Opinion: Why Arizona is getting so much attention

Si modo

Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2009
Fairfax, Virginia
The libs really have their panties in a twist over Arizona. It's amazing to watch.

The facts of the matter are that the federal government has a Constitutional duty to protect our borders. In an attempt to do that, the federal government has made immigration laws. The fairness of these laws is certainly debatable, however, these are the laws that the federal government has passed. Immigration is a federal jurisdiction.

A border state, or any state for that matter, can enforce laws when the federal government fails to do so. Arizona has done just that and it highlights the incompetence of the federal government.

Anything that highlights this incompetence is to be met with hysterics as the Adored one cannot be criticized. Nevermind that this has nothing to do with the Dear Leader at the moment, but reasoning with the emotionally hysterical is rarely possible.
A border state, or any state for that matter, can enforce laws when the federal government fails to do so. Arizona has done just that and it highlights the incompetence of the federal government.

Haven't you answered your own question?
A border state, or any state for that matter, can enforce laws when the federal government fails to do so. Arizona has done just that and it highlights the incompetence of the federal government.

Haven't you answered your own question?
Oh, yes. This is my opinion as to why the libs are so hysterical. Dude also had a good point.

The libs are amazingly hysterical over this.
A border state, or any state for that matter, can enforce laws when the federal government fails to do so. Arizona has done just that and it highlights the incompetence of the federal government.

Haven't you answered your own question?
Oh, yes. This is my opinion as to why the libs are so hysterical. Dude also had a good point.

The libs are amazingly hysterical over this.

Is there anything about which they're not hysterical?

My theory is that it gives 20-somethings something to do on weekends, and allows guys to meet passionate young hawt wimmins.
Haven't you answered your own question?
Oh, yes. This is my opinion as to why the libs are so hysterical. Dude also had a good point.

The libs are amazingly hysterical over this.

Is there anything about which they're not hysterical?

My theory is that it gives 20-somethings something to do on weekends, and allows guys to meet passionate young hawt wimmins.
That's a damn good point (the former...lol). In general, the libs are driven by feelings more than thoughts. This topic just seems to have lit up the emotional processes in their brains more than usual.
There was a story in the news in our area last night about a guy (white) who was detained by police after being questioned as to why he was driving through a part of town that is a predominately black neighborhood. So much so that it caught the attention of 2 officers driving through the area. They pulled him over and asked for his ID and when he couldn't provide a current form of ID, was asked to submit to a vehicle search. It was at this time that the officer discovered a large quantity of drugs in the vehicle and after the arrest was made, it was also determined that this clean cut, mid 20's white guy was also a suspect in a double murder that took place 3 weeks ago.

So, according to the policeman's account, if this guy had not been in the area he was in, he wouldn't have drawn so much attention to himself and they might not have caught him that easily. So is it racial profiling? Or just good cop work? No matter what, look what it did...it got another criminal off the streetsl
Hysterical? Only with laughter.

First, you dingbats give us the credit on the finacial regulations bill, cave in when it is obvious that this is playing really poorly in Peoria, and make the President look even stronger.

Now, one of your dingbat govenors creates a law that gives us the votes of the Americans of Latino descent. And blindly rant and rave about a policy that you had eight years to correct, and you did nothing.

Sorry, the President has been a bit busy with an economic crisis, health care, and a few other minor things. He will address this soon enough.
Seems to me like some/most far lefties think everyone but them is a racist. So to them, this law basically arms Arizona law enforcement with a license to racially profile, and because they're racists, they've always wanted to be able to do that and will now abuse their power.
Oh, yes. This is my opinion as to why the libs are so hysterical. Dude also had a good point.

The libs are amazingly hysterical over this.

Is there anything about which they're not hysterical?

My theory is that it gives 20-somethings something to do on weekends, and allows guys to meet passionate young hawt wimmins.
That's a damn good point (the former...lol). In general, the libs are driven by feelings more than thoughts. This topic just seems to have lit up the emotional processes in their brains more than usual.

Seriously, watch the footage of their protests....you'll see two or three hawt braless latina chicks working up a sweat followed by a white guy in sunglasses holding a laser-stare on their asses.
There was a story in the news in our area last night about a guy (white) who was detained by police after being questioned as to why he was driving through a part of town that is a predominately black neighborhood. So much so that it caught the attention of 2 officers driving through the area. They pulled him over and asked for his ID and when he couldn't provide a current form of ID, was asked to submit to a vehicle search. It was at this time that the officer discovered a large quantity of drugs in the vehicle and after the arrest was made, it was also determined that this clean cut, mid 20's white guy was also a suspect in a double murder that took place 3 weeks ago.

So, according to the policeman's account, if this guy had not been in the area he was in, he wouldn't have drawn so much attention to himself and they might not have caught him that easily. So is it racial profiling? Or just good cop work? No matter what, look what it did...it got another criminal off the streetsl
No probable cause? Yes, that's racial profiling.

