Zone1 Opinion : Biden : corrupt. Trump, too. So who should get elected?

..... Biden is corrupt for influence peddling, Trump is corrupt for Jan 6th .....

so i ask you all : who do you think is the alternative to both of these candidates?

my money is on Nikki Haley, not just coz she's a beautiful woman, but because she's strict in her foreign policy choices.
Making war everywhere and lying every time she opens her mouth is your idea of a better alternative?
Making war everywhere and lying every time she opens her mouth is your idea of a better alternative?
Trump is no better than her, neither is the average US politician. That's my current view on things.
1st rule of journalism : verbatim quotes may only happen if they're complete and or summarized properly. :p ;) :D :) :halo:
1). verbatim?
2). quotes?
3). who are you speaking to?

1st. rule of grammar: know what paraphrasing means.
1). verbatim?
2). quotes?
3). who are you speaking to?

1st. rule of grammar: know what paraphrasing means.
dear sir/ma'am, i was speaking to you, and you misquoted me.
then you misunderstood me.

'no harm no foul applies', so you're in the clear ;)
dear sir/ma'am, i was speaking to you, and you misquoted me.
then you misunderstood me.

'no harm no foul applies', so you're in the clear ;)
I don't know what you are talking about. You must be talking to someone else.
The answer to the OP is too obvious. Neither one of them.

But the mouth breathers will vote for them anyway.
Are you willing to give up your right to vote, and it count, just to get this administration out of power?

Curious as hell, what makes you think elected DJT or any other GOP candidate would mean anyone would lose their right to vote and get counted? Do you think he would that kind of authority? I'm pretty sure he does not.
False Premise.
How So? He had been told many times he lost and still went for the fake elector attempt, not to mention trying to get his own vice president to break his constitutional oath, to make the fake elector thing have a possibility of working. That would have made voting, meaningless, if they no longer counted and the electors could be changed at the whim of the guy in office.
Curious as hell, what makes you think elected DJT or any other GOP candidate would mean anyone would lose their right to vote and get counted? Do you think he would that kind of authority? I'm pretty sure he does not.
He tried and if he had been successful, it would have continued.
How So? He had been told many times he lost and still went for the fake elector attempt, not to mention trying to get his own vice president to break his constitutional oath, to make the fake elector thing have a possibility of working. That would have made voting, meaningless, if they no longer counted and the electors could be changed at the whim of the guy in office.
His attempts, right or wrong, did not work. And since Trump has already served one term, he can not run again for a third term even if he were somehow to escape his legal problems an win the election in 2024.
He tried and if he had been successful, it would have continued.

Maybe you should have worded your earlier post a little better then, cuz it appears to state that if elected DJT would in fact take away somebody's right to vote when such is not the case because he does not have that authority. C'mon dude, you know that ain't going to happen.
His attempts, right or wrong, did not work. And since Trump has already served one term, he can not run again for a third term even if he were somehow to escape his legal problems an win the election in 2024.
Never trust. He came close to getting it, his oath of office and constitution meaning nothing. Many of what used to be normal conservative Republicans the supported law and order and the constitution (as conservatives always used to) support him, even now, knowing and seeing with their own eyes, and no longer consider support of the Constitution of the United States and it's laws tenants of conservatism. If he won (which he won't) they would probably support him in trying to stay, just because he put an "R" in front of his name, though there is nothing conservative about him, or destroying constitutional norms. So, Trump will not win, but it is important not to have a Trump-Lite win, as they know the errors of timing and planning that doomed the takeover to failure last time. They are not to be trusted until they go back to allegiance to the United States over party. Parties suck, at least the two we have.
Biden is not corrupt for influence peddling. No evidence at all for that.

Trump is guilty of planning the obstruction of the electoral account and other charges.

Biden is the President. That won't change at all.
and that's why you fully suport that is why you throw your total support towards that mental and corrupt SOB. Right? Right.
Never trust. He came close to getting it, his oath of office and constitution meaning nothing. Many of what used to be normal conservative Republicans the supported law and order and the constitution (as conservatives always used to) support him, even now, knowing and seeing with their own eyes, and no longer consider support of the Constitution of the United States and it's laws tenants of conservatism. If he won (which he won't) they would probably support him in trying to stay, just because he put an "R" in front of his name, though there is nothing conservative about him, or destroying constitutional norms. So, Trump will not win, but it is important not to have a Trump-Lite win, as they know the errors of timing and planning that doomed the takeover to failure last time. They are not to be trusted until they go back to allegiance to the United States over party. Parties suck, at least the two we have.
Your and your party's actions are not saying that. As a matter of fact you all act like you're scared shitless of him.

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