Open question about trump


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
Its hard for anyone to deny that trump has overall been good for the economic benifit of America.

His forgein policy has both good and bad points in my opnion but in general favor America.

I for one like his boarder policys and immigration stance and think its good for our nation and fair.

His stance ag8nst drugs is clearly good for America.

I want to know why democrats hate him . many of his policys would be agreed on by top democrats yet now are attacked.
He beat the Criminal Matriarch ... The Queen ... of the Democratic Party, upset Obama's plans to preserve his legacy by installing his successor, defeated the 'landslide', and exposed how the Democratic Party and the Obama administration (DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI) attempted to alter / steal the 2016 election....and helped expose and destroy the fake news media.
He exemplifies all the seven deadly sins and has conned the cons into calling them virtues.
The loyalty of the American left is to the Democratic Party. They don't care about average Americans. That is why they hate Trump and average Americans like me.
Its hard for anyone to deny that trump has overall been good for the economic benifit of America.

His forgein policy has both good and bad points in my opnion but in general favor America.

I for one like his boarder policys and immigration stance and think its good for our nation and fair.

His stance ag8nst drugs is clearly good for America.

I want to know why democrats hate him . many of his policys would be agreed on by top democrats yet now are attacked.
Because he won...And because he's not a lifer in their exclusive private little clique of career oligarchs and parasites.

It's not any deeper or more complicated than that.
Its hard for anyone to deny that trump has overall been good for the economic benifit of America.

His forgein policy has both good and bad points in my opnion but in general favor America.

I for one like his boarder policys and immigration stance and think its good for our nation and fair.

His stance ag8nst drugs is clearly good for America.

I want to know why democrats hate him . many of his policys would be agreed on by top democrats yet now are attacked.
The economy is just the logical continuation of the trajectory it was on, although he did do a pretty good number on the stock market.

His foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster. He cozies up to our enemies and drives away our allies, he legitimized the DPRK by treating them as equals, and gave Iran free reign to pursue nuclear technologies while reducing and removing sanctions on Russia and Russian leaders for no return.

His border policies are nothing more than fearmongering to fire up his xenophobic base (you).

And I've seen no stance against drug to speak of except to use than as an excuse for his little vanity project.
He exemplifies all the seven deadly sins and has conned the cons into calling them virtues.

This is called prog speak. Context is inconvenient because for the most part they're intellectually dishonest and chicken shits. So they say outlandish things instead, and project.
He exemplifies all the seven deadly sins and has conned the cons into calling them virtues.

Would you care to define those infractions?
I mean in words and facts.
You never love him more than when he being a jackass. If he suddenly started acting in a way that befits an American statesman the Trumpbots would lose their minds. I know you love the delicious righteous outrage he gives you but you have to understand that he has insulted everyone by now. He's never paid the price for being an egomaniacal jerk but it's high time he gets a lesson in humility.
He exemplifies all the seven deadly sins and has conned the cons into calling them virtues.

Would you care to define those infractions?
I mean in words and facts.
You never love him more than when he being a jackass. If he suddenly started acting in a way that befits an American statesman the Trumpbots would lose their minds. I know you love the delicious righteous outrage he gives you but you have to understand that he has insulted everyone by now. He's never paid the price for being an egomaniacal jerk but it's high time he gets a lesson in humility.

And still no definitions.
Its hard for anyone to deny that trump has overall been good for the economic benifit of America.

His forgein policy has both good and bad points in my opnion but in general favor America.

I for one like his boarder policys and immigration stance and think its good for our nation and fair.

His stance ag8nst drugs is clearly good for America.

I want to know why democrats hate him . many of his policys would be agreed on by top democrats yet now are attacked.
The economy is just the logical continuation of the trajectory it was on, although he did do a pretty good number on the stock market.

His foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster. He cozies up to our enemies and drives away our allies, he legitimized the DPRK by treating them as equals, and gave Iran free reign to pursue nuclear technologies while reducing and removing sanctions on Russia and Russian leaders for no return.

His border policies are nothing more than fearmongering to fire up his xenophobic base (you).

And I've seen no stance against drug to speak of except to use than as an excuse for his little vanity project.
So you think his policy aginst iran is a disaster . how is standing up to the worlds number one supporter of terriosm a bad thing please explain..

