because they are just as strong and capable and intelligent as men. In the modern world, physical strength doesn't count for much. You need to think what you think, I get it. Poor pitiful you.

From the same meme generator:


Pogo Predicts: this one will sail blissfully over the same heads...
If Afghanistan is your example, then you've just proved that men are incapable of leading properly without women. :clap2:

All the best and most advanced countries hold men and women as equals.

I didn't say they were. Afghanistan is a pit, and the Taliban treat women as property.
I'm just giving an example of how if men want to, they can keep women subjugated by using brute force.

So out of 200 countries in the world, a handful are taliban-like. Hardly a ringing endorsement for your point.

It would be funny (if it were not so tragic) that if the women of Afghanistan kept their knees together, there would be no more men of Afghanistan...


They resorted to outright rape. Then a woman could choose to injure herself and loose the fetus....


The men decided to basically imprison the woman in such a way to where they couldn't injure themselves and lose the fetus. Then THAT would show the women who is in power....


The fetus turns out to be a girl...
If Afghanistan is your example, then you've just proved that men are incapable of leading properly without women. :clap2:

All the best and most advanced countries hold men and women as equals.

I didn't say they were. Afghanistan is a pit, and the Taliban treat women as property.
I'm just giving an example of how if men want to, they can keep women subjugated by using brute force.

So out of 200 countries in the world, a handful are taliban-like. Hardly a ringing endorsement for your point.

Again, it's simply an example of how men can control women. Afghanistan is really no different than all past civilizations where men controlled women.
Do you deny this ? Can you show me an example where women were able to subjugate men against their will ?

Again, please don't misunderstand, I'm not calling for men to roll the calendar back, I'm only pointing out the obvious.
I didn't say they were. Afghanistan is a pit, and the Taliban treat women as property.
I'm just giving an example of how if men want to, they can keep women subjugated by using brute force.

So out of 200 countries in the world, a handful are taliban-like. Hardly a ringing endorsement for your point.

Again, it's simply an example of how men can control women. Afghanistan is really no different than all past civilizations where men controlled women.
Do you deny this ? Can you show me an example where women were able to subjugate men against their will ?

Singularly male perspective. Everything happens by "overpowering"... :lol:

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