OPINION: In the shadow war with Iran, Biden just scored an unheralded victory

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Iran and its proxy groups? While the rightwing warmongers screamed for the blood of Tehran, President Biden allowed his decades of experience and a cool head to dictate response(s). Incredible leader, that Joe is.

Biden responded:

The clear message was that other Iranian commanders would be next if they didn’t knock off their attacks against U.S. troops. And guess what? Iran did stop. Things could change at any moment, but a senior U.S. defense official told me last week that there hasn’t been an Iranian-directed attack against a U.S. military base in either Syria or Iraq since Feb. 4. By contrast, there were at least 170 such attacks between Oct. 7 and Feb. 4.


The main link, not the archived one:

Republican hawks came out in full-throated cry demanding that the U.S. military “strike targets of significance inside Iran” (Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina) or even “Target Tehran” (Sen. John Cornyn of Texas). We don’t know what would have happened if President Biden had taken the senators’ rash advice, but it might have led to a larger war between the United States and Iran.

Biden holy glare mopped floor.jpg

The main link, not the archived one:

Republican hawks came out in full-throated cry demanding that the U.S. military “strike targets of significance inside Iran” (Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina) or even “Target Tehran” (Sen. John Cornyn of Texas). We don’t know what would have happened if President Biden had taken the senators’ rash advice, but it might have led to a larger war between the United States and Iran.

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The main link, not the archived one:

Republican hawks came out in full-throated cry demanding that the U.S. military “strike targets of significance inside Iran” (Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina) or even “Target Tehran” (Sen. John Cornyn of Texas). We don’t know what would have happened if President Biden had taken the senators’ rash advice, but it might have led to a larger war between the United States and Iran.

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War on Iran will make Iraq look like a cake walk. Let Israel attack Iran.
Biden allowed a “ Minor Incursion “ in Ukraine , Biden turned on Israel like a Pit Bull ( After allowing Israel to obliterate Hamas and 2/3 of Gaza )

The main link, not the archived one:

Republican hawks came out in full-throated cry demanding that the U.S. military “strike targets of significance inside Iran” (Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina) or even “Target Tehran” (Sen. John Cornyn of Texas). We don’t know what would have happened if President Biden had taken the senators’ rash advice, but it might have led to a larger war between the United States and Iran.

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Prolonging the conflict by saving Hamas from total annihilation can easily result in a larger war too.
Not true. And everyone is fearing an all out war with them.

There would be no all out war. Their airforce is limited to fighting effectively only over their own airspace.
They would be eliminated very quickly. They bluff and bluster a lot, but when push comes to shove they back down
There would be no all out war. Their airforce is limited to fighting effectively only over their own airspace.
They would be eliminated very quickly. They bluff and bluster a lot, but when push comes to shove they back down

You are living in the past, but okay.
Americans are likely killing Iranians and vice versa in the Ukraine.
Same with Russians and Americans.

But America is now making it clear that it can't continue much longer.
Not true. And everyone is fearing an all out war with them.
surada from an early back and forth to here:

There is a reason Iran has not been struck,” said Afshon Ostovar, an associate professor of national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School and an expert on Iran’s military. “It’s not that Iran’s adversaries fear Iran. It’s that they realize any war against Iran is a very serious war.”

What sort of military threat does Iran pose?​

The Iranian armed forces are among the largest in the Middle East, with at least 580,000 active-duty personnel and about 200,000 trained reserve personnel divided among the traditional army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, according to an annual assessment last year by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

The army and the Guards each have separate and active ground, air and naval forces, with the Guards responsible for Iran’s border security. The General Staff of the Armed Forces coordinates the branches and sets the overall strategy.
The Guards also operate the Quds Force, an elite unit in charge of arming, training and supporting the network of proxy militias throughout the Middle East known as the “axis of resistance.” These militias include Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, militia groups in Syria and Iraq and Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
Iran and its proxy groups? While the rightwing warmongers screamed for the blood of Tehran, President Biden allowed his decades of experience and a cool head to dictate response(s). Incredible leader, that Joe is.

Biden responded:

The clear message was that other Iranian commanders would be next if they didn’t knock off their attacks against U.S. troops. And guess what? Iran did stop. Things could change at any moment, but a senior U.S. defense official told me last week that there hasn’t been an Iranian-directed attack against a U.S. military base in either Syria or Iraq since Feb. 4. By contrast, there were at least 170 such attacks between Oct. 7 and Feb. 4.

I was right, you all were wrong. Very wrong. Why

Think about your assumptions and blindness when it comes to realities in the mideast.

One rule for containing a crisis is to keep your mouth shut, and the United States, Israel and Iran were all doing a pretty good job at that Friday after Israeli strikes near the Iranian city of Isfahan. Maybe the silence was the real message — a desire on all sides to prevent escalation by word or deed.

Over the past week, we’ve seen what looks to me like a considered decision by Israel to subtly reshape its strategy for deterring Iran and Iranian proxies Hamas and Hezbollah. Israeli deterrence is usually about massive use of offensive military force — a roundhouse punch that seeks to compel compliance through coercion.

But this time was different. When Iran launched a missile and drone barrage last weekend in retaliation for Israel’s April 1 strike on Iranian military leaders in Damascus, Syria, Israel used its Iron Dome defense system and help from allies to absorb the blow. The reported destruction of 99 percent of Iran’s incoming munitions was an astonishing display of missile defense. Some Israelis wanted to respond immediately with a big counter-barrage. But under pressure from President Biden, they waited.

Iran and its proxy groups? While the rightwing warmongers screamed for the blood of Tehran, President Biden allowed his decades of experience and a cool head to dictate response(s). Incredible leader, that Joe is.

Biden responded:

The clear message was that other Iranian commanders would be next if they didn’t knock off their attacks against U.S. troops. And guess what? Iran did stop. Things could change at any moment, but a senior U.S. defense official told me last week that there hasn’t been an Iranian-directed attack against a U.S. military base in either Syria or Iraq since Feb. 4. By contrast, there were at least 170 such attacks between Oct. 7 and Feb. 4.

Whatever happened that braindead pervert had nothing to do with it.
Kuwait's emir dissolved parliament and announced a review of democracy “I will not allow democracy to be used to destroy the state,” he said.
Should we expect democratic bombing by NATO?

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