OPINION The Federal Estimate Of Illlegals In The U.S. Is Based On Welfare & HUD


Tea Partier
Dec 28, 2011
The Estimated count of illegals in the US is based upon how many illegals have housing paid for by the US federal government only. Yes, the US government gives housing to the 12 million illegals they say to be in the US. The 12 million number is how many illegals get federal welfare & assistance. The 12 million number does not include the millions that do not get federal help. The actual illegal alien count in the US could be over 100 million by popular private citizen estimates.

NOTE 1: No link for source. I was having a discussion about illegals on another forum a while back and a government employee popped in and leaked the info about the government estimating the count from how many illegals get government subsidised housing.

I did some of my own research into the info this person gave me and found that Michelle Malkin the Fox News contributor hit on this way back in 2003. Here’s a passage from what she wrote:

“That’s just the tip of the illegal alien homeowners’ iceberg. The Post failed to note that Federal Housing Administration-approved loans through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development do not require lenders to obtain proof of citizenship or legal permanent residence. These FHA/HUD programs, primarily targeting minorities and first-time homebuyers, are federally insured and require minimal down payments.”

Here’s the link to the article in 2003:

Michelle Malkin hit it “Dead On” in 2003 and published many other articles well before the big housing crash of 2008. The problem was everyone was making big time cash off illegals and “NOBODY LISTENED”. In 2008 people started losing their homes big time and still nothing was said about the illegal aliens with home loans.

My statements are personal opinions from my own research and I’ve read alot and I see alot of news programs and not a mention of illegals getting home loans.

U.S. citizens need to know that the reason they lost so much of their wealth is because the housing market was seriously inflated due to illegal aliens getting home loans and the people we trusted to stop us from losing so much wealth were grabbing wealth from illegal aliens until the whole housing market crashed. U.S. citizens lost their wealth but the big boys who gained alot of wealth from illegals still retain their wealth they obtained from illegals.

The pew research center claims there are only 12 million or so illegals in the country but they get their data from the U.S. census which is the biggest but of BS I’ve ever heard about the illegal alien count. There’s absolutely no way 12 million illegals will admit to being in the U.S. illegally. They may get a few admitting it but most illegals wouldn’t even answer the door when the census person comes a knock’in let alone tell the government census taker they were illegal.

I was just told by a government employee that the illegal alien count was taken from the number of illegals that were getting federal housing subsidies. I found this research by Michelle Malkin when I was investigating my own opinion on the housing crash about illegals getting home loans through the government so I have to take it that my informent was correct. Most people I talk to say the number is between 60 and 100 million illegals in the U.S. and when issues become common knowledge then the common knowledge becomes factual evidence if the common knowledge is not rumor based.

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