So your saying a wall to help slow down the smuggling of herion meth fentanyl and cocaine is a nad thing.

But didnt obama give iran the freedom to contuine the enrichment of uranium and development of medium and long range nucular delivery systems with no restrictions and by removal of sanctions and payment of billions allow iran to have the funds to develope theses technologys and pay for their support of world wide terrorist activities..
Also did it not result in iran supporting terriost in Yemen and syria and iran killing americans in iraq and development of delivery systems . along with the removal of sanctions freeing up billions of income for iran which has been diverted to the development of nukes and terrorism support instead of food and health care for ots citizens
Its hard for anyone to deny that trump has overall been good for the economic benifit of America.

His forgein policy has both good and bad points in my opnion but in general favor America.

I for one like his boarder policys and immigration stance and think its good for our nation and fair.

His stance ag8nst drugs is clearly good for America.

I want to know why democrats hate him . many of his policys would be agreed on by top democrats yet now are attacked.
The economy is just the logical continuation of the trajectory it was on, although he did do a pretty good number on the stock market.

His foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster. He cozies up to our enemies and drives away our allies, he legitimized the DPRK by treating them as equals, and gave Iran free reign to pursue nuclear technologies while reducing and removing sanctions on Russia and Russian leaders for no return.

His border policies are nothing more than fearmongering to fire up his xenophobic base (you).

And I've seen no stance against drug to speak of except to use than as an excuse for his little vanity project.
So you think his policy aginst iran is a disaster . how is standing up to the worlds number one supporter of terriosm a bad thing please explain..

So your saying a wall to help slow down the smuggling of herion meth fentanyl and cocaine is a nad thing.

But didnt obama give iran the freedom to contuine the enrichment of uranium and development of medium and long range nucular delivery systems with no restrictions and by removal of sanctions and payment of billions allow iran to have the funds to develope theses technologys and pay for their support of world wide terrorist activities..
Also did it not result in iran supporting terriost in Yemen and syria and iran killing americans in iraq and development of delivery systems . along with the removal of sanctions freeing up billions of income for iran which has been diverted to the development of nukes and terrorism support instead of food and health care for ots citizens
He didn't stand up to Iran, he is just grandstanding for his base. He accomplished nothing except destroying our trustworthiness internationally.

The wall will do nothing to slow drug smuggling, they came through the regular points of entry.

As far as the rest of your post... "But...but...but... Obama!"?

You're gonna hafta do better than that.
The economy is just the logical continuation of the trajectory it was on, although he did do a pretty good number on the stock market.

His foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster. He cozies up to our enemies and drives away our allies, he legitimized the DPRK by treating them as equals, and gave Iran free reign to pursue nuclear technologies while reducing and removing sanctions on Russia and Russian leaders for no return.

His border policies are nothing more than fearmongering to fire up his xenophobic base (you).

And I've seen no stance against drug to speak of except to use than as an excuse for his little vanity project.
Oh STFU....He won and has an (R) by his name....Hacks like you will just fill in the blanks after that.
He exemplifies all the seven deadly sins and has conned the cons into calling them virtues.

Would you care to define those infractions?
I mean in words and facts.
You never love him more than when he being a jackass. If he suddenly started acting in a way that befits an American statesman the Trumpbots would lose their minds. I know you love the delicious righteous outrage he gives you but you have to understand that he has insulted everyone by now. He's never paid the price for being an egomaniacal jerk but it's high time he gets a lesson in humility.

And still no definitions.
Oh I get it now, you no longer have an operational sense of decency. Can't help you there, we are all responsible for the maintenance of our soul. .
He exemplifies all the seven deadly sins and has conned the cons into calling them virtues.

Would you care to define those infractions?
I mean in words and facts.
You never love him more than when he being a jackass. If he suddenly started acting in a way that befits an American statesman the Trumpbots would lose their minds. I know you love the delicious righteous outrage he gives you but you have to understand that he has insulted everyone by now. He's never paid the price for being an egomaniacal jerk but it's high time he gets a lesson in humility.

And still no definitions.
Oh I get it now, you no longer have an operational sense of decency. Can't help you there, we are all responsible for the maintenance of our soul. .

Explain these indecencies.

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