The Arizona law makes it probable for local cops to stop any Latino and ask for papers without probable cause. Just like other repressive regimes have tried through history with "Pass Laws", this Arizona law is nothing more than Jim Crow for the Brown rather than the Black.
No probable cause? Yes, that's racial profiling.

The Arizona law makes it probable for local cops to stop any Latino and ask for papers without probable cause. Just like other repressive regimes have tried through history with "Pass Laws", this Arizona law is nothing more than Jim Crow for the Brown rather than the Black.
That's a stone lie.

The AZ law is no more "profiling" than the federal law which isn't being enforced.

Gotta go somewhere else than La Raza for your yapping points, man.
Haven't you answered your own question?
Oh, yes. This is my opinion as to why the libs are so hysterical. Dude also had a good point.

The libs are amazingly hysterical over this.

Is there anything about which they're not hysterical?

My theory is that it gives 20-somethings something to do on weekends, and allows guys to meet passionate young hawt wimmins.

Many liberals aren't truly happy unless they're protesting something...

They were searching for a cause since they can no longer protest the war now that Barry is fighting it... Healhscare reform gave them something to be passionate about and that has now been replaced by "protecting the rights of illegals"... You'll see them marching all across America against evil racist Republicans...

The "Cause du Jour"...
Hysterical? Only with laughter.

First, you dingbats give us the credit on the finacial regulations bill, cave in when it is obvious that this is playing really poorly in Peoria, and make the President look even stronger.

Now, one of your dingbat govenors creates a law that gives us the votes of the Americans of Latino descent. And blindly rant and rave about a policy that you had eight years to correct, and you did nothing.

Sorry, the President has been a bit busy with an economic crisis, health care, and a few other minor things. He will address this soon enough.
Arizona didn't 'create' any law. Arizona is enforcing a federal law. The hysterical rarely grasp facts, though; so I understand your confusion.
The libs really have their panties in a twist over Arizona. It's amazing to watch.

The facts of the matter are that the federal government has a Constitutional duty to protect our borders. In an attempt to do that, the federal government has made immigration laws. The fairness of these laws is certainly debatable, however, these are the laws that the federal government has passed. Immigration is a federal jurisdiction.

A border state, or any state for that matter, can enforce laws when the federal government fails to do so. Arizona has done just that and it highlights the incompetence of the federal government.

Anything that highlights this incompetence is to be met with hysterics as the Adored one cannot be criticized. Nevermind that this has nothing to do with the Dear Leader at the moment, but reasoning with the emotionally hysterical is rarely possible.

Yeah, that's it. :cuckoo:
The libs really have their panties in a twist over Arizona. It's amazing to watch.

The facts of the matter are that the federal government has a Constitutional duty to protect our borders. In an attempt to do that, the federal government has made immigration laws. The fairness of these laws is certainly debatable, however, these are the laws that the federal government has passed. Immigration is a federal jurisdiction.

A border state, or any state for that matter, can enforce laws when the federal government fails to do so. Arizona has done just that and it highlights the incompetence of the federal government.

Anything that highlights this incompetence is to be met with hysterics as the Adored one cannot be criticized. Nevermind that this has nothing to do with the Dear Leader at the moment, but reasoning with the emotionally hysterical is rarely possible.

Yeah, that's it. :cuckoo:
Well, as that is such a cogent point, I'm amazingly convinced. :lol::lol::lol:
That "dual sovereignty" thingy really gets under the thin skin of the Stalinist progressive, because they're all about one-party-one-state central control.

Seems to me that one-party-one-state central control was attempted by the Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh regime not too long ago. Our way or the highway was their mantra.
No probable cause? Yes, that's racial profiling.

The Arizona law makes it probable for local cops to stop any Latino and ask for papers without probable cause. Just like other repressive regimes have tried through history with "Pass Laws", this Arizona law is nothing more than Jim Crow for the Brown rather than the Black.
That's a stone lie.

The AZ law is no more "profiling" than the federal law which isn't being enforced.

Gotta go somewhere else than La Raza for your yapping points, man.
Do you suppose there will be a lot of blond, blue-eyed folks stopped and asked for papers? What about illegal immigrants from Scandinavia?

Oh. I guess not. The local constabulary will not be so diligent. Just ask Sheriff Bull Connors in Alabama how equally laws were enforced there.

Conservatives never learn from their previous mistakes.
No probable cause? Yes, that's racial profiling.

The Arizona law makes it probable for local cops to stop any Latino and ask for papers without probable cause. Just like other repressive regimes have tried through history with "Pass Laws", this Arizona law is nothing more than Jim Crow for the Brown rather than the Black.
That's a stone lie.

The AZ law is no more "profiling" than the federal law which isn't being enforced.

Gotta go somewhere else than La Raza for your yapping points, man.
Do you suppose there will be a lot of blond, blue-eyed folks stopped and asked for papers? What about illegal immigrants from Scandinavia?

Oh. I guess not. The local constabulary will not be so diligent. Just ask Sheriff Bull Connors in Alabama how equally laws were enforced there.

Conservatives never learn from their previous mistakes.
Let's see. I have green eyes and annoyingly pale skin and I have been asked for my papers countless times.

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